One Night Bride

Chapter 604

Lu Wenlong is also wearing the casual clothes of Jin teenagers The civilian clothes are gorgeous and embroidered with some ferocious animals loved by the Jin people He was originally the little prince of the golden kingdom At this time, he was expressionless, carrying a gun and following his mother He walked among the soldiers in civilian clothes and stepped on the land of the Song Dynasty. Everything was so incongruous But it's not weird, because there are all kinds of people in this team; Quite a few of them are not Han people

In song, Jin and Liao dynasties, the rulers regarded it as a huge gap between trenches and divisions, which was written off Song people were not proud of their Han family identity, and those poor Jin people were not depressed because they were far away from their hometown In the final analysis, neither the great song dynasty nor the great Jin Dynasty, nor even the extinct great Liao Dynasty, is their world - it is the world of the emperor of Liao, the wolf Lord of Jin, and the king of song; It has nothing to do with the common people

At this time, they just want to find a happy place

They all yearn for the vast ocean and the evergreen island It was the mobilization order that Liu Wu and King Qin often made, intentionally or unintentionally, to let them understand that there was a much better place in the world than the poor or arid land under their feet

There are flowers in full bloom all the year round, melons and fruits are abundant, and there are countless aquatic products. There are many boats, turtles, squids, crabs... They have never heard of anything

That's why they were so afraid and prayed: King Qin must not die

King Qin was bound to a scribbled temporary stretcher. He was already unconscious and naturally unable to ride a horse. He could only be carried slowly on a simple stretcher woven with wicker vines on the rugged mountain road He closed his eyes tightly and never woke up since he was unconscious Some people even wondered whether he had already died Whether they are only carrying a corpse

Beside him is a white haired flower At this time, Liu Wu and others were worried about the life and death of King Qin, but she completely calmed down and ordered how to move forward, where to lodge, and where to find a good doctor

A part of her arm was exposed, and the original white life turned into purple blood, dust, and it could not be seen that it was a woman's arm That section of the sleeve, which she cut herself, was used to bandage the wound of King Qin

Her injuries were also treated simply, large and small, but they were not fatal, just painful Under such an experience, pain is nothing

She walked beside King Qin, followed by two soldiers carrying stretchers, and glanced at him from time to time As long as you haven't stopped breathing, there is still a trace of comfort, isn't there? King Qin is tall and burly After each journey, the two soldiers were panting and sweating, and needed rotation At each rotation, Hua Rong would stop and touch his breath and his heart to see if he was still walking with him

She is the only one who knows that King Qin is not dead

Often at this time, will get a kind of unspeakable comfort

Then, behind her, is Lu Wenlong, who walked silently He was also covered with blood. Although he was not injured, he was greatly weakened. He never said a word along the way However, whenever Hua Rong stumbled, he always reached out in time to help her, and never let her fall

Among the soldiers, some people with optimistic nature sometimes want to joke with the boy and tease him, but he always ignores them So, along the way, the atmosphere was very heavy, and no one could be happy

Hua Rong didn't say a word to him, but every time he was hungry and thirsty, she would always remind him in time, just right, as if it was accurate

Behind him, he silently looked at her white hair and her purple arm. His eyes were more compassionate than his own life experience That is the most beautiful, gentle, noble and charitable woman in my mind. At that time, her black hair was like a waterfall in the mountains At that time, he always proudly told a group of friends that his mother was better and more beautiful than their mother. His mother could ride a horse, shoot arrows and lead the army to war, and their mother could not How proud I was then

That time is over

I don't know when she turned back

The two men looked at each other

He saw his reflection in her eyes, so clear and so frightened He couldn't help crying

She stopped, stretched out her arms, gently hugged him and patted his head. Her voice was still so gentle: "son, you cry, cry..."

Her tears also fell He was still a child. Facing the moment when adults could not choose, he made a choice How can we not struggle without suffering?

His choice and struggle, King Qin's dying, all these are pressing on her, like a mountain pressing on her heart, unable to be calm, unable to breathe, unable to think about more things Along the way, she even forgot xiaohutou and the urgency of rushing back to see him Only worried about these two people around, at this time, they are more important than everything

It was a hug from his mother, without hypocrisy, and the teenager suddenly felt spoiled - his own spoiled love is more important than everything else He cried even more

The mother and son hugged each other and cried bitterly. After crying, they continued on the road

At night, camped in the jungle in the mountains The so-called jungle is also sparse, and the leaves are yellow

The long drought made even the woods lifeless There are few small animals in the forest, and they can only barely feed on the dry food carried by the soldiers Some weak horses were slaughtered, and the soldiers did not dare to waste a drop. Then they took turns with big mouthfuls of spicy horse blood and boiled them into big pots of horse meat

The water was snatched. On a long journey, they exterminated a small group of bandits; The fierce bandits were only dozens of people, all despots. They occupied the mountain only when they were extremely hungry. Because there was nothing to rob, no matter the Jin and song armies, they would be killed as dry food The only spring on the mountain is also dominated by them, and those who go up the mountain to find water are dead ends But this time, they met Liu Wu's army It took no effort to exterminate them and seize the spring they were guarding But it was also pitiful. Many soldiers queued in turns and only got back dozens of barrels of water, but it was enough for everyone to survive

A doctor was escorted by two soldiers. He was brought out of the bandit's nest When he saw Liu Wu, he knelt down and said, "Lord Jun, spare your life. The youngest one is an 80 year old mother and a three-year-old child with yellow mouth..."

He thought these people were Jin Jun

Because this is a barren journey, the army has not been refitted yet Liu Wu immediately realized this problem, but he had no time to take it into account. He urged, "you treat the disease immediately. If you cure the person, you will naturally be rewarded."

The doctor dared not look at him, turned to Hua Rong with white hair, and his eyes were frightened Hua Rong took out a big ingot of gold ingot and handed it to him with a gentle faint smile: "doctor, you treat him first..."

Her voice is inversely proportional to her appearance, as if half is an angel and half is a devil

The doctor had never seen such a strange woman in his life. He didn't dare to say a word more. He put the gold in his arms and immediately went to treat King Qin

All the medicines were used, and he also used a black "black tiger intermittent cream", which was specially used to treat bandits in this area Bandits fight and kill, and injuries are common. It can be seen that he is very experienced in healing injuries However, King Qin was seriously injured. No matter how much he took orally and applied externally, he still didn't wake up after tossing about for most of the night

The doctor was taken down to rest. Maybe it was because Hua Rong was kind and his fear was removed

As soon as he left, Liu Wu stood in front and whispered, "madam, I want to talk to you."

"Liu Wu, just say something."

Liu Wu told him frankly, because the doctor's fear today reminded him of this problem. The special armor that everyone wore was not only heavy, but also sultry; Go further and enter the sight of the officers, soldiers and people of the Song Dynasty, but there will be endless trouble These armor are all fake Nuzhen heavy armor However, you can't look at it carefully. It's very rough, just rough processing. It's not as thick and practical as Nuzhen heavy armor at all Besides, silver is soft and cannot be effectively resisted When it was first built, it was originally designed to confuse the public That night, they escaped, and it was during the scuffle at night that they were exhausted, and under the cover of sulfur bombs, no one had time to distinguish the authenticity of the armor, so they were lucky to get into the Jin army camp Otherwise, if it's in broad daylight, you won't be able to get along at all

Now, these silver are worn out, but now they are in trouble Earlier, King Qin had considered the weight distribution, and the packhorse he used was equipped with a wide robe Therefore, Liu Wudang ordered the people to take off their armor and put it on their horses, and the people dismounted and changed into civilian clothes Another small head is now going to find his brother Liu Zhiyong who stayed in Song Dynasty

Before, someone had sent a letter to Liu Zhiyong to meet him. It was estimated that the time was coming The top priority is to make this batch of armor into silver, melt it again, and make it easy to carry or arrange However, in a word, it will be easier to do in the territory of the Song Dynasty

Liu Wu immediately asked Hua Rong, "madam, now that we are in the Song Dynasty, we can no longer wear these armor. I want to find someone to melt it, cast it into silver ingots, and buy a batch of food for disaster relief..."

"However, such a large-scale action will not attract the official attention?"

"Madam, don't worry. The king sent a messenger to Liu Zhiyong before. He got in touch with two gangs of bandits here..." it's really the best for those big robbers to come forward Hua Rong thought that it was Liu Zhiyong who was looking after xiaohutou. Presumably, King Qin kept him here, not only to be a baby sitter, but also to have a reception on the border She hurriedly asked, "when will Liu Zhiyong come?"

"It should be fast."

"Well, when he arrives, you will have full authority to deal with it."

"Thank you, madam. I will try my best."

Liu Wu said goodbye, took two steps, turned around and handed a piece of dry food to Hua Rong Hua Rong shook her head, "I'm not hungry."

"Madam, you should eat more. Take care. If you fall down again, in case big Wang wakes up..." he couldn't say any more, stuffed the dry food in Hua Rong's hand and left

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