One Night Bride

Chapter 536

Jin Wushu's eyes casually looked at her slightly clenched fist, and her eyes burned again, extremely urgent, in sharp contrast to the scars on her body and ragged clothes The woman who used to be so clean, because of this bloody battle, was covered with dust and sweat However, instead of harming her appearance, it made her have a burning elegance that was about to burn completely

It's because of a man - because of her husband For those who die in vain, the living do not hesitate to shed the last drop of blood and sweat

His eyes fell on her clothes, fighting with knives and guns, scattered, half of his sleeve flying, revealing a white arm, reminding him that she was not a savage after all!

He began to take off his handrail Then, take off one of the clothes inside. It's a pair of silk clothes. The superior Juan yarn in the warehouse of the Song Dynasty has been improved into a pair of Hu clothes suitable for riding and archery. Because it's the dress of the fourth prince, some extremely fine patterns are added on it

His eyes were so strange that Huarong couldn't help taking a step back

But he stepped forward and threw his clothes over her Hua Rong was surprised, but his action was so fast that she hardly had time to react. There was already a heat on her body, and she realized that she had put on the clothes of the fourth prince, which just covered her bare arms

He casually said, "Hua Rong, your clothes are broken and it's still a long way to go. You can wear them first and change them when you go back."

At this time, Hua Rong noticed her embarrassment. The wind blew, and the clothes on her vest splashed. It was war. The war made the former neatness and purity disappear. As long as she was alive, who cares about appearance and clothes? After being reminded by Jin Wushu, she was a little embarrassed, took another step back, but did not refuse the covered clothes

He seemed to be saying to himself, "if the prince died in vain, no one would be willing to avenge me like this."

Hua Rong looked at him in a daze

"Through the ages, countless literary ministers and military generals have been wrongly killed. Even Zonghan of Dajin, who made great contributions, can be eliminated. How many people can avenge him? How lucky is Yue Peng? Most men in the world are inferior to him because he has a good wife and son..."

"Fourth prince, I just want to know if Qin Hui is here..." she interrupted him, very urgent, and didn't want to listen to him at all

"Hua Rong, Qin Hui is not so easy to kill. He has a hundred thousand troops in Yang Yizhong with him."

"The 100000 troops didn't follow him closely. It's easier here than Lin'an."

"Don't forget Qin Hui's martyr. He is forced to go out, and he will never ignore safety issues. He is not Wang Junhua!" Jin Wushu analyzed for her realistically, "Qin Hui, this guy, has announced that Wang Junhua is dead. He is now covering the sky with one hand. Who dares to ask about Wang Junhua's death? It is said that he even held a funeral for Wang Junhua..."

Hua Rong was surprised. Who can do such a deception except Qin Hui? It's no pity that Wang Junhua died, but Qin Hui really had nothing to do with it. Anyway, he had long hoped that Wang Junhua would die

"Fourth prince, I have one more thing. I still hope you take Wen long away. It's better for him to follow you..."

This time, it was Jin Wushu who interrupted her, and there was a slight anger in her voice: "Hua Rong, what are you? Leave your son alone?"

She was very calm: "my ability is limited, so I have to leave it alone."

"Wen long, give it to me," he said with a sneering smile. "Where's Yue Pengju's son? Give it to me, too?"

Her mouth pulled up a trace of anger, and her voice trembled slightly: "fourth prince, you haven't experienced such hatred, so you are qualified to laugh at me. Yes, I'm really sorry for my son, I'm sorry for Peng Ju, do you think I don't want to live a safe and stable life? Do you think I just love to send dead blood into a river?" Her eyes almost burst into flames, "but if I don't kill Qin Hui, I won't be peaceful all my life..."

"Then you should tell your son and let him remember hatred. It's natural for father to revenge son."

Her lips trembled slightly, and the dress trembled slightly, as if it could not stick to her body and would fall down at any time As he said, since ancient times, countless people have been wronged and killed. How many people can revenge?

"Man proposes and God disposes. If I don't work hard, I won't know the result all my life. However, I don't want my son to fly moths to the fire again."

Jin Wushu couldn't force it any longer. With a long sigh, he had never felt the pity of this woman so deeply - he felt strange that he often mistook her for a man before? He stared at her deeply and said for a long time, "Hua Rong, I'm not laughing at you, I don't want you to die!"

Hua Rong looked away and didn't look at him

"Wen long will follow you. It's time for him to hone. I will inform you at the first time when there is news from Qin Hui. Hua Rong, you should calm down and calm down. Please believe me and I will help you."

Hua Rong looked at him, and felt more and more strong: if it was true, it was also false. Jin Wushu, would he really kill the spy he supported for himself? However, his timely pursuit of the help of grace, it is not false

She was very stubborn: "fourth prince, you should take Wenlong!"

"If you want him to grow into an indomitable man, you can't let him hide in a shelter forever. He is Lu Deng's son, not a dandy young master."

Hua Rong knew that he was leaving Lu Wenlong to bind his hands and feet, but he couldn't refute it

Jin Wushu said no more. As soon as he hit the horse, Wu Zhui's horse had to run, ran a few steps, and then stopped. A few words were stuffy in his heart. It was really unpleasant not to say, Can't hold back: "Hua Rong, you don't want to take refuge in King Qin anymore. I don't believe this person. I've already inquired about him. He's married and has children. Now he's ambitious and plans to compete with Yelv for the world. Hum, he's really wishful thinking. Now, Yelv's great use is much more important to him than you. Hua Rong, don't believe it. Think about it for yourself. If King Qin really takes you seriously, how dare Yelv's great use brazenly unite Hailing to kill you? Who is king Qin? How could he not know the conspiracy? Did he stop it? No, Moreover, he did not come to save you, which is the best proof! Hua Rong, don't be naive anymore. King Qin is just a crazy pirate. If you trust him again, you will surely encounter a tragic end... "

"Don't bother the fourth Prince about my business."

Regardless of her reaction, Jin Wushu said these words, feeling proud and relaxed, hit a horse and left, and his figure soon disappeared in front

At the front pass, Wu Qimai met him, sweating. He had been worried that the fourth prince was in danger of breaking into the savage tribe alone. He was supposed to follow him but was stopped. Now he came out and hurried to say, "the fourth prince, they didn't embarrass you?"

Jin Wushu smiled: "embarrassed? How can it?"

"Those savages are so ferocious..."

"Hua Rong is there. How can Hua Rong kill me?"

"Why wouldn't Hua Rong kill you?"

Jin Wushu felt so strange: "Hua Rong won't kill me all her life. Wu Qimai, everyone in the world will kill me, and she won't kill me."

This time, the strange thing is Wu Qimai. That woman has deliberately tried to kill the fourth Prince for many times. I really don't know whether the fourth Prince is crazy or stupid

"Wu Qimai, you lead this black armored soldier to garrison the watering River, and you must ensure their safety."

"Ah?" Wu Qimai immediately said, "fourth prince, this is inappropriate. The Yellow armor is over, and Wanyan Hailing will never give up."

Jin Wushu said coldly, "it's because he won't give up that I'll arrange it like this. A yellow lipped child, who doesn't have any fighting skills, should rely on the favor of He Ci to instruct the prince in front of him. How can he know good or bad if he doesn't teach him a lesson this time?"

Wu Qimai still hardened his scalp: "fourth prince, is it worth it for you to melt flowers?"

Is it worth it? Who cares?

He was mysterious: "Wu Qimai, if you have a wife, she will not abandon you, you die in vain, she will not remarry, wandering all over the world will avenge you at any cost, will you be very happy?"


"I'll be very happy. I thought this was an example when I saw Lu Deng's wife die for love before, but there are others more stubborn than her. How easy it is to die for love, with a knife; it's hard to live... We are thousands of men in Dajin. Who has such a wife?"

Wu Qimai looked at his smiling face strangely. This arrogant hero was as innocent as a child. He was wishful thinking and immersed in fantasy. In this way, Hua Rong would become his wife? Hua Rong is even better. Don't forget, it's also revenge for Yue Peng, not for his fourth prince!

"Fourth prince, I think most men had better not have a day when their wives need revenge!"

A basin of cold water poured down, but Jin Wushu was still in high spirits: "Wu Qimai, you don't understand. This is not a matter of revenge or not, but the intention. A woman, only if she loves this man very much, will do anything... Haha, if she doesn't tell you, you won't understand if she says it, haha..."

In the laughter, Wu Zhui's horse is far away

On the other side of the watered flower river, Wanyan Hailing stared at the messy corpse, knelt down as soon as his legs were soft, and was terrified and confused. Three thousand armor men in yellow were wiped out, and none of them survived He was hysterical: "who did it? Who did it? I must kill them..."

Ten thousand men are opposite to reason. How should they deal with the wolf Lord when these people are dead?

The sound of horses' hoofs rose, and a team came from the opposite bank of the river Wanyan Hailing stood up, and the captain surprised, "the fourth prince, is the army of the fourth Prince..."

While talking, Jin Wushu had come to the front of the battle, took off the handrail, and was surprised: "hailing, what powerful opponent have you encountered?"

Wanyan Hailing's arrogance no longer existed. He was depressed and gnashed his teeth: "we encountered a trap, it was a trap..."

Jin Wushu was distressed, and his tone was severe: "hailing, these three thousand good Nuzhen men died so easily? Whose plan did you fall into?"

Wanyan Hailing didn't dare to say anything. Looking timidly at the fourth prince who sang well, Fang realized that all his schemes were just a ridiculous trick in front of him The fourth Prince is the fourth prince. No wonder he has stood up to now He hated the marrow in his heart, but did not dare to show it at all, and immediately knelt on the ground: "the fourth Prince forgives..."

"What is your sin?"

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