One Night Bride

Chapter 572

All the anger vanished, and even the idea of punishing her and warning her was forgotten. It was many years before she showed such a nature Easy! After so much pain and suffering, even if sometimes a little willful, so what? Isn't that why I love her? Moreover, all this, she is not for herself, not for pleasure - it is to avenge her husband. For this, even if she narrowly dies, she will not hesitate! How many women can do it?

No matter how bad she is, she will admit it

He whispered softly in her ear, "silly girl, how can I not want you? I want you all my life, how can I really abandon you?"

"But, you left... You really left..." she couldn't let go of this, and still sobbed

"However, I'm still worried. I know you deliberately want me to leave. When I heard you call me, I didn't want to talk to you anymore. Really, girl, I didn't want to talk to you anymore, but I'm really hopeless, and I still can't help it... Hahaha..."

After many years of concern, who can really cut off love and give up happily? Besides, under such circumstances Even with all kinds of anger and unwillingness, I can't let go and hide secretly. In fact, I have been watching her, watching her cry, watching her chase In particular, after finding the trace of Jin Jun, we can't walk away That's Hailing. It's Hailing he hates to the bone. It's also this egg. It almost killed her on the night when he was not there Although he had only a small team at this time, he could not tolerate any more mistakes from her, so he had to ambush in the dark Fortunately, she hid early and escaped the disaster

It is precisely in this way that we can really hear her cry and her heart So eager, just like a wronged little tiger head It turned out that she was not indifferent to herself She needs herself more urgently than she thought He was glad that he could occupy such an important position in her heart She can't live without herself at all

Child, for many years, she clings to her inner stubbornness, and is still a child It's good to be a child forever, isn't it?

He stroked her cheek with pity, touching the wet ground like a poor tiger's head

For a moment, he was crazy. It was like treating a tiger head. It seemed that she was her own daughter, a poor little daughter, who finally came back after all the vicissitudes and tribulations

Her breath gradually stabilized, and her sobs subsided

He laughed, as if the happiest and most successful day of his life, like a green teenager, was happy because he had taken the initiative

"Girl, you should catch up with me, you should find me! Girl, I'm really happy... Happy... I'm happy, girl, you know? I've never been so happy..."

She stopped crying, slowly opened her eyes and looked at him, the vicissitudes of life, lonely face, at this time, completely changed, energetic, bright eyes, leopard like ring eyes, put on a real king's gas, as if she had just obtained an incomparable crown, and therefore, rendered a gentle color, so that his whole person completely shed the color of tyrant, revealing an unprecedented mercy and kindness

Because of pity, so kind

She wanted to speak, and his lips moved. He bowed his head and stuck it on her lips She could not dodge, nor did she Dodge, not at all, and did not feel his abruptness at all He was trembling with excitement, and her eyebrows lifted slightly. She gently closed her eyes. It was up to him. Whatever he wanted, it was up to him However, there was a chill on her lips. When she opened her eyes, it was a fruit he handed over, a kind of fragrant sweetness, faintly covering her lips, and it was his incomparably gentle voice

"Girl, you have something to eat first, you're too tired..."

"Girl, this is what I found on the way. You eat this. Do you remember? In the past, on the island, you especially liked to eat fruit. I brought a basket on the boat..."

Remember, all remember, the tyrant is like King Qin. In the desperate situation, he secretly hid a fruit for himself to eat, but he gave it to Zhao Deji!

The past cannot be recalled

She took the fruit and nibbled it gently. It was sweet and juicy Seeing that he didn't eat it, he suddenly handed him the fruit: "it's delicious, and you can try it..."

He was flattered when he saw her act like this for the first time, as if he were surprised one by one. The boss was a man with hot eyes. He laughed a few times to hide his emotions. He actually took a bite and handed it back to her: "girl, you eat and we'll go on the road."

She ate the fruit lowly, and he listened to the voice of the wriggling of the dry lips, which was also fragrant, a sweet, sad fragrance, but weak and sad His hand was on her vest, and he knew that the slightest trace of strength had disappeared In fact, I know what it means to her life Just catching up has exhausted her strength, increased her life, and quickly approached a certain place

It was a punishment, a punishment for him Even if she is bad, stubborn, stubborn, stupid, ruthless, rude... Even if she is a completely bad woman, she can't disobey her Oneself, never can occupy any upper hand in front of her

She is an absolute queen and can't tolerate any disobedience

It was such a cruel force that brought about the result, but it was not what he wanted - he thought, even if she stubbornly continued to move forward and went further - as long as she was not so dying, she was willing

Even if, even if they can only catch up

However, it was no use regretting. He stared at her and looked at the row of long, drooping eyelashes. The light mist condensed on it, like a thin cicada wing, which could not spread its wings and vibrate At this time, he found that the dawn had come And she did not know when she had fallen asleep

He sat against the tree, holding her in his arms Although it was clear that there would be traces of Jin Jun at any time, I didn't want to wake her up. Even if the sky was about to fall, I didn't want to disturb her at all

She is too tired. If she can take a rest first, just take a rest

Her hair was strangely tangled and messy, like a pile of chicken nests He reached out and combed her slowly, as if to sort out a mess His movements were so light that she was not disturbed at all For a long time, the leaf debris and weeds on her hair were finally cleaned, and the black hair hung down along his arm, like a small black waterfall

However, this waterfall is no longer the kind of dark and warm at the age of 17. It is exhausted and may stop flowing at any time

He enjoyed it wantonly, like a painting in the late Tang Dynasty He has never been artful, and he is not interested in it. Just in the pile of antiquities he grabbed, there are many such desolate and gorgeous, such as Li Shangyin's picture of a lady At that time, he only glanced at it and locked it in the box, and he never knew Now it suddenly occurred to me that maybe she would like it when she saw it?

Her breath was still heavy, but he was eager, because he thought of his treasure box of rich palace clothes Finally, she can wear it one day

A sunrise rose, and the sky was bright red. The clouds slowly swam away, and then turned into a dark blue white, like a flock of slowly cruising sheep Hua Rong opened her eyes, and her leopard like eyes were staring at her, with a deep pity and even sadness

She trembled in her heart, rubbed her eyes, and laughed, "I'm actually asleep. It's dawn, and we should go on our way."

He still didn't say anything, just stared at her without even blinking his eyes A blush appeared on her face: "Qin Shangcheng, hurry up, hailing is still searching for us. If he returns, it will be bad..."

Her voice is also rustling, like a hand playing on the thin leaves, sweet, with an indescribable style But in his eyebrows, his expression was little tiger head - somehow, he always thought of little tiger head, spoiled, wronged, every move, as if it was just a transformation of space and time, all like one person

His voice is gentle, which is a kind of gentleness in the rough, so it sounds strange In fact, he is not good at such a tone

"Girl, let's go home."

She was so happy that she couldn't wait: "I really want to see little tiger head right away."

"My son should be taller. He came to me when I left..." he gestured

She muttered, "I don't know if he knows me after so long."

"If you don't recognize him, I'll beat him."

Hua Rong laughed

Ahead, there is a waiting team

A black steed is full of energy. Obviously, it was prepared for Hua Rong in advance They looked at the woman in surprise. Her wrinkled clothes, pale and bloodless face, only her hair, fell behind her, as if she had been carefully combed This is a strange collocation, which is unspeakable

Hua Ronghe, realizing the strange eyes of the people, looked directly at the horse and said, "what a good horse. Alas, it's a pity that my black moonlight." Black moonlight lost in the fierce battle. It is a well-trained super horse. If it is not met with great danger, it can never not catch up

The soldier leading the horse was very respectful, with a full face of relief and laughter, and bowed slightly: "madam, please."

She found out that it was Liu Wu He wore an eye mask, which was the evidence of his courage to kill the enemy. Although he lost an eye, it added a kind of heroic temperament to him Did he and Ma Su affect King Qin, or did king Qin affect them? The strength of these two people may even be greater than themselves As a friend for many years, she suddenly laughed, "Liu Wu, thank you."

"No, madam, please."

Her hand was on the saddle and her body was light. It was king Qin's voice: "you come with me." In his words, he held his body in his arms again and got on his horse

He waved his hand, "on the road."

Then, take the lead

Hua Rong leaned in his arms, his face slightly red, and whispered, "there are so many people... Qin Shangcheng, you..."

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