One Night Bride

Chapter 515

When the playful children saw her, they surrounded her one by one and shouted, "leader, leader, come and teach us to make a snowman..."

Lu Wenlong ran with flushed cheeks and rubbed his hands to boast to his friends, "it's fun that my mother can dress the snowman."

"Come on, teach us..."

"What are the snowman's clothes?"

Hua Rong walked to a big snowman with a smile and casually found some dead branches, dead leaves and some local patterned small stones I saw her hands flying up and down, and soon, the snowman became a child wearing a straw hat and a right lapel The eyes are made of black lacquer stone, with two pink stones in the middle, which looks lifelike

The children applauded. Lu Wenlong was very proud and took her hand: "your mother wouldn't make such a snowman."

The children looked at her admiringly, and the flowers dissolved into laughter. Is it a skill to make a snowman? She pulled several children around her and said softly, "I'll pile them for you."

The children applauded, "yes."

Zha he ran over, dressed in a thick layer of black fur bear skin, holding two tiger skins, one large and one small, and handed them to Hua Rong: "brother, this is what I fixed. It's cold, you and brother are one."

Hua Rong took it with a smile and said thank you. Lu Wenlong was already happily draped on his body, a beautiful little tiger alive

"Uncle zahe, where are we going to hunt today?"

"The weather is too cold for hunting today."

"It's too boring to stay, mom. I want to go out for a walk."

Zahe immediately said, "don't worry, brother, I'll take him out."

The child was lively and couldn't stay still. Seeing his strong request, Hua Rong had to nod his head and ask him to be careful

As soon as the two left, the snake came drunk holding a bamboo wine cup and said with a smile, "boss, come to the fire and have a drink with your brothers to warm up."

Hua Rong did not refuse, and came to the fire with the snake After drinking a bottle of wine, she looked at the happy people and sighed secretly This mysterious tribe is no longer mysterious. After a few months of war, not only Yelv but also Jin Wu Shu is known Have to be involved in the world of mortals war, withstand the impact of wave after wave of conspiracy How long can these savages with slash and burn, stone knives and wood survive the impact of powerful Nvzhen soldiers?

She had to try to ask the snake to take advantage of this time to arrange wild people to make more bow and arrow weapons. She couldn't be idle Snake heard about the war among the tribes, and was already worried about the safety of her tribe. Seeing her proposal, she immediately agreed

Hua Rong discussed with the crowd for a while, and the savages began to play again. She felt a little sleepy, so she went back to the tree house to have a rest Lying down soon, it was a snowy day, and countless enemies were chasing! Yue Peng held up like a God, waved a long gun, and shouted loudly, "Seventeen sister, run, run..." in the hail of bullets, the two people rushed back and forth. In front of them was a green grass lake, which was sunny and warm. They stopped here in winter She stopped, panting, and there was no pursuer behind She leaned against Yue Pengju and was ecstatic: "Peng Ju, we escaped..." he smiled at the corners of his eyes, just like the handsome boy when Chong Jiazhuang met again: "yes, sister, we are safe..."

Strong joy flooded into her mind. Her whole body and mind were relieved. She suddenly sat up and suddenly stopped with a "Peng lift", only to find that it was just a dream

The sky outside had darkened, and she was disappointed, but she felt a little strange Peng Ju has been haunted by nightmares since his death, but he has never dreamed of his rebirth Peng raised his gun to fight out and escape from Shengtian! If not the dream is true, how wonderful! She suddenly thought of Ruda, who had not been heard from so far. She didn't know whether he was alive or dead. Her heart was vague, as if an impression could not be pieced together

From beginning to end, I have never witnessed Peng Ju's body, and the tomb that he worships is just "Jia Yiren" set up by a kind-hearted jailer However, the jade bracelets and other keepsakes on Peng Ju's body are beyond doubt. Who else can it be if it's not Peng Ju? Moreover, under the situation of thousands of troops at that time, Peng Ju could never get away

The more she thought about it, the more sad and angry she became. Peng Ju died miserably, but Zhao Deji and Qin Hui are now making a pair of Taiping monarchs and ministers It's nothing to lose half of the rivers and mountains, and it's nothing to pay tribute every year. It's enough for them to live in peace in the south of the Yangtze River and still be extravagant and licentious I am a woman with two children. This tribe, which includes only a few thousand women and children, can get any revenge?

There was a flash of inspiration in my brain, like someone talking gently in my ear, so wise: "Seventeen sister, you have been fighting with me for many years. Will those experiences help you?"

If she was impressed, she suddenly patted her head and stared at the evergreen and unknown vicissitudes of the tree outside the window. She even forgot, forgetting the valuable experience of Peng Ju, who was always victorious Will it be of great help to future generations if these experiences are sorted into a Book of war? At least, it can be given to King Qin and the serpent tribe for their reference on how to deal with the Jin army

The more she thought, the more excited she became, and immediately opened a box in the corner This box was smuggled out of the camp of the fourth prince at the beginning, and there were superior paper, ink, and inkstones in it She spread out on the simple table and picked up the pen, but for a moment she didn't know how to write down My thoughts are like a tide. Since the reunion of Zhongjiazhuang, I fought with Peng Ju in the South and North, the land war with Jin Jun, the sea war with Jin Wushu, the water war with Dongting water army, and a series of battles in Zhuxian Town... One by one, in my heart, it is clear as yesterday Because there are too many clues, there are no clues She was holding a pen. If Peng held it, how would he write it? How will he start? This thought, even crazy, vaguely, subconsciously looked out of the window, as if his face was outside, like shadow, for a moment

She stood up and stretched out her hand, "Peng Ju..."

Snowflakes trembled and fell down on holly trees, and a surprise cry came from my ears: "Mom, mom, we're back..."

She smiled and looked down. She saw zahe carrying seven or eight wild animals, while Lu Wenlong swayed at her with a pheasant in his hand. "Mom, look, it's uncle zahe who helped me hunt it. Mom, come down quickly. Uncle zahe said he wanted to cook barbecue."

"I'll be down in a minute."

On the fire pile, there were barbecue sticks commonly used by wild people, as well as some spicy local spices The weather is cold, animals are scarce, and hunting is very difficult. It is not easy to have these animals A dozen pheasants, rabbits and other animals were tied up and put on the fire, and the ground began to smell oily The children all gathered around and rushed to apply seasoning and salt to the roast meat Zahe was busy sweating and kept shouting at those naughty children Lu Wenlong took a long pheasant hair and put it on his head. He shook it a few times and suddenly sighed

Hua Rong was surprised to see that he sighed at his young age, and asked softly, "son, what's the matter?"

Lu Wenlong looks sad. Don't turn your head

Hua Rong gently took his hand and asked him in a low voice, "son, what's the matter?"

He whispered, "I think of my father. I really want to see my father... He had such a hat before."

The flowers melt and are speechless The child is old enough to distinguish right from wrong She also told him some of her grudges with Jin Wushu, including the poisoning of Yelv Guanyin

Lu Wenlong carefully said, "Mom, it's all Yelv. If she's gone, can we go back?"

Is Yelv Avalokitesvara in? I'm afraid she's about to give birth Although she didn't know the details of Yelv Guanyin and Jin Wu Shu, this child should be undoubtedly Jin Wu Shu How will Jin Wushu choose between his own son and adopted son? As long as there is Yelv Guanyin one day, Lu Wenlong will never go back

Lu Wenlong saw that she was silent for a long time and was a little worried: "Mom, I'm just asking... In fact, I don't have to go back to follow Dad... I prefer to follow you..."

She was sad. The child had deep feelings with Jin Wushu. However, in addition to Yelv Guanyin, there was also his life experience, which was also an important reason why she was unwilling to let him go back Do you want to tell him the truth?

She looked at her son's face, handsome and beautiful. She had removed the braided hair and left lapel of the golden man, but dressed like a savage. The only difference was that he didn't apply a lot of paint, and he also wore warm clothes How should I tell him that Jin Wushu is actually his enemy who killed his father? How can such a child accept the kindness of his father who suddenly became the murderer of his biological parents?

Several times, she swallowed it back. She couldn't imagine how to let the child accept such cruelty!

"Mom, are you angry? Mom, I won't go back..."

She patted her son on the shoulder and had to rest everything on Yelv Guanyin's head. With a wry smile, she said, "now there is a lot of poison in Yelv's hand. It's too unsafe for us to go back. We'll talk about it later."

Lu Wenlong's heart was half cooled. Did Mrs. Yelv never die, and she couldn't see her father? Besides, how could she leave the fourth Prince's mansion after she was pregnant and had a son?

A child ran over, holding half a fan of roasted chicken, with a strong smell: "Wenlong, eat roasted chicken."

His attention was immediately attracted by the strong fragrance. He took the roast chicken, took a bite, and said happily, "Mom, it tastes good, you eat it quickly."

Hua Rong smiled and took a bite. At this time, Zhaha, who was fumigated with soot, came over with a rabbit leg and a jar of fragrant fruit wine. He sat down next to Lu Wenlong and patted his head: "Wen long, drink this wine and have a look."

Lu Wenlong took a drink, tied up and looked at Hua Rong. Seeing that she looked much better, he whispered, "brother, do we want to pick up xiaohutou?"

He saw Hua Rong unhappy and restless the other day. Thinking that she was worried about her son, he volunteered and said, "brother, I'll pick you up this time."

Hua Rong smiles and shakes her head. Does she miss her son? But after thinking about it, since xiaohutou is properly placed and taken care of by people like Liu Zhiyong, it is safer than being around him More importantly, she worried that as soon as spring began, there would be a fierce battle with Jin Jun. at this time, it was not beautiful for her son to be around She even thought that it would be better to send Lu Wenlong away

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