One Night Bride

Chapter 579

Hua Rong said softly, "Wen long, you just heard that the spring breeze is ten miles away on Yangzhou road. Would you like to go?"

The red medicine beside the bridge, the buckwheat green, the waves rippling, the cold moon silent, what kind of scenery is that? He held his breath and thought seriously, "how far is Yangzhou from here?"

"Thousands of miles!"

Thousands of miles? Across the mountains, across the water, across the vast ocean? He was suddenly afraid, because he was still separated from his father - thousands of miles away, how could he see his father again? How difficult it is to make such a choice

"However, I haven't left Dajin. I've never left..." his voice was small

Hua Rong's eager eyes slowly darkened Yes, this child, who grew up here, learned Nvzhen's riding and shooting, Nvzhen's customs, Nvzhen's habits and diet Song, what does it have to do with him?

"Mom, I'm a real woman. I went to Song Dynasty. Will they..."

For a moment, Hua Rong wanted to shout loudly: "no, child, you are not a golden man, you are a Song Dynasty person, an authentic Song Dynasty person, and no one will do anything to you. Even if you are not welcome, you don't need to be welcomed. It's an island, beautiful, quiet island, isolated from the world, and don't need to pay attention to anyone's eyes..."

However, she didn't shout out after all. This child, he doesn't know anything. Everyone tends to stay in a familiar place, which is an instinct In a strange world, there are always endless dangers, which means that there are no relatives and no love The Song Dynasty was not all good people, and it was not even much better than the Jin Dynasty She looked at Lu Wenlong's childish eyes, a little panicked, as if the first great disaster in her life, a great choice, helpless, heartbroken

He is just a child Originally, we shouldn't have made such a choice! Even an adult can't judge easily, let alone he's just a child

Her determination was slowly wavering. Maybe she had wavered before coming, and her voice was a little dry and difficult: "Wenlong, if you want to stay in Dajin, it's ok..."

He was so surprised, "Mom, wouldn't I see you again?"

She didn't answer and didn't know how to answer

Answer adults can be perfunctory, cunning, insincere, but answer children, but not Treat children honestly Maybe this is the last side of each other

Lu Wenlong was breathless and couldn't speak any more. In his first choice in life, he was at a loss, scratching his ears and cheeks, full of a kind of profound sadness - this kind of sadness originally didn't belong to young people

The room was quiet and full of a strange silence

The moon, slowly, slowly rose into the sky From the tall trees in the forest, the whole world was shrouded in a soft white light Looking out of the window, through the end of the treetops, you can see the faint mountains in the distance It was the highest mountain around Yanjing. The moonlight drove away the night, rose to the top of the mountain, and then stopped, looking at the earth softly like a passionate girl There is a cuckoo's cry in the forest. It cries gently and soon disappears

Fingers touching the strings, unconsciously, may be just a mistake, "Ding Dong" sound, cutting through the silence of the night Jin Wushu suddenly came to the spirit, and his tone was urgent: "Hua Rong, will you sing a song?"

She stood up again, and her steps had already started

"Hua Rong, sing a song, OK?"

He couldn't wait, as if it was the last request, which was a kind of vague regret. He looked at each other with his hands and added fragrance to the tea. Even if it was a dream, he also hoped that it would be a little longer, and that it would be a little longer. Not to mention, this dream had never been realized You sing me together, it's not a song, it's the intersection of hearts Otherwise, it is a lifelong regret

She had walked to the door and looked back at Lu Wenlong In the moonlight, the child was still sitting in his place, confused, not knowing how to choose his own fate Yes, I'm a big Jin man. Why do I go to song Guo? What's more, the song state, father said, are cowards

But in addition to these cowards, there is mother

I haven't seen the porcelain of Jun kiln or the bright moon night of the twenty-four bridges, so it doesn't form a real aesthetic, and it doesn't have much attraction

It's just that there is a mother

Mom is there

Why is life so strange? Why can't you have a mother when you have a father? vice versa? Why not have the best of both worlds? Only adults can be so complicated. It's obviously a very simple thing. They have to make it very complicated

This is the price of growth!

The moon slowly fell, and all the elegance of the fourth Prince's mansion fell into a deep sleep Ah, hazy night, hazy sleepiness, sleeping like this, who says it's not a great happiness? In the pond not far ahead, the white night lotus is no longer pleasing to the eye. She also fell asleep, converging the petals and beauty Jin Wushu recalled its brilliance, and there was a vague tiredness in front of him, as if he was going to sleep

Hua Rong raised his foot and was about to step out of the door Even Lu Wenlong didn't want to wait any longer Waiting is also a kind of coercion and cruelty Anyway, there are few really happy people in this world. Why bother to destroy the happiness of a living teenager?

With a bang, she suddenly turned back Under the moonlight, Jin Wushu's face was strangely pale, but a trace of red appeared at the corner of his mouth Her heart shook, and her raised feet stopped

He didn't seem to notice her stay, slightly closed his eyes, and his handsome Dongpo clothes and wide Dongpo towel stopped, just like others, motionless

Lu Wenlong exclaimed, "Daddy, Daddy..."

He smiled slowly, "son, I'm fine. I just feel a little tired."

She stopped completely, her voice was very soft, but it was still the light of that habit, as if she had no personal feelings. When she just paid attention to it, she was slightly trembling, such as the wind blowing, the rustling voice, loneliness, full of a kind of female pity and sympathy

"Fourth prince, I suddenly want to sing a song."

Jin Wushu felt so strange that he had never received any sympathy in his life and did not need it However, this pity comes from her, from her bright face, from her catkin brighter than soft branches under the moonlight, from her rustling sound of nature... Just because it comes from her!

From her! It's the first time Who knows if it's the last time?

She opened her mouth, her voice was soft and rustling, with a little lazy, but also like a little unwilling, such as a pot of wine, overheated, cold in winter, with a touch of desolation

It's late autumn and the weather is beginning to clear up Thousands of miles of Chengjiang river is like training, and green peaks are like clusters Go back to the setting sun, back to the west wind, and the wine flag is leaning The clouds of the painted boats are light, and the stars and herons rise. It is difficult to draw a picture

Read the past, bustling competition, sigh outside the building, sorrow and hate one after another Through the ages, with high standards, this is a matter of honor and disgrace The past events of the Six Dynasties are like flowing water, but the cold smoke, withering grass and green condensation Up to now, Shang women still sing from time to time, "backcourt" music


His fingers pressed the strings of the piano to match her rhythm

Consciousness became very vague, thinking of the wedding gift she gave herself One is Wang Anshi, the other is Su Dongpo, the authentic works of the two Song, a rich and beautiful song, why can't a great song like Wang Anshi and Su Dongpo resist the sweeping of an iron horse?

Jingkang catastrophe, Huaiyang massacre, searching mountains and seas... Pile by pile, piece by piece, elegance can't protect its people. Under the iron horse of Nuzhen, women scream when they are humiliated, children cry when they are displaced, and the elderly lament when they die... More, countless young people, they are numb, such as pigs, cattle and sheep that are slaughtered by others

Jin Wushu, he thought, how many song people have I slaughtered in my life? How many women have been humiliated? How many old, weak, sick, disabled and poor people have died on the journey of escape?

Just like nightmares at night, groups of evil spirits haunt and startle step by step

Therefore, when she was leaving, she sang the same song in the Moonlight: "Shang women still sing from time to time, and the music left by the backyard!"

That's Wang Anshi's warning. This great politician, who was untidy and had no private enemies, devoted his life to the reform and prosperity of the Song Dynasty He was even the only minister who did not accept concubines. He would lose money on the spot and send back the concubines sent by others. He would only guard his fat wife and live this life Even if the reform failed later and his political opponents wanted to attack him, they could not find any stain on his private morality

There have always been such monsters in the Song Dynasty, so every time the mountain is at its end, there will be a bright future Shameless as Zhao Deji, there is also a famous general like Yue Pengju, which allows his country to be preserved - what is preserved is the last port of Han culture, and the last trace of decency, so that she will not be extinct and will be passed down for generations

My country, whose world?

He suddenly felt that he understood Yue Pengju a little. It was a kind of grandeur and nobility emanating from his bones, not because of his personal interests

This is the reason why I can't keep the flowers!

Song woman, the crown prince of Jin, can only be so, can only be so!

That is the parallel line between the two worlds, which will never meet

The sun and moon shine at the same time, rising and falling. On that side, the moonlight has fallen on the top of the west mountain, faintly like a curtain of green yarn; On that side, the sun is riding the wind and waves with the morning glow as the precursor, just like a beautiful girl, slowly unveiling her veil

Hua Rong's footsteps are gentle and she has walked out of the gate

Lu Wenlong called "Mom", and there was a cry in his voice. He was crying. This little boy has been crying He didn't know where to go and couldn't make a judgment. Every choice was heartbreaking

Jin Wushu suddenly opened his eyes and saw that the morning glow had reddened the dew on the surrounding branches. In the large garden of the fourth Prince's mansion, a peacock jumped down from the treetops and stretched its beautiful wings The two deer jumped out and stretched their long and beautiful necks. It jumped on the grass a few times and straightened its trunk. It was elegant as a noble girl, and then walked forward lightly

A thrush call, so crisp, so sweet He suddenly remembered a Book captured during the northern expedition. It was a poem of another nation other than Chinese. The blind people walking on the road sang the best voice in their hearts:

May the road she walked be dotted with green lotus ponds

May the shade of the big tree cover the hot sun

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