One Night Bride

Chapter 532

At this time, the snake suddenly noticed that the yellow sand behind rose higher and higher He shouted, "no, Jin Jun is coming again."

Hua Rong looked, and sure enough, on the shallow grass of the grassland, it was a dust wave that could only be raised by a large-scale war horse The snake fell on the ground, put its ears to the ground, and said anxiously, "at least 3000 people are coming."

The sound of horses' hoofs is approaching, and it is indeed this number At this time, although there were more than 3000 people in the serpent tribe, more than 2000 of them were old and weak women and children, and less than 600 people were really able to fight

Hua Rong waved, "come on, run to the desert."

A group of fugitives with uneven breathing rushed forward without thinking, regardless of whether they would go to heaven or hell Later, the Yellow armor man had caught up, and the other commander, who was headed by him, laughed: "completely destroy the serpent tribe, and no one is allowed to pass."

This is the first large-scale deployment of the warriors in yellow, and it is also the time to test their combat effectiveness. Everyone rushed to pat the elite horses under their crotches and waved various weapons. Soon, this ancient mysterious tribe will be wiped out like chopping melons and vegetables

Just then, on the flank of the grassland, an army rushed out They are also savage costumes, swarthy, barefoot, wearing various feathers and diamond woven helmets on their heads, and tough rattan armor on their bodies This kind of rattan armor is woven with local wild rattan, which is extremely flexible and light, in sharp contrast to the heavy pocket handrails and armor of the Yellow armor warriors

As soon as the warriors in yellow saw that there was another group of savages, they didn't pay attention at all. They waved their knives and guns to kill them. They found that these knives and guns stabbed into the savages' rattan armor and couldn't be pulled out at all. So stuck, the savages took the opportunity to carry sharp blades to kill. One person blocked ten, and the killing was dark

A tall man rode on a big horse. He wore a green azalea crown and carried a heavy deer cutter. He went down knife by knife and was invincible However, his purpose is obviously not to kill people, but to find the figure in the fleeing crowd in front of him, girl, girl, where are their mother and son?

Liu Wu was covered in blood, all of which belonged to the enemy. One knife splashed all over his head and face He rushed to King Qin in the crowd and shouted, "king, they are in front, right in front..."

Looking from a distance, you can only see a human figure the size of an ant. This is the grassland. Looking at the distance, it is far away

"Madam, madam, how are their mother and son?"

"My subordinates don't know. I haven't seen them yet..."

King Qin was burning with anxiety. After a day and night's journey, he finally stopped the Jin army on the way. All he saw along the way were corpses, Jin army's, wild people's, corpses everywhere, shocking Just, there are no flowers in those dead people, no! There is no Lu Wenlong He chased all the way, completely unable to imagine what happened to Hua Rong's mother and son

"To kill, we must completely destroy this Jin army and kill none."


Hua Rong and others, who were running away, finally realized something. She and the snake stopped their horses almost at the same time. The snake was surprised and happy, and said incoherently: "look, someone helped us intercept Jin Jun..."

It seemed as if she had escaped from the heaven in an instant. Hua Rong was ecstatic, and her hands closed. She didn't know who to thank

"Chief, we have to go up and help them."

"Snake, you lead the tribe to safety first, and I'll take the warriors back to support."

Looking at the blood on her face and the scars on her body, the snake didn't understand how this woman could support until now. He said flatly, "you go. I'll lead people back."

Hua Rong wanted to refuse, but the pain on her body was like being awakened. Thousands of arrows pierced her heart and almost fell to the ground She forced herself to resist the huge pain, and the snake hurriedly said, "Wen long, you take care of your mother."

Lu Wenlong was going to follow the snake back, but seeing his mother's face like gold paper and covered in blood, he didn't trust his mother. He hurried to say, "I'll take care of my mother. Uncle snake, don't worry about going."

Serpent led hundreds of elite warriors and killed them back

As soon as he left, Hua Rong couldn't hold on any longer, but he forced a sigh: "go, everyone, go now, don't stay."

She rushed ahead, with the injured followed by the people supporting the old and the young I was thinking about the war behind, but I was powerless. I couldn't lift my spirits anymore, and I didn't dare to speak. As soon as I opened my mouth, the Gore would spit out

Dizzy, she only knew to run, and she didn't know how long she ran or where she went. Behind her were the old and young, the survivors of the serpent tribe, but she didn't know what paradise to take them to

Behind him, there was a faint sound of horses' hoofs, getting closer and closer, and the wind was whirring in his ears, as if the enemy were coming In the wilderness, she couldn't even hear her son's cry

"Girl, girl..."

A voice came with the wind and sounded anxious and full of thoughts and grief She was in a trance, like a dream Looking forward to this voice for too long, it was really close, but I couldn't believe it

"Girl, girl, girl... Girl... Girl..."

She thought, if only it had been earlier Just before zahe died, if we can catch up before that time Didn't he let an Zhigang refuse to rescue? What does it mean to come now?

Lu Wenlong shouted, "Mom, it's the bad guy's uncle... It's the bad guy..."

King Qin came, and he finally came

Lu Wenlong's voice was still angry: "Mom, don't pay attention to him. If he doesn't save us, he won't save us. Uncle zahe will die..."

Her voice was dry, her eyes were dry, she couldn't shed tears, and her lips trembled slightly. It took her a long time to calmly correct the child's wrong ideas, and she didn't want him to envy or complain because of this: "Wen long, don't blame him, he is here to save us now."

"But why did he come so late? Uncle zahe said that they would not come to save us at all... Mom, he is a big villain, don't pay attention to him..."

"Wen long, you shouldn't do this. He came, didn't he? He also saved us. You can't just think about others' bad, you should think more about his good..."

Her voice was so hollow that she didn't know whether to persuade herself or her son Despair and despair piled up in her heart, and she couldn't extricate herself. She couldn't speak any more, shut up, and even couldn't hear what her son was asking In my ears, I only heard his loud cry, which came with the wind, but it was not clear, vaguely: "girl... Girl..." he came alone

"Girl... Girl..."

The clansman has walked ahead, leaving only their mother and son Lu Wenlong hesitated, "Mom, shall we wait for him?"

She turned her horse's head, no longer looking at the direction of the voice, very calm: "son, let's go."

The child, seeing the reinforcements, was happy after all, even more than complaining. He wanted to have a strong support and hesitated, "but, mom, he caught up... Do we want to wait for him?"

"Wenlong, go!"

"Girl... Wenlong... Son..."

"But the bad uncle came... Listen, he's calling us, and he's still calling me. It's annoying. Why do you call me my son?"

This "son" waded in my heart like a drop of boiling water. Once upon a time, he always said "your son is my son", but once upon a time, the distance between the two people was so far away?

A whip was whipped on the horse, and Lu Wenlong's voice was cut off by Shengsheng. He only heard his mother's horse catching up behind him without stopping at all

"Girl... Girl... Son... Wait for me..."

The voice was so close that it seemed to be behind him


The horse slowed down slightly and still turned his back on him

"Girl, listen to me..."

I don't want to listen, and I don't want to listen There is always a reason for him not to rescue in time However, the iron fact is that he is an ally of Yelv and has his own wife and children. What he needs is to fight for his wife and children, his great cause and the country; Instead of working for your mother and son Zahe died, and he was no longer willing to owe anyone friendship Even King Qin didn't want to owe him any friendship Dependence is a terrible thing. Once you form a habit and encounter something, you lose your ability to judge and survive alone How about goodbye? Go to him again? Again ambiguous entanglement?

What's the matter with a widow and a married man?

No matter what reason King Qin has, she doesn't want to stay - rely on him!


King Qin was sweating all over, almost like being fished out of the water When did the crown of green bite cuckoo run away? He didn't find it, only knew to chase frantically However, the figure showed no sign of stopping, and the black moonlight still raised its four hoofs and ran

"Girl... You can't go ahead. It's a desert. There's a way out to the south. There's an oasis and no one controls it... You should go south... There, Yelv can't even reach it... And it's close to the border of the song state... Go south..."

Hua Rong whipped on the horse, and the black moonlight was almost crazy, rushing out like a black lightning

King Qin's voice completely disappeared in the wind, and he couldn't call the figure of leaving with all his strength He reined in his horse blankly and looked at the farther and farther away crowd in front of him Girl, she doesn't want to stop. She doesn't even want to listen to her own explanation Most of the snake tribe were killed and injured. It was terrible. She didn't know how cruel the fighting had been before she was so heartbroken

In a desperate situation, I didn't rush to help her in time

Strong remorse surged up to his chest, and an anger almost jumped out of his eyes Ten days ago, he never dreamed that Jin Jun would come so soon But is it really Jin Jun who did all this? The serpent tribe is so hidden and the terrain is favorable. If it is not internal and external cooperation, and there are insiders, how can it be broken at one stroke?

He patted his horse and looked back. The two wild men who met were fighting with the Yellow armor with all their strength. They were inseparable and blood flowed into a river

As soon as he turned around, he joined the battle group. If he did not completely eliminate these hateful Jin troops, he would be in serious trouble after all Seeing that the situation was not good, the Yellow armored man did not dare to fight any more. At the order of the leader, the rest fled back The savages chased for a while, but if they couldn't catch up, they gave up The Yellow armor was glad to escape the day of birth, when a black armor rushed over

Seeing the reinforcements, the leader was in high spirits: "hurry, those savages are more than 30 miles ahead..."

"Well, we must kill them..."

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