One Night Bride

Chapter 524

In Yanjing, wolf Lord he CI convened the first conference since the beginning of spring

In addition to establishing a puppet emperor to coerce Zhao Deji, the most heated discussion at the meeting was about moving the capital to Yanjing This proposal was put forward by Jin Wushu In his early years, Jin Wushu was a fierce advocate. Whether it was the early attack on the Song Dynasty or the later song and Jin peace talks, the great contributions made by Jin Wushu naturally gave him a strong voice For more than a year, he almost spared no effort in carrying out various Sinicization movements, allowing the Jin state to use the bureaucratic system and ancient books of the song and Liao dynasties, and even abolished the slavery at that time, so that a large number of nomads in the Jin state were transformed into labor and cultivated large areas of fertile land

He Ci has never been independent, but his brother Wanyan Hailing is not happy This gentleman is the eldest son of his stepfather zonggan, and He Ci is very close to him He served under the command of Jin Wushu, and gradually rose to the top. After he took power, he was promoted by He Ci, which made him a promising young man

Although Wanyan Hailing did not dare to brazenly oppose Jin Wushu, he had already been unhappy with him, and immediately put forward strong opposition to the relocation of the capital Yanjing

"Everyone knows that the fourth Prince has made great contributions, but the Northeast imperial stronghold is the place where I made my fortune. How can I easily abandon my ancestors' foundation?"

Jin Wushu didn't like this nephew who showed his extraordinary head, but he was patient to state the pros and cons With a mild climate, lush water and grass, and a favorable geographical location, Yanjing goes down to the Central Plains in the south, rejects the old nest in the north, and can be attacked and retreated. Isn't it far better than remote Shangjing?

He Ci has never had any idea. Although he tends to be a brother, he is afraid of the fourth prince. No one wants to offend him, so he shirks his intention to go hunting on horseback and asks Wanyan Hailing to accompany him. He only says that he will let the fourth uncle handle it at his discretion

Returning to the fourth Prince's mansion, Wu Qimai immediately said, "fourth prince, Wanyan Hailing is too rude. He is really a crazy child."

It was the first time for Jin Wushu to discover another face of his nephew. He faintly realized that this Hailing was not only arrogant, but also deep and sinister. He was afraid that it would become a disaster in the future

At this time, a spy came forward and reported, "the fourth prince, Qin Hui has been stationed 50 miles away from Kaifeng."

"How many soldiers?"

"Yang Yizhong was escorted by 100000 people."

"Well, send someone secretly immediately and ask him to meet secretly."

The spy's face showed embarrassment: "the fourth prince, Qin Hui repeatedly asked his wife's whereabouts."

Jin Wushu secretly scolded the "old thief", who was obviously aware of the danger. It was really not easy for him to obey his orders

"Mrs. Wang is very good. There is no need to worry about calling Qin Hui. Naturally, the crown prince will give him a satisfactory answer."

Besides Zhaha, after lurking across the watering River, he didn't dare to stay at all, so he went straight to the savage tribe Although it is only a hundred miles away, here is another world. The spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, and the wild people are collecting and farming. It is a busy scene

Zha he went straight to King Qin's palace, but was stopped by two bodyguards

Panting, he took out the contract stone: "I have something important to see the king."

"The king is not here."

He was anxious, "where has your majesty gone?"

"He hurried back to see his son."

Zha he exclaimed, has king Qin gone? How is that possible? He can't just go back quietly to see his son, can he?

"No, I don't believe it. Where is king Qin? I must see him."

The two bodyguards exchanged glances: "no one can disturb you. Get back quickly."

Zha he felt very strange when he saw their expressions. Could it be that King Qin was in the "Palace"? He stretched out his hand and pushed them. "Come on, I have something urgent. I can't delay it."

"Don't be rude..."

Zahe was angry: "do you communicate or not?"

The two bodyguards brushed out their knives and hacked at the tie-in body: "don't you get out?"

Zahe was furious and rolled on the spot to avoid their attack. Only one person shouted, "don't stop, what are you doing?"

Zahe was overjoyed: "brother an, you came just in time. I want to see the king. I have something important..."

An Zhigang said coldly, "what's important to you? Just tell me."

Zha he was stunned. When he saw an Zhigang, he thought he was naturally talkative when he saw an acquaintance. He didn't expect an Zhigang's attitude to be so cold, but he had to bite the bullet and ask for help: "we were surrounded by the fourth prince, and the situation is very critical. Please send troops to support..."

An Zhigang interrupted his words: "sorry, the king is not here, we have no way."

"The king really went back?" Zha he was very suspicious, "then why didn't you go together? Anzhigang, you can also be here. We need your help..."

An Zhigang's attitude was even colder: "Zhahe, if you say you're not there, you're not there. What are you talking about? Go quickly."

Zha he never dreamed that King Qin's subordinates would refuse assistance He was also angry: "don't forget that King Qin took the initiative to send someone to make an alliance with us."

"That's my king thinking of the old friendship..." an Zhigang smiled. "It's best to make an alliance since we came here. We are strong and strong. What do you have in the serpent tribe? It sounds good to make an alliance with you; to be honest, it's just the king's pity for Mrs. Yue, a female. We have sent you weapons, grain and grass, which is considered to be the end of righteousness. What else do you want?"

"Anzhigang, I want to see the king himself!"

An Zhi just glanced at him sideways: "what are you? The king will meet you? To be honest, the king has decided to make a clean break with Mrs. Yue since he gave birth to a son. He also wants to cooperate with the Lord, and everything he does in the future is to consider for his son, tie it up, and you don't have to force people any more."

Zha he was furious and unbelievable: "anzhigang, do you think King Qin is as mean as you? How can King Qin be like this? He will never be like this!"

"The king said that now we have many enemies, and we must not waste a soldier."

Zha he slowly woke up: "we have been surrounded for so long, you should have received the news. Did king Qin really order to die?"

An Zhigang smiled darkly, noncommittal

"Don't King Qin even save his little brother? The little brother sent me. Anzhigang, I don't believe that King Qin is so good to his little brother... No, anzhigang, I have to see the king. If he personally tells me not to save him, I'll leave immediately and never disturb you again!"

An Zhigang lowered his voice, gnash the teeth in anger: "Zhaha, don't make trouble for the king. You need to know that this is the Lord's territory, not the king's ocean. People have to bow their heads under the eaves, and we must obey the Lord here. The Lord also learned the news of your siege, and he said that this time is the time to test whether the king is in the same heart with him. If the king goes to save you at this time, it will inevitably cause the Lord's suspicion and lead to the cracks in the cooperation between the two sides. Besides, the number of Jin Jun is so large, I Going there is no different from hitting stone with an egg, which will only waste our troops in vain Besides, King Qin hasn't seen his son yet. Do you want him to die like this?... "

"Don't forget, if we are finished, you also lose the terrain barrier, the fourth prince will soon find you, and you are his ultimate goal."

"Zhaha, you certainly don't know. The kingdom of Jin is expected to move its capital to Yanjing. The Lord has secretly ordered us to give up this area, and the army has gradually migrated..."

"You! You unexpectedly used us to resist the Jin army, and you took the opportunity to escape?"

"Zhahe, don't make it so unpleasant. We just follow the trend, and we have already given you food, grass and weapons, which can be regarded as assistance in advance. You are lucky to come today. There are people here, and in two days, you won't even see these savages..."

Zahe noticed that the wild people who haunted were mostly collecting, hunting and loading all kinds of things into carts, which was obviously ready to go on the road

Zhaha's heart cooled. He had concluded that King Qin had not left here. An Zhigang was king Qin's bodyguard, and he was by no means the man used by Yelv. He was so noisy that King Qin didn't come out, obviously deliberately avoiding himself

"Zhaha, if you don't go back, maybe you won't see Mrs. Yue for the last time!"

Like a thunder, tie up and turn around and run There was no way to ask for help. If Jin Jun took the opportunity to attack, he really couldn't even see the last side of the little brother

thick smoke. raging fire.

On the left side of the watered flower river, Jin Jun finally found a breakthrough. There was a large tree that had died for many years. The stumps were very dry, and the surrounding grass was also ruined by various animals At the end of spring, it happened that there were several consecutive sunny days. The fire took advantage of the wind and burned like a piper. In this way, the spring fire spread completely in the woods The smell of sulfur and other fuels mixed with the smell of charred bodies of runaway small animals, which was so strong that it was disgusting

The savages who inhabited the jungle for generations saw such a large-scale mountain fire for the first time in their lives, and they were so shocked that they almost collapsed before the Jin army came

Hua Rong and big snake were also frightened by the fire, but they hurriedly calmed the people down and arranged troops to meet this life and death disaster

Snake finally stabilized the team, and ran in sweat: "leader, is there any news from Zhaha?"

Hua Rong hurriedly comforted him, "don't worry, Zha will bring back reinforcements as soon as possible."

Snake was not sure: "King Qin will really help us?"


It is estimated that the fastest round trip will take half a day to return As long as he can lead the reinforcements to arrive, there will be a glimmer of life Snake looked at her unquestionable eyes, like a reassurance, and immediately went to dredge the transfer and escape of the people

However, the current situation is surrounded by all sides, and the only exit is the SHUIHUA river The fire was getting bigger and bigger. As soon as they approached the watered flower river, Jin Jun found their intention. They waited for work and immediately surrounded them Fortunately, the number of Jin troops here was not too large. They attacked fiercely and just killed a way out. Women, children, old and young were about to rush across, and another group of Jin troops came

This time, the number of Jin troops was so large that no matter how the wild people could recruit and fight well, they could not be defeated. In a hurry, women and children, old and young, could only retreat, crying

Hua Rong saw that her casualties were getting more and more serious, but Zhaha had no news for a long time. She was burning with anxiety, but she also decided not to think that King Qin would not help, and only cheered everyone up again and again

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