One Night Bride

Chapter 576

Nowadays, Song people have a famous poem: "huaizuo is the famous capital, Zhuxi is the best place, and Xie an is less stationed in the initial journey. After the spring breeze is ten miles, the shepherd's purse and wheat are green. After Hu Ma peeps into the river, the abandoned pond and trees are still tired of talking about soldiers. Gradually at dusk, the clear corner blows cold, and they are all in the empty city. Du Lang JunShang, calculated now, it is so heavy that it must be startled. Although the word work of Cardamom is good, the dream of brothels is good, and it is difficult to give deep clarity. The twenty-four bridge is still in, the wave heart swings, the cold moon is silent. Read the red medicine beside the bridge, and you know who is born every year."

Lu Wenlong couldn't wait: "Dad, what happened when you arrived in Yangzhou?"

"At that time, there were only 5000 troops in Dajin, more than 20000 garrisons in Yangzhou, and hundreds of thousands of people..."

Lu Wenlong held his breath: "did Da Jin lose?"

"No, we won! The more than 20000 troops collapsed without fighting, and Wangfeng ran away..."

"Hahahaha, they must be afraid of dad's reputation. Dad, you are really great..."

Jin Wushu looked at the boy with adoration and eager eyes, thinking of the famous huaiyangtai massacre Sky high flames, mountains of gold and silver jewelry, corpse strewn streets, God tokens of Zhao's ancestors and ancestors abandoned by the water Of the 5000 soldiers, no one raped women; No one does not harvest the looted treasures, and no one does not slaughter more than a few people - plundering women's treasures has always been the most fundamental and effective war mobilization order to encourage nomads to set foot in the Central Plains

"Dad, did you catch Zhao Deji in Yangzhou?"

He raised his head from meditation and glanced at his magnificent mansion Many of these things came from the Huaiyang battlefield at the beginning. At that time, hundreds of carts were transported, which is far more than the annual tribute tax after the Song Dynasty

He shook his head, "it's a pity that when dad wanted to catch him, he was blocked by someone..."

"Ah? Who is it? Who can stop dad? Is he more powerful than dad?"

"She worked hard to protect the faint king and prolong the war. Our golden army is not good at water warfare..."

"Will we lose?"

"That was the biggest defeat that Dad had ever fought."

Lu Wenlong was curious and uneasy when he heard Dad talk about his failures in his life for the first time

"Originally, at that time, Dad had taken the absolute lead, but there was a very important person in the enemy. I didn't want her to die, and I didn't want her to die at all. That is, she desperately protected Zhao Deji and maintained this extremely stupid, despicable and cowardly person. He was the most despicable person I've ever seen in the world! Dad's war to destroy the song also fell short. At that time, dad also took this piano..." he remembered the sentence "shoot to kill" on the sea boat, There was no language for a long time

Lu Wenlong imagined that dad was on the ship, talking and laughing to destroy the strong enemy, but he couldn't form a clear concept He only asked with infinite regret, "who is protecting Zhao Deji? Why should dad let him go?"

"Her name is Hua Rong!"

Lu Wenlong was stunned. Of course, he knew who "Huarong" was After a long time, he asked cautiously, "since Zhao Deji is a bad man, why should my mother save him?"

He thought for a moment, and every answer was very careful: "at that time, she didn't know that Zhao Deji was a bad man. She thought that he would become the hope of the song state and the Ming king of the song state."

Lu Wenlong couldn't believe it: "did he cheat his mother?"

Cheat? You can't cheat Although the politician was like Jin Wushu, he didn't know how to answer his son's question at this time. He was as serious as thinking about the overall situation. After a long time, he said, "once a person becomes an emperor, he will change. Therefore, he became extremely vicious, despicable, and killed a very important family member of your mother..."

Lu Wenlong whispered, "I know it's' dad '... Another' dad '..."

Jin Wushu is noncommittal No one has ever told him this past, but the child is smart and has his own judgment. His mother is so desperate for revenge. He has been with her for so long and always knows something

"Why did Zhao Deji kill him?"

"Because he made great contributions. He made Zhao Deji sit firmly on the throne of the emperor and established the first-class defensive army of the song state. Even now, Da Jin can't easily fight the song state."

The teenager was shocked: "why? Isn't it the greater the credit, the better?"

"Because the people of the Song Dynasty were cowardly and despicable, and could not tolerate their heroes."

Lu Wenlong couldn't understand it at all. He drank a cup of tea in one gulp and drank three cups in a row before saying, "those song pigs are really hateful!"

Jin Wushu gave him a deep look Because of Hua Rong's relationship, Lu Wenlong never called him "Song pig" like other children, but at this time, he casually said it, as if he was completely proud of being a Jin man

He casually said, "not all song people are timid..."

He pie pie mouth: "I see, Song people, in addition to mom, other are cowards."

Jin Wushu said slowly, "it's not true. Once, when I was fighting with the state of song, I met a very brave general. He stuck to an isolated city without any assistance. Because of the wrong command of his boss, there were loopholes in his city defense, which was soon broken by me. However, he didn't want to surrender, so he committed suicide. And his wife, who loved each other very much, committed suicide in order not to fall into the enemy's hands, leaving only a baby still in his infancy..."

Lu Wenlong listened blankly. He didn't know why. He just felt a chill from head to foot, and then slowly from foot to head. After a while, he asked, "what about that child?"

Jin Wushu shook his head lightly, "I don't know. Maybe he was adopted."

Lu Wenlong's eyes fell on the Jiao Weiqin and did not ask any more questions However, dad always pressed the strings, as if the whole heart was immersed in the ancient old piano. Between his slender fingers, the aftersound was lingering: "when can you be young, your hair is gray. Visit the old half as a ghost, exclaim hot midgut..."

Visiting the old half is a ghost. Whether it's an opponent, a friend or a brother, he muddled, thinking of his biggest opponent Yue Pengju, his political enemy Zonghan, the valley God, his brothers buluhu, Zong Jun, etc., who died directly or indirectly in his hands... They were all dead, and he was still alive alone

Lu Wenlong raised his head and saw that Dad's face was very dark He was slightly surprised. Jin Wushu coughed and opened his mouth, spitting out a mouthful of blood

"Dad... Dad, what's the matter with you? Come on, come on..."

Several maidservants ran in. As soon as they got to the door, Jin Wushu waved. They didn't dare to come forward again, so they had to step back one by one

"Dad, are you injured? Why not treat it?"

He shook his head, slightly pressed his chest, took a sigh of relief, turned pale, and forced a smile: "it's no problem, Dad. This is an old problem of squeezing for a long time. It's OK to have a lot of rest."

Lu Wenlong was worried, but he didn't know how to share for his father. He just kept pouring tea for his father, hoping that the tea was a panacea These days, he has been looking for his mother every day. He doesn't hate his father in his heart. He still holds a breath. He always feels that his father is too ruthless to his mother. At this time, these resentments suddenly disappear

Jin Wushu took the tea he poured and drank it dry. His fingers were still on the strings. With a thud, it was not a tune, but a diffuse and ethereal void

"Dad, are you hungry?" Lu Wenlong looked at the three bowls and chopsticks on the table and wondered who his father was waiting for "Dad, would you like to eat something first?"

Jin Wushu shook his head and suddenly pricked up his ears. His expression was very quiet, as if he was listening to something Sure enough, Lu Wenlong also heard the sound. It was the sound of opening the door - Jin Wushu had ordered not to disturb, but people dared to push the door in by themselves. It was obvious that the waitresses had let go all the way Who is it? Who can enter the fourth Prince's mansion at will?

Someone caged the veil, and then slowly lifted it

He stood up and was about to see who it was, when he suddenly jumped and cheered, "Mom, mom, are you back? Haha, it's mom, Dad, look, it's mom back... It's mom..."

Jin Wushu was not surprised at all. He still sat where he was, motionless, but with a faint smile on his face and a faint sigh of relief

"Mom, I worry about you all day, but I can't find you... Did you go to kill Qin Hui?" Lu Wenlong whispered more and more, holding his mother's hand vigorously, "Mom, are you hungry? Eat quickly, you see a lot of good things, dad put three bowls and chopsticks, I don't know what it means, it's waiting for you, mom, we're waiting for you to eat..."

The room was extremely quiet, and he was the only one chirping, which made the room seem empty and lonely Hua Rong couldn't answer his continuous questions, but took his hand and sat down beside him. At this time, her eyes turned to Jin Wushu Jin Wushu sat in place all the time, facing her eyes, his eyes were full of a faint smile: "Hua Rong, you really came."

Hua Rong also glanced at her: "thank you, fourth prince."

He said faintly, "there's nothing to thank. I didn't help you."

Her eyes slightly turned, slightly excited: "Qin Hui, where did he escape?"

"Back to Lin'an. He was seriously injured. The journey was far away, so he couldn't walk quickly. He was probably still on the way."

Hua Rong showed a slight disappointment on her face, but she was relieved. She only shook her head slightly. The so-called plan is in man, success is in heaven, and time is also fate

Jin Wushu's eyes inadvertently saw her from head to foot After leaving for nearly a month, she had no change, but her face disappeared that kind of deathly gray look. Although she was still thin, she was not haggard, glowing with another kind of new vitality. Faintly, it also dissipated the anger, depression, resentment and despair she had squeezed in the past year... It seemed that she suddenly slowly became stronger How long has it been? Many years ago, when she was beside Yue Pengju, she would have such a powerful expression

He was slightly surprised that this was not a successful suicide, but actually made her strong?

Originally, she should have been more desperate

"Mom, are you hungry? Eat first, eat quickly..." Lu Wenlong didn't notice the surging tide between adults, kept feeding his mother, piled the rice bowl in front of her like a hill, "Mom, eat quickly, you need to eat more..."

Hua Rong did not refuse, with a warm smile on her face, looked at him with a little pity, looked at this child full of kindness, filial piety and purity, but sighed slightly in her heart

She ate and saw Jin Wushu in the twinkling of an eye. He still sat there, looking at himself, as if in meditation

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