One Night Bride

Chapter 607

She suddenly felt beautiful. Everything was so beautiful. The world was full of hope, so was life. Even, she was full of hope to kill Zhao Deji Although, she was not so eager to have the idea of revenge in her heart Even diluted, just want to live, live well

Only because King Qin's miraculous survival - his survival, brought endless vitality

Although, she still has numerous injuries of various sizes But I can't even feel the pain Joy is such a wonderful elixir that people heal without medicine

She always took his hand and sometimes gave him a pulse look Even though he was seriously injured, he felt that kind of burning tenderness

That's her tenderness, pulse

It's been decades before I know the feeling of heartbeat

The march was slow. In the evening, we came to a long and narrow valley Bonfires are burning, singing and dancing. In this narrow valley, it has become a wonderful and lively world Liu Wu even hunted a few big wild boars But it seems that the wild boar can't eat anything and is thin with hunger Put it on the fire and it will smell oily

A few buckets of fresh water, which was not easy to find, were placed next to it, and finally a big gulp of water could be drunk wantonly

Hua Rong took a big bowl and leaned over the big tube of water

At this moment, she suddenly stopped and looked at the reflection in the water tank Night, fire, an unreal mirror, so vividly reflected her white hair - this was the first time she had witnessed her whole white hair Vague, such as the injury of the whole youth, such as the witness of the ups and downs of this life

She didn't even know that her head was white before she was old

Even the vicissitudes of life on his face

I didn't know it before, but I didn't think of it and didn't pay attention I didn't even find it when I cut my hair with a knife and boiled it There were too many things to worry about at that time, and there was no time to identify whether white hair or black hair

King Qin said, "girl, you are so beautiful!"

No, that was many years ago Oneself, like a flower, has long been scattered into mud and ground into dust, and even the last ray of fragrance has disappeared, becoming a withered grass

It's just a dead grass

Her tears fell into the bucket, and a circle of fine ripples spread The bowl slowly stretched in, disturbing the ripples of a bucket, and tears fell like rain, silently wailing

A pair of big hands hugged her waist

She resisted the choking and wanted to laugh I blame him for struggling to sit up However, the voice is blocked in the throat and cannot speak He heard her sobbing clearly, silently, but her shoulders trembled slightly At this moment, it was so quiet around, only a circle of ripples in the water, her shaking white hair

What he wanted to say was clumsy. It was heartache and heartbreak, but he was happy and wanted to blame her What a little girl! What's this? White hair and black hair, what is it?

With a little effort, he hugged her tightly. His leg was still lame, and he almost fell to the ground with his legs up. His voice was choking: "girl, what's the matter with white hair? You've always been my best looking girl."

She turned around to help him, but he hugged her tightly in his arms despite the pain She fell in his arms, crying out

He gently hugged her and stroked her white hair. It's the best to be alive, isn't it? He laughed with great relief

"Girl, come and wipe your face. Look, the blood on your face, haven't you washed your face these days?"

"No, this water is rare. You can only drink it and can't wash your face. Qin Shangcheng, do you think I'm so ugly?"

"Of course - it's not ugly. It's just a little dirty, girl. How can you be ugly? You've always been the best."

She sobbed. Did he wash his face? Is he good-looking? He is still so embarrassed himself

"Haha, girl, let's have a luxury secretly. Come on, I'll wash it for you..." he stretched out his hand to look for the veil She grabbed him and said, "lie down and don't disturb the wound..."

"Ouch!" he screamed, only to find that it really affected the wound

"If you don't listen to me, lie down."

Her soft hand helped him lie down, and he stared at the haggard face, listening to her dull scolding, with a really happy smile on his face Being able to be together like this, and enjoying her support and scolding, who says this is not God's kindness?

However, he wanted to get up earlier and was eager to get up. He should help her! And I don't want to see tears on her face anymore

He gently called her, "girl, come and have a rest."

She casually wiped her tears and walked meekly to lie beside him The torch went out slowly, and neither of them spoke again For a long time, King Qin had heard her breathe slightly and slept so well He stared at that dirty face in the dark, so beautiful! He gently took her hand and put it on his chest, full of sweetness. Will this be the day in the future?

of course!

Early the next morning, Liu Zhiyong came Liu Wu and Hua Rong were naturally very happy. Seeing each other, they had a special cordiality It's just that Hua Rong didn't see her son. It's a pity after all Liu Zhiyong hurriedly explained that the road was dangerous and did not dare to take Xiaohu on the road. Hua Rong was a little relieved Anyway, I will see my son soon

Liu Zhiyong hurried to see King Qin As soon as he saw King Qin, he saluted immediately, surprised and worried, "king, which bastard hurt you?"

King Qin laughed loudly, "it's all right, I'm still alive."

"Your Majesty, this batch of silver, I have contacted a group of heroes in the green forest. It is a small detachment of the eight character army of the former anti gold rebel..." the eight character army led by Wang Yan engraved on his face the words "serve the country wholeheartedly and swear to kill the gold thief", which once terrified the gold army Later, because of Wang Yan's death, Zhao Deji hid in Lin'an to stop the military and civilian anti gold plan, and the eight character army gradually withered A small number of people set up new businesses and became heroes of the green forest

Other bandit armies are intermingled, and Liu Zhiyong dare not cooperate easily After thinking for a long time, he dug in alone for several times, and finally found the whereabouts of the eight character army. The two sides hit it off immediately, so it was most appropriate for them to deal with the silver

King Qin should immediately order second Liu to deal with the matter, and he and others continued on the road He couldn't wait. Not far away, there was little tiger head Although Hua Rong didn't hurry, and no one reminded him, that eagerness seemed to have been drilled into the bone marrow for a long time. He loved the child unconsciously

It rained that night The pouring rain, the long lost rain, hit this dry land unscrupulously

Except for the wounded, everyone ran out of the tent, stood in the heavy rain, wept with joy, and accepted the long lost shower Even including Hua Rong and Lu Wenlong

Rain hit my head and face, washing all the filth, blood and dust on my face... It's gone, it's all gone The soldiers cheered in the rain, welcoming the timely rain that saved lives

Rain, washing muddy, so relaxed Hua Rong stood in the rain and was even crazy

"Girl, come in, come in quickly, and you will get sick if you get wet again..." it was king Qin's voice, like scolding a disobedient little daughter

Hua Rong ran in with a smile and shook off the rain

Washed face, showing white haggard, but began to have vitality, full of vitality Her wet clothes stained her body, with undulating curves and exposed lines Especially that part of the neck, slender and prominent, elegant, white and greasy, people can't help but want to rush up and bite King Qin stared at her and suddenly breathed rapidly. His eyes were hot and his voice rustled, "girl, come here..."

Without realizing it, she ran over and deliberately wiped a handful of water on his face, giggling: "Qin Shangcheng, you can't wash your face, I'll help you..."

King Qin shook off the water drops on his face, laughed out of countenance, and hugged her: "girl, quickly change a dry dress, so that if you wear it wet for a long time, you will get sick, you will also get hurt, and if the water gets wet, the wound will also be infected, change your clothes..."

As he spoke, he took out a set of clean civilian clothes from the simple stretcher bed and handed them to her, which Liu Zhiyong had brought that day

She took the clothes and changed them with a smile In twos and threes, he took off his messy rags full of all kinds of strange smells Naked, I finally feel very relaxed Ah, good, this rain, as if everything had never been hurt

His throat tightened, and the dead girl changed her clothes in front of him In front of yourself She never dared to do this before Even when she woke up from serious injury on the island that year, she would not be like this. She always dodged herself carefully

At this time, she dared to dress in front of her own face The naked body is right in front of you Aren't you a man?!

The body washed by the heavy rain, some old and new scars, and the beautiful flowers on the snow-white body are faintly more moving than the most beautiful female body in the world, and more attractive than the most perfect body

Her hands and feet were so sharp that her wide sweater was about to be pulled down, but it was stuck on her arm. She was about to pull it down and fasten the belt Suddenly, I looked up and met his hot eyes, like a flame, which was about to burn warmly Then there was a rumble, the sound of his Adam's apple rolling, which was a man's strongest desire Even the sound of his swallowing Ah, what is salivation! This is called salivation!

Ah, I remembered that I had forgotten, because of the heavy rain, because of everyone's joy, because of happiness, I had forgotten So naturally in front of him, as if he was not an outsider, as if they were already close to each other - no, he was not an outsider Not for a long time

But also shy, slightly blushing

She quickly pulled on her sweater, which was too big to cover the graceful curve But vaguely, it adds a layer of temptation

She saw his disappointed eyes. Did she see that she was disappointed when she completely put on her clothes?

He waved in a surprisingly soft voice, "girl, come here."

She bit her lips slightly and her eyes were bright

His eyes fell on the lips, because she woke up after waking up in the past two days, because she could eat and sleep, because she drank water, because of the rain, the pale lips had awakened, exuding the charm of a mature woman, soft, warm, red bitten by the teeth, bright and lustrous

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