One Night Bride

Chapter 565

We should catch up in the opposite direction. Hailing is obviously lying. Who is Jin Wushu? How can we fail to see through his little trick after years of running in the court? But he didn't expose him, and his face was still full of anger: "hailing, you should check it out first before reporting to the crown prince. Young people don't be too lazy, don't prove anything, just act on rumors, and you will suffer heavy losses in the future..."

"Villains are taught, villains are taught." Hailing nodded like mashing garlic

"Well, look at your youth and shallow knowledge, I'll forgive you this time."

"Thank you, the fourth prince, for your kindness."

Hailing kept apologizing, but Jin Wushu didn't ask him to get up. He knelt on the ground, sweating, and felt very uncomfortable However, the fourth Prince didn't open his mouth. Even though he cursed maliciously 10000 times in the bottom of his heart, he didn't dare to get up without authorization

Jin Wushu turned a blind eye, as if lost in meditation, and let him kneel straight on the ground, indifferent

As soon as the eyes of Hailing Viper turned, he was still young after all. How could he be the opponent of the fourth prince who was maneuvering? But we must find a way out Suddenly an idea occurred: "the fourth prince, the villain still has information, I don't know whether to report it?"


"This assassination is very strange," he said boldly and looked at the golden Wushu again. "The assassin obviously responded, not fighting alone. When she was about to be caught, the bandit King Qin, who had been fighting with us for a long time, rushed to rescue him in time..."

"Since King Qin appears, why don't you take him? You clearly know that he is the wanted criminal of Da Jin..." Jin Wushu was furious, "King Qin is more important than Qin Hui's assassination. You should abandon the basics and ignore King Qin?"

"The fourth Prince calmed down. The villain was not at the scene at that time. If he was, he must catch King Qin first." He dared, "it is reported that Xia Zha and his team were supposed to concentrate on dealing with King Qin, but the more amazing thing is still ahead, and there is an abductor horse rushing to rescue the assassin..."

Jin Wushu frowned tightly, and his face changed: "where's the abduction horse? Who dares to send out the abduction horse?"

"This is also the most incomprehensible thing for villains. The abduction horse is the elite of Dajin. Dajin's attack on Liao and Song Dynasties is invincible because of its prestige. It can be said that the abduction horse is our magic weapon to win the victory of Dajin, but it is secretly used as a spy in the state of song. Think about it, how terrible the situation is, the enemy is placed in the heart of Dajin. If this * * is not exposed, Dajin is in danger at any time..."

Jin Wushu waved his hand: "check, immediately investigate this matter, who dares to be so bold, will be killed."

"Well, little man, remember the order of the fourth prince." Wanyan Hailing was still Yin measured, "today the bandit leader King Qin appeared automatically. Unfortunately, the villain's ability was poor, and he couldn't find him for a long time. Finally, he ran away. Alas, if the fourth prince was here, he would surely win this bandit leader and recapture 250000 tribute silver belonging to our gold..."

Jin Wushu was furious, raised his whip, and fell down with a slap: "useless things, King Qin appeared, you can't take them? What's the use of supporting you? So many of you are vegetarian?" The more he scolded, the more angry he became. "Gong Yin was stolen from your hand, and you couldn't catch up with King Qin when he appeared. How can you be worthy of being a general? Something incompetent and immoral..."

Hailing dodged from side to side and flashed from side. The wound was hot. The fourth Prince did not tolerate it. He was beaten fiercely and shouted, "the fourth prince, you can do it. Why don't you catch King Qin?"

He was quick - sighted and took the opportunity to jump at Jin Wu Shu Lu Wenlong saw clearly on one side and exclaimed, "Dad, be careful..." before his voice fell, he saw the whip of Jin Wushu, and Fang Tianhua halberd suddenly flew out of his waist with eyes, and hit Hailing straightly Hailing's body softened, knelt down again, shaped like a zombie, fiercely restrained, and dared not say another word He pretended to be brave. Previously, he always thought that his brother wolf Lord was weak because he had no strength to bind chickens, so he could only be bullied by the fourth prince This time, I personally went to the battle and found that the fourth Prince's sword was not old, and I was in my youth, and I was far from his opponent

Seeing the battle between the two men, the Jin troops were also afraid of each other In particular, Hailing's staff all shook their hands for him and dared to disobey the fourth prince. How would Hailing be punished?

Jin Wushu's face was expressionless, and he stepped on Hailing's body. The soil on his boots just wiped off him, revealing Cheng Liang's light, as if it had been freshly washed

"Come on, pull Hailing over and beat 100 wickers again."


The two soldiers came forward to carry hailing, took a special wicker, and beat Hailing one by one This is the most commonly used punishment for Jin generals, which has a lot to do with their shooting willow Festival Hailing resisted the pain and almost bled his mouth Jin Wushu had already killed him, but seeing that the boy was still a little tough, he stopped and waved: "hailing, listen, if King Qin falls into the hands of the crown prince, call him gone."

Hailing didn't dare to say any more. He covered his bloody face and fell to the ground pretending to be dead, for fear that the whip of Jin Wushu would fall again

Jin Wushu took back the whip and snorted, "hailing, put away your little tricks. As long as the crown prince is in one day, you can't be rampant."

He turned around and said, "son, let's go. It's disappointing. I don't want to hunt today."

Seeing his father's anger just now, Lu Wenlong naturally cleverly decided not to mention his mother, but to interface: "Dad, let's go back to barbecue the roe roe. The roe roe meat is delicious. I've been thinking about it since I ate it last year. I must have a good time today."

Jin Wushu finally had a smile on his face, which was very gratifying. His son grew up and became sensible The party then headed for the Yanjing mansion

Wanyan Hailing crawled on the ground, and did not dare to stand up until Jin Wushu walked away, and cursed viciously in a low voice This damn fourth prince, as long as he is in one day, he can't turn over all his life To get rid of the fourth prince, we must get rid of him

Several of his cronies came up to help him up and comforted him in a low voice, "the wolf Lord will make decisions for you, and the wolf Lord, who is your brother..."

"Wolf Lord, dare the wolf Lord say no in front of the fourth prince?" He said angrily, "get out, get out. One day, I have the sole power to make the fourth Prince look good."

When the staff saw his ferocious appearance, they suddenly remembered what he said after he was drunk, holding a beautiful woman. Their biggest wishes were three: "national affairs are all self-directed, one; commanding the country, holding its monarch and chief to blame, two; getting the world's most beautiful and his wife, three."

The meaning of these three sentences is that I have the final say in the world affairs, which is the first; I would also like to lead my division to attack hostile countries, capture their monarchs and plead guilty in front of me. This is the second; Get the most beautiful woman in the world and let her be my wife, which is the third

At that time, the staff only thought that he was drunk and talking nonsense. Moreover, why didn't all men in the world think so? But at this time, seeing the fierce light in his eyes, everyone was cold in their hearts and dared not speak any more

Hailing has no intention to pursue the mysterious "golden general". The top priority is to find a way to catch King Qin or Hua Rong, and find a breakthrough from them, so as to truly grasp the handle of the fourth prince When the opportunity comes, we must deal with him heavily to vent today's humiliation

It was not until he walked far away that Lu Wenlong looked back and looked back Father's face was very ugly. He tried to whisper, "Dad, don't be angry."

Jin Wushu frowned, "I'm not angry."

"That Hailing is a bad man, a very bad villain, who wants to kill us. Dad, why don't you kill him?"

Jin Wushu shook his head. It was not that he didn't want to kill, but that so many things had happened in succession. Now killing Hailing was obviously an unwise choice Moreover, with so many imperial guards, does Hailing want to kill all these people? Obviously, it can't, and Xia Xia is behind it

Lu Wenlong was still worried: "Dad, will Hailing be bad for you?"

His heart warmed, he laughed, and suddenly his spirit came: "son, don't worry, as long as dad is in one day, he won't dare to be rampant! No one dares to be rampant!"

Lu Wenlong was naturally relieved of his father, but his mind soon returned to his mother He completely heard the dialogue between his father and hailing, and knew that his mother was in great danger. After all, it was a child. No matter how smart he was, he couldn't hide his worries. He opened his mouth to speak several times, and was stopped by Jin Wushu's stern eyes

The roads in this area became wider and wider. He walked slowly with his father and saw a tired look on his father's face that he had never seen before He couldn't help it any longer and whispered to him, "Daddy, Daddy..."

"Don't worry, son. Don't be afraid of anything."

"I'm not afraid..." he couldn't forget, and his voice was so low that only father and son could hear him "Dad, where did you say mom would go? Did she really assassinate Qin Hui?"

Jin Wushu sighed and said, "son, I don't know if it's like this."

"However, hailing said she assassinated Qin Hui. Why?"

"No, didn't Hailing also say that no one saw the assassin's face?"

Lu Wenlong's voice became very low and almost whispered, "Dad, that person is mom... It must be..."

Jin Wushu asked, "why?"

"Hailing said that King Qin had gone. That villain, he tricked me into calling him daddy. He treated his mother well. If he went, that person must be his mother..."

This boy can judge and reason

Jin Wushu smiled bitterly, which was supposed to be gratified, but according to his reasoning, he couldn't bear it, and quickly shook his head: "don't know, we just don't know the situation, so we can't judge..."

Lu Wenlong panicked. He thought his father was concealing himself, but obviously not

"Dad, don't you really know where mom is?"

"No, son, you should know I've never lied to you."

"However, hailing said that her mother had become yinmuke..."

"He's talking nonsense. How did your mother become a man?" Jin Wushu was worried, "we have to go back immediately and quickly find your mother's whereabouts. I also suspected that something had happened to her."

Lu Wenlong saw that his father didn't look fake, and his hope was completely dashed. He thought that his father's hunting was false and it was true to find his mother. Unexpectedly, he didn't know where his mother was going at all

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