One Night Bride

Chapter 525

After defeating the Jin army three times in a row, the crowd could no longer support it, but had to retreat to the jungle on the river bank and gather together The snake rushed into the battle, and he had been injured by several arrows all over his body. He looked anxious. Looking at Hua Rong, who was also scarred, he asked again, "leader, King Qin, will they come?"

At this time, Hua Rong already had doubts in her heart. However, looking at this bloody savage, she had to bite her teeth: "come, they will come." With his understanding of King Qin, he will never die, although he has become someone else's husband, someone else's son-in-law!

"Chief, if the reinforcements don't come, we'll have no choice but to die."

Hua Rong looked at the spreading fire, and this primeval jungle suffered an unprecedented catastrophe. Like firecrackers, the deafening crackling sound could be heard from a distance From the initial fire on one side to the current spread to three sides, the wild animals in the group flew sideways, and groups of pheasants, rabbits, wild boars, wild dogs, swerting leopards rushed out in groups. A little slower, their bodies melted into a piece of charcoal in the fire Jin Jun's interception can only stop people, but can't stop these animals. They rush into the watering River, and the river is suddenly full of corpses, and wolves rush to the pig's protrusion Jin Jun was happy, clapped his hands and laughed. He couldn't salvage these extra "victories" and eat them

Hua Rong rode on the dark moonlight, and the arrogant laughter of Jin Jun could be heard in her ears Lu Wenlong ran over. Although he was protected from injury, he was also sweating and covered with dust. For the first time, he experienced such a scene and shouted anxiously, "Mom, are you injured?"

"Nothing, it's all skin injuries."

"Mom, can we escape? Mom, will we die?"

Hua Rong's heart was cut like a knife. If she had known this, she shouldn't have brought the child with her at all. Before she could send him away, she encountered such a great difficulty in finding a safe place No matter what the state of song and Jin, even if he became the enemy of song when he grew up, it was far better than such a tragic death in a foreign land

However, it was too late to regret at this time. Looking at her son's Jujube horse, she was so tired that she foamed, and suddenly said, "son, you ride my horse."

Lu Wenlong was already very sensible. Seeing his mother like this, he immediately refused: "no, mom, my jujube horse is very good. You have to hold on until uncle zahe comes back. As soon as he comes back, we will be safe."

Hua Rong felt sad. "Son, are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid." he saw a tear in his mother's eyes, which inspired the young man's courage. With a wave of his double guns, he shouted, "Mom, I'm not afraid. Whoever kills us, we also kill him!"

Whoever kills us, we also kill him!

Hua Rong's heart was shocked. Ignoring the pain all over her body, she laughed: "good son, let's rush again, and mom will let you live safely. You go back first, and mom will go and have a look at the situation ahead."

She rode her horse with two spies and found a highland. Looking from a distance, on both sides of the watered River, Jin Jun was rushing to catch all kinds of animals into the water, laughing and very confused She moved in her heart and immediately turned back. Behind her, 300 strong men organized by the snake had already waited

"Snake, let's rush again."

People can't wait. Anyway, they are all dead. It's better to fight with the enemy than to be burned by the fire The Jin soldiers were fishing for animals in the river, but they didn't see the remaining savages in the woods pay attention to them at all. They were tied up in such a sprint. They couldn't form an army in panic, and there were countless deaths and injuries at that time Hua Rong was glad to get it, but she had an urgent expectation. If reinforcements arrived at this time, and the two sides attacked, the serpent tribe would be able to rush out However, the black moonlight hissed miserably, and she looked again and again, where was the shadow of half the reinforcements?

After all, there were many people in the Jin army. Because he underestimated the enemy, he suffered a heavy loss again. Soon the people behind him made up for it. Hua Rong couldn't see it well and immediately ordered to retreat This sneak attack killed almost a thousand jin soldiers, but the 300 elite of the serpent tribe survived, only injuring more than 20 people However, great victories cannot be exchanged for substantial achievements Hua Rong gritted his teeth: "big snake, it's really not good. You break through first."

"Chief, what about you?"

"I'll take care of the old and the weak. You go first."

"No, our big snake tribe has no custom of giving up their relatives to escape alone."

Everyone is willing to stick to it. Hua Rong has no choice but to let everyone rest and think of a way again

On the other side of the watered River, Zhaha is desperately rushing back In the distance, he had seen thick smoke and black animals pouring out He wanted to take advantage of the chaos, but there were so many jin troops that he couldn't help but wait for the opportunity At this time, he saw the big snake tribe fight out and the two sides scuffle. Taking this opportunity, he dived into the river and mixed with the surging animals. It took him three hours to sneak across the watering river

The black moonlight raised her front feet, and Hua Rong heard the rapid voice in the jungle. She looked at Zhaha and was overjoyed: "Zhaha, are you back?" Joy fell to her throat, because what she saw was a wet and embarrassed tie. He was alone and even lost his horse when he went out

Zhaha looked at the flower solution covered with blood, and she didn't know whether it was hers or someone else. She was so tired that she panted and said, "brother, brother... Are you injured?"

Hua Rong shook her head hurriedly, "small injury, no problem, how about it? King Qin, they are not willing to send reinforcements?"

Zahe was staggering and almost collapsed with fatigue In order to escape Jin Jun's eyes and ears, his horses were hidden on the other side of the river, and he had to run all the way back. Now he saw Hua Rong, and his eyes were almost closed. He was ashamed that he had failed to complete his mission. His legs softened, and he fell to the ground with a thud: "brother... Sorry... I'm useless..."

Hua Rong's eyes darkened, and he hurriedly lifted him up: "what did king Qin say?"

"I didn't see King Qin. An Zhigang said that King Qin was busy and couldn't come to help us..."

"Isn't King Qin there?"

"An Zhigang said that the Yelv old thief wouldn't let King Qin save us. He said this was an opportunity to test whether he really allied with the Yelv old thief. He also said that King Qin had sent us food and grass earlier, which was considered support..."

Hua Rong's eyes are shining with gold stars and his brain is buzzing. King Qin, he is indeed! He got married and had children. Sure enough, he was about to draw a line with himself

"Brother... I'm useless..."

But she still didn't give up, holding a little hope: "haven't you seen King Qin? Or is king Qin not at all?"

"King Qin must be there! Anzhigang is his bodyguard. Anzhigang is there, and he is there. I quarreled with anzhigang so fiercely that he didn't show up. Anzhigang said that we should stop embarrassing him..."

Hua Rong couldn't hear what he said next. She just turned around stupidly and looked at the soaring flame behind This boundless mountain fire is spreading rapidly The fire behind and the Jin army in front are dead ends and hopeless


She spoke wearily, and her voice became a little hoarse: "tie it up, we'll find a way immediately."

Zahe yigulu stood up: "yes, we must not wait to die. Brother, we always think of ways..." he angrily, "I don't believe that if King Qin doesn't save us, we will die."

Hua Rong heard the word "death" and shook his body. Somehow, he had a great foreboding in his heart Overhead, blocking out the sun, a dark cloud covered her, and she was delighted. However, the dark cloud moved quickly, which was not enough to form a large rain cloud to douse the fire

The people who waited for a long time almost completely collapsed when they saw zahe coming back alone Some women couldn't help crying at that time As soon as they cry, they can no longer stop the decline, and the children also cry The snake, with a livid face, walked around, threw the contract stone heavily on the ground, and cursed, "treacherous thing."

Although Hua Rong had been desperate, she knew that at this time, it was all over as soon as she collapsed She shouted, "don't cry. We'll find a way."

Her voice was slightly hoarse, and the snake may have realized this. He used his strength and roared, "don't cry." As if the earth shook and the mountains shook, everyone became quiet, and even the child stopped crying and looked at the scarred woman in the black moonlight Her eyes seemed to burn a small cluster of strong flames: "I will find a way. Now the serpent led 300 warriors to escort the children to break through the siege first. I escort the rest."

Everyone was surprised that such an arrangement was extremely cruel. The snake led all the elite. They escorted the child and might be able to get away with it, but the rest of the old, weak, sick and disabled, plus Hua Rong, were dead ends

"No, boss, this is absolutely not possible."

Hua Rong was very strict and raised his voice, "don't you want to save the hope of the serpent tribe?"

Everyone was shocked again. Everyone could see that they had been completely in a desperate situation. Only by preserving their warriors and children could they have hope of rising again in the future

"But, boss, it's up to you to take them away. You're a woman, not to mention an outsider!"

Hua Rong said coldly, "are you the leader or am I the leader?"

"Of course it's you! The snake has respected you since the day it saved your life."

"In that case, you must listen to me. As soon as it gets dark, you will lead the crowd to break through."

The snake didn't answer, and Hua Rong said in a harsh voice, "the snake obeys!"

The snake stood up straight and said, "yes."

Hua Rong nodded: "Zhaha, you cover from the side and protect them to go together."

Zha he knew that it was Hua Rong who wanted to find a chance to escape by himself. He was not as determined as the snake. "Brother, I came here because of you. Just have the snake take them away."

Hua Rong saw that he was so unable to force, and the old and weak left really needed hands, so he turned to Lu Wenlong: "son, you go with Uncle snake."

Don't want Lu Wenlong also very firm: "Mom, I don't go, I'm with you."

"You must go!"

"How can I escape? No, mom, I must be with you!"

Hua Rong looked at his proud expression, and then realized that this child had grown into a half grown boy! He is the son of LUDEN. His courage and will are broken into butterflies when he is in despair

Although in despair, she also felt a little warm and held her son's hand tightly: "OK, just stay with your mother."

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