One Night Bride

Chapter 534

An Zhigang stood up, his body was not yet straight, his eyes suddenly popped out, and he looked down at his chest unbelievably - that piece of scattered clothes, the blood on his chest gurgling out, as if it were someone else's Before he even felt any pain, he fell to the ground

King Qin stood up as if nothing had happened. The knife had been inserted in place, as if it had never been scabbard

"Good knife technique, good! King Qin sure enough, the sword is not old."

"Flattery." King Qin, don't mention walking out

When his body completely disappeared, yeluron continued to come out of the room on the left and angrily said, "Lord, why should King Qin be so rampant?"

"Just let him vent his anger, this wild man."

"But he killed one of our important people."

Yelv's tone was very strict: "long Xu, what do you know?"

Yeluron continued to argue, but he dared not. He had to look at the fallen body with hatred and immediately sent people to clean it up

Liu Wu, who had been guarding the door, was worried about the fire in the house. Seeing King Qin come out unscathed, he finally breathed a sigh of relief

When they walked out of the barracks, King Qin looked at the distance, and his face was very gloomy and terrible And Yelv meandered in vain, and how much sincerity did they find each other? What will Yelv old ghost do next? He would not naively think that Yelv's great use would stop with this statement; I don't think he really believes in his performance of "having a son and everything is enough". With this old fox, there is nothing reliable

Liu Wu lowered his voice: "king, where is an Zhigang?"


Liu Wu couldn't believe it. He said "ah" slightly. Even if an Zhigang cheated, there was no need to kill him with such a knife, right?

King Qin left with great strides

Liu Wu followed him, and somehow felt that King Qin had suddenly changed. Everything was uncertain

Besides, the serpent said goodbye to King Qin and others, and led the clan to catch up with them soon

Knowing that the threat of the Jin army had been temporarily eliminated, and that it was midnight again, Hua Rong ordered the already tired clansman to rest temporarily and eat something before leaving

A fire broke out, and everyone sat around the fire, one by one with sweat or blood stains on their faces, but their high spirits could not be annihilated, especially the snake. This victory greatly encouraged the confidence of the people who were almost in a desperate situation: "the Yellow armor was completely destroyed..." he told the people about the soul stirring battle while taking out the wound medicine given by King Qin, "leader, this is what king Qin gave you..."

Hua Rong silently took the wound medicine. A savage girl came up, wrapped her silently, and wiped her gently with a soft leaf dipped in water Every time she wiped it, those bloody places were as if they had been suppressed, and her eyebrows were frowning and could not be wiped away Wipe it clean, the girl took the medicine, applied it for her, and put it into the wound. It was cool for a while, and the pain was not only paralyzed, but also relieved She realized the spirit of the medicine, and when the girl wanted to continue applying it, she immediately stopped her and asked her to give it to other injured people

Lu Wenlong received mercy from an Han and others, with only a few minor bruises on his body. He looked at his mother anxiously, "Mom, your injury... Will you die?"

Hua Rong stared at his anxious eyes. The child only knew whether to die or not. He was always afraid of his mother's death and was lonely

Hua Rong smiled and touched his head: "no, I won't die. I didn't hurt the fatal part, and I'll get better soon."

Snake then said, "leader, King Qin asked us to go south, saying there was a happy land..."

Paradise, troubled times, where is paradise?

"Chief, it was king Qin who came back and saved us..."

Lu Wenlong angrily said, "why didn't the bad uncle save us earlier?"

"He must have other compelling reasons... Chief..."

Hua Rong didn't hear a word clearly, and her thoughts were very vague Who said that when encountering great difficulties, he didn't really desire the appearance of King Qin? When I saw Jin Jun, when the sky was ablaze with fire, I always looked forward to the only miracle in my heart - he would appear, he would certainly appear! However, he did not appear after all

"Chief, King Qin said..."

She looked at the snake's lips blankly, and then she was shocked to see how terrible her dependence on King Qin had been. At every dangerous moment, she always looked to him, just like her trust and dependence on Yue Pengju at the beginning However, how can I rely on a married man like this again? In particular, he got married because he was discouraged and disappointed because of his departure Now that he has had children, what is it to rely on him again?

"Chief, should we go south?"

"No! No!" This sentence almost blurted out without thinking. How can you go to the place designated by King Qin again? Pester him again?

The snake looked at her strangely, "I don't think King Qin will cheat us."

She was stunned and didn't know how to answer

The decision at this time concerns the future and future of the serpent tribe, and it is necessary for them to rebuild their homes safely and reliably What's your momentary temper?


Her mind had begun to clear, slowly stood up and calmly said, "then go south."


The snake went down to prepare for the deployment to the south, and most of the people in the tribe fell into a false sleep. Hua Rong's mother and son leaned together, and there was silence around. Only the crackling sound of withered branches and leaves burning in the fire could be heard Lu Wenlong has fallen asleep on the grass. The little prince, who used to live in dignity, can fall asleep in any difficult place after this period of time Hua Rong opened her eyes wearily and looked at him. Seeing that he also had a somewhat immature face and dried blood stains on his face, she couldn't help but deeply doubt: Why did she take him away? What about being a thief? How about being an enemy of the state of song when you grow up? What about the wishes of the LUDEN couple? The dead are dead, and the living have to live Why should a child bear the cost of war?

Before that, she had never doubted such a so-called "big festival" and "position" issue, but after repeated death threats, she suddenly wavered: is her choice really for the good of Lu Wenlong?

In order not to "recognize thieves as fathers" and preserve the "Festival", it is better to shed blood and sacrifice than to let the child live a life of glory and wealth in the fourth Prince's residence?

Her hand touched Lu Wenlong's face. Confused Lu Wenlong suddenly felt a chill on his face. When he opened his eyes, he saw his mother's tears on his face. He was surprised and said, "Mom, is the wound painful?"

Hua Rong noticed her gaffe, quickly wiped away her tears, calmed down her emotions, and then slowly said, "Wen long, do you want to miss your dad?"

Lu Wenlong was careful: "Mom, it must not be dad who deliberately hurt us. He loves me very much and won't hurt me. Moreover, he promised me that he would never shut you up and hit you again... Mom, it won't be dad who wants to kill us..."

The child defends Jin Wushu incoherently, and Hua Rong's heart is sour. Then he slowly says, "Wen long, if you want to go home and follow your father again, will you?"

Lu Wenlong's eyes showed a trace of joy: "it's certainly good to be able to go home. But, mom, are you going back with me?"

Hua Rong couldn't bear to say such words as "you go back alone", unwilling to let her son experience another painful choice. She was about to think of a few euphemisms, and suddenly felt a strange smell That's the alertness and acumen that can be obtained after many deaths - as if trapped prey and hunting masters are silently approaching

She immediately stood up, and the warriors patrolling around did their duty without any negligence, and there was no movement or abnormality around

Thinking she was nervous, she sat down again and was about to talk to her son, but suddenly she stood up again and shouted, "get up, quick, the enemy is coming..."

The exhausted clansman immediately stood up and took his weapon, a piece of Zhang Huang

Sure enough, the warriors on patrol also found clues. It was the sound of horses walking at night with their hooves wrapped At this time, it is the eve of dawn, but the sky before the summer solstice has a vague brightness Just as everyone's heart was mentioned to their throat, a group of fireworks exploded in the night sky, like the wind

Lu Wenlong jumped up in surprise: "it's dad, it's dad coming. Dad taught me that whenever I see such a signal, he comes in person... It's Dad... Mom, dad is coming..."

He soon found something wrong and stopped being happy, because all the people of the serpent tribe except him were livid and clenched their weapons, as if a demon had come Jin Jun is the enemy of the serpent tribe, and the fourth Prince is the head of the Jin Jun. when he comes, what else can people do?

The snake hissed, "we fought with them..."



Hua Rong calmed down from her initial surprise, and the fireworks had been extinguished She fell on the ground, and the sound of horses' hoofs suddenly stopped, as if it had disappeared out of thin air She knew that it was not to disappear, but to stop on the spot However, a horse was neighing, and its voice was getting closer and closer

"Wu zhuima, Dad, it's my dad..."

Jin Wushu, killed alone

Everyone was in full readiness, and even Hua Rong was sweating in his palm

It turned out that Jin Jun led his men across the watered flower river, more than a hundred miles ahead, and after destroying 3000 yellow armor men, he was about to catch up with the savage team, but he saw them go in the opposite direction He was about to catch up, but he couldn't catch up. Judging from his clothes, it was king Qin's team, but he didn't want to fight with King Qin at this time. After a moment of thinking, he gave up chasing and went straight ahead

Jin Wushu expected well. Hua Rong and others were heading south in front of him This black suit warrior only selected 1000 people, all of which were super sophisticated equipment, light clothes and simple riding. The serpent tribe was seriously injured, old, weak and disabled, and could not walk fast at all. In addition, he stopped to recuperate, so he soon caught up with him

The restless sound stopped because of the approaching hoof sound, and the fire was clearly extinguished and on the verge of extinction The serpent held a knife and spear in his hand; Hua Rong held the bow and arrow, but Lu Wenlong looked anxiously at his mother and the direction of the sound of horses' hoofs

Wu zhuima stopped at the entrance The crowd was about to make a noise, and Hua Rong waved his hand to stop all their agitation

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