One Night Bride

Chapter 561

The horse's hooves were vertical and horizontal, and no one caught up with Yang Yizhong's soldiers, watching him run away Until they were about to run out of the camp of the song army, someone reacted and shouted, "seize him..." behind them, there was Jin Jun Zha's cry: "seize King Qin and reward a thousand liang of gold..."

But most of them shouted in Jurchen, which Song Jun couldn't understand; Even if some people understand, they don't need to make wedding clothes for Jin Jun, so the action is not so effective

Jin Jun saw that the situation was bad, and the interpreter who was proficient in Chinese ran forward and shouted at the top of his voice, "that's the king Qin, seize it, seize it..."

"If you want to offend King Qin, seize the reward of 1000 liang of gold..."

"Ten thousand liang of gold..."

The Jin army rushed up in a swarm. Previously, they had the mentality of watching the song people from afar and watching the good play. It didn't matter to assassinate Qin Hui. Now it was ordered and rewarded heavily. Each one was brave to take the lead, but at this time, the song army broke up and became an army, which greatly hindered their rush and inadvertently helped King Qin

Song and Jin Dynasties cooperated for the first time, but the goals were completely inconsistent. Song Junzhi was in the flower melt, and they didn't care who king Qin was; Jin Jun was not so enthusiastic about Hua Rong's assassination of Qin Hui; Both sides have different intentions, of course, there is no cooperation

"Chasing Huarong first or King Qin?"

"King Qin is none of our business..."

"Huarong is none of our business, and we won't be rewarded if we catch it..."

Several song soldiers lazily tried to stop King Qin. King Qin had no intention of pestering these soldiers, and the soldiers also fled one after another But several other brave men rushed up and shouted, "catch him, catch him, if the criminal runs away, the prime minister will never forgive you..."

It turned out that it was the remains of Qin Hui who hid in the song soldiers and moved by chance King Qin had already hated these dead men to the bone. Seeing that they were not dead hearted and kept inciting, he couldn't help hating them. He cut down with a knife. The dead man fell to the ground, his blood scattered on the ground and dried up the dust on the ground Everyone was frightened. For a moment, no one dared to come forward again, not even Jin Jun. Sheng gave him a bloody path, and pursued Hua Rong with indomitable determination

Behind him, hundreds of yellow armor warriors formed a strange array and retreated orderly This is a completely different formation from the abduction horse Song Jun had never seen such a strange array. Coupled with the strange situation today, they were no more than Qin Hui's dead men, and they had no intention of fighting senselessly. They also saw Yang Yizhong fall, lose the command of the main general, and see the people retreat. A deputy general came forward and asked, "Mr. Xiang, King Qin ran away..."

Yang Yizhong was angry, as if he didn't hear it. Several soldiers just sorted out his messy armor He used to be known as the "bearded man". He had a fluffy and very beautiful beard. As he rolled on the ground, the beard was full of dust. He kept poking it with his hands

"My Lord, Jin Jun said, seize King Qin and reward a thousand liang of gold..."

Another song Jun curled his lips: "Jin Jun has never been faithful, and the reward is not ours."

Now that the assassins have run away, in the territory dominated by the kingdom of Jin, of course, they can't compete with the Jin army for credit. Even if they catch King Qin, the credit is theirs

"But what if the assassin runs away?"

"The assassin ran away and couldn't catch up. There was no way for the dead under the prime minister. What else can we do?"

The deputy general retreated wisely, and Yang Yizhong was completely immersed in the defeat just now, as if only his beard was the most important thing in the world He can't wait to withdraw his troops at once Seeing that the commander-in-chief was negative and even more unwilling to die, they all ran away, pretending to block a few times, completely out of work King Qin and others entered the no man's land. Seeing Song Jun fleeing, he no longer attacked the killer. He shouted all the way and rushed out in a swaggering manner

Song Jun idled, but he was anxious to damage the xiazha behind. Seeing that the leading troops were useless, he rushed up by himself Seeing him like this, Jin Jun followed him one after another, but Song Jun was terrified by this formation. Thinking that there was going to be war again, he made a mess, pushing and shoving intentionally or unintentionally; Xia Zha couldn't march in a hurry at all, and was furious: "come on, King Qin is going to run... Stop him... Catch him and give him a thousand liang of gold... Useless things, you song pigs, even a person can't stop you, useless song pigs..."

Angered by the song pig, the song soldiers glared at each other, and the Jin army stopped them. They will soon fight against each other Although Jin Jun is elite, its number is not as large as Song Jun, and it dare not be too arrogant

The interpreters of both sides were afraid of another war, so they quickly explained to each other, and finally managed to stabilize the situation

King Qin looked back and saw this situation. He laughed and looked at a anxious Jin Jiang in the distance. It was Xia Zha He grabbed a soldier's bow and arrow with his split hand, pulled the bow and aimed, "whoosh" and shot out He is as powerful as an ox. although archery is not as good as using a knife, he is much better than ordinary people. This arrow runs through the wind, like a boat full of sails. Song Jun, who has long avoided the long distance, unexpectedly shoots directly at Xia Xia Xia

Xia Zha saw such a strong man for the first time, and only heard the man in his ear shouting "be careful, general..." his head tilted, and he was very embarrassed. The arrow was close to his ear. A Jin Jun couldn't dodge, screamed, and this sharp arrow had been inserted in his chest At such a long distance, King Qin can be so brave. Where have people seen such an array? There was a moment of silence

King Qin shouted angrily, "that damn golden dog is also an abscess. Next time I'll kill your dog again, hahahahaha..." he laughed and ran away arrogantly

In the song army camp, a man suddenly said, "I've seen this momentum. Only then did Yue Yuan Shuai have such courage..."

"We have such heroes in the Song Dynasty..."

"Is it from the Song Dynasty?"

"Didn't you listen to the golden man? It's King Qin..."

"Master Qin?"

Song Jun soon whispered

Xia Xia was so angry that her eyes were red that she shouted "chase..."

But under chaos, where can we catch up through layers of obstacles?

Although he was brave, after all, he fell behind, and there was still a long way to go. Seeing King Qin's posture of "although thousands of people, I will go", he could only helplessly watch the "God of wealth" run away We should expect Song Jun to cooperate. However, the two armies, which have been hostile for many years, just happened to cooperate reluctantly. Now they are doomed. He shouted "General Yang", but where is the shadow of Yang Yizhong? It turned out that after being humiliated, Yang Yizhong had already left with his men and horses without even calling him

Soon, the song army retreated completely

After this war, Da Jin saw clearly that the so-called "famous generals" existing in the Song Dynasty were simply vulnerable, and he did not pay attention to the song state And Song Jun also saw that the so-called invincible Jin Jun was no more than you. Not even one person could win, and it was not worth much fear This is a postscript. I'll pass it by in one stroke

At this time, a group of people in charge of chasing the mysterious golden general also returned Xia Zha rushed up, furious: "where are people?"

"It's gone."

He was unbelievable and shouted, "how could it disappear? There are at least a thousand people in such a big abduction horse, how could it disappear?"

"It's really gone. Their horse's feet are fast. They are all chosen by thousands of people. We can't catch up at all."

"Waste, what horse can be a thousand mile horse? You can't catch up, and there are many excuses. Can these people cut their wings and can't fly?"


The crowd stammered and dared not answer again Xia Zha is ferocious, and everyone is slightly unhappy, for fear of losing their lives

Xia Zha saw that the mysterious Jin Jiang and King Qin had fled one after another, but he unnecessarily damaged many people on his side. Now, except for the corpses in one place, the main criminals have disappeared

"Git, Song Jun is git, these damn song pigs, don't have a good thing... You are also git, all git..." he cursed a few words, and saw a Qianfu who inquired about Qin Hui's whereabouts also return

He asked loudly, "where is Qin Hui? Is he dead?"

The commander hurriedly said, "the situation is very chaotic. Qin Hui ran away and went to Liujia temple. Probably the situation is not good."

"Ah? Was he really stabbed?"

"Really, I heard it was a knife in the chest."

"Go to the post house to visit and repay quickly."


One of his staff whispered to him, "general, the general is still waiting for news..." the general is his brother Wanyan Hailing This time, it was because the fourth prince went to baichengzi and couldn't come back in time. It was Hailing's turn to send troops to protect the "safety" of the peace talks. It was originally just a transition. When the fourth prince came back, he was on duty. Unexpectedly, the fourth Prince hadn't seen anyone, and the two sides made a mess first Isn't this an opportunity for the fourth prince to go all out to suppress his brother? Even the wolf owner can't protect himself

Xia Zha was rude, but her mind was simple. At this time, she was confused and hurriedly asked, "what do you say?"

"Qin Hui's life and death have nothing to do with us, but the mysterious Jin will be very important..."

Xia Zha opened his eyes excitedly, and he immediately understood the secret. Yes, if he caught this person, he would not only make everything clean, but also make great contributions

"Immediately try to find out the whereabouts of the abductor horse..." he said to the group of people who had just chased the golden general, "after you've chased for so long, you'll always have a clue. Say quickly, is there any trace?"

No one answered, you look at me, I look at you

"General, they lost their direction ten miles ahead. There is a fork in the road, and there are mountains and forests. We can't track them."

"I'm not asking you about their escape direction, but who is that Jin Jiang?"

Everyone said in unison, "I don't know."

"Waste, haven't you found anything after fighting with him for so long?"

Everyone shook his head

Xia Zha was helpless and looked at her staff again The aide whispered a few words in his ear, and he immediately looked happy

"What are you doing? Don't you even know Da Jin's abductor horse? Don't you say it or don't you dare to say it?"

Finally, a commander stepped forward carefully. He was a close friend of Xia Zha's brothers. At this time, he gradually understood Xia Zha's meaning and said, "although we don't know Jin Jiang, the assassin is very strange."

"How strange?"

"Song Jun said that the man was Yue Pengju's widow... I heard that in the chase, they all said that it was Hua Rong..."

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