One Night Bride

Chapter 596

This is a world full of death Everyone's eyes were red with blood, as if they understood for the first time that they were human beings, not beasts biting each other Between each other, before this, they had never met, even had no words, and there was no personal gratitude and resentment But why do we have to treat each other as beasts and fight endlessly?

She is the only one left in the world

Zhao Deji was not dead, and Jin Wushu was still waving a butcher's knife - but king Qin fell That's my only pillar and only support. People like this iron tower will fall down I'm going to die myself Without revenge, or even seeing the last side of his son, the whole army was destroyed

Fragile life, like frosted yellow flowers, can no longer withstand the destruction of too violent storms There is only one white haired woman in the world, such as a monster who suddenly becomes a demon

Female demon head!

The crowd was shocked by the terrible scene, and ran away, constantly running away, hoping to be a little farther away from her, a little farther away

She staggered, she stumbled, and she was the only one running

She held the bow tightly and lost all her joys and sorrows, but the goal was clear and knew where she was going

Even the shaky King Qin stood up and stared at her strangely, his eyes full of sadness Girl, what a poor girl He wants to shout again, want to open his arms, even if it is again, hug her! Hold it, just hold it Even for a moment

He had opened his arms and his bloody hands, barely standing under the support of two bodyguards who caught up, trying to meet her However, she did not come for him She hardly saw him. Her eyes were empty. She only focused on one point, looked in one direction, and drew the bow and arrow in her hand: aim at him!

Yue Peng died in his hands, and King Qin died in his hands This is a more sinister person than Zhao Deji, wearing a warm coat, driving the most vicious and cruel means to kill all She even had no time to regret, regretting that the antidote was given so easily, just hate, hate herself:

At this moment, his face completely coincided with the image of Zhao Deji Politicians' faces are more vicious than Qin Hui's Qin Hui is just a double stooge. He and Zhao Deji are the culprits

It's ridiculous that he was deceived by his little tricks, and even the kindness of women Sad women are often like this. No matter how strong they are, whether they admit it or not, they will be involuntarily fascinated by men's tricks. Over time, they forget his fake tricks and his true colors, thus relaxing their vigilance and vigilance The so-called men are not bad, women do not love, the rhetoric and various means of bad men, but they forget that it is a sugar coated poison The more wonderful, the more throat sealing

Even myself, even myself, who was separated from him by national hatred and personal hatred, was also recruited The benevolence of women, if he had not been given the antidote rashly at that time, how could he harm now? The so-called antidote of Yelv Guanyin is just a relief. Only she can understand that the antidote she got from the serpent tribe saved his life

I gave the antidote to the man who killed my husband!

He even gave the antidote to the great enemy of song!

He was deceived by such a man with a sweet mouth and a sword!

If not, would it harm King Qin?

Retribution, this is God's retribution for his women's kindness

Even under the nine springs, I have no face to see Yue Pengju

She was bleeding all over her face and was so annoyed that she completely lost her ability to judge All I know is to rush forward, kill and end all this, even myself. I don't hold the enthusiasm of life at all, but just try my best to kill one

Instead, she calmed down at this time. The wind blew, and the white hair floated in front of her eyes, stinging her eyes and blocking her vision. I don't know whether it was sweat or blood, drop by drop, but she didn't squint. She didn't notice anything different about the hair, nor did she know that it was called "white" - she only knew one color, that was "red" - the whole world was blood red

This blood red stimulated the nerves, as if mysteriously injected endless energy, as if there was a soul suddenly possessed in the universe, and she could even detect the frightened eyes of those golden soldiers who avoided themselves - ah, they saw the devil! They saw a female demon!

She just pulled the bow skillfully, and with all her strength, she aimed at the man who was on Wu Zhui's horse a few feet ahead

He still didn't wear a pocket handrail and showed his neck. He still held an arrow in his hand, which was the arrow just shot at King Qin Just a moment ago, he was very proud of his exquisite archery and his skill At this time, the complacency still remained on his face, and there was no time to take it back. Because of surprise, he made a merger at the same time, so strange that he became a skin smile and a flesh smile, adding to his malice

That once handsome face, once the face of the flute under the moon, once the face of three boiling fried tea - his so-called elegance and elegance were all put away, and all gave way to this skinny smile, which was the habitual expression of politicians' hearts inadvertently, and he could not hide it

She can even imagine how he looked at Yue Peng when he fell during the first World War in Lin'an The same is true

History reincarnates amazingly. Why can't we always grasp our destiny?

Filled with sorrow and hatred, she wanted to shoot a hole in the sky, completely cover the earth and destroy everything

She ran closer and closer, but no one stopped her, as if as soon as she approached, she would be swallowed up by the evil spirit on her body The Jin soldiers kept retreating, retreating again

Including Jin Wu Shu Until there is no retreat He stared at the woman with hatred on her face——

White hair! Beauty!

Green silk and red face

Heroes are dying

Don't see white heads in the world

She turned white. At that moment, her head was covered with green silk, like snow, like a enchanting rain, like the heavy snow in June He was particularly shocked when he witnessed it He watched her rush over helplessly, and the torches all over the sky illuminated her face, smeared with blood, such as the most gorgeous rouge, in a treacherous contrast with the flying white hair - the God of fate!



He suddenly trembled all over, and his left hand holding the bow and arrow was also trembling, just like the reincarnation of fate, entangled gratitude and resentment

It's very close. Hua Rong can even see his slightly shaking hand. It's his left hand! At this time, she realized how terrible and ridiculous a low-level mistake she had made: the mysterious "golden general" used his right hand like ordinary people And Jin Wushu, he uses his left hand! Because he once cut off a thumb of his right hand by himself, it is impossible to shoot with his right hand!

That mysterious golden general is by no means a golden Wu skill!

Women, damn intoxication, damn natural weakness, so it doesn't matter whether they love or not, but they are moved and blinded by small favors

Now I understand that when his golden fourth Prince is in an absolute advantage, what is it to put a little electricity on a hostile woman? In the high range, what is it to give some insignificant and harmless small favors? Even Yelv Guanyin disdained to kill him! He only wantonly appreciates her flattery and performance to himself and trembles - and he, as a master, has absolute control. Yelv Guanyin, like a dog, cannot escape his control, so he is happy to be generous, happy to show his generosity and kindness, in order to fulfill his reputation of generosity

His performance is even more incisive on himself: you see, my fourth prince even treats the widow of the enemy general kindly! You see, how infatuated my fourth Prince is with the women of the enemy country; You see, it's not so terrible to be destroyed by the subjugation of the country. Maybe the next woman favored by the generals of the enemy country is you - because women love dreaming and narcissism; His hobby is to deepen and cultivate their narcissism

Therefore, there has always been: Shang women do not know the hatred of subjugation, across the river still sing backyard flowers

This is more effective than attacking the heart

She thought that she was really inferior to a business woman Even Yelv Guanyin is inferior Yelv Guanyin, at least from head to toe, had a calculating attitude and a profit mentality towards the fourth prince; At some time, I treated him sincerely. At least, I didn't completely become his enemy, and even occasionally became his friend - a little less than the enemy, a little more than a friend; Even subconsciously stood in his position to defend him The fourth prince, no matter how bad he is, he is always somewhat good for himself

It turns out that's not the case

Not at all!

He is only one of the objects he tried to play with!

Fortunately, he never became his plaything after all Therefore, his face immediately exposed

Kill without mercy, kill without mercy!

Her heart was filled with incomparable hatred, which was greater than Zhao Deji and Qin Hui combined

She pulled full bowstrings, and the arrows in her hands seemed to be full of life. This was the most energetic time in more than ten years. It was neither the forgiveness of golden Wu Shu in the past war with Peng Ju at sea, nor the flower rack on the willow shooting Festival! It is practical, such as the most skilled hunter. In the face of vicious jackals, he must hit it immediately, which is not inferior to any of the most sober and rational warriors

With a "whoosh", the arrow ran through the rainbow, with a whoosh breath of death and curse in the night Everyone was still immersed in the shock of that white hair, and even so many bodyguards of Jin Wushu were unprepared

Jin Wushu immediately woke up, which was an instinct. He immediately saw her kind of venomous and murderous eyes

This was something he had never seen before. Even if it was an arrow missed in the first battle at sea, even the knife that hongyezhen cut off his thumb at the beginning - she had room Before that, she never really wanted to kill herself He has always been so sure

Until now, until, I didn't expect that I wanted to kill her so much today!

If you kill me, I will kill you!

He is a politician who has been immersed in politics for decades. Like a wolf, he is always alert to the crisis around him, which is a kind of inborn So he reacted immediately

The arrow was close to his throat, so close that Fang Tianhua halberd also lost its efficacy. He couldn't dodge. He turned sideways on the horse, moving incredibly fast. He stretched out his hand and grabbed an unresponsive guard in front of him. He heard a scream. The guard's throat had been inserted with a sharp arrow, and he died on the spot

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