One Night Bride

Chapter 535

Jin Wushu reined in his horse, looked through the crowd, and stared at the bloody woman. Those bruises condensed on her face and couldn't be removed for a moment And Lu Wenlong, only his eyes, shining with joy, opened his mouth and called him, "Daddy, Daddy..." he had already run a few steps, but suddenly stopped, looked back, and looked at his mother timidly

Hua Rong's face was expressionless

Jin Wushu looked at him disappointed

Lu Wenlong stood on the way, a little closer to his mother and a little farther away from his father, and then stopped awkwardly, coquetting his hair, not knowing what to do

However, this little disappointment did not affect Jin Wushu's mood. He stared at Hua Rong and suddenly laughed There was silence all around, the wind passed silently, and the dew in the morning quietly wet their hair. The savages stared at the great enemy of the tribe, the legendary demon, and did not understand what he was laughing at

His voice was full of joy, as if there were no one: "Hua Rong, you are not dead! You are not dead! You and your son are not dead! Hehe, I am so happy."

Hua Rong held the bow and arrow in a very flat voice: "sorry, I'm disappointed with the fourth prince. I can't die for a moment."

Completely ignoring her cold and forbearing anger, he rolled off his horse and strode over

"Fourth prince, stop!"

He did stop and didn't take another step forward It's just a big step closer to my son

Lu Wenlong was still staring blankly, not knowing how to start, happy and worried

Jin Wushu wanted to reach out and touch his son's shoulder, but he couldn't reach it But he was still full of joy, and he didn't know what to say for a moment

Everyone looked at the strange atmosphere with astonishment and did not know what to say

"Dad, did you send someone to kill us?"

Lu Wenlong's crisp voice is also the question that everyone wants to ask Countless people of the serpent tribe grabbed their weapons and stared at the culprit who destroyed their homes

Jin Wushu didn't seem to care at all that thousands of pairs of eyes around him were ready to tear themselves at any time, and his eyes shifted from his son's eyes to Hua Rong's eyes

Those eyes were burning with anger, like a small flame that was ready to burn at any time

"Hua Rong, I'm really sorry. It's Wanyan hailing, a bastard, who must have joined hands with Yelv. Please believe me, I've been discussing some things with the wolf Lord these days, and I didn't know about it. However, please rest assured that all the 3000 yellow armor warriors in Hailing have been killed by me. In the future, as long as I live one day, Jin Jun will never dare to chase you again." He raised his voice, "in order to make up for the loss to you, I will provide 2000 loads of grain and grass to the serpent tribe..."

Everyone was stunned, but the demon came up to give them food and grass

Is this true?

Snake exchanged glances with the crowd, looked at each other, and then looked at Hua Rong

Lu Wenlong was ecstatic. Without thinking, he rushed to Jin Wushu's side, forgot all his worries, and firmly hugged his waist: "Dad, Dad, you're so kind, I knew it wasn't you..."

"Son, are you hurt?"

"No, I don't. I'm fine. Dad, I knew it would never be you who wanted to kill us..."

Jin Wushu also had moist eyes and whispered in his ear, "son, dad will not kill you even if he kills anyone in the world..."

"I know, I know."

Jin Wushu held his son's hand tightly, and did not care to greet him anymore, but looked up at Hua Rong She stood in the morning light, ragged, haggard, only a pair of eyes, bright and bright He suddenly had an illusion that the woman opposite him was more beautiful and graceful than the fairies in the mountains behind the grassland

It is brighter than the original Kaifeng teahouse slender hand cutting new orange

It is more charming than the sound of "I like you" on the mountain road in the middle of the night

It is even more enchanting than the deliberate flattery for revenge in the tent a few days ago

In a trance, he involuntarily released his son's hand and walked slowly towards her, step by step, as if towards the God's mansion in his mind For many years, he didn't know why he was deeply infatuated with the woman he couldn't get, and why he couldn't let go I always think that because I can't get it, I must get it once. Otherwise, if I don't give up until I die, I will regret until I die The unconquerable pain and the humiliation that cannot be won will always be a flash in the pan

However, at this time, it is not the feeling of "victory" or conquest It's not even a heartbeat or passion, but a very simple intuition: this woman is really good!

How nice of her!

So I don't want her to die, and I can't imagine what to do if she dies

He took the third step and heard her so plain voice: "the fourth Prince..."

He stopped, infinite joy: "Hua Rong, it's good for you to live. I'm afraid you'll die..."

"Fourth prince, thank you for killing the Yellow armor for us."

He didn't seem to recognize the coldness of her voice, and was very sincere: "I'm sorry I didn't come in time, otherwise, zahe wouldn't die..."

A burst of stinging pain, Hua Rong's voice was slightly sharp: "it's none of your business, it's not you."

"Hua Rong, thank you for believing me. I'll arrange to send twothousand loads of grain and grass immediately. You don't have to go far away, I'll find a safe place for you, don't leave home..." he was afraid that she would refuse, and wouldn't let her interrupt, and said in one breath, "Da Jin will move the capital to Yanjing, which will become our sphere of influence. I can write an alliance and never do anything detrimental to the snake tribe..."

Snake and the clan looked at each other again, but this time they were immediately happy. Who was willing to leave their hometown? Who is willing to flee endlessly? If we can get the letter of alliance of the first power Minister of the Jin State and settle down from then on, who will migrate long distances again? Besides, there are 2000 loads of grain and grass, enough for everyone to spend a long time

Hua Rong's eyes slowly swept through the crowd, looking at the silent and eager faces, they didn't want to go! They were very excited about the conditions put forward by Jin Wushu

Those eager eyes have fallen on her, but they can't believe it. They just wait for her to nod or shake her head, which is the only weight to measure whether they trust Jin Wu Shu

Hua Rong felt that her neck was very stiff and her head was heavy. She didn't know whether to nod or shake her head - this was the moment to decide the fate of a tribe, but it only needed a nod or shake her head!

Who can say that covering the sky with one hand is not a good thing?

At this time, the snake suddenly made a sound, very fast and low. Jin Wushu saw Hua Rong frown slightly, but he didn't know what they were talking about

Hua Rong's eyes turned and nodded slightly

With a wave of his hand, the snake stopped the people from asking, "everything is arranged by the leader. Please don't be impatient."

Hua Rong just opened his mouth. His voice was very dry. He looked at Lu Wenlong alone, but his words were to Jin Wushu: "fourth prince, take Wen long back."

Jin Wushu's eyes were hot. Lu Wenlong suddenly ran to his mother and was extremely surprised: "Mom, you don't want me?"

"If you follow the fourth prince, he will treat you well."

"No, mom, unless you go back together."

"Wenlong, go quickly. Mom can't protect you. If you go back, mom will come to see you later."

Lu Wenlong looked at Hua Rong and Jin Wu Shu in panic, at a loss

Jin Wushu casually looked away, then turned around and said in a deep voice, "Wen long, you follow your mother. In this world, no one can treat you better than her."

"The fourth prince!"


Jin Wushu's voice suddenly became very strict: "Wen long, you are going to grow up, and you should be a man. You must protect your mother's safety!"

Lu Wenlong had never heard his father's tone like this. Stunned, he suddenly became arrogant and shouted, "OK, I'll follow my mother."

Jin Wushu turned and walked to his horse, and they immediately made way He turned over and mounted the horse, and then turned back, with a loud voice: "Hua Rong, no matter where you are going, I will send twothousand loads of grain and grass..." he wanted to say "and Qin Hui, this time it is absolutely true that he has arrived at the border", but when he said it, he swallowed it back In the past, he would never have been like this, but at this time he was unwilling to say that, to hide the truth, it was a woman, not a god of war, nor a tool for revenge. She was too tired, and it was time to rest

Therefore, even if he left her most advantageous weapon, he couldn't open his mouth

The snake was overjoyed and saluted immediately: "thank you, the fourth prince."

Jin Wushu ignored him, looked at his son, smiled slightly, and waved to him Lu Wenlong looked at his father so reluctantly, but he didn't know what to say Jin Wushu shouted again, "son, I have a good horse to send you, and the black moonlight will be returned to my mother."

"Well, Dad, my jujube horse is dead. I'm not on it."

"When the grain and grass arrive, the horse will give it to you."

"Thank you, Dad."

Jin Wushu turned around and was about to leave when he heard a voice behind him: "the fourth prince."

He couldn't restrain his inner ecstasy, and immediately turned back. It was Hua Rong who strode. She stood under the horse, holding a bow and arrow; He sat on Wu Zhui's horse, condescending

As if it was so inconvenient, he jumped off his horse and said, "Hua Rong, do you have something to say to me?"

She nodded

As soon as the snake waved, the crowd immediately retreated, and Lu Wenlong looked at his mother curiously behind Hua Rong looked back and said softly, "son, you go to have a rest with Uncle snake first."

Boss Lu Wenlong was unwilling and dared not refuse, so he had to leave

Jin Wushu saw his son go away and just withdrew his eyes. Hua Rong came straight to the point: "fourth prince, will Qin Hui come back to the border again? I heard that you want to make song qinzong a puppet emperor and re advocate Kaifeng..."

Jin Wushu's heart was shocked, but she couldn't get around, and she even took the initiative to ask

He mused, not knowing how to answer

"Fourth prince, I have run out of trading chips with you, but this time, I still want to override it. If there is news of Qin Hui, I hope you can tell me!"

To go to Lin'an to kill Qin Hui, there is no hope at all, but if Qin Hui reaches the border! Staring at Jin Wushu's expression, she had understood that the news she had received was not groundless Her hand was quietly clenched, and her heart suddenly became boiling. If Qin Hui reached the border, she would always have some hope. It would not be so difficult to kill him

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