One Night Bride

Chapter 514

King Qin was not polite either. He took the wound medicine and put it on the head of the bed Yelv Dayong said, "the fourth Prince is eyeing us. The army is stationed around Yanjing. He has lost tens of thousands of people, and we have lost thousands of people. His army is large, and the loss is affordable, and a large number of this part of the loss is the surrender of the original Liao and song States, which is not harmful to his lineage. But we can't afford to lose any more. Let alone dominate the world, we can't even go out of this grassland."

"Old devil, if you want to clear up this obstacle first, you'd better cooperate sincerely with me."

"If I don't believe you, I won't marry my daughter to you."

"Well, if you say so, I might as well open the skylight and tell the truth. After several thousand losses, I can no longer resist the fourth prince."

Yelv Dayong was not in a hurry to answer His strength is well preserved, but there are two ways in front of him. One is to go north and expand his influence in the desert However, no matter how extensive that barren land is, there can be no hope of restoring the country The second is to use favorable terrain and warlike savages to remove the obstacle of the fourth Prince first King Qin is naturally the first choice for this candidate

King Qin didn't care: "I don't want to stay in this ghost place anymore, or my old life will be lost here. Yelv old ghost, I'll tell you goodbye first, and when I'm cured, I'll go back to the sea and won't play with you."

Yelv smiled: "King Qin, why do you have to say this gloomy words? Send the Buddha to the West and help people to the end. It is the time for me to employ people, and it is up to you to expel the fourth prince."

"I won't do it. I don't want my son to be an orphan when he is born. The fourth Prince has a strong army, and I'm really not an opponent."

"Don't worry, I will naturally give you enough people."

"I've thought about a little easy life, Yelv old ghost. I'll go back first. If you're driven out of nowhere by Jin Wu Shu in the future, you might as well come to the island to find me, which may give you a place to raise your old age and die."

Yelv was very useful, but when he saw that King Qin really wanted to go back, he said, "King Qin, I'll give you 5000 regular troops. First drive out the fourth prince."

"Ha, old devil, do you think it's buying cabbages and bargaining? I've already inquired in detail, and the fourth Prince here is about 50000 people. If you give me 5000 people, won't you let me die for nothing? It's better to avoid losing soldiers at the expense of generals. Don't you know the truth of concentrating superior forces to break each other? Fight if you can win, run if you can't win. Forget it, you can't communicate with such a bastard who only plays tricks and knows nothing about war."

Yelv was not annoyed with his great use. "There must be no more 10000 people."

King Qin thought secretly that after the integration of Yelv Dayong these days, there are about 30000 people and horses, all developing in the desert area. Now it is indeed the limit to give 10000

He also stopped pretending: "OK! Let Liu Wu come back to help me. Before the end of the year, I will help you expel the fourth prince."

Yelv hesitated for a moment. Liu Wu was one of his right-hand men, and he didn't want to let him go in person

"Old devil, Liu Wuyuan is Lao Tzu's man. Lao Tzu will never talk nonsense if he doesn't compete with you for land power. What else do you worry about?"

King Qin is not good at anything, but one thing is that he keeps his promise He came for so long, and fought with Jin Wushu several times, which almost wiped out the army, and he didn't move Yelv's idea of using the army Yelv nodded, "OK, it's up to you."

After the discussion, Yelv Dayong went to the door and looked at the on duty anzhigang. Anzhigang hurried to avoid his eyes, a little shivering

Yelv Dayong suddenly stopped and said gloomily, "King Qin, I have something to warn you."

"Lao Tzu never received any warning in his life."

"If you don't want to be ridiculed by heroes all over the world, take care of yourself. Yue Peng is famous all over the world. Don't think of his widow."

King Qin narrowed his eyes: "Yelu old ghost, I also warn you, if you dare to touch the flower and dissolve a hair, I will die with you!"

Yelv was shocked. King Qin's threat was too fierce, far beyond his expectation His face was affected, and he laughed very strangely: "King Qin, you underestimate your life! Are you not worth as much as a woman?!"

"I have married your daughter and your daughter is going to have a son. Therefore, I advise you to take care of yourself and don't be too aggressive. Otherwise, it won't do you any good to me."

"King Qin, as for you? As long as we have the world, what kind of women can't get it? Moreover, I don't think that Huarong is the posture of topping the city and the country, and it's already a wife and mother, and it's not young..."

King Qin sneered, "don't you also say that? She is Yue Pengju's widow! I don't want her to be ridiculed by heroes all over the world because of my inexplicable death."

Yelv stared at him, recognized the sincerity and hypocrisy in his words, pondered for a long time, and said, "isn't it a woman? It's worth your anger?"

"I didn't get angry. You made a mountain out of a molehill."

"Well, men have three wives and four concubines. King Qin, if you really want that woman, I don't care about you. However, she can only be a little girl, and she must not hinder Ting Lan's status! Don't forget that ting Lan's first son is yours!"

King Qin laughed, "old devil, you overestimate Lao Tzu! If Yue Pengju's widow marries Lao Tzu as a concubine, isn't it an insult to him? Don't worry, she will never marry anyone as a concubine. Your daughter's status is as stable as Mount Tai!"

"Well, for your words, I won't bother her first."

King Qin was noncommittal: "anyway, I guarantee that your grandson will inherit your position, and no one else can covet it. What are you talking about? If you don't trust me, I can write a contract with you in black and white."

Yelv brightened his eyes. "Is that true?"

"Of course! I promise your grandson will inherit everything from you! No one else can covet it."

"OK! When the fourth Prince is expelled, Tinglan estimates that she will have children too. I will follow you to the island to see their mother and son."

"It's a deal!"

Yelv turned around and left. King Qin sneered. This old bastard is really lenient

Anzhi just closed the door and dared to walk over timidly. While picking up the bottle of wound medicine and smearing it on him, he told him what happened that day

King Qin's hair and beard were all open when he heard this. The old devil dared to come to the door to expel Hua Rong What is he? He could not wait to jump down, catch up with Yelv, and cut him with a knife An Zhigang hurriedly pressed him: "king, your wound, be careful..."

King Qin gasped heavily and punched on the bed, "where is madam now?"

"Madam returned to the serpent tribe."

King Qin can't believe it. Did she really succumb to Yelv and leave? Was what she said all nonsense?

"Madam went to the sea to pick up little tiger head, and then came back..."

King Qin hurriedly asked, "did you tell her the whereabouts of xiaohutou?"


King Qin gave a heavy meal: "why did you tell her?"

"The villain saw that she was burning with anxiety, and the villain dared not hide her."

King Qin sighed, "forget it, when I find her myself, she will understand."

An Zhigang put down the medicine bottle and felt something from his arms: "Your Majesty, this is from your wife. Please don't go to her again..."

King Qin took it and saw that it was a neatly folded paper with two oblique characters: Hua Rong! She wrote her name on the sunset island after she recovered from her injury That was the first time he left "ink treasure" to people! She gave her a lot of things, but she never took it to heart, but hid this piece of paper so precious and important on her body He was surprised and delighted. I didn't expect her to keep it But what does she mean by returning this piece of paper? He hurriedly asked, "what did madam say?"

"Madam just told you to take care and be kind to that 'madam'..." an Zhigang said very awkward. He was confused about the two "Ladies", Li Tinglan and Hua Rong. "She told you to be kind to another madam and the upcoming child. Don't go to her again..."

King Qin didn't listen to what he said, but beat the head of the bed angrily: "I'm not angry, and I was treated as a sick cat by Yelv old ghost. He dared to interfere in my private affairs, so threatening the girl is really hateful..."

An Zhigang saw his hand on the head of the bed, almost breaking the head of the bed. He was glad that Liu Wu came to stop Yelv from using it that day. Otherwise, as soon as king Qin woke up, wouldn't he want blood splashed on the spot?

"Fortunately, you and Liu Wu have a little conscience. It's not worth talking to Lao Tzu. Saving your wife this time is a great achievement for both of you."

"Thank you, King Qin." King Qin has always been generous to his subordinates. This reward is no small matter. An Zhigang was surprised and happy, and hesitated again: "king, I don't know if I should say something about the villain."

King Qin stared, "if you fart, what do you do?"

An Zhigang then summoned up the courage to persuade: "the lady on the island is about to give birth. Besides, Mrs. Yue... Mrs. Yue... Mrs. Yue has no intention of remarrying to you at all. Why do you..." he saw King Qin's eyes narrowed, like an angry leopard, and he didn't dare to speak anymore

"Don't call 'Mrs. Yue' in front of Lao Tzu! You all know that she is Mrs. Qin!" King Qin said in a deep voice, "anzhigang, you have followed me for many years, and this time I will spare you. In the future, you are not allowed to say such words anymore!"

An Zhigang was frightened and dared not say "honest advice is against the ear" anymore

As soon as Anzhi stepped down, King Qin picked up the yellowing paper and looked carefully. It was her own handwriting and her name What does the girl mean by this? Break up with yourself? A smile gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth. Did it mean that she was jealous? Seeing Li Tinglan with a big stomach, didn't she ever get the slightest stimulation?

Snow capped mountains, for several days in a row, the whole world became white, freezing all birds and animals, including war In such bad weather, neither of the warring sides dared to attack rashly But it has become a paradise for children It's fun to have snowball fights and make snowmen around a thick snowdrift

The serpent tribe stored enough food for the winter this year. Warriors gathered to drink and play, and women sang and danced around the fire Hua Rong came down from the tree house and saw this happy scene These savages, as long as there is no war, will be carefree every day, without any calculations and conspiracies of the civilized world

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