One Night Bride

Chapter 578

"Dad... It's delicious. This tea is delicious, but your fried tea has no flowers, birds, insects, fish... No mother's pattern..." Lu Wenlong's happy voice

"Yes, it's a great pity. Hehe, even a genius can't automatically understand these illusory flowers, birds, insects and fish. I'm not as good as your mother in this regard."

"But, Dad, it's good for you to do it for the first time."

Jin Wushu accepted his son's praise for the first time, beamed, waved his hand, and stopped

Lu Wenlong looked at him happily. He had been observing carefully and always felt that there was a surge between his parents - the people he called father and mother were not a family, what a strange combination My father even had to help my mother. Why did my mother return without complaint? However, this time, it didn't seem like this. They were polite and didn't have any unhappiness. On the contrary, they also revealed a vague intimacy - it was a friendship he couldn't say, but felt a little warmth. I hope so, always so. Life is still here

Just, he doesn't know, how can life be static!

Just like time, it always slips away slowly

Jin Wushu's eyes looked past, and she was facing Hua Rong's eyes. Her expression was faint, with a little anxiety, and she asked the question again: "hailing, will it be difficult for you?"

"Embarrassment?! hailing yellowmouth, he is not worthy to be the opponent of the crown prince!"

At this moment, a gloomy expression flashed in his eyes, and it was the real fourth Prince again Hua Rong breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly felt happy The soil here is really not suitable for breeding decent people, whether in the song state or the Jin State, and the soil affected by the Confucian way of kings and ministers

"No, Dad, hailing wanted to trouble us that day..."

Jin Wushu's eyes stopped his son from going on, but Hua Rong turned a blind eye and only looked at Lu Wenlong: "have you seen hailing, too?"

"He was rude to my father and was beaten by him. Mom, this man is so hateful..."

Jin Wushu coughed, and Lu Wenlong had to stop talking. He hesitated, but he still summoned up his courage: "Dad, can't even his mother say it?"

Jin Wushu was stunned. In a flash, he saw the trace of anxiety in Hua Rong's eyes Is this anxiety because of yourself? Because of yourself? Is she worried about herself?

He laughed and picked up the fourth or fifth tea in the back, the inferior fried tea. He drank it purely because of thirst. He used a large bowl and was very forthright. He drank it dry in one bowl, just like plain and horse milk wine

At this time, I realized that there was something between me and her - that was, the moment when I really threw my heart away, got along harmoniously, and had no doubts In the past, all kinds of things were under calculation. Even under the tenderness, there were suspense again and again. I don't know when and where I will really take off my guard As everyone knows, the friendship between people depends on time to cultivate Love at first sight is gorgeous, but it's too short. It's like fireworks. The rest of the days need a tacit understanding of helping each other, trivial day and night

The so-called deep feeling is trivial tolerance; Instead of a torrent of ups and downs

When that's it In this case, it is so simple to fry a cup of tea for her and him

He thought, this is such a key point, but before, how can I never think of it and don't understand it?

"Hua Rong, don't worry. Hailing is really nothing to me. He will be rampant unless the prince dies!"

Hua Rong understood, but how could this sentence be ominous? She took a concentrated look at the man opposite. He sat lazily on the big chair, his body close to the back, which was a very comfortable and relaxed state, without the vigilance and courage of the former military general Between his eyebrows and eyes, between his eyes and lips, there was a smile. Because of this, the wrinkles on his forehead were so deep, like rolling mountains and rivers, like ordinary people everywhere on the roadside, who were idle, boasting and chatting with friends and relatives

He also looked at Hua Rong, and even his eyes were lazy. His hands were casually placed at both ends of the chair, and his sitting posture was more casual Because of such freedom and distance, I suddenly remembered a sentence:

The first acquaintance with you seems to be the return of an old friend

How good! If only that had been the case then, how wonderful?

Or, how good would it be if I understood earlier and changed my attitude towards her and the means and methods of acting?

In the silence, only Lu Wenlong's voice was full of pride: "Hailing dares to provoke dad, he is dead."

Hua Rong wanted to say something, but she didn't say it The fourth Prince is naturally powerful because of his high position and weight But he was not the emperor after all, and he had to be alone After witnessing the death of Yue Pengju, he also understood that everyone has political enemies. Even if it is Jin Wushu, how can he have no political enemies? Today, under countless bloody storms, even a little negligence and mistake may lead to big loopholes and be caught by the enemy

If not, why does he live in seclusion in the fourth Prince's residence every day?

Jin Wushu's hand was on his forehead, and even his voice was full of fatigue: "Hua Rong, I'm suddenly tired of war. Now I particularly hate war, and I'm upset at the thought of going to the battlefield."

Former war madman, today's decadent old man

He is old! Fourth prince, is it true that he is old?

"I hate to smell blood, and I hate to see piles of corpses, and I hate the smell of decay... You kill me, I kill you, Jin Ren, song Ren, life is short, and I don't know why I want to kill forever..."

She thought, was it not his fourth prince who caused all this?

Or maybe it is because of his later armistice agreement? Anyway, it's always good to stop fighting and recuperate each other

He looked at Hua Rong and thought she was going to refute or satirize. Suddenly, he was surprised to find that she nodded faintly, and, moreover - she didn't wear a bow! The bow and arrow that never left the body for a moment is gone now

She is plain and elegant, just like an ordinary woman

After entering the door, he unexpectedly found this huge change

Why is this?

Qin Hui was stabbed, but Zhao Deji was still alive The culprit is Xiaoyao. Won't she revenge Yue Pengju?

Outside the door, Wu Qimai waited anxiously, but the maid repeatedly blocked him, saying in a very low voice, "no, the fourth Prince ordered that no one should disturb him."

"But I have something important. I must see the fourth prince."

"No, the fourth Prince is talking about anyone! No one is allowed to enter. Lord Wu Qimai, not even you. Please understand that the slaves are acting under orders..."

The maid's attitude was respectful and docile. Wu Qimai had no choice but to linger outside the door

The night darkened bit by bit, and the midsummer sunset came to the end. His face poked out of the open window lattice, reddening the surrounding branches The marble floor shows a faint coolness, bright and clean, just like the people around you

Jin Wushu stared at Jiao Weiqin in front of her for a long time, and suddenly remembered that a long time ago, the singing fisherman girl, on the edge of the West Lake, was alive and kicking red fish, with a fishy fragrance. She combed a fisherman girl's bun, lowered her head and tidied it up, like a demon spirit full of temptation in the dark night Even the gaudy red scarf, green silk and red face, turned into snow In front of this woman, how haggard she is, her thin cheeks, with the vicissitudes of years, half a life of hardship, only her eyes, still bright, emitting a faint luster

"Hua Rong, I want to play a song."

He said slowly, walking towards the string, his voice was full of enthusiasm, as if there was an excitement that ignited the passion of life, so intense

Hua Rong is noncommittal

He didn't miss her expression at all, so plain, as if he had lost his enthusiasm for all the romantic affairs - at this time, he realized that the depressed sadness in his eyes, some things, will never go back, just like years, old, old, left No one can stretch out his hand to retain, just between his fingers, she quietly went

Gone, ah, just like the green years

His fingers stretched out, and his hands used to holding bows and arrows were still slender, long between the bones, with the strength he should have at his age

"Hua Rong, what song do you want to listen to?"

Hua Rong shook her head and composed music on the piano, as if it were too long ago Have forgotten, only know the mountains, forests, savage tribes, the sound of the wind, the sound of running water, moonlight, ah, the sound of moonlight

Lu Wenlong didn't feel this atmosphere and was extremely excited. It was an excitement of family reunion: "Mom, Dad plays the piano really well, you will love it..."

Hua Rong still had a faint expression. Jin Wushu saw that she didn't refuse. His eyes lit up, his fingers stroked the strings, and a string of low piano sounds, and his voice was rustling: "there is a sentence in your song dynasty, where there is a well, there is Liu Yong's words. Among the great literary giants of the Song Dynasty, my favorite are Su Dongpo and Liu Yong..." no one answered, and he sang on his own:

Leaning on the dangerous building, the wind is thin, looking at the extreme spring sorrow, and the sky is gloomy In the smoke and light of the grass, who will lean on the fence without words

I plan to get drunk and sing about wine. Strong music is tasteless my clothes grow daily more loose, yet care I not. For you am I thus wasting away in sorrow and pain.

Lu Wenlong heard such a song for the first time. He didn't know what it was like. He just felt an unspeakable lingering, sentimental, sad and sad Curling, the voice stays at the end, very low, like a wisp of smoke on the roof, in the sky, circling around:

my clothes grow daily more loose, yet care I not. For you am I thus wasting away in sorrow and pain

Haggard, do you know why?

Hua Rong slowly stood up and looked at Lu Wenlong

Jin Wushu followed her eyes Understand, he naturally understands her intention, this is to leave, quietly is the farewell Sheng Xiao, is the feast of this night She not only wants to leave by herself, but also takes this child, which is song's child, her child

Lu Wenlong seemed to understand something. He suddenly felt uneasy. He looked at his father and his mother timidly. It was a kind of sensitivity and intuition. For the first time in his life, he was facing choices, choices in life

It was by no means as simple as going to the savage tribe in the past. At that time, I could see my father at any time within the sphere of influence of the Jin State He asked anxiously, "Mom, where are you going?"


He repeated silently, with a trace of confusion Yangzhou!

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