One Night Bride

Chapter 510

Hua Rong was ecstatic, and this moment seemed to be a period of years of entanglement For the first time between them, there was no quarrel or obstacle. Between heaven and earth, it was himself and him

The hot veil was wrung dry. She spread it out, wiped the blood on his face bit by bit, and said softly as she wiped it: "Qin Shangcheng, get up, as long as you get up, I'll do everything according to you. I listen to you, and I'll never be right with you again."

Although he couldn't speak, he listened to this joyful promise in a daze. With another effort, he almost sat up: girl, this is what she promised If you promise, you can't go back on it Obey yourself in everything and listen to yourself in everything

Hua Rong sensed every slight change in him and stroked his eyelids beating again, Full of smiles: "Qin Shangcheng, are you afraid of my repentance? Don't worry, I won't repent. You bad man, you took the tiger head out and hid it, but lied to me that it was on the island, which made me run all the way to look for it... Hehe, when you find the tiger head, you can ask him to catch a few more big crabs and put them in your neck... By the way, you know? I brought out Wen longer, too, and didn't let him follow Jin Wushu. Before, I hoped he would live a safe life, but now When he was old and began to be sensible, I didn't want him to follow Jin Wushu anymore, for fear that Lord Lu and his wife would not close their eyes under the nine springs I will work hard to make my sons live a good life Qinshangcheng, since you are your son when xiaohutou, then Wenlong is also your son. Will you want him? Hehe, you suddenly have another son. It's strange that you're not tired to death... "

For more than ten years, what she said to herself is not as much as today He talked about her experiences these days and the interesting stories of xiaohutou and Lu Wenlong... He listened with interest, as if he had a strange long dream

Is it really a dream? However, I could clearly feel the heat of her face on my face Even her warm body

He was shocked and vaguely realized that it was a warm woman who was considerate and warm to himself It turned out that the charcoal fire went out, but it was useless after all. In order to warm him, she actually lay beside him; Just like what he did when she was seriously injured and waiting to die, he held her all night to protect her

Girl, girl!

He was laughing, but she could not see or hear; Because she had been too sleepy to talk, but she just clung to the already hot body and slowly fell asleep

I haven't felt so peaceful and carefree for a long time

He slept too much and too long, so he was sleepless. He just listened to her warm breathing quietly, like a beautiful tune, calming and healing, and eliminating all diseases I only hate those hands. Those injured hands can't be lifted. They are the mature charm of my favorite woman, which is more ecstatic than ecstasy! He couldn't help sneezing

Hua Rong vaguely opened his eyes and touched his chest: "Qin Shangcheng, are you awake?"

He promised desperately and nodded desperately, but she couldn't see or hear Just let out a low sigh: "qinshangcheng, I really hope you wake up soon."

Girl, I woke up long ago I woke up long ago

The words went back and forth in her throat, but she couldn't know them But he was not in a hurry. He put his big hand around her waist tightly. His familiar and strange body was more familiar than himself in the world She was badly injured in Lin'an war. She cooked it all by herself and wiped all the scars on her body, large and small Unexpectedly, today, the reincarnation of time, it turned out that she took care of herself so carefully

Life and death depend on each other, never abandon

He can't say such love words, but he feels like this My life's destiny seems to be to wait for this woman and slowly learn to love her

Could it be that she is now learning how to slowly fall in love with herself? Or have you fallen in love?

He laughed and felt hurt all over, as if he had suddenly received a panacea, trying to quickly revive and completely recover. He should happily tell her that he wanted not only her, but also xiaohutou and Lu Wenlong In the future, I will have my own little girl with her Go to hell with the king and the sea overlord

Her warm breath was getting higher and higher, and she whispered softly, "does the wound hurt very much? Do you want to drink water?"

Don't drink water, as long as she is close, as long as her warm lips are up, a little bit higher, but it happens that there is an inch away, and she can't touch her lips

He became anxious and tried his best to get close to the warm lips. With this effort, his consciousness was lax, and he even fainted, and he couldn't even hear her nagging

The wooden door opened silently, and an Zhigang's eager voice: "Lord... Lord..." could not stop the pace of the visitor He went in almost like a gust of wind, "let me see King Qin, how is he injured?"

"Lord Hui..."

Anzhigang couldn't say any more, but nervously followed Yelv's great eyes on the bed Under the thick mattress, the blood on King Qin's face had been wiped clean. Beside him, a woman showed half of her face, her messy hair hung down, and she was sleeping soundly Although King Qin was in a coma, he could see that one of his hands stretched out, as if to hug the woman beside him

An Zhigang secretly said something bad. At this time, Hua Rong, who was sleeping, suddenly woke up, rolled over and sat up

Yelv's eyes were like a snake ready to move, staring at the woman in tight clothes. Fortunately "Mrs. Yue, what are you doing?"

Hua Rong was shocked. After a while, she looked at King Qin with a very flat tone: "King Qin is seriously injured. I want to take care of him."

Yelv laughed with a smile. "Thank you, Mrs. Yue. King Qin will naturally be taken care of by someone, and you are not alone."

Hua Rong didn't answer, but just got out of bed

The side was empty, and the unconscious King Qin seemed to notice something. He moved his hand and wanted to hold her, but he could only move his fingers, unable to exert himself

"Mrs. Yue, you've worked hard. King Qin is no longer worried about his life. It's better for our own people to take care of him."

Hua Rong breathed slightly hurriedly: "no, I want to wait for him to wake up."

Yelv's eyes were like a knife: "minister Yue is famous all over the world. He must not want to see his widow lying in the arms of other men."

Hua Rong's cheeks flushed, her breath was short, and she clenched her fists angrily Yelv was so useful that this old thief dared to speak like this

Anzhigang also changed his face: "my Lord, it was my wife who came to save us. If she hadn't given the horse to the king, the king couldn't escape back. Moreover, my wife just wanted to save the king, and there was nothing else..."

"Shut up!" No one saw Yelv's big hand. An Zhigang staggered, opened his mouth, broke his teeth and vomited blood, and half of his cheek swelled high "Dog slave, when is your turn to talk?"

Hua Rong was furious: "Yelv is of great use. I just take care of King Qin and have no other intention."

Yelv's eyes flashed fiercely, "Hua Rong, don't be shameless. King Qin is my son-in-law. Please respect yourself and don't learn from those fickle women. Go quickly and don't expect to approach the king again under any excuse..."

Hua Rong said coldly, "I won't go. How are you doing?"

Yelv laughed, "Hua Rong, you are so brazen. Is Yue Pengju's wife willing to be king Qin's concubine now, and honor my daughter as the first lady to serve her? If you like, I will be generous and help you!"

Hua was so angry that she shivered all over and her lips trembled that she couldn't say a complete sentence

"Hua Rong, are you going or not?"

"Lord... Madam, don't go..."

Yelv grabbed an Zhigang with a big hand, "come on, kill this inside and outside thing first..."

"Stop!" Hua Rong gnashed his teeth. "I'm going!"

Yelv let go of an Zhigang with a big hand: "Madam Yue, you know."

Hua Rong turned and walked to the door, and then turned back: "Yelv is very useful. You must not be detrimental to King Qin and general an."

Yelv smiled contemptuously, "my grandson is about to be born. How can I harm my son-in-law? Mrs. Yue, don't worry about it. You'd better think about how to keep the integrity for Yue Xianggong and don't let his reputation be shamed."

Hua Rong gritted his teeth and turned around and left

Behind him, an Zhigang's voice came. Because his front teeth fell, he spoke like a draught: "Madam... You can't go. The king woke up. If you don't see you, you will be disappointed..."

His voice purred, as if it had been blocked by Yelv Hua Rong couldn't look back. Outside, it was a long overcast day in winter, with gloomy clouds and cold winds

A horse hissed. It was the black moonlight. I heard the master's footsteps The spirited horse, like a most loyal servant and friend, shook its long mane affectionately

The flowers melted and rushed over, holding the black moonlight Everyone around looked at her curiously, looking at the king's Woman - it was completely different from their female savage She wore such strange clothes, covered tightly, her black hair was like clouds, and her snow-white face was flushed with anger, like their favorite big and sweet wild apples Language can not be understood, but the feeling of beauty is interlinked. What a beautiful woman this is!

In particular, the eyes of the two savages guarding the black moonlight showed awe and envy. This legendary god horse can only be so tame when it sees its master Just like them, the guard waited on the horse for a few days, and the horse was also extremely fierce. As long as they dared to approach it three feet away, it would fiercely raise its front hooves to warn the intruders who dared to approach

Hua Rong rolled on his horse, and the black moonlight raised his hooves, quickly leaving this mysterious savage tribe behind In front, that's the direction to the watering river. That's where you belong

Hua Rong reined in his horse and burst into tears. King Qin, he has a wife and children, his father-in-law, and the care of thousands of attendants. What does it matter if he takes care of him himself?

This is not the intersection of the two, a short snuggle, but also a floating dream, wake up, the road can only go their own

With infinite melancholy and sorrow in his heart, he realized that he had to leave even if Yelv didn't appear. King Qin, he was already someone else's husband and father As long as his life is safe, he should say goodbye to him completely

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