One Night Bride

Chapter 533

"Haha, these damn savages can't escape anymore..."

Before the word "Le" came out, he slashed his head. His eyes protruded and fell off his horse's back. His eyes widened in horror. It was completely unbelievable that he was attacked by his own people Before the Yellow warriors nearby reacted, they were fatally assassinated, and even fell into a pool of blood before they had time to draw their knives

"Kill, no one alive."


In an instant, none of the more than 1000 yellow armor warriors who escaped from the savages escaped, and all died in their "reinforcements"

In the dark jungle, Jin Wushu looked at the bright yellow all over the ground. These are the dead men raised by He Ci and Wanyan Hailing. Are they against themselves? Fortunately, hailing was young and vigorous, unable to hold his breath, and was exposed prematurely He sneered. It was the most unpredictable imperial heart. He worked hard for Da Jin for half his life. This young emperor dared to be so suspicious of himself

Accompanying a king like a tiger turned out to be more than a specialty of the Han people

"Fourth prince, do you want to chase the savage? They are heading west..."


The serpent tribe in front lost its direction, and I don't know if it merged with this savage tribe

"Never keep a certain distance after catching up, and never fight with them."


In the night wind, the savages were singing elegy for miles, which was to mourn their companions who had just died unfortunately The snake perked up and bowed in front of King Qin, who had just come back. "Thank you for your help."

Liu Wu was also happy. It was not easy for this hard battle to destroy a elite of the Jin army

However, King Qin's face was not happy. His leopard like eyes swept the bright torch and fell on the snake. Looking at his scars, he said in a deep voice, "how many people have died in your tribe?"

"More than half of them are dead. Zahe, he is also dead."

King Qin's heart sank. No wonder he never saw Zha he No wonder Hua Ronghui didn't stop at all and didn't want to promise herself at all

"Snake, catch up quickly. Your tribe is going south. There is a fertile land there, which is currently unmanaged."

"Really? Thank you for your guidance."

"Give this bottle of wound medicine to your leader and ask her to take it on time... And this... Give her all these..."


"Your Majesty, I don't know how to thank you."

King Qin shook his head. "Remember, you must go south. Someone will meet you there. It's absolutely safe."

The serpent was grateful for this assistance. He remembered the safety of the tribe. After thanking King King Qin, he hurried to catch up King Qin looked at them as they walked away, and then took back his eyes. Liu Wu was very surprised and directly asked in a low voice, "king, have you seen your wife?"


"Then why?" Liu Wu swallowed his words, and saw King Qin's eyes spitting fire and gnashing his teeth, "I don't have the face to see her now. Yelv old thief, unexpectedly made this poison plan, and I don't pay a visit to him, how can I deserve him?"

"Your Majesty, Yelv is very cunning and good at trickery. You can't touch him harder."

"Of course I know. Go, go back immediately."

The nest of Yelv's great use

This is a large stone house with a big chair in the middle. A man in black sits with his eyes closed, like a huge bat At this time, he was enjoying his killing two birds with one stone with pride Since the serpent tribe doesn't surrender to itself, let them fight with Jin Jun first In particular, that damned woman can just get rid of her this time I don't know why, although his daughter has given birth to a son for King Qin, he is still vaguely uneasy. He always feels that the existence of this woman one day is his own threat He never allowed threats to exist

The spies' good news came one after another

"Lord, the serpent tribe is broken..."

"Lord, most of the snake tribe are dead and injured..."

"My Lord, the Jin army was attacked by a poisonous snake and suffered heavy casualties..."


Every message, no matter who is dead or injured, is his victory He is complacent. What is king Qin? A general is far better than a plot. This is the power of wisdom. You can win a decisive victory without a single soldier

Two maidens gently shook the palm fan for him behind his back. He closed his eyes and was infinitely comfortable

A tall voice came in silently

Later, two servants were impatient: "Lord, Lord... You can't trespass on Lord..."

Yelv suddenly opened his eyes. Is king Qin back? How did he get back so quickly? Moreover, the spy didn't return the news of King Qin

"Quit, what's the fuss? Haha, it's King Qin? You're back so fast..."

King Qin sat opposite him, sweating, but his voice was very calm, and his eyes were unpredictable: "I ran three horses dead, day and night, and finally came back, Yelv old ghost, are you very disappointed?"

Yelv laughed loudly, "hard work, hard work! How can I be disappointed? Xian son-in-law, how did you finish this task?"

King Qin narrowed his eyes and listened to the sound of "virtuous son-in-law". His eyebrows frowned and relaxed: "father-in-law, how can I live up to your kindness?"

"What did general Helian say?"

This time, King Qin was sent to the general of Helian by yeluda under an extremely powerful excuse for negotiation At this time, hearing Yelu seriously ask, he didn't mind, but asked, "has anything great happened to Lao Tzu these days?"

Yelv smiled with a strange smile: "the world is peaceful, where is the big deal?"

"Oh? Really?" King Qin seemed to be talking about whether the weather was good or bad. "I was lucky. On my way back, I killed thousands of yellow warriors of the Jin army. Old devil, do you know what yellow warriors are?"

"What is it? The force supported by the Yellow mouth child and the thorn? It is said that it is to deal with Jin Wushu secretly. It's good to destroy it, or it's good to destroy it. The good son-in-law has worked hard. Those bastards didn't report the good news to me in time..."

"They can't repay you at all."


"Because I have killed them!"


King Qin downplayed: "sorry, because I recognized the wrong person and thought it was Jin Jun's spy. Who calls them ghosts."

Yelv laughed dryly, "since it was an accident, it doesn't matter to kill a spy."

Yelv flashed a green light with his eyes: "King Qin, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean, hey hey, I don't like them..." King Qin raised his eyebrows and his eyes also burst into anger, "old devil, what do you think is the most important thing about the cooperation between the two sides?"

"Honesty, of course."

"Well, in that case, why did you send someone to kill Hua Rong instead of me?" He stood up swish and stopped beating around the bush

"King Qin, I didn't chase Hua Rong!"

"You really didn't kill Hua Rong, kill the serpent tribe! However, I knew it was you! The serpent tribe is also our half ally. What are you doing like this? Old Yelv, it's inhumane for you to sneak attacks on our allies; it's unjust to pursue Hua Rong for no reason. What kind of climate can you achieve by your unjust behavior, in addition to causing the ridicule of heroes all over the world?"

Yelv was very useful but didn't get angry: "Hey, King Qin, don't you call her 'Yue Pengju's widow' now?"

"Is this very important? I only know that you are stealing chicken, not eating rice this time, which has ruined your reputation. Who dares to take refuge in you? You have wiped out a barrier against the Jin army for nothing. Just to kill a woman with a knife, old devil, what are you?"

Yelv Dayong also stood up and walked a few steps. He wore a mask on his face, completely unable to see happiness, anger and sadness. "King Qin, I could not have killed her. However, this woman is too much in the way. She blocked Yelv Guanyin's way out, harming others and not benefiting herself. If it weren't for her, Yelv Guanyin would have been a princess..."

King Qin sniffed, "princess? Don't dream. Do you think Jin Wushu is a vegetarian? Green hat is so big, and she may be a princess? Don't underestimate Jin Wushu. Even if there is no flower solution, Yelv Guanyin still stood aside, not to mention that Yelv Guanyin never gave birth to a son and a half for him. Why should he have a foothold in the fourth Prince's mansion?"

Yelv stared at him and suddenly said, "Hua Rong is not dead? Is he?"

"If you die, do you think I will stand here and talk to you like this?"

"Well, King Qin, let it go this time. I promise you I'll give you a face and never touch her again."

"I also told you that if it weren't for your daughter and grandchildren, I would never give you face again this time. Old devil, your treachery really disappoints me."

Yelv resisted his anger with great force, and he was still very happy with King Qin's words This is a victory in disguise. Although Hua Rong didn't die, King Qin's heart is really used in the world and is planning for his own "wife and children"

"King Qin, how is the negotiation with general Helian going?"

"It's going well."

"I also got a message that the fourth Prince is clamouring to move the capital to Yanjing."

No wonder Yelv Dayong planned to kill Hua Rong. He had planned to give up this territory completely When the Jin army base camp arrived in Yanjing, how dare Yelv Dayong run wild on someone else's territory? If you don't leave, the whole army will be destroyed

"I've thought twice that the army must leave this area."

King Qin was very straightforward: "OK, I'll help you this time."

"Just this time?"

"Old devil, don't push your luck too far. I haven't seen your grandson since he was born. It's time to go back and have a look."

"A man, a man, is a hero who wants to be in the world. You, the great Yu of the ancient sage, managed the flood three times and didn't enter the house. His son was a teenager before he met him first. Later, he became the emperor, and his son became the Emperor..."

"Whatever the big fish and the small fish, I must go back and have a look."

Yelv looked at him with a look of "everything is enough with a son", shook his head, but his heart was secretly happy

At the door, a man poked his head, and King Qin shouted, "what are you doing furtively? Come in."

It was an Zhigang who knelt down when he saw King Qin. He was very frightened: "please forgive me, king."

King Qin's face was expressionless: "what sin can you have?"

"Villain... Villain..."

King Qin put his hand on the deer knife and said faintly, "anzhigang, get up, it's nothing for you."

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