One Night Bride

Chapter 551

Jin Wushu was overjoyed to meet him, and the little boy opposite reined in his horse and shouted happily, "Daddy, Daddy..."

Jin Wushu stepped forward, and the father and son dismounted almost at the same time. Jin Wushu put his arm around his shoulder: "good boy, do you think I don't?"

"Of course I will miss my dad, ah, mom..." his eyes fell on Hua Rong. Hua Rong just smiled and nodded, and the sweet smell in her throat was more uncontrollable by the excitement. This was what she found for a long time, but she realized it more clearly after the war when she died

In fact, no one knows the strong blow caused by zahe's death to her They all believed that he was just one of her subordinates, even a servant with a servant In fact, it's not so. It's the departure of a trusted friend, the sudden disappearance of a close person, the loss of an arm, and no external force to rely on anymore Even the safe choice to take care of his son is so difficult

She looked at her son's intimacy with Jin Wushu with relief, which was a kind of father son intimacy Suddenly, I feel very sad and relieved. It doesn't matter whether I have myself or not Without himself, Lu Wenlong may live a happier life in his life

If you remember these things and fill your heart, your life will be ruined, just like yourself It's a mother's selfishness. As long as he's good, whether he's a thief or not?

Recently, she often breeds these very negative thoughts, subconsciously covers her chest, hurts to the bone, and makes people's will become weaker and weaker. Maybe one day, she will collapse

She gritted her teeth and suddenly met her son's eyes Lu Wenlong hurriedly said, "Mom, your face is really bad..."

She immediately interrupted him, "no, I'm fine."

Seeing that she was smiling, Lu Wenlong was really happy, "Mom, where are we going?"

Jin Wushu first replied, "go to pray for rain with my father. Son, you haven't seen the fief with me. That's our fief. You inherited my father's throne, and it's also your fief. You're the king of the little state of Yue, do you know? Son, do you want to go to your fief?"

"Of course, haha, I also have a fief. It's good."

Hua Rong frowned secretly. Jin Wushu was always instilled into children in this way. Intentionally or unintentionally, he was the owner of this land and the heir of many wealth. Adults could not resist the temptation. How could he force a child to remain indifferent?

Jin Wushu glanced at her casually. She didn't make any refutation, nor showed any dissatisfaction, let alone talk about the so-called "big festival" she insisted on. In fact, this woman is not so stubborn. At this time, she is more like a mother than ever

But why is she so harsh when facing herself? Even so poisonous?

He couldn't figure it out

The team, mighty, went to the fief. It was a rich and fertile land, but it still depended on the weather. It didn't rain for a long time. The grass and crops along the way were weak and weak Some jumping cattle and sheep are skinny because they haven't enough to eat for a long time Jin Wushu sighed. There was only one rain. As long as there was a heavy rain, the land would immediately recover its vitality and everything would recover

Behind him, Hua Rong and Lu Wenlong bridled together. The horse's speed was very slow, and the mother and son spoke softly Lu Wenlong talked about all the interesting things these days. He bet with his friends, played games, and found some strange and rare wild fruits Hua Rong listened with interest She thought, these things are far more interesting than military and political events, the relationship between song and Jin Dynasties, and the trace of Qin Hui

"Mom, you've been so tired recently. If you're free, what do you want to do most?"

"I want to see little tiger head" she blurted out without any thought at all. She was in a trance, as if little tiger head was in front of her, running around, wearing a small apron of tiger skin, naked, dark arms, a small braid on her head, constantly catching fish and shrimp, piling sand on her body layer by layer, as if she was going to bury herself alive

She thought that in the end, she always had to see xiaohutou once, so that she could do her own things without worry Perhaps, that is the last side, I have to see

Jin Wushu turned back and shouted, "son, look, it's just ahead..."

Lu Wenlong ran forward. Sure enough, he could see a faint village in front of him. It was baichengzi, the largest market of the Yue fief

"Dad, is baichengzi fun?"

"It's fun. There's also a rally table. We just want to pray for rain on the rally table."

"That's good. Can I go up, too?"

"Of course."

He waited for his son to look out for a long time, then lowered his voice: "son, what did your mother just say to you?"

"Mom said she wanted to meet little tiger head."

His hand holding the reins slowly moved down a little. Of course, he knew that xiaohutou was Hua Rong's son When she thought of her son at this moment, she was going to put all her eggs in one basket

"Also, Dad, mom said, she still asked me to follow you, saying that she would leave for a period of time, and then she would come to pick me up..." Lu Wenlong was worried, "Mom, where is she going? Will she go for many years as before?"

Jin Wushu laughed, and his voice was still very low: "son, you must follow her and never leave her."

"I don't want to leave her either."

"That's good. Good son, listen to my father's words. If she wants you to come back and follow me, you can say, you don't want to follow my father, you must follow my mother, remember..." he saw his son's face puzzled, and whispered, "my father doesn't want you. My father will naturally come to pick you up in the future, but you must remember, you must follow her now."


"Because your mother is a little injured and needs to be taken care of."

"No? When did mom get hurt?"

"Anyway, she's not in good health. Just keep an eye on her recently. And, son, don't tell her what I said today."

Lu Wenlong nodded, feeling strange, as if his father and mother had many secrets

Jin Wushu quietly turned back. The approaching dusk was like a colorful picture scroll, the whirling drought tolerant shadow of trees, the flying curling yellow sedge, the galloping cattle and sheep, the flags in baichengzi, and even the sleepy woman - when not noticed, she was always in the crowd, drooping her eyes wearily, like a tireless camel, carrying too many things. As long as she added another feather, she immediately fell down completely He hesitated. Should this feather be added?

Xinbing gave an order, which was a special horn of the Jin army Hua Rong raised her eyes and saw Bai Chengzi in front of her It was a magnificent stone city. She had never seen such a huge pure stone city. It was all made of gray and white stones, so it was called baichengzi Her eyes fell on a high square platform, which was an ancient and simple commanding platform. In the middle of the circumference, there were high tables of stones, with majestic soldiers on the left and right. You can imagine the majestic majesty of the king sitting on it when ordering troops to supervise the war

The city is bustling with people, and there are all kinds of hawkers who buy and sell things However, due to the long drought and no rain, the business appeared to be depressed. The faces of pedestrians who came and went were also full of dishes and worries, obviously worried about when the long-term punishment of God would end Naturally, the local magistrate has received a quick report that the fourth Prince is coming to pray for rain, and has already opened the warehouse for grain relief For the citizens who have been hungry for a long time, of course, it is a matter of pie falling from the sky. They took their grain bags with their families, carried their baskets, and rushed to the granary in the north of the city. Inside and outside, they were surrounded by a sea of people

The relief lasted for three days, and the evening came to an end. The people's faces were slightly relieved of their great fear. Suddenly, when they saw the honor guard of the fourth prince, they immediately cheered:

"The fourth Prince is here..."

"The fourth prince came to pray for rain..."

"If the fourth prince comes, will we not be hungry?"

"The fourth Prince is a great hero. We are the subjects of the fourth prince. Of course, he won't let us starve..."

"When the fourth prince opened the warehouse for food relief, no hero of Da Jin could match him, and even those guys who made trouble took the initiative to stop?"

"That's when they got the food. The fourth prince was very kind and righteous. He not only didn't investigate these guys, but also said that he would give them more wasteland. The fourth prince was invincible. Hum, if he attacked several rebel guys, he would scare their souls..."

"Haven't you heard the new order issued by the local official? It was issued this morning, and the fourth prince said that we should be exempted from all taxes this year..."

"Look, that's the little prince. Wow, he's really like a little fairy boy, like the fourth prince. The tiger father has no dogs, and he's really a young hero..."


Hua Rong listened quietly in the crowd. From military exploits to Wenzhi, the people of baichengzi talked and talked endlessly. She understood that Jin Wushu had such a high prestige in the eyes of the immortal Just as Yue Peng cited it in the Song Dynasty

She smiled bitterly, a pearl of a, B arsenic The difference between the two worlds is so great

Lu Wenlong followed his father with excitement and glory. He was really a little bit like a little king Yue, waving his hands to the crowd, cordial and reserved, as if he was born for such pomp Hua Rong had to sigh, what a flexible and flexible child he was. When he was in the savage tribe, he soon became one with other wild children Will such children live more like fish and water in the future?

Jin Wushu was busy greeting his subjects. At this time, he was no longer the high-ranking fourth prince, no longer the brutal war criminal, and completely close to the people. He was naturally the master of this land, driving away the shadow of drought over his subjects' heads and bringing them confidence and hope

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