One Night Bride

Chapter 574

I don't know when, the horse suddenly ran up. It was Liu Wu's cry, full of energy: "king, all killed..."

King Qin waved his right hand, and the blood flowed down the back of the knife, with a cruel beauty against the snow-white light of the knife

Originally, killing is also a kind of beauty!

She closed her eyes and didn't look anymore. At this moment, she was a bystander fighting She thought, in the future, she will be a bystander? Why are bystanders always easier than participants?

The iron horse galloped, and King Qin looked down at her face. Her face was still pale, not even a drop of blood was splashed He laughed with infinite relief, pulled the reins and accelerated to his destination

This is a clear lake with lush water and grass, flocks of cattle and sheep, and all kinds of small animals roaming in it, many of which have never been seen before It seems that there are no human footprints

The crowd finally stopped and took a rest

When her feet set foot on the solid ground again, she looked up and saw the faint yellow of the ground The red setting sun was shining in the lake, like a broken ruby, crushed among the algae, as if it could be caught with a hand

Countless mornings and dusks, countless sunsets, between myself and him, always meet again in such a setting sun, right and wrong, mixed

Hold a handful of water and pour it on your face, which makes you feel more comfortable than ever before Untie the hair, the whole person was immersed in the lake, clean, comfortable, washed all the dust

Not far away, King Qin stood aside. He had already taken off his hat, bare his upper body and washed away his fatigue Suddenly I looked up and saw her. I saw that she was in the water, not far away. Her body was covered by water plants, and I could only see a piece of green, such as the black haired water demon, whose body also turned into green algae Her face was reflected into a strange crimson by the sunset, and her eyes were like two black gemstones between green algae and two purple grapes

Her whole body was eager, but her footsteps stayed where they were, as if she didn't dare to step forward, and didn't dare to disturb her meditation He blinked his eyes, as if time was flowing or reborn. He was not a passionate man, but a young man who was worried about gain and loss. He was inexplicably happy because of expectation, with a little painful longing and impulse Then I realized that I was in love with a woman


At the foot is a nameless water grass, with dotted pink, pink, blue, pink and yellow flowers He was completely unconscious, weaving a large wreath with flexible water and grass, dotted with full flowers, and holding it in his hand, as if his heart was immediately full of flowers

He got up slowly and met her. At this time, she had already come out of the algae. The washed clothes were dried by the sunset and the wind, with the heat of midsummer. It was a kind of very soft silk. The single clothes in the armor were now so comfortable and ironed She sat on a big stone with her legs in her arms, quietly watching the last sunset glow hide in the clouds, and then there was the black world

He approached, met her, and looked at the exposed leg. It was Hu Ku. After taking off her boots, she had bare feet, snow-white feet and pink legs. It was like the first time, beautiful and full of temptation

He walked over foolishly, his eyes always on that calf, and he couldn't move away at all As if, that is the whole world

She still held her knees, just slightly raised her eyes and looked at him; The smell of fragrance, the big wreath on her head He looked at her as if she were a fairy in the forest, beautiful, pure, and extremely enchanting

Her heart suddenly quickened as she met the fiery eyes Before, in front of him, she had never had such a heartbeat Ah, such a face of vicissitudes, even a pool of lake water, can't wash away the vicissitudes; For many years, people who have experienced wind and rain can still have such newborn eyes How difficult it is

In the past, I always despised him and always felt that he was full of sins;

She casually looked at her hands, so white, but she knew that they had also been stained with all kinds of blood

But I don't have my newborn eyes, and I will never have them

Like two extremes, one rapidly degenerates and the other rapidly upgrades; They are all in the opposite direction, and then the goal is the same; Finally, at a proper point

He couldn't help it any longer and put his hand around her in his arms Her hands also loosened their hugging knees and hugged his waist It seemed that it was natural, without any abruptness or hesitation The two clean bodies cling closely, closely fitting, comforting each other, bringing the hottest temperature in midsummer

Her lips are so bright and ruddy, and how dry and eager he is; Cover it with one mouth, tightly All the breath in my mouth was robbed, and I couldn't breathe, and I didn't want to breathe again For a moment, her mind was blank, the past was gone, and there was only herself and him in the world Even the son and the deceased husband have forgotten, completely forgotten - as if living only for themselves, just like all people in the secular world who can't fight and finally have to compromise

People call this selfishness

She thought, selfish once, indulge once She was ignited by this idea, and her whole body suddenly burned, rolling like magma, which was about to erupt

He felt the slight trembling of the soft woman in his arms, and his body trembled. It was more urgent than the first meeting, and he could hardly wait to ask her In a hurry, he remembered many years of depression and abstinence. He was so excited that he almost lost control and forgot this instinctive enjoyment. Instead, his actions were as clumsy as a child

He woke up as if from a dream, but she was relieved I don't want to hide it. In front of him, there is no need to hide it, and I can't hide it This is nothing at all

He had known it for a long time, but he was still very frightened. He exclaimed, "girl, girl, what's the matter with you?" Reach out, wipe the scarlet from the corner of her mouth, put it on the end of her nose, smell it carefully, and judge her condition

He couldn't hear clearly at all, but his desire was retreating, because he was awake and understood He sat up and crushed the petals on the ground to cover her face. The fragmentary fragrance and cool chill made his voice soft, like the night wind blowing in his ears: "girl, you have a good rest, don't get excited first. When you get well..."

"No, no..." she muttered, looking for his lips again, like an unconvinced child

"I'm fine. I'm in good health..."

"Did you forget? Last time I hurt you and looked for Ganoderma lucidum for you, I was almost half a doctor..." he comforted her in a low voice and touched her eager pulse. "We are not in a hurry, are we? Wait for you to recover..."

"I don't want to wait so long... Don't..."

"Soon, soon. Your body is overworked. As long as you have a good rest for a period of time, you can..." for the first time, he controlled his desire, comforted her and persuaded her, just like a child, don't eat too much sugar, so as not to damage his teeth

"You've been fighting for many days without a good rest, and you're nervous. After these days, you'll always be better... I'll find some good things for you to eat, okay?"


"No... no..."

"Not long..." he said, making another concession, and his voice was full of laughter. "In fact, it doesn't have to wait so long. As long as you are a little better and take a good rest, we can... At any time... I won't leave you. I'm by your side every day. Don't worry... Stand by at any time!"

Stand by!

She wanted to laugh and endured it How can I not know his intentions Because of himself, no matter how depressed he is, he is willing to Suddenly, I was also very urgent and cheered up. I had no hope for this broken body for a long time. At this time, I had a strong desire to get better and long for many happy days Longing for a sweet life with him in the future

She even thought that Zhao Deji was not dead!

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