One Night Bride

Chapter 606

Hua Rong stared at him and patted him on the shoulder Feel infinite comfort, I have a helper! A powerful helper more reliable than anything It was with him that she could survive this pain and despair these days, persevere with King Qin, and yearn for miracles

But can miracles happen? She suppressed her inner sadness and did not show it in front of her son

In the evening, the mother and son worked together and began another ferocious irrigation This time, with experience, it went much better There are five bowls of medicinal juice going down again, no matter whether King Qin can stand it or not

At night, Huarong had already fallen into a tired sleep. Everything was heavy in the black sweet village It was like walking in a huge forest, dark, boundless, without a trace of light She was troubled and frightened by such darkness. Where was she? Why is there only one person walking around?

Why can't I find a companion after walking for a long time? She burst into tears in the dark, unable to tell whether it was a dream or true

A huge roar: "girl, girl, you dare to punish me..."

The sound was like beating a drum and almost broke the eardrum She suddenly opened her eyes, but saw King Qin still closed his eyes. How could there be that earthshaking roar?

Yes, just tears in my eyes She put out her hand to dry her tears and stuck them on her face. She felt pain and tear. Only then did she find that it was because she hadn't washed her face for many days due to lack of water, and the blood stains and dirt on her face condensed I am like a beggar! But what does it matter! Now, or in the future, who will look at themselves more!

She was very disappointed and sad, holding his hand wearily, and was about to close her eyes again, but she was surprised to see his lips slowly wriggling

It's like a peristaltic silkworm chrysalis

"Girl, girl..."

Her face pressed against the dry and wriggling lips, and suddenly tears poured down

Then he slowly opened his eyes and looked around blankly like a child who had just arrived in the world What came into view was a woman with a bloody face and white hair, so haggard

He stretched out his hand and wanted to hug her. He didn't feel his pain, nor was he uncomfortable, but his heart was broken, because he saw such haggard and heartbroken; Glad again, it's her, it's a girl! It is she who is by her side

Hua Rong's voice choked and almost jumped up: "what do you want? Qin Shangcheng, what do you want to eat?"

He woke up, he actually woke up It's his own dependence, the only dependence. He wakes up!

God, how kind it is

"Girl, you fix me..."

This guy, the first sentence when he woke up turned out to be like this! She bet that she really heard right then

"Girl, water... Water..."

She was in a hurry, let go of his hand, but he firmly grasped her She laughed with tears on her face and said, "how can I get the water if you hold me like this..."

He also smiled and let go My heart was also relaxed, my eyes followed her dry face, but I felt so beautiful, her bloody face, her dry posture - so thin, so haggard, so beautiful!

He blinked, and even her white hair was beautiful - was it because she was alive? Or why you're alive?

Living is beauty!

She took the water bottle and slowly dropped it on his lips. With each drop, the smile on his face deepened Finally, watching her put the water bottle aside, she laughed, "girl, did you just fix me?"

"Who is that, even in a coma, he still pays attention to these little things... Hey, Qin Shangcheng..."

His eyes dazzled, he was unable to say more, and he fainted again

"Qin Shangcheng, what's the matter with you? Hello... King Qin..."

His eyelids were tired. It was because he was extremely tired and hurt too badly to support: "girl... I'll sleep for a while..."

Her hand fell evenly on his breath He was alive and King Qin was alive, but he fell asleep again because he was too weak

However, this is enough

Hua Rong then remembered the joy to share. She was so happy that she almost jumped up and shouted, "son, son..."

Lu Wenlong rushed in: "what happened to the bad guy?"

"He just woke up and went to sleep... Son, the bad guy woke up..." she was very happy and called him the bad guy with her son

Hahaha, let's just say that the disaster has lasted for thousands of years Disaster How dare the Lord of hell easily provoke such a villain as king Qin?

Lu Wenlong looked at King Qin hesitantly, his eyes clearly closed He suspected that his mother's eyes were dazed How can King Qin wake up?

"Mom, you?" He reached out and wanted to touch Hua Rong's forehead to see if she had a fever Hua Rong grabbed his hand and said with a smile, "son, the bad guy really woke up. He woke up. Don't worry, you will definitely see him wake up tomorrow, hahaha..."

He was realistic, thinking that his mother had an illusion: "Mom, you go to rest, and I'll guard for you tonight. You haven't rested for a long time."

"No, I must take care of it. If the bad guy wakes up and doesn't see me, he will be angry..."

"If he is angry, he will be angry. Who is afraid of him?"

"I'm afraid!" She smiled with infinite joy, "son, I'm afraid! What if he gets angry, sleeps over again, and ignores us?"

Lu Wenlong was speechless, so he had to go out silently

In the morning, King Qin opened his eyes again

This time, it was clear that a woman was lying beside her bed and had already fallen asleep

He gently took her hand, and his eyes suddenly darkened. Only then did he find that the woman snuggling up to him was a white haired, white haired woman It's her, it's Hua Rong, it's her little girl - years are merciless, and she's no longer the little girl she used to be

He witnessed it I witnessed how she turned pale in an instant

A man's head turns white before he is old

I'm a teenager older than her, and I'm not gray, but she's white

What else can be more worrying than seeing your lover's white head? The pain was more painful than the wound on her body, but she inadvertently clenched her hand even more

She obviously felt the heat in his palm, suddenly opened her eyes, and her face was full of joy: "Wow, wake up, you really wake up!"

"Girl, you..."

She was so strange that she said slightly, "what's the matter?"

He forcibly suppressed his sadness, smiled, and stroked her cheek with his rough big hand: "girl, you are so beautiful, so beautiful..."

She smiled: "I've always been so good-looking, haven't I?"

He nodded desperately, echoing her opinion, but affecting the wound, a burst of pain, screamed She giggled and kept taking ointment and smearing it on him

In a blink of an eye, he looked at the boy standing at the door. He was so happy that he almost sat up, but he found that he couldn't move: "ha, boy, you..."

With this sentence, I choked and couldn't speak any more This child is back! He finally went home Da Jin is not his paradise, nor is da song, but I will give him a great paradise The young man obviously had some surprise in his eyes, but deliberately curled his mouth: "big bad guy, are you really awake?"

"Hahaha, good people don't live long, and disasters last for thousands of years. Because I'm a bad guy, I can't die."

This man, unexpectedly, has the same argument as his mother Or mother knows him

"What's so great about you? Mom cured you like a cow..."

"Smelly boy, how dare you say I'm a cow?" He stared at Hua Rong, "you don't care to teach your son..."

Hua Rong smiled and just applied the ointment, saying slowly, "it's not true. It's the way to cure cows. My son is my good helper. We can raise cows if we don't do anything in the future..."

"Villain, can you raise cattle? Can't you? I can. I saw cattle and sheep when I was a child, and I can do it."

King Qin was angry: "I can't raise cattle, but I can fish and raise turtles."

"What's so great about turtles? Woo, what is a turtle?"

"Ha, boy, don't you understand? This kind of thing in groups on sunset island is very interesting. You can eat meat and eggs. Do you want me to invite you to eat it?"

"Love, please or not, who cares!"

"Girl, look at your son's attitude, boy, you're too arrogant..." King Qin laughed, but he was a little relieved to see Lu Wenlong's childish smile, pouting expression, and a little mischief like little tiger's head He did not worry about the child. Fortunately, Hua Rong was always silent, dissolving and comforting him with feminine tenderness It made him laugh After all, it's a child. Fortunately, it's still a child Otherwise, how can adults accept such a huge change?

He stretched out his hand and tried to pull the child's hand, but he didn't move, thinking of the tiger head Suddenly, he said to himself, "I miss the tiger head."

"Me too. I really want to see little tiger head right away. I haven't seen him yet. Mom, can my brother also use a gun? If he can't, I'll teach him..."

Hua Rong's eyes were slightly moist. He raised his head and looked at him. It was a beautiful feeling of living and gentle tenderness Son, I already have two sons What is more important than this?

King Qin's eyes were also slightly moist, so deeply aware that this was also his son I have an obligation to treat this child well and treat him well all my life However, he did not call him "son" as before, and did not force him at all It's just that I have to do my father's duty

Think about it, two boys, how painful it is

Outside the door, Liu Wu and others who came on hearing the news were ecstatic and beaming

"Your Majesty, you finally wake up..."

"Hahaha, your majesty is well..."

"Your Majesty is ready..."

This cheering sounded, and everyone was greatly encouraged. Liu Wudang ordered to take out everything to celebrate, and then arrange things for the road

The next morning, they continued on their way

After stopping, the stretcher was made a little more decent and comfortable. Several large pieces of newly cut thick wood were covered with thick leaves and soft withered grass King Qin lay on it, dejected, and finally couldn't help but bah: "shit, I even want people to carry it. I'm so angry..."

Hua Rong smiled and felt a little trance in her heart Isn't it good to be carried like this? Is it better than swallowing?

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