One Night Bride

Chapter 571

It was safe for the time being, but there was no excitement at all How can I get out of this surrounding jungle when I don't even have a horse? She held her breath, carefully observed the direction, and determined her journey Just like life, if you are not careful, you will lose your direction

Slowly, a layer of Twilight shrouded, the moon, has been in the sky She walked alone, her boots on the grass in the forest, full of dew, with cold, baptising the dust and blood on her body, just like a person's life

Further on, the moon follows She looked up and looked at the moon in the treetops. As soon as people left, the moon left; When she stops, the moon stops She forgot, long ago, that the moonlight was still so gentle I can't remember the last time I saw the moon, it was before what year and month

Who is the first to see the moon by the river

When does the moon shine at the beginning of the year

However, this is the lonely moon in the exotic jungle, hanging high in the sky, like the last mercy of heaven

The moonlight is stronger than others. It will follow you at any time, even if you catch it

She looked back and saw her own shadow, long; Moving forward, it is also its own shadow, which becomes a strange straight line and a strange point

Moon, moon

Suddenly, he was so blessed that he suddenly woke up. Zhang opened his mouth and shouted loudly, "qinshangcheng, qinshangcheng..."

After all, he will miss himself and will not go far away After so many years of waiting, how can we end our friendship once? How can you?

"Qin Shangcheng..."

"Qin Shangcheng..."

"Qin Shangcheng, wait for me... Wait for me... Stop... Come back... I have a lot to say to you... Qin Shangcheng, wait for me, wait for me... Qin Shangcheng, as long as you come back, I won't go, I'll go with you... I'll go with you..."

Only the echo of the forest, the disturbed summer insects in the forest, surrounded, and repeated "qinshangcheng... Qinshangcheng... I'll go with you..."

She screamed out in vain At last, his voice became hoarse

A rustle of wind, she happily passed, just an unknown little animal, jumping and running away No, not Qin Shangcheng If he is there, he must know the danger of Jin Jun's search and will come and take him away as soon as possible But he didn't! Because he has already left, completely gone

As soon as her legs softened, she fell to the ground, leaning against a big tree, crying like rain

Always have to lose, just know, some things, will never come again No one can enjoy others' kindness to you forever for nothing

She hugged the trunk, as if the only support between heaven and earth

What you can rely on is just a tree

Now, I am exhausted. Let alone revenge, it is so difficult to find my son, even to get out of this jungle However, she couldn't think any more and curled up as if she had died

The moon walks slowly. It is also like a graceful princess. It is dignified and quiet. It will never walk a little faster for fear of messing up its elegant steps A cloud floated over. It seemed to want to enjoy the beauty of the color, so it stopped at the top of the largest tree and waited

The last glimmer of light was also covered, endless black, the sound of the wind, the sound of his own breathing In this world, there are only these two things left Is this jungle your last refuge?

No, not reconciled

But he couldn't stand up, despair and fatigue, wasted the last trace of strength, and could only lie quietly, like a breathing corpse

The moonlight, slowly, slowly, bit by bit, until later, I couldn't walk any more

But my mind is still clear. As long as I close my eyes, maybe I can't open it Strong will to survive, missing his son, little tiger head, Lu Wenlong... Bright and vivid face, and Yue Peng's face, far away, like the moon hanging in the sky, looking at her compassionately and compassionately No, Peng Ju doesn't look like this. He is firm and strong, calm and calm, not such mercy, such pity

"Seventeen sister... Seventeen sister..."

Is it the wind? Is it a cloud? Is it illusion galloping?

She held out her hand, but it was empty I can't catch anything

"Mom, mom..."

The little tiger's head is tied with a small apron of tiger skin, which is very impressive; Lu Wenlong holds a pair of guns, and the handsome young man has a shy attachment Suddenly I feel very happy. If I can still live with my two sons, watch them grow up, take good care of them, and be happy for myself, how much happiness I can't get?

In a happy state of mind, his eyelids finally couldn't open, and he walked towards the abyss of fatigue bit by bit

In a daze, a pair of warm hands stretched out and hugged her shoulders

She was almost in a dream, and she didn't know whether it was magic or real. She wanted to open her eyes and have a look, but she couldn't see anything, hazy and vague You can only feel the strength and warmth of those hands by feeling This hug is deepening, but it controls her strength, so that she doesn't feel pain. It's like the sun after a storm. The probe point by point is warm and hot, but it's just right

In confusion, the mouth is slightly open, and someone feeds himself food, water, crushed dry food, and even pills, which exudes a strange taste, slowly slides into the body, provides energy, and makes the eyelids jump

Slowly, she was able to move. Her hand almost instinctively stretched out and tightly hugged his waist. All she knew was that this hug would never loosen, never loosen, never loosen The hug was so hard that she almost exhausted her whole body. Her body trembled, her breath was short, her hand was soft, and she almost fell down

He was completely excited by such a strong hug, and his body was boiling, but he was incoherent and unable to speak He was surprised that her hand fell, as if it was an export of a promise. Once it was exported, he couldn't go back. He immediately grabbed it and still put it on his waist. He couldn't let her go again

Ah, attachment I am deeply attached by others - deeply attached by her

For the first time in his life, he clearly felt such a feeling, strong and exciting, which made his heart ripple more than the gratitude after she woke up on the island when she was seriously injured

She didn't lie. This time, she really didn't lie Even if you can speak, your hands won't Limbs are the last to lie

Between heaven and earth, only the heartbeat of two people, so intense and sentimental, such as two hot blood at the intersection Two people only know to hold tightly, everything becomes redundant

The moon stays overhead, quietly looking at everything in the world In the lush jungle, the first drop of night dew before dawn has begun to fall The wind blew the sound of shallow grass, swaying in the dark, and some deep and shallow flowers bloomed silently in the dark

Just wait for the dawn, they have already dressed up, just wait for the sunrise, and then brightly let life show for a time, whether it is short or long

A withered in one year, withers and thrives once each, the spring breeze blows again

When feeling, flowers splash tears, a total of this bright moonlight

He heard her heartbeat, weak but clear, so he breathed a sigh of relief

Hua Rong laughed, but there was no sound I only know that it's not in a dream. In a dream, I won't feel so choked What a good feeling! Dependence! Bad dependence?!

In fact, I really need to rely on myself more than ever Let's just depend on him for the rest of his life

After a long time, he let go slightly, because he heard that her breathing suddenly became a little short, which was a bad phenomenon, and her body was also soft, as if sinking As soon as he let go, she seemed to be frightened and suddenly hugged his waist, closer to herself Her arms are too short and his body is too tall to hold

"Girl, poor girl..." his hand was so strong that he stretched it out and picked her up Her body seemed to be in mid air. She opened her eyes and looked at the fading moon in the sky

Tsinghua in one place

Her clothes were already scattered, and all her strange disguises were gone A section of the sleeve was cut, revealing a thin arm Pale and weak

The fragrant mist and cloud are wet, and the jade arm is bright and cold

He touched her slightly wet and messy hair, and suddenly remembered the escape of liujiasi military camp many years ago There are only two people in the boundless night between heaven and earth She and I have long been destined to live together forever

He lowered his head and stuck it to her ear, full of pity: "girl, silly girl... It's me, it's all me..."

The strange crown on his head had long fallen off; And she didn't even notice when the bow and dagger fell to the ground The feather protecting the body has fallen apart. It has already fallen apart. It has no ability to connect with heaven anymore. Even Kuafu will die of thirst And I, different, finally found the swamp, before the sun completely scorched me

Thank God for his mercy

She finally hissed and cried bitterly

"Girl, just cry, just cry..."

"Qin Shangcheng, why did you leave? Why? You actually left. If you really left, you didn't wait for me... You didn't wait for me... When I called you, you didn't wait for me, and didn't promise me..." she sobbed, intermittently, and couldn't say any more

He laughed with infinite joy, hugged her tightly, pressed her cheek, and his voice was soft: "girl, if you didn't catch up, I really left..."

She cried out of breath. No wonder she asked him not to agree He really wants to leave!

How can he go? Why should I leave? More than ten years have passed, why can't you wait for a day?

She cried heartbroken, like an abandoned child, holding his skirt tightly, wronged and pathetic

King Qin stared down at her and thought of the frightened little tiger head. The same is true. When he was naughty, he didn't listen to any admonition. He grabbed the crab and put it on your neck, making fun of it; But if you are really wronged and afraid, you can only mumble your small mouth, stand on the deck, bow your head, dare not cry, dare not ask anyone to hold, and dare not even act coquettish

Like mother, like son

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