One Night Bride

Chapter 577

"Fourth prince, you can also eat."

He looked away a little, coughed and said slowly, "Hua Rong, I'll make tea for you too."

Hua Rong was stunned and slowly put down his job

At this time, she saw a set of rose tea set on a very simple table opposite the Guqin It is the set of fine products produced by Jun kiln that she has seen several times They are properly settled on the plain table, from tea lanterns to kettle to wooden spoon to tea mill... It's not bad either

"I used to study the tea ceremony at home for a period of time, but it also needs talent. Maybe I'm not too talented and don't understand much, but I'm just a tiger like dog..." he said, while already sitting at the tea table His hand stretched out, it was a pair of hands that were no longer young. In middle age, the vicissitudes came uninvited Used to holding Fang Tian's halberd, the big hand is now changed to a small wooden spoon, which looks a little empty He blurred his eyes in the fog

He wore a moon grey shirt and a Dongpo scarf on his head At that time, Dongpo scarf was no longer popular. In the Song Dynasty, another kind was popular, such as the turban made of blue ribbons used by the famous Ximen officials, which was extraordinarily romantic However, he didn't know this popular trend anymore. He hadn't been to the state of song for many days Even Hua Rong doesn't know what other elegance is popular among the scholar bureaucrats in Jiangnan now

In their memory, there is only Dongpo towel

That is the memory of an era, staying in the most gorgeous and dazzling world of high material civilization of the Song Dynasty

The water has begun to boil, with bubbles of "fish eyes" and a slight sound, which is "a boil" He took a small jar of jade, which was very special tea salt. He used a very small emerald bamboo plan, like a layout, very careful, weighed the amount, and then added it Soon, there was a faint water film like "biotite" on the water At this time, Lu Wenlong also put down the dishes and chopsticks, stood beside his father, and watched his operation attentively

"Dajin is bitter and cold, the wind is biting all day, and people are wandering on horseback. When I was young, I studied under a Han Gaoshi, who brought me a lot of books. I knew that there was another prosperous, rich and gentle town in the world that was completely different from Dajin. At that time, I hoped that I would grow up quickly and see heaven on earth in the state of song. In fact, not only I, but also Tianzuo emperor, the conquered king of Liao, who was a famous faint king, but he once said In a very elegant sentence, that is to say, he hopes to be reborn in the rich song state in his next life... "

"Dad, is song Guo really that good?"

"You can see it yourself. Son, when you go, you will also fall in love with that place. It's a pleasant place, with the best wine, the best food, the most beautiful girl, the most touching dance music..." he was fascinated, "even the best fried tea..."

While talking, the edge of the water had bubbles like springs and beads. He laughed and said, "flowers dissolve. Is this the so-called 'two boiling'?" His expression is modest and his tone is sincere, like a simple boy who learns from his teacher

Hua Rong promised "Hmm", and then there was nothing to say

He was still in high spirits. First, he scooped out a ladle of water from the kettle prepared next to him, and then he put the ground tea powder into the boiling water while stirring it with bamboo The tea powder was green, glittering and fragrant, surging in the boiling water, as if groups of green Elves were singing and dancing warmly

"Hua Rong, is my order right?"

She nodded, absent-minded, for this fried tea, not like his interest

Soon, the bubbles in the tea soup were like surging waves. He was meticulous, and his face was a little excited: "Hua Rong, this is' three boiling '?" Then, without waiting for Hua Rong to answer, he hurriedly added the ladle of water scooped out during the "two boiling", boiling and temporarily stopped, just like a feast reaching the climax, but added endless loneliness However, when this loneliness is torn open, it is the fragrance of the most essence, which is the key to the success of a tea

Three rose red tea lanterns are placed on the clean table. The porcelain body is bright and lustrous, and it is gorgeous. Even Lu Wenlong feels this extraordinary beauty - Jun kiln! So ordinary words have become so magical and beautiful Such beauty can only be rooted in the land of the Song Dynasty

Although there was a foolish king like Zhao Deji and a villain like Qin Hui in the Song Dynasty, he thought in a trance, why can people make such exquisite things? This is completely unimaginable in his life The scenery is good immediately. Is it more enchanting when you get off the horse?

He followed his father's hand to move his eyes without blinking. His father had taken a wooden spoon, and the emerald tea was filled in the glittering white porcelain body, bright red, emerald green, bright white - the three colors formed a strange beauty More attractive than the most beautiful woman in the world, it is full of a supreme style and delicacy, and it is graceful and lingering Lu Wenlong opened his mouth and couldn't speak. Only the fragrance of tea was lingering. The whole room was suddenly quiet

The dense water mist slowly faded away, and the Three Teas began to show a dull, clear and quiet, such as the ladies of the prosperous Tang Dynasty who had just stepped down from the painting

Jin Wushu picked up the first tea and put it in front of Hua Rong This tea is called "meaningful", which is the first bowl of tea soup in the whole fried tea. It is also the best, and it will decrease in turn in the future The second cup of tea was handed to his son: "the tea is fried. There is a poem in the Song Dynasty that says' the turbidity condenses under it, and the essence floats on it '. Son, drink it while it is hot, and see how it tastes? Otherwise, once the tea is cold, the elite will exhaust with anger, and it will not be good to drink..."

Lu Wenlong couldn't wait, but suddenly remembered the etiquette his mother taught him when frying tea in the past, and he did it exactly Jin Wushu looked at the handsome boy with red lips and white teeth. It was the demeanor of a generation of handsome boys He laughed, and then he picked up the third cup of tea and slowly tasted it

"Hua Rong, don't you try my craft?" His eyes were bright. At this moment, Hua Rong looked a little trance, as if the prestigious fourth prince had become a pure teenager like Lu Wenlong. His eyes were so clean and sincere, no calculation, no malice, and even no request. He just had a little desire, as if to get approval and belonging - ah, this "meaningful", how fragrant its taste is!

and that.

She took the tea and finally tasted it slowly, abandoning all ideas, but it was as simple as tasting a cup of tea

White fingers on the tea cup of Jun kiln, rose red, pure white, crisscross glow, setting off a scattered softness - gentle as water, no wonder, people say that women are made of water

Jin Wushu was calm and calm, and her thoughts moved from the prairie to the "spring breeze ten miles Yangzhou road", which was different - Da Jin's woman, big hands and feet, bold and unrestrained, not graceful enough, and her eyes between her eyebrows, like men, were branded with the cruelty of the rough sand; The women of the Song Dynasty, like the tea lanterns of the Jun kiln, are exquisite, slim and beautiful - but they have to be handled with care and taken care of carefully. If they are not careful, the priceless art will be broken

Because of beauty, so fragile!

However, Da Jin's men never dare to openly marry a woman from the state of song, because under that weak appearance, they often hide deep scheming and means, which are more powerful than men This is different from a real woman with thick hands and big feet Because it is wrapped with a beautiful coat, it is even more difficult for people to defend

Such contradictions, such urgency, so that they are so full of longing for the beauty of song, full of cruel plunder and slavery

Jin Wushu's eyes fell on those white hands for a long time. He thought, human memory is really strange Why do you want to read it again and again? It's the scene of "slender hands dissecting new oranges" in Kaifeng teahouse?

After drinking a cup of tea, the faint fragrance slid smoothly in the throat, and the fragrance between the lips and teeth curled away. Hua Rong put down the tea cup and said faintly, "fourth prince, won't Hailing trouble you?"

Soaring thoughts were pulled back to reality, facing those vulgar topics Jin Wushu, look at the water in that pot, one boiling, two boiling, three boiling... All have become the past, can't boil, can't boil! It became a pot of cold water, lost its lingering charm, and even its fragrance was dispersed in the air, exhausted, and could no longer be found The rest is just a pot of tea dregs

A green jade basin was placed in front of him. Clear water, emerald green, was another wonderful color of contrast. He put down his tea cup and said faintly, "flowers dissolve, clean your hands."

Clean your hands before and after tea, which was the etiquette at that time In fact, he didn't need to follow it like this. He just thought that he might fry tea for once in his life. Of course, he should be full Or maybe it's just because this jade basin is too beautiful

The whole basin is made of a large jade carving, with an exceptionally rich peony on it, and a red carp on the bottom of the basin, which is an extremely gaudy combination, but when mixed, it is another flavor

Hua Rong stretched out her hand, and her eyes fell on the red of the bottom of the basin. As soon as she entered the water, there were ripples, and the fish at the bottom of the basin seemed to swim, so smart

It's really crispy. Jin Wushu was fascinated, and heard her soft voice: "fourth prince, your tea just now is very good. You are a genius, and one of the tea courses also needs genius, very good. Tea is very good, thank you."

For a moment, his eyes lit up, his eyes were wide open, and his mood was incomparably relaxed Tea and wine or meals... When the trivialities of life become art, talent is needed Just like cooking, housewives cook every day, every month and every year at home, but few become masters On the contrary, some top chefs can make some exquisite dishes This is the difference between eating and tasting But, he thought, she didn't know that she had prepared one of her tea for 20 years, from Lu Yu's tea manual, which she first saw, to all kinds of tea sets collected by the state of song... It was like a dry land cactus, which had been pregnant with flower buds for a long time, but died in less than a day

Few people have ever really seen such beauty Therefore, people always praise spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums

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