One Night Bride

Chapter 603

It's true that he CI has always been fond of luxury and extravagance. The expenditure allocated by the court can't be maintained at all, and he has repeatedly used the State Treasury privately However, due to years of war, the state treasury of Daikin was already very nervous and could not be openly moved on a large scale Moreover, according to the Convention, even wolf owners must consult with ministers when using the national treasury Even if he CI has a lot of power, he dare not be too blatant Before he Ci, the wolf Lord of Taizong once annoyed all the ministers because he used the silver, silk and silk in the Treasury to reward his beloved concubine Although the number was still very general, he was also beaten on the Kang by the powerful ministers Zonghan and Gu Shen at that time At that time, Jin Wushu was also one of the people who participated in spanking He Ci was taught this allusion Although under the planning of his stepfather and yuwenxuzhong, his imperial power has been much greater But as long as the four princes who once participated in spanking the wolf Lord are still there, they can never cover the sky with one hand Therefore, he has been distressed about how to repair the lack of silver in Yanjing

The silver coins of the state of song were originally life-saving herbs. In time for rain, he had already decided to repair the palace as soon as they arrived. It was better to start first. After misappropriation, it was also justified The vast imperial capital, the largest imperial city in the world today, can't be pathetic, can't it

Hailing is his brother, and he knows the thoughts of his brother emperor best The 100000 silver and some silk he just brought back didn't even go through any public procedures, so he directly flattered heti and let heti make a comprehensive arrangement

Now, He Ci is still waiting for the remaining 150000 silver

See where his fourth Prince is going to hand it in?

Hailing and Xia Zha looked back at the messy battlefield with corpses everywhere Hailing waved his hand, "let's go back to Yanjing and have some fun..."

Xia Zha said flatteringly, "brother, I robbed a few fresh goods. They are han'er's women in Yanjing City, thirteen or fourteen years old. They are all water spirits. They are all for you."

"OK, go home and taste it."

On the battlefield

Wu Qimai and others were even more upset because of the coming and going of Hailing He whispered, "I don't know what slander this guy is going to make in front of the wolf."

Jin Wushu's enthusiasm waned, and with a wave of his hand, "stop."

The subordinates ordered the troops to stop and walked out a long way, but they saw the fourth Prince standing alone They thought it strange that he was alone in the pile of dead bodies, empty, as if he were a ghost in the world alone

Gloomy Subordinates are faintly afraid

"Fourth prince, fourth prince, it's time to go..."

He waved the halberd of Fang Tianhua in his hand, unconsciously preventing his loyal deployment from continuing to shout Be quiet. I just want to be alone for a moment

and that.

Looking up at the eastern sky, there was already a hint of fish belly white It's getting light

Looking around, the torches everywhere are scattered, scattered, and endless. There are corpses, broken legs and limbs, corpses separated, and blood dripping... It's terrible to see

He can't smell the slightest smell of blood

The nose is numb

I asked in my mind thousands of times, "why is this? Why? Why do humans kill each other like this?"

Moreover, it was the woman I wanted and my "son" who killed him

At that moment, all the most precious feelings of mankind were consumed and slaughtered

He thought, is this the end he wants? Is this the end?

The wind blew coldly, the morning dew had come, his hair was wet, and the tights inside the half exposed armor were also wet The waist is dry - it is the dry blood condensed into a lump, which is the power of the arrow

Since he could walk, he took a knife and a gun, and battled in the battlefield for decades. He had suffered many injuries, large and small But never has it been so painful Because this injury was not given by the enemy, it was her! It's her, it's Huarong! At this time, he suddenly woke up slowly and remembered that she was not an enemy, really not

If Hua Rong has become an enemy, who else in the world is not his enemy? Who else? He trembled and terrified, and the cruelty of the war came on him, and then he knew that it was really crazy

Everyone is crazy, and they are also crazy

The wound went into the bone marrow, and the pain was unbearable Forever imprinted on the heart

That's the flower solution that hits every target At that moment, she used all her strength to kill him, kill him!

Because she didn't expect that she would kill her

I didn't expect it

He licked the corners of his mouth, so salty When the blood runs out, I have to cry He even shed tears on the battlefield The fourth prince, accustomed to death and struggle, actually shed tears on the battlefield I don't know whether it's for her, him or myself

The morning finally came

Scattered flames, a desolate dilapidated Some birds hover in the sky, smelling the smell of dead bodies. This is their delicious meal Just because a big living man rode a horse, they didn't dare to dive down for a long time

At this time, he suddenly remembered the songs of those frontier poets Great Tang Dynasty, great civilization

Drinking horses to cross the autumn water, the water is cold and the wind is like a knife

The sand day is not over, and Lintao is seen in gloom

In the past great wall war, salty words and high spirits

Yellow dust feet in ancient times, white bones messy Artemisia


May Tianshan snow, no flowers only cold

I smell the broken willows on the flute, but I haven't seen the spring

With the golden drum at dawn and the jade saddle at night

Willing to cut the Loulan with the sword on your waist


Qinghai is covered with clouds and dark snow mountains, and the lonely city looks at Yumen pass in the distance

Yellow sand wears golden armor in hundred battles, but it will not be returned until it is broken


These are Wang Changling's and Li Bai's, their greatest poets That's the tradition of the Han people - not breaking the Loulan will not be returned Former Loulan, today Nvzhen

However, winning or losing suddenly became irrelevant

In fact, what's the significance of all this, whether it's the Wang Tu hegemony of Nuzhen or the family, country and world of Song Dynasty?

He suddenly dementia, looking at his armor, infinite disgust

This armor is the root of all evil

Wu Qimai rushed back and looked at him in surprise. With a "Dang" sound, the fourth Prince's Fang Tianhua halberd had fallen to the ground, but he didn't realize it

The fourth Prince of the first hero lost his weapon and didn't know

Everyone was horrified

The fourth Prince slowly took off his armor His action is very slow, like an old man at dusk. The sun has just risen, but he has become the sunset He took off his armor and looked carefully at the soft light reflected by the morning light, staring for a long time, like looking at his first love

For a long time, his hand loosened, and his armor fell to the ground, like a pile of scrap iron with Fang Tianhua halberd

"The fourth Prince..."

He looked but didn't smell it. As soon as he hurried his horse, he turned around and left

At this time, he was no longer a general, and his tight clothes were broken after the war Just like a wandering man who has finally found his way for a long time Or, he never knew the direction, and now he stepped into the chaotic world again

early morning.

Wanli Zhaohui looked at the fugitives gently and compassionately, and followed their hurried steps step by step

This is the border of the Song Dynasty. The long-term drought has already disappeared The trees also withered, and the roots were eaten up Don't even think about staying in a hotel. This land with bones thousands of miles is like a desert. The former prosperity has long vanished without trace The only trace is the bandit who occupies the mountain as king

In fact, not only here, the whole border between the two rivers and the whole Song Dynasty were declining, and a large area of land quickly became a world of deserts and bandits In the past, Tokyo Menghua was like rain and wind blowing away. After repeated trampling by iron hoofs, only desolation and dust were left Only Zhao Deji, his minister Qin Hui and others lived in the southeast, singing and dancing in the West Lake. When did they stop drinking and dreaming The great Song Dynasty is no longer the paradise that emperor Tianzuo dreamed of reincarnating in his next life There is no paradise in this world

Ahead is a barren mountain. The purpose of their trip is to get there before dark and sleep there Although they were no longer worried about the pursuit of Jin Jun, the days did not improve at all, and everyone felt a kind of unspeakable heaviness Even if they brought out the silver, even if they survived to the land of the song state, but the shocking fuzzy flesh and blood they witnessed with their own eyes, even the soldiers, also felt trembling one by one Even the bodies of most of their companions remained in the blazing fire

Even the white haired woman beside them

The first day, these soldiers always couldn't help looking at her quietly, with surprised eyes and fear, as if they saw a witch In fact, most of them knew her and met her before At that time, she was not like this. She was wearing the savage leader costume of the serpent tribe, riding on a horse with a bow and arrow on her back, energetic and valiant

At that time, they all knew that she was still a beautiful woman

During the war in the Song Dynasty, it was not surprising that the families of the army were full of women with thick hands and big feet; What's strange is that this woman is so beautiful and so powerful

But it was just a big war, and she changed She was disheveled, unkempt, dusty and bloody, staggering and looking dull Even her bow and arrow were missing I don't know when it was damaged She followed King Qin's stretcher unarmed, expressionless, and without any crying or sadness

Everything is indifferent It is not as powerful as they imagined

They thought, this woman is really strong, really strong!

There is even a strange Lu Wenlong

Along the way, neither mother nor son spoke

His face always maintained a indifference that was more than a teenager should have - in fact, it was fear Because I am at a loss, I can only walk step by step, and I don't know where I will stop

Where is the end of life?

He didn't know.

His mind is empty and he knows nothing Just eat dry food when hungry, drink water when thirsty, and chew the roots like soldiers when there is no water to drink

But Liu Wu always paid attention to leaving the water with him as much as possible, for Hua Rong and for King Qin - but king Qin never drank it He is still not discouraged, faithfully guarding him, alert to all the wind and grass

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