One Night Bride

Chapter 552

Hua Rongyi observed carefully, and saw that this baichengzi had a solid wall base, which was easy to defend but difficult to attack. In particular, Sifangtai was simply a large fortress, which could be attacked and defended Suddenly realized that Jin Wushu once said that "those in the world who have virtue and strength live there" may not be a pure joke Compared with huangkouxiaoerheci, he spent half his life on the war horse and fought half of the country. I'm afraid it's not incredible to have this idea

Jin Wushu stopped: "Hua Rong, you go to the auditorium first, and I'll change my ceremonial clothes."

"You don't have to worry about me. Go ahead."

Lu Wenlong excitedly took his hand: "Dad, am I going with you?"

He glanced at Huarong, who was noncommittal. He said happily, "you are my son. Of course, we should pray together. Let the old Dragon King bless us forever. The weather is good in baichengzi, and the people live and work in peace and contentment."

A canopy platform for praying for rain has been built on the quadrangle platform

The tall old dragon king was enshrined in the center, and the incense table below was placed with five colored silk threads, five colored livestock, five colored fragrant fruits, and five boys and girls, all made of colored paper grass Originally, according to the barbaric rain praying law of the former kingdom of Jin, real boys and girls were used, but with the gradual Sinicization of these years, Jin Wushu ordered to abolish this terrible bad habit and replace it with paper and grass people

Hua Rong did not go to the auditorium, but stood in the crowd listening to the whispers of the common people

"In the past, a real person was used to kill and sacrifice the old dragon king. Fortunately, the fourth Prince ordered the abolition..."

"It's not possible. Maybe it's just that there is no real person, so the Dragon Lord is angry and doesn't rain..."

Hua Rong couldn't help but said faintly, "Lord long won't be so merciless. He is an immortal. How can he treat his people so cruelly?"

People didn't know who she was. One person hurried to say, "yes, yes, yes, use real people. If you use your son and your daughter, are you willing?"


While arguing, I suddenly heard the sharp and heavy voice of the great priest, as if he had killed a chicken and half died, "please welcome the fourth prince, the sacrifice ceremony begins..."

The crowd immediately quieted down. On the left side of the platform, two rows of honor guards with rain cloud fans opened the way, and in the middle, two people in big robes slowly came out Naturally, the leader is Jin Wu Shu. He wears a high crown and a modified black-and-white robe with a huge eight trigrams pattern in the middle It is said that in the late Three Kingdoms period, this kind of eight trigrams pattern was mixed and spread among the major ethnic minorities and tribes, but Hua Rong didn't expect that the witch clothes they sacrificed were actually eight trigrams clothes Jin Wushu held a vase in his hand, his eyes were level, his eyes were focused, and his expression was solemn and serious Behind him, Lu Wenlong also had the same dignified expression. He was completely a little adult, and he was also holding a jade bottle of the same color It is said that the bottle contains the "source of water" prayed by the wizard. After worshipping the Dragon King, it will sprinkle the earth. In this way, the dark clouds will roll, summon the rain god, and get the precious rain

I have known Jin Wushu for many years, and my impression of him is that in addition to the enemies on the battlefield, sometimes true, sometimes false, unpredictable, artful, pretending to be amorous, and in addition to his superb tricks of playing politics and conspiracy. In a word, except for war criminals and black politicians, Hua Rong's other impression of him is that he is all stuck in the fight for his wives and concubines, Yelv Guanyin, Wang Junhua, Xiao Wei... All kinds of women are romantic and fickle

This is the first time that she broke away from these impressions and looked at him from a fair point of view - to evaluate a man, in addition to his machinations, in addition to his private life (very simple, as long as he is not your husband, even if he married 10000 women, what does it have to do with you?), What's more important is to see his character, especially the ruler. It depends on his reputation in the eyes of the people and how much he has done for his people

It turned out that in baichengzi, Jin Wushu was another kind of painting. He was a real hero. He paid light taxes, encouraged reclamation, opened warehouses for disaster relief, prayed for rain in person, and even the small-scale riots caused by drought and hunger, because he got food and heard of the arrival of the fourth prince, he quickly subsided by himself

The voice of the great priest was still flat, like a chicken strangled at the neck: "worship begins... The Dragon King prays for rain... Ulamami waha..." after he strangely recited a string of spells, Jin Wushu went to the statue of the Dragon King, knelt on the futon, raised the bottle above his head, and made a big bow to the Dragon King After saluting, he turned around and stood up. Then, Lu Wenlong followed him and saluted like him. After that, he walked to his father and stood side by side with him. Both father and son raised the bottle, climbed to the top of the quadrangle, opened the green bottle, and swung the water in the bottle down high After a light rain and fog, a prepared wild Ganoderma lucidum like plant was inserted into the vase and placed next to the Dragon King on the high platform

Then, the great priest waved a sword, chanted words, and hacked at the East and the West six or thirty-six times, implying that he was driving away all kinds of demons and ghosts that stopped the rain god

The honor guard on the stage began to sing, and yiyayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayaya

Hua Rongyou read Wang Chong's "Lun Heng" and didn't believe in ghosts and gods, nor did he believe in the rain praying of Jin Wu Shu There is no Dragon King in the world. How can you control whether it rains or not? The so-called praying for rain is just to appease the people

At this time, the sun was red and it was going to be dark. There was no sign of rain at all

The common people did not care about this and talked about it. As soon as the rain prayer was over, they went home happily, as if it was going to rain heavily soon

Jin Wushu was still wearing a big robe. Sheng Xia was wearing such a robe. He was sweating, but he didn't immediately take it off. Looking around, he saw Hua Rong coming from the crowd

"Hua Rong, why don't you go to the auditorium and sit and watch?"

Before Hua Rong answered, Lu Wenlong also ran over and kept fanning his sleeve: "Mom, it's so hot, I'm so thirsty..."

"Well, well, we'll go to drink water right away. Son, we're really home now," Jin Wushu said with infinite joy. "Son, this is our real home. Here, you're the little king, what do you want... Well, we'll go back right away, there's something good waiting for you..."

Lu Wenlong was so thirsty that he pulled Hua Rong's hand and left

Below baichengzi is a huge palace It's all made of marble and marble. As soon as you step on it, you immediately feel a chill, which is in sharp contrast to the heat outside

In addition, it is not luxurious, even simple, which is completely different from the luxury of the fourth prince in Shangjing and Yanjing mansions

Seeing Hua Rong, Jin Wushu was surprised, as if he knew what she was thinking, and said with a smile: "Yanjing and Shangjing are other people's territories. Of course, I can be as luxurious as I can; however, baichengzi is my private and my territory, so I just want to make the country rich and the people strong, accumulate wealth first, and don't waste money..."

Sure enough, this is what the fourth prince thought in his heart. He really has great ambition

Lu Wenlong did not care about this, but walked forward excitedly. In the open area, there were some dense ancient cypresses, which were thick and surrounded. They were not affected by the drought in the past two months, and they were still thriving and promoted At this time, the last touch of dawn had dispersed. Lu Wenlong couldn't wait to pick up the sour plum soup handed over by a servant and finish it in one breath. He was about to speak when he suddenly heard a rumble

Even Hua Rong was startled. The sky was dark and covered with dark clouds, and the big raindrops fell. Soon, the rain turned into a pouring rain. The endless rain curtain was like a tight wall

Lu Wenlong shouted, stretched out his hand, and the big rain splashed in his palm: "hahahaha, it's really raining, Dad, it's really raining. Mom, it's because of my praying for rain... The old dragon king heard my praying with Dad..."

Hua Rong was stunned. It took a while to breathe out. It really rained

Jin Wushu jumped up like Lu Wenlong, and almost fell off his crown without knowing: "it's raining, it's raining... Thank the old Dragon King..."

The bodyguards, servants and local officials of the whole palace put down all their work and cheered and jumped. They were more delighted than the victory of the great battle for this life-saving rain

The power of nature is always awesome

Jin Wushu also stretched out his hand like Lu Wenlong. He didn't feel the rain on the Bagua robe at all. He said happily, "Hua Rong, do you see it? It's raining, it's really raining... God bless the crown prince..."

This guy is really lucky

Hua Rong had to be convinced. No wonder he was imposing on the battlefield and smooth in the court. Apart from Machiavellism, was there no element of luck? The so-called time is also fate, which is really compelling

Does this mean that a person like him will do nothing but harm?

Her mind and soul are turbulent and infinite hope is bred. As long as he is willing to help himself and kill Qin Hui, there will no longer be only two choices, "0 or 1"

The feast was arranged, all the windows were opened, and no one cared about the rain splashing It was a great honor to participate in the feast of the fourth prince. Local officials introduced him to the size of baichengzi while eating and drinking Jin Wushu listened carefully and looked at the rain from time to time. His state of mind was unprecedentedly bright, and even the underlying internal diseases seemed to suddenly recover. It was really refreshing when people had a happy event Lu Wenlong sat next to him. This was the first time that he was introduced to his subjects by his father with such seriousness He listened carefully. Occasionally, Jin Wushu heard some reports and asked his opinions to encourage him to say something Therefore, the local officials understood that the little prince really wanted to inherit everything from the fourth prince, and his attitude towards him was very respectful and valued

Hua Rong was alone in the inner room. The women she served were far less beautiful than the Ji concubine in Yanjing and Shangjing, and they didn't speak the language. They were obviously simple maids The food can't be compared with the palace in Yanjing, but it's exquisite She ordered the maids to step back and didn't hurry to eat. She only drank a bowl of plum juice soup, pushed open the window and watched the heavy rain outside

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