One Night Bride

Chapter 598

The bodyguards around all stopped moving. Jin Wushu pressed his waist. If he was struck by lightning, he only subconsciously waved Fang Tianhua halberd, which was completely out of instinct. He didn't even know who the enemy was, but only knew to kill... Seeing that Fang Tianhua halberd was about to cut into Hua Rong's chest, even if ten Hua Rong were patted, it was completely useless

A pear spear held his Fang Tianhua halberd, and the young man's courage was in sharp contrast to his weakness With one effort, he was completely defeated by the pear spear; Then, as soon as the young man exerted himself, the wind rose like a tiger. With the momentum of thunder, he heard a heavy sound of falling to the ground, and his Fang Tianhua halberd fell to the ground

For a moment, only two pairs of eyes are opposite, his, like a newborn calf; His, like the sunset

The tired wheezing and the eagerness of the youth are all opposites

After all, they are opposites

Lu Wenlong took a long gun and protected his mother beside him, stabilizing her shaky body. For a moment, he felt that he had grown up and suddenly became an indomitable man, standing on the top of a mountain, as long as heaven and earth, protecting his mother

If you don't protect yourself, who will protect you?

Hua Rong leaned on him and found that the child was already higher than himself Although his shoulders are still young, he knows how to protect his mother She leaned against him, bleeding at the corners of her mouth. She wanted to smile, but she couldn't smile. She was only flustered. Even at this moment, she had forgotten to continue chasing Jin Wushu, and just wanted to find King Qin and find him But, King Qin, where on earth is he? She was dazzled, hazy, unable to see clearly, her throat was gurgling, and she was in pain all over... Ah, King Qin, where on earth is he?

Jin Wushu, surrounded by a group of bodyguards, stood opposite with a little condescending

The young man's pure eyes were full of anger, despair, inconceivable, shock, fear, such as the end of the world... He looked at "Dad" blankly, completely unable to believe his eyes, and it took a long time to ask, "Dad, you even want to kill my mother!??"

Jin Wushu gasped heavily, unable to answer He can't say a complete sentence now

"Dad, you say..."

Wu Qimai answered him, "because they robbed Da Jin's tribute silver. That's our da Jin's tribute! Little prince, you are a real hero and a little prince of our da Jin country. How can you go with song pig? Come here quickly..."

Lu Wenlong subconsciously covered his ears: "no, it's not like this... Dad, it's not like this..."

"He is not your father!" A sharp voice, with a panic of almost collapse of consciousness Lu Wenlong looked at his mother in the blink of an eye. Looking at the blood on her face, his heart sank, like a huge hole, like a complete world, which was eaten by insects and was about to be broken bit by bit

"He is not your father, he is your great enemy!..."

Jin Wushu was stunned, holding Fang Tianhua halberd and trying to cut it down, but across such a long distance, he could do nothing but wave it empty Like a prisoner, he suddenly stood on the judgment bench and listened to the judgment of the end, but he couldn't defend himself

Wu Qimai panicked and scolded loudly, "little prince, don't listen to her nonsense..."

"Shut up!"

Lu Wenlong pointed at him with the tip of his gun, and his eyes spurted fire

"Lu Wenlong, listen! When Jingkang was in great trouble, Jin Wushu led his army to attack chu'anzhou of the Song Dynasty. Your father Lu Deng was the governor of chu'anzhou at that time. He was a great hero and led the army to resist. Later, because of spies, Jin Wushu explored the city's defenses and broke through chu'anzhou at one stroke. Your father Lu Deng, your mother Mrs. Lu, nearly 100 people of your Lu family died in the hands of Jin Wushu, a butcher and thief. Child, you are not a Jin man, you are a big man Song people! Remember, Jin Wushu, he is a great sinner and villain. When attacking the Song Dynasty, he personally led the massacre of the whole city and your family, the Huaiyang massacre and the Zhuxian Town massacre. This evil thief, I don't know, slaughtered millions of people in the Song Dynasty... "

Her voice rustled, but it was so clear, clear, word by word, not loose: "son, you are from the great song dynasty! You are the son of the great song dynasty martyr ludeng and his wife. Your father died for the country, your mother committed suicide and died for the festival! Even if Jin Wushu raised you, his monstrous sins can't wash away the crimes he committed..."

The field was silent, and even the sporadic sound of fighting stopped Everyone was stunned by this huge secret Wanyan luwenlong, he doesn't even have a surname of Wanyan!

He is Lu Wenlong

Little prince, he is not the son of the fourth prince!

He is the son of Lu Deng, the enemy general of the Song Dynasty

"Jin Wushu, who is cruel and ruthless, likes to be artful and hypocritical, in order to raise the enemy's son, and then go to attack the enemy's hometown... Son, you see, how vicious he is..."

Lu Wenlong shivered all over and was about to cover his ears, but he dared not, could not, but stared at him desperately - Dad!

No, it's not Dad, it's the enemy

The story he told, Lu Deng's robe and token he accidentally saw, and even his slap - those ominous premonitions, those terrible signs, are all true I'm really LUDEN's son! All of my parents and relatives died in the hands of my favorite "father"!

Even if you don't care about the people of that city, even if you don't care about the distant relatives of the Lu family; Even if you don't care about those domestic servants... However, there are your own parents, biological parents

Even if it is a vast and incomparable upbringing, can it offset the lives of more than 100 people? That's my own hatred of extermination! What's more, this madman, today, even his mother has to be killed

Originally, he didn't believe it. He had been rejecting and rejecting it. Subconsciously, he avoided it. No, it was a wise and courageous father, a kind and righteous father, a romantic father. Anyway, he would never kill himself and his mother... Until today!

All these illusions were shattered He will. He even kills himself

Lu Wenlong witnessed this with his own eyes. He witnessed how "Daddy" directed the killing of his mother in high spirits! I witnessed how his Fang Tian painted halberd patted his mother's chest at the last moment

Merciless, merciless pain killer!

This terrible fact almost defeated the boy His hands were shaking, his feet were shaking, his whole body was shaking, and his spear was shaking. He just kept protecting his mother, retreating, retreating

"Wen long... Son..."

He didn't know who was calling himself. He was in a trance

The man in front, he is the fourth Prince of the kingdom of gold, the king of the kingdom of Yue, the marshal of Du, the supreme war madman and the murderer - but he is not his father! no

At this moment, he did not hate, nor did he know what hate was, but he was extremely afraid, not afraid of death, but afraid of the destruction of a world It was the best and most beautiful youth of my life. My youth worship and life experience were completely destroyed

What a terrible thing

"Little prince, don't listen to her. She is crazy, and that woman is crazy..." is Wu Qimai's panicked voice. He rushed forward, trying to hold Lu Wenlong

"Stop!" Lu Wenlong shouted violently. He had just entered the voice change period. The young male duck's voice was so thick and sharp that it sounded very funny However, no one can laugh

"Little prince, come here quickly. She's from Song Dynasty. She's lying..."

"Stop! Don't take another step!" Lu Wenlong moved the spear and held his mother's body with one hand One hand, holding the long gun tightly, the tip of the gun has pointed to Wu Qimai, and his eyes are scattered and confused

Wu Qimai stopped and dared not catch up again

The field was eerily quiet, and all eyes fell on Jin Wushu

He was also supported by two bodyguards, and simply treated the wound. The handrail was completely spread out, revealing his inner strength, and his hair braids were also scattered. The whole person showed a kind of depression

He didn't care about the strange atmosphere around him. He didn't even look at Lu Wenlong Just looking at the woman Having said these words, she was already exhausted. Only her hand holding the bow and arrow was haggard, showing blue tendons, and there was a lot of blood stained - blood and cyan would also form a contrast Up to now, she is still firmly holding the weapon, dying and fighting

But after all, it was the end of her strength. She half closed her eyes and leaned slightly against Lu Wenlong's arms. She was so weak, like a child, like a smaller and more helpless child than Lu Wenlong Her only dependence is just a pair of teenage shoulders

A little soberness slowly returned to my mind, and my feet seemed to be pulling out of the crazy mud and abyss However, it was a huge marsh, firmly attached to his body, unable to pull out, unable to walk out... Just moved the measure, and was dragged back He thought, when did he begin to fall into madness? And when did she fall into madness? Is the past bit by bit, inadvertent warmth, false? Are they all fake?

Are you fake? Or is she fake?

He has never been able to define the relationship between the two, but has always recognized it as a kind of cordiality, as if destined to meet!

It turned out that he couldn't stand the test. He was beaten to the bone by this fight Only hatred remains

His eyes turned and looked at his son's eyes - his son looked at himself in surprise and at a loss There is still no hatred, no hatred at all, just pain, which belongs to the unique bewildered pain and unbelievable pain of young people

He didn't even know what happened, and even completely forgot what Hua Rong had just said, or didn't hear it at all

A big tear suddenly rolled out of Lu Wenlong's big eyes. He hoarsely said, "why, why is this? Dad, you say, why is this?"

Jin Wushu was shocked by this "Daddy" and turned pale He opened his mouth, so dry, like a sweet potato scorched by the sun, gray, without any water, withered, and lost all the moving and pleasant elements

"Dad, why did you kill your mother? Why?"

He didn't ask why he wanted to kill his parents, but he was obsessed with the most painful reality People who have no memory can ignore it, but what about the dear people who get along day and night? Why?

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