One Night Bride

Chapter 566

"Son, I really want to find your mother in the name of hunting, but something happened on the way. You also heard Hailing's words. Your mother must be in danger, and we must find her immediately..."

Lu Wenlong only felt a buzz in his head and asked with a trembling voice, "Daddy, who is Qin Hui? Why did mother assassinate him?"

Jin Wushu knew that Hua Rong had never told her child about revenge, and it was difficult to answer for a moment. It took a while before he said, "this is a damn mean person. He killed a very important relative of your mother."

"Ah? Of course, mom should take revenge. But how can mom kill him alone?"

"She can't kill! Your mother is so stubborn that she knows she's going to die. I can't stop her at all."

"How many people does Qin Hui have?"

"100000 troops. Your mother is such a person, stubborn and stubborn..."

Lu Wenlong was very confused. "Dad, in that case, why don't you help your mother get revenge? Your ability is so great that you have beaten Song Jun many times. They are not your opponents at all. You must be able to defeat Qin Hui, why don't you go?"

This is an unanswerable problem Jin Wushu looked up at the sky in front of him. His chest was blocked badly, and there was something depressing That was the general policy of the song and Jin Dynasties and the victory he had to adhere to all his life. How can he do the opposite

His voice was very hollow: "son, you don't understand, this is war, war..."

"Why war? Isn't it good not to fight?" After fighting, he hated war very much. Lu Wenlong didn't understand why human beings fought on such a large scale

Jin Wushu never thought about this question. Hearing his son's repeated questions, he couldn't answer Animals fight only for food and food But people are different. People like to eat more and occupy more. Even if they can't use it, they will hoard it for generations Greed breeds war This is the first time that he has carefully examined the long-standing war. What is the significance of the war? Is it to rob people's wives and daughters, occupy wealth, shed blood and show supreme authority?

Lu Wenlong didn't give up: "Dad, you can certainly avenge your mother. Why don't you? You are much better than your mother..."

He just shook his head A woman is so small compared with her family and country I can give her gold, silver, jewelry and wealth, but the essence is absolutely unshakable If you want her, you want a woman, just like other women As for other ancillary conditions, it's too troublesome

The crown prince of the state of Jin and the woman of the state of song can only do this, can't they! What else can I do?

He reluctantly said, "I promised your mother a lot of things. She could have stayed in the fourth Prince's mansion and lived a prosperous life. She gave it up by herself and didn't want it by herself."

Lu Wenlong disapproved: "I mean, why don't you help your mother revenge?"

"I can't help."


"Because she is from Song Dynasty and I am from Jin Dynasty. I can't harm the interests of Da Jin. If Qin Hui exists, Da Jin will get many benefits... And..." moreover, how can I help Yue Peng report revenge? Isn't this a big joke? " Of course, he wouldn't say this, and he never even mentioned Yue Pengju's name in front of his son

He seems to be talking to an adult, but also subconsciously defending himself If it's someone else, he can ignore it. However, this is his own son, so he can't ignore it. "Dad is the fourth Prince and the king of the state of Yue of Da Jin, so he can't listen to your mother. I wanted to make her live a good life, but she didn't want it, and I can't help it. I don't stop her at most, but I can't help her."

"Even if my mother will die, I can't help her?"

He felt pain, son, and he couldn't understand the situation of adults at all Because they don't know how terrible the strife between the courts is. If they don't pay attention, they will fall into the trap of political enemies and be caught by them. There is no place to bury them They always think that people, children and mothers, can give everything at any time Even if I explain to them, I can't explain clearly That is the price of growth. When they grow up, they will naturally understand Many things, in fact, are not as obvious as black and white, in which there are countless fuzziness and ambiguity

Lu Wenlong asked again, "even if my mother will die, I can't help her?"

He gritted his teeth. "No!"

Lu Wenlong suddenly said, "in fact, you already know where your mother is, don't you?"

He nodded, not denying it

"Dad, I used to think you were good to your mother. In fact, you weren't so good to your mother. Even, you haven't been good to her uncle Zha..."

Jin Wushu seemed to be slapped in the face by someone, and he couldn't help but rein in his horse, as if he wanted to keep a distance from his son He raised his head. Lu Wenlong's eyes were aggressive. He dared not look at the boy's eyes It seems that people are suddenly stripped away, and those secrets that they don't know at the bottom of their hearts are said so casually

Only children can be so outspoken His standard to measure good or bad is not how much gold, silver and jewelry he gave, but whether he really maintained and rescued at the critical moment Just like her mother, she never gave herself many valuable things, but she was warm and loving. Every time she was in danger, she gave her life to save herself. Even as a child, he knew that only this woman would treat herself like this If it weren't for my mother, how could I be so selfless and devoted?

"Dad, you don't know, but I know that mom doesn't like the jewelry you gave, nor does she like Wei, Mrs. Yelv, Mrs. Wang, etc. I know that I'm the only one who knows, Dad, you don't know Mom at all."

He flew into a rage, as if to protect his dignity as a father and a man: "you are still young, and you don't understand it at all. Son, adult things are much more complicated than you think."

Lu Wenlong was fearless: "what's the complexity? No matter how complex, you can watch your mother die?"

Jin Wushu was furious: "remember to me, you are a golden man and a man of our Nuzhen! The interests of Nuzhen are the greatest interests. How can you be entangled for personal gratitude and resentment? Do you know that if dad goes to help your mother, he is treason? How can a person betray his own country? This is a big festival! It is a big festival that a person should have!"

Lu Wenlong disdained: "what big festivals and small sections, I don't want to understand at all! Dad, I can't see the interests of Da Jin, but I'll know right away when my mother is dead! Besides, you also said yourself, what Qin Hui is a big villain. Since he is a big villain, why can't he be killed? Is it difficult to kill the villain and whether it's Da Jin or Da song?"

Jin Wushu felt cold all over The boy in front of him dressed in the clothes of the little prince of the kingdom of gold, in essence, has not become a "golden man"? Is it his nature, or is it the influence of Huarong these days?

He was terrified and realized for the first time that it was not his son, really not!

It was the difference between the two races. At this moment, the genes of the LUDEN couple revived in him

Mr. and Mrs. LUDEN are also another kind of "fools" who would rather die than live No wonder this child and Hua Rong get along at first sight As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together

What a terrible thing!

His anger slowly faded, as if he had experienced a big war and collapsed

Lu Wenlong looked at his eyes carefully, and saw his father's face was gray and depressed, even with deep fear He felt strange. His father became so strange for the first time, as if he didn't know someone

He could not hide his disappointment. For the first time, he realized the unspeakable impermanence of life, and for the first time, he realized that his father was not as heroic and affectionate as he imagined He stopped talking to his father, but hurried his horse forward. Since his father was unwilling to save, he always wanted to save Just like how many times my mother gave her life to save herself

For my father, when my mother died, there were many other women competing to be my father's princess; But for myself, if my mother died, there would be no more He always thought Hua Rong was his biological mother and never doubted it

A group of bodyguards who were far away came up at this time. Wu Qimai said anxiously, "where is the little prince going? What should I do?"

Jin Wushu didn't answer, and he couldn't answer

It was a cloudy morning

The rain is coming, and the fallen leaves in the forest are whirling and dancing. Even the air has a gloomy breath The flowers fell on the horse, dizzy, and I didn't know where they had gone She forgot how she got on the horse again. Hadn't the horse already run? Why did you run back?

She is waiting for King Qin to see where he is and whether he is still alive But why can't you wait?

She was holding an iron piece of dry food in her hand, which was felt out of her arms and still had a smell of blood There was no taste, but she ate it. When she was thirsty, she chewed a handful of grass pulled from her hand

Live, always live

After many times of life and death, I understand that as long as I can live, it is best to live

The scars on the body are all trauma, not fatal However, her chest was depressed for a while. Finally, she couldn't stand the smell of sweetness in her throat anymore. She vomited out a mouthful of black blood She swayed, holding the reins tightly to prevent herself from falling off the horse. This battle was almost like an oil lamp, burning to the end, and the lamp was about to run out of oil

His heart was disappointed and excited. The knife must still be inserted in Qin Hui's chest. He would be half disabled if he didn't die Is this a win or a loss? I have only one idea. Anyway, I want to find my son and see him for the last time This was an urgency that existed before the war, but at that time, I was afraid of shaking my faith, so I didn't dare to go At this time, I have to go, and I will go once anyway Little tiger head, does he still know his mother?

She looked up to identify the direction Xiaohutou is hundreds of miles away from here. Can he support himself until then?

"Girl, wait, I'll take you to find little tiger head..."

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