One Night Bride

Chapter 597

However, Hua Rong didn't give him a chance to breathe. The arrow was damaged, and the spike at the original tail was no longer usable This kind of mechanism is very troublesome to repair, so it can't be used for a long time However, after being killed many times in the jungle, she met a skillful savage, who was best at making civil bows and arrows. It was this savage who repaired that part of the mechanism for her to use in the final pass At that time, I had an ominous feeling in my heart. Unexpectedly, it finally came in handy today

When the fourth Prince caught him, the guards around him panicked, unwilling to become human shields, and retreated one after another. In a hurry, he watched another sharp arrow fly, and then remembered Hua Rong's archery - she was fired repeatedly The human shield had been thrown to the ground. He was empty handed and unable to parry. He opened his mouth and bit the arrow At the same time, people around him could almost hear the sound of broken teeth, and a row of his teeth fell out

However, he still couldn't breathe. At this moment, Hua Rong had started the final must kill skill. He blocked the sharp arrow, but he couldn't hide from the flying thorn anymore. When he first met, he had experienced its power, but after many years, she no longer used it. Therefore, he almost forgot that until now, if his old friend came, he ran straight to his throat

He shouted angrily: "go, you're not going yet..."

The guards suddenly woke up and rushed up However, as soon as he opened his mouth, he relaxed, and the arrow in his mouth vomited out with a broken tooth

The goddess who claimed her life still didn't retreat a little. The third sharp arrow had flown up, and he couldn't dodge any longer. The sharp arrow was inserted into his left flank as if it had eyes - that was the only gap at the connection of the handrail and the iron plate of the handrail Because the pocket handrail is heavy and extremely inconvenient to wear and take off, after many improvements, it imitates the braided hair and left lapel of Nuzhen, leaving a junction on the left It's like the door of a martial artist Originally, it is impossible for ordinary people to attack here, because the direction of bow and arrow shooting is generally unlikely to come from here But she is not an ordinary person. She is a flower that hits every target At this time, she had been controlled by the anger of hatred and revenge. Her arrow had eyes, because she had studied the defects of this heavy armor pocket handrail as early as the war when Yue Peng lifted it to the South and marched north - she knew where the cover door was long ago It's just that it's useless to know because it's too difficult

At this time, she took her last breath, no matter what the difficulty was, there was only one arrow left, and she was never allowed to fail Her whole body strength condensed on her thumb, and the last pull was full of grief and resentment, such as the soul chaser in hell

"The fourth Prince..."

"Protect the fourth Prince..."

Jin Wushu's body fell off the horse's back, and the arrow was inserted obliquely in his left waist, and blood could be seen flowing down the gap of the handrail

Hua Rong breathed a sigh of relief and laughed Turn around a little, relax your vigilance, and want to find in the crowd But I was at a loss and forgot what I should look for After a while, she remembered that it was Qin Shangcheng It's King Qin

In this world, there was a man who lived and died for himself so many times He is sorry for the whole world, but he is his patron saint

Far away, King Qin lingered in the encirclement, fortunately, his body was particularly tall He looked at her strangely and forgot to call her. At this moment, she was so brave that she was more brave than anyone he had ever seen in his life No one can rely on, just rely on yourself; No one can fight, just fight by yourself!

He suddenly burst into tears and remembered her escape when she was seventeen She is like this, always indomitable for her identified goal, even if the last drop of blood is shed

He looked at her, and even his face was instantly old

Like her white hair, it is white and pale

Hair like snow, face like snow

At this time, he also remembered the song of the woman wearing flowers in the small restaurant:

Yujing once recalled its prosperity Thousands of Li emperor's house In the jade Hall of qionglin, there are noisy strings in the morning and Sheng lutes in the evening

Huacheng people go to this bleak, spring dreams around Hu Sha Where is Jiashan? Listen to the Qiang flute and the plum blossom

After all, it is a spring dream, surrounding Hu Sha. This is the fate of the incompetent song Huizong, and it is also the fate of all the people who struggle for it in that land He laughed miserably. For the first time in his life, he really wanted to do a good deed, using the 250000 tribute silver to do a good deed for the state of song. That's why he incurred such a fate It seems that good deeds cannot be done If, if time can be reversed, it doesn't matter what the song and Jin states are, what refugees from the two rivers are, what families and countries are, and what matters to him?

She is the most important!

Just, time, it is so cruel, so indomitable, such as the world's most heartbroken man, how can it turn back?

He shouted softly, "girl, girl..."

She couldn't hear or respond In response to him, Jin Jun woke up, and the fighting sound was overwhelming: "catch her..."

"She injured the fourth Prince..."

"Kill, kill, kill..."

He struggled to stand up, and even if he wanted to die, he would die later than her - he had not fulfilled his responsibility to protect her She is still alive, how dare she die?

However, his body was so soft and helpless that he was supported by loyal guards every step of the way. He could only look at the crazy white hair on the black moonlight from a distance: hair like snow, hair like snow! Her panicked body, thin body, a person against the whole world

She doesn't want to die, he knows, always knows His deer knife hung in front of him, and his hand was still holding it, but he was weak He raised his hand again, picked it up, looked at her, helped her, even if he died immediately, at least, fought with her

"Girl, girl..." he shouted repeatedly, and the voice always stuck in his throat and couldn't be sent out He dragged the last most desperate anxiety, trying to get closer to her, a little closer

The earth shaking fighting sound sounded again. Jin Wushu leaned on the horse's back, covered his waist with his hand, and looked at the trance face on the black moonlight

Why, or has it become today's deepest and fiercest tragedy? Why did it end up being an extremely bitter duel? It's not even about Song Jin, Yue Pengju or King Qin——

Just, myself and her!

It's the fourth Prince of gold and her flower melting!

A crazy duel!

For the first time in his life, he was seriously injured in a woman's hand For the first time in my life, I was injured in the hand of a woman I had pursued for many years Even, she no longer had any hesitation, such as a tiger full of hatred, holding a bow and arrow, recklessly killing the general from the crowd, bent on killing her own life

He let the blood gurgle out of his hands, numb and unable to feel pain So close, he found that she was also covered with blood, on her body, hands, face, corners of her eyes... There were only two colors left in her world: blood red and snow white!

However, she was still struggling for the last time. She wanted to kill it with all her heart, which completely ended her life

She didn't fall down, and she stood up all the time, like a female god of war infused with demonic power

Completely enraged by this crazy killing, he also stood up with Fang Tianhua halberd and met her Isn't it fatal? Then take it!

Her, or your own!

The flowers dissolved in the sea of people, like a tiger struggling in the end. Jin Wushu didn't die! He's not dead yet! That arrow can't kill him yet She was terrified and desperate. Because of this despair, her eyes unexpectedly sent out a blood red light. Like the last gambler, she wanted to bet all her chips - her chips were only life and blood. It was no pity to gamble all

She killed him again from the sword jungle, like a white haired demon and a deadly ghost Lu Wenlong watched helplessly as countless weapons attacked his mother. He could only see her white hair surging in the crowd. Only she, only white hair! When he woke up, he rushed up with a long gun and shouted desperately, "Mom, mom..."

The sound of "mother" rang in her ear, and Hua Rong waved a spear - she didn't even know where the spear was snatched from. Her hair covered her eyes, and the blood filled her eyes. She couldn't see it, but could only hear it. A heart wrenching cry: "Mom, mom..."

That's Lu Wenlong's cry, and it's also the cry of little tiger head The spear in his hand danced more and more slowly and heavily, and he could hardly move it. Only with the feet of the black moonlight, he was lucky to survive If you don't want to die, who really wants to die? And little tiger head, I haven't seen his son. Where is he waiting for him? He looks forward to it every day and every month. Can't he wait for his mother all his life?

Even Lu Wenlong, a child who regarded himself as his own, grew up overnight. In the crowd, he was like the most powerful warrior, waving a heavy spear, invincible, killing himself, crying sadly, "Mom, mom..."

Even King Qin, at this moment, seemed to have been separated from him for 10000 years Thousands of miles, mountains and waters, he came because of himself! He is even different from Yue Pengju and Zha he It was entirely for himself that he fell into such a catastrophe

Pain and sadness spread all over the body again. Reason had already lost. Beasts and people had become beasts She is also a beast, a wounded lone wolf with white hair

Water drips from forehead and canthus to face, salty and red, falling into mouth, all bitter Surrounded by Jin Jun's exclamation, "Little Prince..."

"This is the little prince..."

"Stop him quickly..."

This is Jin Wushu's lineage. Most of them know Lu Wenlong and don't know him. After this cry, they all know it The fourth prince, after all, hasn't issued a must kill order against Lu Wenlong. Moreover, most of them don't know that the fourth Prince has another son. They always think that this is the only heir of the fourth prince

Who dares to kill the only son of the fourth prince? Therefore, they hesitated and allowed him to rush all the way to Hua Rong's side

At this time, Hua Rong was being besieged by three bodyguards, and the situation was very critical. Suddenly, he heard Lu Wenlong's cry, and the angry tip of the gun came over: "don't kill my mother, no one is allowed to kill my mother..."

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