One Night Bride

Chapter 563

When she was about to catch up and see what happened, it was too late, so she had to sit down again in vain, looking forward to the dawn Behind him, there is king Qin in the bloody battle. He must have escaped, right?

In midsummer, dark green shadows rub against the scorching sun overhead There are two branches, one of which leads to the Yanjing mansion of the fourth prince from afar

Lu Wenlong rode on the red rabbit horse. He was still the rich clothes of the little prince, and he also wore the high crown of baichengzi when he came out This makes him full of a noble spirit developed since childhood, which makes handsome even more beautiful He was carrying a special long gun, which was also made for him by Jin Wushu when he was in baichengzi, but it was obviously prepared for a long time. As soon as he went, the gun had been fired and decorated The weight of this gun is only 18 Song Jin, which is very handy and suitable for him

But at this time, he didn't want to enjoy this precious sharp spear, but looked at Wu Qimai anxiously: "where the hell has dad gone? Why haven't you come back? I'm still waiting for him to come back and go to my mother with him." Mom left without saying goodbye, and dad said he would not come back. The adult world made him more and more confused

Wu Qimai took his time: "go back to the little prince. The fourth Prince just went hunting and will come back soon."


"This time it's a tiger fight, so children can't go."

Lu Wenlong's face was a little angry: "Oh, didn't you say to go to the wolf owner for discussion before? How did it turn into hunting again?"

Wu Qimai realized that he had accidentally told different lies. He was not a fickle person. Seeing Lu Wenlong's aggressiveness, he immediately shut up and let Lu Wenlong grind hard and just don't hear him

Lu Wenlong couldn't. when he was in a hurry, he could only hear the sound from the mountains He was overjoyed, but Wu Qimai raised his vigilance. After a while, he saw a group of people rushing down the mountain path, led by Jin Wushu

"Dad, Dad..." Lu Wenlong greeted him, and saw that dad was sweating all over his head, as if he had walked a long way. The sweat also wet his sweater and stained him A gust of wind blew, and the sweat of the shirt seemed to evaporate and spread again

Wu Qimai was a little uneasy. Lu Wenlong hurriedly handed him a large water bag. He took it, lifted his neck, gulped it, and then touched the sweat all over his head and turned to his son: "how did you come here?"

"I urged Uncle Wu to beg for help. I asked him to come."

This boy, young, still knows how to take responsibility on himself? He looked at his son and felt a little relieved

Lu Wenlong couldn't wait. "Dad, where's mom? Did you find mom?" This is what he asked when he opened his eyes on the second day he arrived in baichengzi Mother never left without saying goodbye like that, even without telling herself The panic when I woke up was unspeakable. There was still a shadow in the young man's heart. Just like last time, could it be dad who imprisoned his mother again? Otherwise, how could she disappear without cause? In particular, these days, he has experienced several life and death battles of the serpent tribe. Each time, he narrowly escaped death. Only his mother has sacrificed her life to save herself for many times, and has already personally experienced the threat and horror of death Who knows whether to die or live when mom goes?

Jin Wushu didn't expect Hua Rong to run away without saying hello. He must have left Wen long beside him, relying on himself, lost all his worries, and ran away regardless He was angry and anxious, and he couldn't explain to his son at all. He had to take his son back for days However, when he arrived in Yanjing, he said he had something important. He left his son in Wu Qimai's care and left without even returning home Lu Wenlong thought more and more strange, and he simply couldn't wait patiently at home, so he forced Wu Qimai to go out with him Vaguely, his mother must have encountered some trouble again. He knew that he was too weak to save his mother alone, so he had to take Wu Qimai with many people Wu Qimai had no choice and did not dare to disobey the order of the fourth Prince without authorization. He had to take dozens of family generals with him, and the right was to hunt But Lu Wenlong couldn't stand his repeated questioning, and the lies were broken one by one. Later, he simply couldn't make a sound

"Dad, have you seen your mother?"

Jin Wushu didn't answer him. He looked at the people he took first, and then at his hands. He was so neatly dressed and holding a long pair of guns. It was obvious that he was ready to fight at any time

"Where's mom? Where is mom?"

He repeatedly asked this sentence, and his expression became more and more frightened However, the father did not answer Is it true that he didn't go to find his mother at all?

Jin Wushu looked at his son's anxious expression and shook his head, "I don't know where your mother is."

Lu Wenlong shouted, "aren't you looking for mom?"

He said with a wry smile, "I went to deal with something, not to go to your mother. I told you when I left."

He shouted, "what is more important than my mother?"

"Son, we can go to your mother now."

"Do you know where mom is?"

"I don't know. I've also completely lost her news."

Lu Wenlong stared at him and found that his father was also full of anxiety. Obviously, he didn't know his mother's news Since I don't know, how can I find it?

"Dad, where are we going to find mom?"

"Oh, I don't know. Your mother is stubborn. I don't know where she went." This woman, there is no time to stop, tossing every day I don't know what I'll do before I give up However, if it were not for this, it would not be flower melting

Lu Wenlong was silent for a moment and mentioned the double guns: "no, mom must have an accident and be in danger..."

"Son, don't worry. We'll go to find your mother right away. She must be fine."

Lu Wenlong saw that Dad's expression was a little strange, as if he didn't worry about his mother's life and death At least, not as anxious as myself He thought that it was because dad didn't know the danger he had experienced with his mother, he didn't know, he didn't know the horror of the fire burning, he didn't know the narrow life of Wanyan Hailing ambushing people, and he didn't know the hopeless despair of watching all his friends die in front of you... At that time, there was nothing to rely on except mom! He is still a teenager, but he has experienced the life of the serpent tribe for several months Because of this, they grow up rapidly and are no longer innocent teenagers in the past Because of this, I am particularly worried about the safety of my mother

Jin Wushu patted his head: "your mother left suddenly, there is always her reason. Don't worry."

He was stunned, holding a long gun, lowered his head, and was very sad: "why did mom leave? Before, she would not leave without telling me. Unless she had to, she would never leave without saying goodbye to me. Moreover, she also said, she, she really wanted to see xiaohutou, did she want me to find xiaohutou?... I have never seen xiaohutou..."

Jin Wushu was also stunned This child, how strong he used to be, but these days, he has been cared and spoiled by Hua Rong, enjoying the tenderness of a kind mother, and has unconsciously become sensitive, and his attachment to his mother has become deeper and deeper After learning that his mother was missing, he was simply stupid and kept silent all the way. Even the joy brought by praying for rain completely disappeared and became a silent teenager

"Son, it's not good for you!" Jin Wushu is a little unhappy. Such a sentimental child is too inconsistent with his temperament, and it is not a good man I'm very worried. Hua Rong will leave sooner or later. Even now I don't know her whereabouts If she left the kingdom of Jin completely, what would her son do? He said earnestly: "son, you are going to grow up, and you always have to leave your mother. Which man can rely on his mother all his life? Besides, our good men of Dajin are all at once, bloody in the battlefield, dependent on their mother, and can only be laughed at as cowards..."

"I'm not relying on my mother. I'm worried about my mother. Can't I worry? Don't those good men worry about their mothers when they are in trouble?"

This is the first time he has talked back to his father

For a moment, Jin Wushu didn't know how to answer. The child was taken care of by nursing mothers and servants since childhood. Like all men in the world, he maintained relative dignity in front of the child and fought outside all the year round. There was no deep communication with his son at all; However, he has always spoiled Lu Wenlong and believes that the child is the best he treats. Besides, he also gets along with him these days He thought that he already knew his son well. Originally, didn't he? As everyone knows, Lu Wenlong is in the most critical growth stage of young people, and it is also the most rebellious time. What he thinks is always different from adults After a while, you will be an adult

Jin Wushu was usually impatient, but he was sad. Although he hated the boy for being too mother-in-law, he was too hard hearted to scold him, but he became more and more impatient, and his heart was cold. It was not a good thing to take the child to look for it, so he suddenly changed his mind

"Son, listen to me. Let's go home first. Maybe your mother will come back by herself."

Lu Wenlong looked at him strangely. What was that? Don't you even go to your mother?

"If mom wants to come back, she won't go!"

Jin Wushu raised his voice a little: "don't forget, when you were on the grassland, your mother often went out alone. It's not the first time for her."

Lu Wenlong's eyes were even more strange: "Dad, don't you know? Before, every time my mother left, she told me. Even in the serpent tribe, she would explain things to me every time she left..." suddenly realized that I didn't know when I had become my mother's left hand, and even in some big things, my mother would listen to my own opinions and confidently entrust some things to myself This time, it's different. This time, mom didn't say anything

"No, I'm going to find my mother. I know where she is." Lu Wenlong pulled his horse and went to the serpent tribe. The only place he knew Hua Rong might go was the serpent tribe

"Where are you going?"

"Snake tribe. Uncle Snake must know her whereabouts."

"Don't go!"

"I know the way, and I'll find her."

"She's not there."

"Where is the mother? Dad, do you know? Why don't you tell me?"

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