One Night Bride

Chapter 573

Her shyness was like a wisp of cool wind in the morning. He laughed and was very proud: "who cares so much? Who dares to say no? I can do whatever I want. Girl, I want to hold you like this, always..."

She was worried about meeting the enemy again, but listening to him like this, she would no longer say anything. She just leaned in his arms and was very relaxed. She didn't even wear her own bow and arrow, but hung it on his waist

For the first time, she was like a woman with no strength to bind a chicken. Everything was left to him

Disaster or happiness, yourself, this is not good?! That's good

She asked low, "will Liu Wu's eyes be good?"

"No, he's a Cyclops. I took the 250000 silver I robbed and gave him 10000 as a reward. He didn't want it and used it all to equip the savages. He and Ma Su have been with me for so many years. I can't treat them badly. Anyway, I'll wait until I go back to the sea."

She was even more gratified Liu Bang is a scoundrel. With Xiao He and Han Xin, he can also compete in the Central Plains; King Qin, the biggest change in his life is not that he met himself. He really met Liu Wu and Ma su

"Girl, I have sent a group of people to escort the silver back."

She was already curious about the cost and arrangement of that batch of silver. Such a huge amount could not be hidden quietly He lowered his voice: "in order to hide this silver, I really worked hard. Now, hailing is chasing and searching every day. How can I let them find it? Fortunately, there are some savages who are familiar with the shortcut, and we took a secret path. However, it is too difficult to really return this batch of silver to the island."

She thought for a moment: "in fact, there is no need to send it back to the island."

His eyes lit up. "What do you mean?"

"It's a long way to go, and it's too unsafe to go by land. Now the army of song and Jin Dynasties are at the border of Chen Bing, why bother us?"

"OK. I think so, too."

She suddenly asked, "how did you explain to Yelv?"

There was a trace of cunning in his eyes. She had seen this cunning cruelty many times, and he never hid it in front of her

"I don't have to tell him at all."


"This is his territory. How could I be stupid enough to send it to him?"

"However, the two sides are aligned..."

"It's an alliance. He's the only one who benefits. I know what he wants very well. This time, even if I do a loss making business, I'm not a vegetarian if he wants to gain an inch."

After so many things, Hua Rong has understood that Yelv's great use is by no means a great person His cooperation with Hailing alone shows his shortsightedness He is evil by nature and narrow-minded. Although he has a poisonous plan, he has no wise plan He just roamed the desert on that side

Hua Rong didn't say anything more King Qin is not a gentleman, nor is he a hero When the two met, she never thought about making King Qin a moral model There are too many detours, and the troubled times are too difficult. Maybe someone like him is needed

She asked again, "is masu sailing meeting back?"

"They didn't go far this time. According to the itinerary, they should be back soon. Girl, I have many big plans, and I need them to come back to discuss."

"I don't know if I can help you."

He laughed, "girl, you know what? As long as you are by my side, it will be the greatest help to me."

Suddenly I thought of the mysterious golden general who rescued me. Although I was so far away, I knew it was for me And Lu Wenlong, at that time, he was afraid of his sadness, so he didn't tell him and left quietly Children who have been together for so long even pay much more love than little tiger heads She did not speak At this point, what else can I do?

Tired again, she lazily closed her eyes, head, the sun is warm

For a while, the lips were moist and itchy. I wanted to laugh, but I endured it He peeped, and she was still asleep He felt relieved, but still like a thief, he rubbed his soft lips again and suddenly found her long eyelashes trembling He was startled and moved away immediately

We have known each other for many years, but we only know each other today

He laughed heartily, her face as red as a cooked shrimp, curled up, and she was as shy as a little girl

The soldiers, even Liu Wu, had never heard such a happy laugh from King Qin and looked at it curiously However, his tall body tightly hugged her petite, and they could see nothing except the long black hair swaying in the wind in the galloping horse

"Your Majesty, someone is coming..."

It's Liu Wu's voice, which kills the scenery He watched the slightest movement closely all the way The scout in front was supposed to report to King Qin. Somehow, he didn't want to disturb him at this time and reported it to Liu Wu

King Qin sat up and said, "who is it?"

"It's still Jin Jun, but I don't know if it's Hailing's team..."

As long as it is the Jin army, it is the enemy King Qin reined in his horse and looked at the direction of the jungle. It was not difficult for this group to hide However, at this time, he did not want to hide, but to hurry back as soon as possible

"Go east."


Hua Rong has been leaning against his arms, as if he had to sleep. At this time, he opened his eyes When he saw her eyes on the bow and arrow on his waist, he pulled the reins, still tightly encircled her, stuck it to her ear, and softly said, "girl, don't be afraid, I'll take care of everything. Don't be afraid of anything."

She did not say a word, and did not speak again. She was as hard as a cork pillow, comfortable and safe At this time, the courage and strength of many years of struggle disappeared, and their hands and feet were soft. Knowing that the battle was imminent, they could not lift their spirits But strangely, I don't feel afraid It turned out that she was not a goddess of war, but a little woman - a little woman who likes leisure and hates work Laziness is really a wonderful thing

The visitor is not Hailing's deployment, but another Jin army, which is not large in number They saw that the leader held a woman in his arms. Seeing that he was unable to move, they came to besiege him However, they soon found that they were wrong, because the tall and strong man, with long arms and long knives, was invincible all the way through the pass. Even, his left hand was still firmly holding the woman, only his right hand, and his whole person was like a tiger king walking in and out of the forest

Along the way, she closed her eyes slightly. In her ears, there was a whistling wind, the sound of horses' hoofs, and the sound of fighting The sound of King Qin's deer cutting knife drank too much blood. A knife went down, as if it were the sound of broken bones. A drop of blood was about to splash on her face, and his side completely covered her

At this time, she slowly opened her eyes, snuggled in his arms, and watched him fight the enemy knife by knife In a moment of leisure, his eyes fell on her pale face, and his spirit came. Like a hero, he wanted to show her in front of the woman he wanted recklessly - that was the male law for tens of millions of years, showing his strength, strength and bravery, even if he died for this war

She looked at the drops of blood, the flying broken limbs and arms... In fact, they were strangers to each other, and there was no deep hatred. Before that, you had not seen me, and I had not seen you; After that, I may not remember each other's face But they just want to fight, fight desperately This is war, crazy war Under the guise of various flags, everyone has strange reasons. Each item looks high sounding, but in fact, each one is absurd and uninhibited

This is war

People are afraid of animals, because animals are brutal; In fact, people don't know that they are 10000 times more brutal than animals

She was in a trance and recalled that she had been fighting for more than ten years in her life; Song Jin duel, Jingkang great difficulty, oneself and Peng Ju maintain how hot blood, life and death, golden and iron horse, in the end, it is labor and death, heaven and earth There are tears in my heart, but I can't shed them anymore Suddenly I remembered the war in Lin'an, which was the same. Countless people surrounded my husband and wife, and the blood flowed into a river. For such strange reasons, I had to kill them Yue Pengju's dying voice sounded faintly in his ear:

Zhao Deji must be killed in the afterlife!

Zhao Deji must be killed in the afterlife!

Zhao Deji must be killed in the afterlife!

Even if killing is a very absurd reason, it must be killed Just like war, it is so absurd, but it will continue for thousands of years Just, I'm too tired; Take a rest, take a rest and go on the road again

She looked at those who fell without blinking, without anger, compassion, or fear; It seems to be an unprecedented numbness Man, life is so noble

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