One Night Bride

Chapter 562

Jin Jun fought with Yue Jiajun many times, and because of the fourth prince, he knew the name "Huarong"

One person objected, "but isn't that assassin yinmuke?"

"Fool, yinmu can't even speak Chinese. How could he assassinate Qin Hui? Besides, he's a real gold man. What good is killing Qin Hui for him? Come on..."

Yinmuke's immediate boss stood out, sweating They were responsible for guarding the Wuliting, but such a thing happened. They didn't even know when yinmu had been dropped Afraid of being punished, he immediately knelt on the ground and dared not speak

"You say, where is yinmu?"

"Report back to the general. Silver wood is missing."

"Is yinmu the assassin?"

"Damn the villain, the villain doesn't know. Now, yinmu has completely disappeared."

"You don't even know your own people?"

"Silver wood has yellow hair, and the assassin also has yellow hair..."

Xia Zha whipped him and made him turn a somersault: "get away, fool, you don't even know your subordinates. Pull it down and beat a hundred wickers again."

Poor Jin Jun was immediately dragged down and beaten up

"Say, tell me what you know. The assassin must be pretending to be yinmuke."

"That's right. If it's yinmuke, how can King Qin save him? What does King Qin have to do with him?"

"Is it really Huarong?"

"It must be Hua Rong. Qin Hui killed Yue Pengju. It's normal for her to assassinate him to avenge her husband. Otherwise, Yin Muke and Qin Hui have no grievances. What do you do to kill him?"

"But isn't it said that Huarong is in Dajin? Last year, many people saw her on the grassland with the fourth Prince..."

The crowd suddenly shut up, thinking of the fierce relationship inside, the atmosphere did not dare to say a word, otherwise, if they said a wrong word, it would be a disaster in the future It was the commander who observed the words and expressions and whispered, "everyone knows that the woman named Hua Rong has a great relationship with the fourth Prince..."

Xia Zha naturally heard this from Hailing's mouth. He waved his whip angrily, excited and impatient. If it weren't for the winks of his staff several times, he would go to battle himself The fourth prince, Hua Rong -- so, it's easy to explain who the mysterious Jin will be

He just wanted to guide them to this theme. He shouted, "go on, everyone has any clues, but it doesn't matter. The wolf owner will decide everything!" His voice was so loud that he wished everyone could hear it

"Abduction horse is our elite army of Dajin, and general commanders have no right to transfer..." indeed, except for the fourth prince, the marshal in charge of all the soldiers and horses in the world, most people dare not and have no right to transfer abduction horse at all "There are only twoorthree people under the fourth prince, but they are not in Yanjing at present..."

Xia Zha is very satisfied. So far, he has achieved his goal. Now he is going to strip the cocoon and really burn the fire He raised his voice again: "who of you saw the appearance of the golden general?"

No one answered, even if it was Xia Zha's deployment, he didn't dare to easily arrange the wrong of the fourth prince. The fourth prince was powerful, and the slightest carelessness was the great crime of beheading

It was the commander who summoned up his courage: "although the villain didn't see his face clearly, once he was attacked, his handrail was askew, and he vaguely saw a little figure, but the villain didn't dare to judge..."

"Speak quickly, don't hesitate..."

"In the opinion of the villain, that person may be... The villain dare not say..."

"You said it was the fourth prince?"

Even Xia Zha's minions dare not publicly identify "No, the villain didn't see clearly."

After years of prestige, the fourth Prince has become a real super idol in the kingdom of Jin. Although he is a soldier of Hailing brothers, he heard the word "the fourth Prince" come out with his own ears. For a moment, he stopped and no one dared to say anything more Subconsciously, no one is willing to believe, how is it possible for the fourth prince?

Xia Zha saw that everyone was so timid, and his commander was so timid that he wanted to whip him angrily. However, in the middle of the way, he had to put down his whip, suppress his anger, and stare at him, "what else do you see?"

"The man seems to have been stabbed and injured under the left waist..."

Xia Zha Yixi, if it's the fourth prince, as long as you check the injury, wouldn't it be clear?

"However, the fourth Prince uses mace instead of spear. Moreover, the fourth Prince's mount is Wu Zhui's horse, and this man can't match anything..."

"Fool, don't the fourth Prince know to temporarily change a weapon and a horse?"

The commander didn't dare to say it, but when he saw Xia Zha saying it himself, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Xia Zha's eyes again, knew Xia Zha's intention, and looked at Xia Zha's whip, so he had to shout: "the villain didn't dare to hide the general, that man's body shape is really like the fourth Prince..."

All the generals heard it, and all of them were in an uproar This is too outrageous. How could the fourth Prince send out abductors to save the woman? Moreover, everyone in the Jin State knew that Qin Hui was the confidant of the fourth prince, and the only order of the fourth prince was to follow Would he protect the man who assassinated Qin Hui?

"However, if the fourth prince, how could he come specifically for that woman?"

"No way, the fourth Prince is the hero of our da Jin..."

"It can never be the fourth Prince..."

"It would be terrible if it were true."

Xia Zha listened to the people's heated discussion triumphantly. What he wanted was this effect. The wider the publicity, the better. In this way, he could exert great pressure on the fourth prince. He didn't believe that he could really cover the sky with one hand Since he dares to do such a big thing as dispatching abductors, he cannot be afraid of being known At that time, it depends on how he can bear the charge of "collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country"

"It's ridiculous. How can the fourth Prince save a song woman?"

"You don't know that. Do you know who the song woman is?"

"Her name is Hua Rong, and the fourth Prince dotes on her. He publicly announced it when he was on the grassland." The commander boldly said, "the fourth Prince's lecherousness is well known. He was fascinated by the witch, so he didn't hesitate to take risks..."

Xia Zha certainly doesn't think this is the real reason. The dignified fourth prince can never take such a big risk rashly. More likely, the fourth Prince deliberately did something against his brother He seemed to seize the handle of the fourth prince, and suddenly became excited, waving his whip: "the fourth Prince is treason, treason of our kingdom of gold. How could it be such a coincidence? King Qin also came? He knew that King Qin was there, and he would not go to arrest him, deliberately letting him go?"

At this time, he happened to stop talking Several ten thousand captains were in a cold sweat

"You mean that the fourth Prince colluded with King Qin?"

He let it go, exaggerating, "it's not what I said." Then he continued, "250000 liang of silver! 250000 Liang, and 250000 silk..."

It is not impossible for the fourth prince to be moved, which is equivalent to a year's GDP of the kingdom of gold

For women is false, for this large sum of money is true Xia Zha was extremely excited to guide everyone's suspicion to this reasonable level: if the fourth prince had not conspired with King Qin, how could he have lost such a large amount of tribute silver? Moreover, after the incident, the fourth prince was always pushing and blocking, hiding in his fief and refusing to come back. What was it that there was a ghost in his heart?

He rubbed his hands and showed a malicious and sinister smile in his eyes: "I want to go back to the wolf owner immediately."

An aide was worried: "what if it's not the fourth prince? The fourth Prince is not easy to mess with..."

Xia Zha is not sure. Even the bodyguard can't testify It is obviously absurd to testify against the fourth prince on this basis But how could he give up such an opportunity? After a little thought, he said, "it's not easy. Ask the pass, such a large number of abducted horses will never show the slightest trace."

"The general is wise. The little ones will do it right away."

Xia Zha's eyes showed a fierce light. He and hailing brothers had already had a gap with Jin Wushu. At this time, although he was not sure, he must not be cheap. This person immediately whispered, "go to collect evidence immediately, examine all the bodies of those soldiers and horses, save them, and look for evidence. If the fourth prince, hum, the wolf owner must punish him heavily..."

"What about King Qin and his party?"

"What else can I do?" He was angry and looked at the escape direction of King Qin and others with hatred. "You fools, you can't even stop anyone. The top priority is to eliminate the traitors first, otherwise, it will endanger the foundation of our big gold."

Xia Zha gave an order, arranged matters, immediately set out on the road, flew to Yanjing, and was ready to report the matter to the wolf owner in person. Moreover, there was his brother Hailing along the way Hailing is not at ease after all. According to the estimation of time, hailing is on the way. Maybe, if it happens, he can meet King Qin and others

Ahead was a lush mountain forest. The horse ran wildly and didn't know how long it stopped. Hua Rong couldn't control the horse and fell heavily to the ground. He was numb and didn't know the pain

She lay on the ground, closed her eyes, and did not know whether it was day or night. In front of her, Venus burst out in disorder, and many voices were humming, but she could not distinguish

There was a rustling sound, and then it slowly expanded, as if the cavalry were galloping She didn't know whether it was pursuers or reinforcements, but at this time she had lost her sense of fear and lay down slowly. That's it. Let's leave it to fate

There was no sound around, only the sound of the cavalry rushing past, clattering, it was an iron armor pocket handrail, suddenly thinking of the mysterious abductor horse It's them! Detour, maybe looking for yourself?

She wanted to make a sound, but she didn't want to make a sound At this moment, I don't want to see the man under the handrail at all. Since he has the intention to hide, why should he face him again?

From far to near, and from near to far, she could even feel the heat exhaled by the horse, rushing through the woods, hazy, and then silent

At this moment, I always thank him

Because of this, I am more reluctant to meet him again and become an inextricable knot

The sound of horses' hoofs completely disappeared, and she slowly sat up. She didn't know whether she was leaning against a big tree. She only felt the soft grass, moist, and some dry leaves under her feet At this time, I suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling - the person who just passed by was not him, nor anyone I knew

Who is he?

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