One Night Bride

Chapter 569

She breathed: "I've killed Wang Junhua, and Qin Hui is half disabled if he doesn't die. I've tried my best, and I can't do anything else. Although the culprit Zhao Deji is not dead, I can't find a way to kill him at all, and Peng Ju's spirit in heaven won't blame me. I'm also tired, and I want to rest, and I want to live a peaceful life with my son. Do you remember lutiha? He once gave me the address of his hometown, where he has dozens of acres of thin fields, enough for our mother and son to live here a lifetime. Brother Lu's hometown is in a very remote and safe place, not within Zhao Deji's Jiangnan sphere of influence. Brother Lu has made comprehensive arrangements long ago Besides, after Peng Ju died, I haven't found brother Lu's whereabouts. I really want to find him quickly. Many things are mysteries. I'm eager to know. After waiting so long, it's time to find him Qin Shangcheng, you don't have to worry about us in the future, and I won't easily revenge... "She smiled," my ability is also limited. This assassination of Qin Hui is just a coincidence. When he returns to Lin'an, there will never be such a good opportunity. Therefore, you don't have to worry about us, I won't do anything stupid... "

It turned out that there was already a way out, and even where to go had been arranged Originally, sunset island is not her only place to go

"Qin Shangcheng, you should also go back. Over the years, in order to find me and help me, half of your life has been spent in it. You should also really have a home. Don't follow Yelv's great use. He has evil intentions and has ignored you many times. It's useless to cooperate with him. The island is your world."

It was all over. She shut up, and there was nothing more to explain

She immediately took a step forward, and King Qin took a step backward

She pulled the reins, and suddenly there was a sense of heroism, as if she had been on the battlefield with Yue Peng for the first time, and had endless energy to kill the enemy with her knife for the first time

King Qin looked at her, but she turned away. A gust of wind came, and the strange mottled yellow hair on her head had already broken, falling down wisps by wisps, as if it were a gradually dissipating soul Her voice is still very flat: "qinshangcheng, goodbye, take care."

King Qin, step aside This is unexpected, but it is common sense Well, she has been like this for many years. It's not surprising if she doesn't

Hua Rong clamped the horse between his legs, and the horse walked slowly forward. After a few steps, it was about to accelerate

"Hua Rong!"

Her back is light, straight, like a sharp arrow in the sky, without any edges and corners, sharp and stubborn

"Hua Rong, you can leave if you want. This time, I won't leave you. You can leave safely!"

Her back was still straight, only slightly stiff

"I'm tired. I've been tired for more than ten years. Anyway, I should go back. I'll really find a virtuous woman to marry and have children. Hua Rong, I'll never wait for you or find you again. Because you're not worth it!"

After saying this, my strength seemed to be exhausted, and the leopard's eyes were instantly dim - it was a kind of bland interpretation It's like a breath that has condensed for a long time and suddenly dissipated He suddenly aged dozens of years and felt relaxed Beauty and hero are all defeated by time! Time is the biggest enemy! For many years, the pursuit of thousands of miles, he himself felt incredible Why on earth is this? A person's whole life is spent on the road From sea to land, from the court of the song state to the savage tribe of the Jin State, now, standing here, facing each other, so many things are because of her!

How many years can a person have?

Suddenly found that it is not worth it!

It's really not worth it

Just like a dreamer, this dream suddenly wakes up and wakes up immediately He suddenly remembered that he was a robber, not a good minister to protect his country. It was incredible to think of all kinds of things in the past

"Why is a man without a wife?! Hua Rong, do you think I really want to rely on you? No, I suddenly figured it out. You want to hold the chastity archway for Yue Peng all your life. That's your freedom, and I respect your choice! You can live as a widow with your son."

Her body tilted a little, and her mind was in a trance Yes, King Qin should have realized it long ago It's too late to realize today, too late How much time is spent on one person, why? Why?

"Qin Shangcheng, you are not worth it! Really, I am not worth you treating me like this!"

The wind has blown away her mottled hair, completely revealing her messy black hair, covered with dust, fine leaves, dry and messy She opened her mouth, closed it again, and said nothing more

It was silent around, and the weather was gloomy and stuffy, as if there was going to be a heavy rainstorm, but it couldn't fall for a long time

"Qin Shangcheng, you go!"

"Well, Huarong, everything in the past, I'll pay you back as if I owed you back then. Now, I've paid it off."

"Yes, you have paid it off. You can go."

Her voice was as plain as a bowl of boiled water

King Qin sneered, "I finally see clearly that you are a heartless woman. Except Yue Pengju, you don't pay attention to anyone, not to mention me, even your son, even yourself. In this world, any woman is better than you. You are no longer human, not even a stone. Your heart is made of wood and numb..."

When she was unfamiliar, she always called him "King Qin", just as when he was angry, he called her "Hua Rong"

However, the change of appellation is thousands of miles away

"Lao Tzu is looking for you every day and worrying about you every day. When you are in trouble, he always comes to save you. But what about you? What have you given me? You always enjoy it in vain and never pay. Under the pretext of keeping chastity for Yue Peng, you are a hypocritical woman, full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, but no words are useful... Even if Lao Tzu is a robber, he also knows that theft is also a way and pays attention to faithfulness. What about you? What's your faithfulness? Except every time you leave without saying goodbye People worry, what else can you do? "


"I don't blame you for your revenge. I understand you. Yes, it's time to report revenge for Yue Peng. But can you do it alone? You don't even have a person who can negotiate, can you? Do you have Yue Pengju's military wisdom? Do you still have superior martial arts skills? Why should you kill Qin Hui Zhao Deji? You can see, if I didn't come here today, can you live? Can you survive? A person wants to fight against a country, even if Lao Tzu is a robber, I also know that only by developing more brothers can a strong army win the world Who can cross with empty fist? Do you think you're an invincible hero? You are too arrogant! In fact, you are just a woman! "

Just a woman!

In troubled times, women are the most useless!

Waiting for their fate, either concubines or death

However, if it's a woman, don't you need to avenge her husband?

"What third uncle Yang forced you, what the eyes of the world, Lao Tzu, clearly is your excuse, hesitant, indecisive, not only to use Lao Tzu, but also dare not use it too thoroughly. What are you doing in the kingdom of Jin? Do you think Lao Tzu doesn't know that you want to use Jin Wu Shu? But, how can this dead turtle be so easy to use? Yue Pengju was killed by him, and you can play with him? He is nothing more than coveting what he didn't get, and you're careful to be eaten and even bones I can't spit my head out! Isn't it better to cooperate with Lao Tzu than with Jin Wushu? Even if it's used, I won't hurt you at least Jin Wushu, he saved you like Lao Tzu many times regardless of life and death? "


"You see, you are such a woman, good or bad; bad, but you don't dare to be completely bad. I've endured you for too long. Yes, you're really not even as good as Li Tinglan."

Hua Rong didn't say a word and let him scold Scold, scold, if everything can disappear in the scolding, is it not a comfort?

"Hua Rong, you forget! You forget that in addition to revenge, you should also have a son! That's your son, not mine! Xiaohutou, he has nothing to do with me. Why do you rely on me? Over the years, you know where your son is? You know how tall he is? You know what clothes he wears? Do you know whether he is ill or bullied? Have you thought of him? What else have you thought of besides yourself? You only know not to take revenge Sorry, Yue Pengju, do you know that you are still sorry for your son? "

Son! Son!

Yes, I am indeed using King Qin All the lotus roots are broken and there is room for it

"As for Lao Tzu..." he laughed angrily, "Lao Tzu is nothing in your eyes! It's just a tool for you! Lao Tzu has been a fool for so long, and now he quit! Clearly, Lao Tzu helps you, that is to marry you, don't marry you, what does Lao Tzu do at risk of life? Do you think Lao Tzu is a great saint or Liu Xiahui?"


"But now I'm suddenly not interested. I don't want to! It's not worth it!"

She pulled the reins, shaking her hands slightly, and was eager to leave, but she always couldn't control the horse

"Ugly? Want to escape? Go away like before for a few years and months, and there is no trace? Save it, Hua Rong, put away your old methods. I'm tired of seeing too much, and no one will stop you, and no one will keep you..."

Her body trembled slightly because of such scolding I thought it was to let him vent and let him out, but I really scolded to the bottom of my heart, and I realized that this taste was so terrible and uncomfortable

He glanced at her, his eyes like a knife: "I can't stand scolding a few words? You forget what my background is? Robber! Pirate! It's the robber you despise most. You forget how to scold me at the beginning? In your eyes, I'm not as good as a cockroach or a mouse. You feel sick when you see me, and you'd rather have no offspring than have a son for me..."

He remembers! She had forgotten the details of the nightmare, and he even remembered it! She looked at his endless abuse, mouth closed, so ferocious, this is his nature! As he said, he is a pirate! Pirates who show their true colors if they don't get it

She couldn't answer back or open her mouth. Finally, she raised the whip and was about to fall on the horse's back Leave, you must leave immediately!

"Hua Rong, you don't have to rush to escape. Don't worry, I won't pester you anymore!"

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