One Night Bride

Chapter 509

Lin had a big stroke, bumping one horse and one person in the dark, and Mangmang lost his direction The flower fell on the ground and listened carefully to the wind of fallen leaves on the ground. This is another way she learned from the serpent tribe to identify directions After a while, she stood up, made up her mind, and headed south

Out of the jungle, the field of vision suddenly widened Hua Rongle Ma found that he had arrived near the place where he fought with jerulon last time Here, it will not be too far away from the savage tribe stationed by King Qin She was a little excited and galloped forward

There was a huge fire, and the air was full of blood This is the second major blow to the savage tribe Both of them fought with Jin Jun. although Jin Jun paid tens of thousands of people for this, they were different from savages. Savages had limited strength and few people, and one was removed at the sacrifice. Therefore, once again, seeing the fresh blood of their father, son or husband, the tribe was gloomy, and even the burning fire could not dispel their sorrow What's more terrifying is that this time, their king lay on the ground, scarred all over. No matter what the witch doctor did, he couldn't open his eyes anymore

Anzhigang and others kept close to King Qin. From morning to dusk, he was almost desperate for the witch doctor, and King Qin never showed signs of waking up He came from the Central Plains and didn't trust the witch doctors very much, but there was no better way here and now. He could only smear all kinds of healing drugs that could be collected on King Qin in an attempt to heal those wounds automatically

At dusk, he couldn't stand it, and his eyelids trembled with fatigue While pretending to sleep, I suddenly heard a burst of noise When he opened his eyes, he saw a woman surrounded by savages. It turned out to be Huarong Hua Rong finally found it here, but because she put the contract stone in the serpent tribe and didn't carry it with her, she lost her certificate. The stationed savages saw this "strange" woman clearly for the first time. If they saw a monster, they were bustling Hua Rong couldn't express his meaning clearly with a few poor local words. After a few words of disagreement, he was pulled up by the natives, thinking that he had sneaked into the spy

An Zhigang was overjoyed. He hurried up and shouted, "let her go quickly. This is a guest of honor, a guest of the king."

The savages immediately let go of her. Hua Rong stood firm and her clothes were pulled in a mess. An Zhigang said happily, "madam, you finally came."

Hua Rong didn't care to greet him. He rushed over and saw King Qin lying on a coarse linen felt woven by local natives. Although there was a raging fire around, his hands and feet were cold and his body was covered with blood His lips were closed, his face was like gold paper, his clothes were scratched layer by layer, and the blood clotted, firmly adhered to his body. A little pulling would hurt and bleed

Suddenly remembered the days when he was chased and killed by the Jin army, King Qin was the same, but that time, his injury was not so serious at all Can he survive this time? She slumped down beside him, grabbed his hand tightly, and burst into tears: "Qin Shangcheng, wake up... Don't die in front of me..."

Peng Ju is dead and can no longer bear the death of King Qin in front of him She grabbed those cold hands and wished to pour all her strength on him as long as he could wake up

Seeing that she was crying so bitterly, an Zhigang comforted her in a low voice: "madam, the witch doctor has just seen it, your majesty, he will be lucky..."

Hua Rong couldn't hear what he was saying at all After a hurried farewell, I unexpectedly met King Qin in this way Come thousands of miles to Liao to properly place the little tiger head, and even leave Liu Wuzhao, the most important helper, to watch the little tiger head Is such behavior really for Yelv's great use and hegemony?

Who said it wasn't for himself?

As usual, I always resent him for ruining my life, but I don't know, didn't I also ruin his life?

Every moment of his life and death, he is there, coming like a God; However, when he died, he didn't have the ability to turn the tide. He could only watch him hurt and die

She hugged his head and burst into tears

An Zhigang couldn't persuade, so he had to stand aside with his hands down and his eyes wet

In the middle of the night, the witch doctor began his third treatment

Hua Rong retreated to one side and silently watched the black robed witch doctor smear a strange medicinal powder ground by stamens on King Qin's whole body, turning up and down into a faint purple blue Then the witch doctor left expressionless

Hua Rong hurried to check, but saw that King Qin was still silent. Fortunately, there was still a trace of heat on his nose She took some pills from her arms. Like saving Lu Wenlong at the beginning, she didn't care about three, seven, twenty-one, picked him up and poured them down King Qin's body sank. She hugged his head and fed the medicine. As soon as he pressed down, her body softened and almost collapsed on the ground An Zhigang hurried to help her, but she laughed. Because of the hurry, her hand touched his lips and touched the trace of heat in King Qin's mouth It is a symbol of life!

He is not dead, King Qin is not dead, nor will he die

She forgot that an Zhigang was still waiting nearby, sat up hard, hugged King Qin's head tightly, put his face on his face, wiped the purple pollen on his face, and said softly, "Qin Shangcheng, you must not die. If you die, what should I do? For me, you don't die."

At this time, I deeply realized the importance of him. It was my only dependence in the world. It was my only relative except my two sons Even closer than relatives At this time, I felt tired, snuggled up to his body, and felt warm Hua Rong's eyelids drooped and slowly fell asleep

Anzhi just wiped his tears, took two blankets out to cover them, and quietly retreated

It's a new morning

Hua Rong opened her eyes and held her weak hands tightly She sat up, and King Qin's body began to warm up slowly She was ecstatic, but she soon found something wrong and touched his forehead again. It was really hot King Qin's injury worsened and he began to have a high fever

"General an, go to find a witch doctor. The king's injury has worsened. Hurry..."

The witch doctor hurried to touch King Qin's head, looked at his other wounds, muttered a few words, and his face showed joy Hua Rong didn't understand it very well, but an Zhigang also showed his joy, and then hurriedly translated for her: "madam, the witch doctor said that the king has no worries about his life."

Hua Rong was relieved and laughed. She took a soldier's breakfast and ate it After eating a large piece of barbecue, she stopped, looked at King Qin, and suddenly whispered in his ear, "Qin Shangcheng, are you hungry?" She took the fragrant roast meat and put it on his nose. She remembered that when she was on the island, she was afraid of eating by him. He would always put a large piece of meat on his plate in a rude voice, "girl, you eat." That's a way of expressing his feelings. He only knows to take many beautiful clothes and delicious things and force himself to accept them Suddenly, the heart of revenge, now King Qin, where can you see a trace of the shadow of the former fierce hero? He is as weak as a kitten

A piece of meat was put on his lips, but he couldn't open it. She said viciously, "qinshangcheng, eat it quickly." An Zhigang looked clearly on one side. He didn't know why Hua Rong was so "retarded". He couldn't help but remind her: "madam, the king can't eat now."

She smiled, but did not answer, or put the meat on his mouth, low threat: "qinshangcheng, if you don't eat it, I will make you look good."

By dusk, King Qin's body was not so hot, and the witch doctor ordered him to be transferred to the house It was a large wooden house, which was very cold because it could not make a fire Anzhigang and others found a large number of thick felt, which was naturally enough to cope with the cold when King Qin was healthy. However, under his severe injury and coma, these felt seemed to lose their meaning, and how could they cover his body

Hua Rong was still quick witted. She found that the wild people couldn't even make a pot of fire, so she found a large earthen pot, added a pile of red charcoal to it, and put it in the room, gradually warming up After all this, an Zhigang saw her disheartened and hurried to say, "madam, you've been tired for so long, go and have a rest."

Hua Rong shook her head and smiled, "no, I'm not tired."

This is the first time an Zhigang saw King Qin injured. Fortunately, Hua Rong took good care of him Seeing Hua Rong's insistence on not going to rest, he was secretly happy: "well, the king must be very happy to see you as soon as he wakes up. Madam, it's just hard for you."

He kept calling him "madam", rather than "Madam Yue" as Uncle Yang and others usually call him. Hua Rong felt a little uncomfortable, but at this time, how could he have the heart to correct these trivial things? He didn't care, just pretended not to hear. Seeing that King Qin's hand was exposed outside, he immediately stretched out his hand to cover it for him

As soon as his hand touched his, it was tightly grasped However, his hands were soft, without the slightest strength, and he could not grasp them firmly But it was enough to make Hua Rong happy, so he quickly held his hand: "Qin Shangcheng, are you awake? Are you awake?"

In my ear, a soft voice kept chirping, so sweet and gentle Like a dream, like waking up, I don't know where I am King Qin wanted to open his eyes, but he was confused. His eyelids were very heavy. His eyes were like a fog. He couldn't see clearly But I know that voice, the familiar voice, it took many years, thousands of miles to get so close to my ear

"Qin Shangcheng, Qin Shangcheng..."

Clearly in front of him, but always unable to open his eyes, he became angry, as if to wave away all the darkness that dared to block her figure, eager to catch her immediately: "girl, girl..." this voice stuck in his throat, and could not be sent out at all, but in vain

Strangely, Hua Rong seemed to hear it, shaking his trembling hand with joy, watching his slightly beating eyelids and lips that wanted to open several times stick to his ears, and said softly, "qinshangcheng, do you want to talk? I'm here, I'm with you."

His expression loosened, and his eyelids no longer trembled violently, but he slowly had a little strength to hold her hand, tightly, and refused to loosen it

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