One Night Bride

Chapter 570

He stepped back and mounted his mount very quickly

She lost her eyes, and there was no one around her. She could only hear his voice coming, so smooth, "Now that you have a place to go, you can go. You know your son's whereabouts. You go to pick him up, and Liu Zhiyong will never stop it. I hope you don't abandon him again in the future. In the future, no one will raise a son for you. Lao Tze solemnly declares that in the future, he will never help you take care of that little bunny. No one in this world is more stupid than Lao Tze. Lao Tze figured it out and won't be a fool. Take care of yourself when I leave. No, don't take care, you are always ready If you want to die, you may die early. You can go to Jiuquan and meet Yue Pengju early Hahaha, isn't this just what you want? "

His laughter was so vicious, full of resentment and sarcasm. With that, he shouted, threw a whip on the horse's back, and hurried the horse away without even looking at her again

The sound of horses' hoofs went away, and the forest was silent for an instant

As usual, I have been avoiding him for many years This time, it was he who left a figure behind him. He left first King Qin really let go

Obviously, I should feel comforted. Isn't this the result I want? Why does the body tremble so much? Why can't you hold the whip?

The smell of sweetness could no longer be suppressed. She leaned over and fell off the horse's back, but did not fall down. Instead, she leaned against the horse's belly and gasped heavily He lost his strength to rely on, and suddenly became a void of nothingness. It seemed that he was alone in the world

Even his scolding could not be heard

How many times did he escape from the golden camp of Liujia temple and the vast sea? Because of his plea, he was no longer willing to save Zhao Deji And his broken arrow oath will never change in this life; The palm of the kingdom of gold, narrowly escaped death in search of medicine; Lin'an war, all rely on his life and death to save himself; Even this time, he killed in time... How many times, how many times! Which time is not life and death?

How many people in this world can live or die for another person?

What is he for?

He never knows how to express exactly, only action What else can be deeper, more sincere and more selfless than this kind of love?

Even if he is a bad person, no matter how bad he is, he has paid off, all paid off

For more than ten years, from bad luck to entanglement, I have been chasing each other all my life. King Qin, his efforts have been in vain

That's why he scolded angrily He is not a gentleman like Yue Pengju, nor a noble like Jin Wushu He is a pirate who never beat around the Bush, but whether his words are rough or not, which one of his curses is not?

Feel angry again, incomparable anger Since the reunion, which time has he not been humble in front of himself? Vaguely, he maintained a psychological absolute advantage and pleasure - a queen like high above, because of his infatuation, his pursuit, he dictated everything, recklessly, and he obeyed, just like a loyal minister under the pomegranate skirt

Superiority for too long, she even forgot, originally, he also has a temper! It may also turn around at any time

Suddenly shocked, terrified, uneasy, why did he scold himself so? For what?

The taste from Queen to female slave turned out to be so embarrassing It's not an understatement in your imagination, and you don't care at all

Every woman has a princess hidden in her heart, delicate, reserved and superior It's just that some people hide deeply This time, I was pulled out naked, fell to pieces from the clouds, and was in pain all over

However, what is more embarrassing, regretful and fearful than self-esteem is the subsequent loss - the fear of complete loss!

After this time, it's really farewell King Qin, he really won't wait for himself anymore

No one will wait for someone forever, because sometimes it's really not worth it Everyone expects a result when waiting. King Qin, why can't he want a result?

What pains, what self-esteem, what self-improvement, what secrets... All forgotten, the psychological defense line completely collapsed, nothing to worry about, I need him, I need such a person, I need him to take care of myself and protect myself In this life, every day is so hard, why not relax a little?

Even if I can't give him anything, I can at least give him a result and comfort

He and I need comfort too much

She opened her eyes in panic and searched everywhere, but in her field of vision, it was empty, and only the wind in the forest was blowing, with the coolness of midsummer, for a while Even the sound of horses' hoofs has disappeared King Qin has completely disappeared

Terrified, I felt as if I had broken a piece of things, a lot of holes, and I couldn't mend them She stayed where she was, and didn't know what to do. She couldn't even speak. She was completely stupid

After a while, the horse seemed impatient and struggled with a neighing sound She was rubbed against the belly of the horse With a buzzing in her mind, she clenched her teeth, rolled over and mounted the horse and chased forward I've never chased him - I'll always catch up with him this time and tell him that I haven't had time to tell him a lot

She raised her whip, but didn't fall down. Fang realized that the horse, like herself, was in its infancy The horse limped and limped. It was already tired and injured, and it was a very dull horse King Qin, who rode one in a thousand colts, was the best horse presented to him by the savage tribe. He could really travel thousands of miles a day In his anger, he decided to leave, and had already run away without a trace For a while, how can we catch up?

It was getting dark, and the horse didn't know how far it had run, but it always circled in this jungle, and I didn't know if it was lost Looking around, everything was strange. She was sweating profusely, and the horse finally stopped, sticking out its tongue, and was so tired that there was still no sign of King Qin, and even his team had long gone

The horse could no longer walk, drooping its head and nibbling at the green branches and leaves on the ground at will

Hua Rong bumped off the horse, pulled the horse, and circled in place Her mind was in a mess, and she rarely lost her judgment, but this time, because of the strain after the fierce battle, because the psychological barrier was completely broken and damaged, she no longer had a clear consciousness, did not know where to go, and was confused, and even her son forgot

A strange sound, which was a familiar sound, Hua Rong's men consciously loosened the reins and hid. Although their brain was vague, when the danger came, they automatically played their judgment - the brand of tap tap tap tap. It was the sound of heavy Armored Cavalry, whistling, coming and going freely. Obviously, it was not king Qin's team, and he would never dare to be so arrogant around Yanjing At this time, I remembered that when I saw him, he only took a few people with him. Those people were far away, and she didn't even see who they were

This team is obviously here to catch King Qin, or himself I don't know whether King Qin and others escaped, but they were few, which became an advantage at this time. As long as the target was not exposed, there should be no problem hiding

Although she suffered some trauma, which was not serious, she suffered from both psychological and physical blows at this time, and was simply unable to fight against such a large number of Jin Jun. she was full of fear. If hailing, if she fell into Hailing's hands, she would really feel worse than dead

At this time, no longer dare to expect heroes from heaven. King Qin will never appear again Everything depends on yourself, so you can't encounter any danger She pulled her horse warily, and her eyes turned rapidly. In front of her was a deep grass and a noisy bush, which was a good place to hide Fortunately, the horse is a trained war horse and will not scream at any time As soon as she pulled, the horse stubbornly bowed its head and only ate the clump of twigs The situation was critical, but she had no time for her horse. As soon as she loosened the reins, she quietly hid in the grass

Some miscellaneous thorns stabbed on the vest, across a layer of clothes, came faint pain; Some stabbed their hands again, and when they lifted them, they were dripping with blood She clenched her teeth and said nothing, because the sound of horses' hoofs was getting closer and closer

She fell on the grass like a mole, and saw the leader. It was Hailing indeed He was heavily armoured, but he didn't wear a pocket handrail I've never seen such a handsome face, but such fierce eyes The strangest thing is that a long blood mark on his face was obviously whipped, from his forehead to his mouth, forming a strange cruelty Naturally, she didn't know that Hailing had been beaten hard by Jin Wushu before. Now, with a full stomach of resentment, she had to find King Qin and seize the most beneficial weapon that could defeat the fourth prince

At this time, the destruction of the serpent tribe and the death of Zha came to my heart one by one. It was all him and this vicious Hailing Holding the bow and arrow tightly, she could not wait to shoot at once and immediately pierce his head, but she finally held back, even the atmosphere did not dare to say a word

Hailing suddenly waved his hand, and Hua Rong's secret way was bad. As expected, they still found the war horse, but at this time, there was a considerable distance between them

"General, look, there is a horse here..."

Hailing said happily, "what horse is it? It seems that King Qin and others can't run far..."

Sure enough, he went after King Qin

"General, this horse is our Dajin's war horse. You see, the iron bridle and headgear are all Dajin's, as well as the marks on its buttocks..." each war horse is marked, and the bodyguard carefully checked, "yes, it's our Dajin's war horse. It's an old horse who has participated in the war for many years, and should be used by low-level soldiers. In addition, the war horse is injured in many places, and the saddle is also cold. Obviously, no one has sat for a long time, and it is estimated that it escaped during the scuffle..."

Hailing was disappointed. I don't know what the bodyguard said. He shouted, "chase, chase immediately..."

With the sound of horses' hoofs, the ground was far away, and the dust from the heavy Armored Cavalry soon condensed on the grass, so that the green grass was covered with a light layer of ash

For a long time, Hua Rong dared to lift her head quietly, and there was a dead silence around Even the lame old horse disappeared Jin Jun would not leave anything to the enemy. They would rather kill them for dry food This old horse can no longer escape the fate of being slaughtered

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