One Night Bride

Chapter 575

How can you die before him?

Otherwise, how can I be worthy of the wronged eyes in the sky?

His voice fell lower and stuck to her ear: "how lonely xiaohutou is alone. In the future, we will have many children to accompany him; therefore, you should take good care of your body now. Taking good care of your body is the first priority... Let's leave here as soon as possible, so that we can concentrate..."

At this time, she suddenly understood why he was so eager to return to the sea. It turned out that it was neither the 250000 silver nor Yelv's great use He has already had his own influence here. When he said to give up, he gave up categorically. It turned out that it was all for himself

He seemed to be bargaining, hanging the bright bait on her mouth, like a sweet cake that you can bite when you jump up: "as long as you are a little better, you can do whatever you want..." he laughed, "it doesn't matter if you pester me all day and all night..."

Her cheeks flushed, "bah," who will pester you? Hum. "

"Aren't you pestering me now? Hahaha..."

She bit her lips and was coquettish


"Girl, I'll sing you a song."

"Don't listen, don't listen... Don't want to listen..."

"If you want to sing, you must sing... The little daughter-in-law's feet are sharp..." if a tiger is singing a nursery rhyme, it's extremely unpleasant, very unpleasant He was enjoying himself, singing in the middle of the sound, and suddenly felt itchy on his neck. He stretched out his hand and touched it. It was slippery. It turned out to be a small insect. He didn't know when Hua Rong grabbed it from the grass around him and put it in his neck

He laughed dumbly, grabbed the bug and threw it out at a distance His heart was full of a kind of tenderness and lingering emotion, and he beamed and sighed: "Alas, I must have a daughter, and I really want to have a daughter..."


"Because then a third person will put crabs and insects in my neck, hahaha..."

Laughter spread far away, echoing in the clear lake. With the night, it slowly drifted into the sky, curling and turning, turning into light smoke, floating clouds on the ground

The temporary palace in Yanjing

After several months of repair and renovation, although it is still not as rich and magnificent as the former imperial city of the Liao Kingdom, it has become a paradise on earth compared with the previously bitter and cold Shangjing of the Jin Kingdom

He Ci ascended the throne of the Dragon chair with pride, pressed his hands on the side chair, and looked at the empty hall A row of carved beams and painted buildings, a row of dragons, tigers and cranes; There is no seat, it is the kneeling ground of Wen Chen and Wu Jiang Only you can sit However, it is said that the imperial palace of the state of song is more imposing. Compared with it, Yanjing is no different from firefly to the sun and moon

He had a little regret. He looked at his bright yellow dragon robe and listened to the Han family Chinese of the palace people around him. Except for the long braid at the back of his head, he was no different from the young emperor of the Han family

The eunuch's shrill voice trailed the end: "up!", Thus, the sound of "going to court" dispersed leisurely, like a long aftertaste of Tianbao's legacy He was familiar with Han poetry and thought that the handsome Tang emperor, he, was the wealth that others envied

Civil and military officials filed in

He Ci glanced casually at a chair on the left, which was the only chair That is the exclusive property of the fourth prince. Even in Yanjing, he dare not lose this habit He was as powerful as Zhong Fu. After all, he dared not withdraw his seat Even his confidant, Dr. Han Jia, dared not suggest so

Jin Wushu, dressed in a war robe, walked like a tiger, sat down on a chair and accepted the worship of all officials together

He Ci cleared his throat: "Dear Aiqing, what can I do for you?"

A pile of trivial things Then it's Hailing's turn The first performance is the stolen 250000 tribute silver, which is also today's theme He Ji frowned and imagined how high the 250000 silver would be when piled together?

Everyone whispered and argued endlessly. Those who advocated all-out extermination of King Qin, those who advocated asking for compensation from the state of song, and those who advocated accountability... Jin Wushu was indifferent in the discussion of this school

Hailing looked at him and then started playing again. This time, he mentioned the mysterious golden general He is handsome, eloquent, vivid and soul - stirring

Everyone had heard about the event of the "abduction horse" in private, but no one answered, just kept looking at the fourth prince The power of the world's soldiers and horses is in the hands of the fourth prince. In addition to him, who dares to openly mobilize abductors and horses?

He Ci didn't dare to speak. He habitually looked at the fourth Prince and asked him for tips, but he didn't receive his cooperative eyes. Then he remembered that this matter was aimed at the fourth prince. How could he ask him for advice? He thought, "there are several people in the world who can mobilize the abduction horse. The main thing is, whose subordinate is this abduction horse?"

It is a very important question whose lineage it is

Hailing didn't dare not tell the truth: "I traced the whereabouts of the dead and found that these faces were strange and didn't belong to any general..."


"Who pretended to be an abductor horse?"

"There are so many people, can't you find any?"


It was a plain battle. The elite team was all heavy armor, and it had an absolute advantage. It came and went like the wind, and there were not many deaths and injuries There is no evidence that they belong to the collected sevenoreight corpses This is the most depressing place in Hailing. He originally thought this was the death place of the fourth prince, but he found that he had been in vain

At this time, his face is still with whip marks, fresh, that is the fourth Prince whipped the unhealed These whip marks still hurt faintly

Jin Wushu stood up as if nothing had happened: "the current priority is to arrest King Qin and negotiate with the state of song."

"However, I heard that Qin Hui has fled back. How can we talk?"

After Qin Hui was injured, he no longer dared to take risks. Anyway, the sky was far away, and the imperial edict had not arrived yet. He made a quick decision and returned to Lin'an As for his injury, it's a secret, at least Jin Wushu hasn't found it yet

He smiled and calmly said, "it's just that he left, but it's better to talk. It's more beneficial to Daikin."

"Fourth prince, who is the most suitable person to send to arrest King Qin?"

"Hailing is the pioneer!" He restrained his smile and looked solemn. "The crown prince is the commander! I don't believe that King Qin can fly from heaven to earth. This is the land of gold, not a world full of pirates!"

He Ci put a hundred hearts into it. Over the years, he has developed a habitual dependence. He is not good at national affairs. When the fourth prince came out, he let the fourth Prince handle it with full power

At night

The fourth Prince's mansion began a long - awaited feast

Only two people attended the banquet Lu Wenlong looked at his father and the delicious dishes on the table. He was a little strange: "Dad, can we eat so much?"

"No, it's three."

Sure enough, there are three bowls and chopsticks Lu Wenlong thought, there is another person, who will it be? Who is still on the way?

"Dad, who's still coming? Are there any guests? When will the guests come?"

"The guest is on the way. Maybe it's almost there."

"No, Dad's treat. Who dares to be late?"

"It's not that she was late. It's that she didn't know that my father was going to treat her."

"Then how do you know people will come?"

"Dad has a wonderful plan."

Jin Wushu smiled faintly In front of him was an ancient zither, which was also an antique from the state of song. It was extremely precious He seemed to be very interested. His fingers stroked the strings and gave a long, soft echo: "son, today dad plays a song for you."


Dad has been straight faced these days, extremely serious, why suddenly have a leisurely mood?

In his son's stunned eyes, he played and sang:

Life without meeting is like participating in business

What day is it tonight? It's a candle light

When you are young, your hair is gray

Visit the old half for ghosts, exclaim hot midgut

How can I know that I have been in scholar's Academy again for twenty years

In the past, when you were unmarried, your children suddenly made a trip

Happily, I respect my father and ask where I come from

Q & A is not the end, drive Er Luo wine

Spring leeks are cut in the night rain, and yellow sorghum is planted in the new kitchen

The LORD said it was difficult to meet, and ten cups were exhausted at one stroke

Ten cups are not drunk, and the feeling is deliberately long

Tomorrow, across the mountains, there are two boundless things in the world

"Tomorrow is across the mountains, and things in the world are two boundless", the aftersound stops in the last two sentences, lingering Lu Wenlong heard such a song for the first time, and it was sung in pure Chinese. It was strong and intense, with unspeakable sadness A certain ethnic aesthetic in his bones was quickly awakened. He stared at his father in a daze. Subconsciously, this song was much better than all Dajin's folk songs he had heard

"Dad..." his words didn't come out, and he saw that Dad's eyes were focused on the strings, with no distractions, completely forgotten He dared not speak, but at this time, he heard my father speak, as if he were telling a long story, Those heroic years: "This Qin is called Jiao Weiqin, which is the property of song Huizong, the conquered monarch of the song state. In those days, we Dajin swept the world until Kaifeng, the capital of the song state, and captured all the royal members of the song state. At that time, the population of Dajin was less than 12% of that of the Song Dynasty. My father, our Taizu emperor of Dajin, started with only 13 cavalry, but our men of Dajin were all heroes, with iron cavalry swept away and invincible. It's ridiculous that millions of soldiers and horses of the song state, It was simply vulnerable and was soon defeated by our Daikin This piano was sold by song Huizong in order to collect war reparations... "

The child was very excited and proud: "Dad, are you the commander of this war?"

"After winning Kaifeng, the first achievement was not Dad. But then, Dad led 100000 troops of Da Jin to chase Zhao Deji, the remaining evil of the song state, and searched the mountains and the sea, forcing him to the vast sea. He was in a panic and ran away. Dad has been chasing to Yangzhou..."

Lu Wenlong couldn't help but say, "Yangzhou? I know. I heard from my mother that it's a good place..."

"Yes, Yangzhou is really a beautiful place. Dad has never seen a more prosperous and prosperous place in his life. There is a saying in the state of song 'Yang Yi Yi Er', that is, Yangzhou is the first in the world and Yizhou is the second in the world..."

"So good? Can we go sightseeing later?"

Jin Wushu shook his head Over the years, Yangzhou is no longer that Yangzhou

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