One Night Bride

Chapter 615

Opposite them, the flowers were smiling and put the collected red leaves in a rough porcelain vase The room is clean, the table is spotless, a handful of water, a handful of red leaves, interspersed with some found leaves and weeds in special shapes, dotted like a pot of delicious flower arrangement, making this small room bright, full of vitality, full of a kind of calm and leisurely in the troubled world

King Qin and his two children were tired of breaking their wrists, and he couldn't help but want to hum. Seeing that his two sons were facing great enemies, he laughed and said, "I can't sing well. Ask my mother to sing, OK?"

"Yes, mom sings well. We listen to mom."

Hua Rong turned around with a smile. On the table was an old guqin, which belonged to an old scholar Old scholars still maintain the elegance of scholars in this dynasty. Even in troubled times, they also bring this Guqin day and night, and occasionally try to play it for children But these urchins, how can they listen to what he sings? He often sighed that he was casting pearls before swine, so after Hua Rong waited, he heard that Hua Rong could play the piano, so he simply gave it to Hua Rong

The simple table and rough stool show a sense of elegance The player, fingers Qianqian, is in inverse proportion to her hair, and is still verdant, such as cutting the tip of green onions, slowly, across the strings, the sound drops by drops, such as the first rain in early summer, wet and cool:

The great river goes East, the waves wash away, and the immortals of the ages West of the old fortress, humanity is the red cliff of Zhou Lang of the Three Kingdoms Rocks pierce the air, waves beat the shore, and thousands of piles of snow are rolled up Picturesque rivers and mountains, many heroes at one time

Thinking back to Gong Jin's year, Xiao Qiao first married, with a heroic face and hair Feather fans and scarves, talking and laughing, the masts and oars were gone Wandering in my hometown, I should laugh at my affectionate feelings, and my hair is early Life is like a dream, and a bottle of it sprinkles the moon on the river

This song was originally intended for the great man of Kanto, the iron stove, majestic, solemn and graceful... However, under the elegance of the guqin, it has a different taste

Lu Wenlong listened quietly. For a moment, the feelings of the teenager were tender, as if he were in a very strange environment, and the appreciation of nature in his genetic genes was awakened He loves this song far more than folk songs on the grassland He asked his mother, "who is Zhou Lang?"

"Zhou Lang? His name is Zhou Yu. He is as famous as Zhugeliang. He is a super famous hero with outstanding wisdom."

"They are so powerful, why would the state of song still lose the war?"

With this question alone, the flowers are too soluble to sigh Yes, Zhugeliang, Zhou Gongjin, a romantic; Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty and Emperor Taizu of the Song Dynasty were all powerful Unfortunately, they were not born in the same era, and they had already driven cranes to the West There are no heroes, only Qin Hui and Zhao Deji. Therefore, we can only lose power and humiliate the country. A civilized country with a population of nearly 100 million once bowed to a small clan founded by 13 cavalry

Lu Wenlong's confusion was drowned in her crooning, as if she understood, but did not understand Everything in the state of song is curious, fresh and incredible to him

King Qin closed his eyes and listened. It was a completely strange feeling for him, but he naturally adapted, as if he had been like this in his previous life Little tiger's head rested in his arms, his hair braided to the sky against his chin, his hands holding his cheeks, and listened so carefully A child also has the ability to appreciate beauty. Every time his mother sings, he is quiet and even forgets his naughtiness

At the end of the song, she stopped, and her fingers were still pressed on the strings. The lingering rhyme filled the room with the fragrance of flowers

King Qin opened his eyes and greeted her with mild, calm and a trace of emotion She was wrapped in a scarf, which covered all her white hair, revealing only a clean face and beautiful eyebrows, as if the years had never left a trace In front of joy, what is time really? He gazed at her, and whenever he did, he would stare at her deeply. The feeling of heartbeat was always a secret. She was so beautiful and fresh from beginning to end Just like the summer when I was seventeen

As long as she is there, no matter where, it is the feeling of home, so beautiful

It turns out that happiness is the greatest pleasure in the world

At night, a solitary lamp

Xiaohutou had already fallen asleep, and Lu Wenlong sat at the desk with a piece of paper on it On the paper is his own writing, which is a song "man Jiang Hong" That's the nursery rhyme hummed by little tiger head, which was also sung by his mother. He thought it was very good, so he wrote it down and wrote it on paper At this time, I knew it was the work of my father Yue

King Qin told them a lot about his father Yue His father Lu Deng and Yue father Peng Ju are all first-class heroes In his days in the kingdom of gold, he was fascinated by them; Now I am proud to return to my hometown

He pestered King Qin to tell many stories about Lu Deng, but king Qin didn't know much about Lu Deng and was always vague Hua rongneng talked a little more, but it also came from the abstinence of the ludeng couple after their death. Hua rongneng knew nothing about their life Because of the war, chuanzhou has long been in ruins. Coupled with successive years of drought, it is even more empty

Although Lu Wenlong regretted it, he couldn't. in his own memory, he couldn't recall his biological father and mother at all However, it can't stimulate too sad feelings. Therefore, the little boy can still maintain a happy mood. With King Qin and little tiger head playing tricks, he is always very happy and has more and more laughter

But I felt strange. It turned out that Yue's father was xiaohutou's father; Lu Deng is his own father; Neither of them is the son of King Qin But he, the big villain, is so like his father No, he is the real father Although he is still called King Qin "big villain" No one asked him to change his mouth, but in his heart, he really respected him as "Daddy" As early as watching him rush to protect himself and his mother with a deer knife, he admitted in the bottom of his heart

But I think of Yanjing's study, Shangjing's study, my little prince's clothes, the exquisite crown, those days full of glory and love He was once the happiest and most favored child in the golden kingdom because his father was the fourth prince

I picked up my pen to write and paint. Everything I first knew about the state of song was taught by my father, the fourth prince He spared no effort to spoil, gave the greatest degree of material gifts, and never spared Even the independent luxurious courtyards of each of his residences, even the most favored concubines of the fourth prince, are not comparable

The closest person turned out to be an enemy

He couldn't contain the misery in his heart. He wanted to cry bitterly, but he didn't dare and couldn't cry Because, he found that he was still thinking of that person every day - Thinking of the great enemy who killed his father and mother, and destroyed his family. He loved him and he always loved him!

What about him? Will he still think of himself?

Lu Wenlong knew before his father and son broke up that he had another son, and the 28th wife had another son If someone succeeds to his throne, maybe he will never miss himself again

He was afraid and trembled slightly, but he still couldn't cry, and his heart was miserable No, the fourth Prince - Dad, how can he forget himself?

As if he had really forgotten it completely

Under such alternating chaotic thoughts, he could not sleep or meditate. He could only write. With a brush, he wrote "man Jiang Hong" one by one on the spread rice paper

The door was pushed open, and the sound of gentle footsteps was Huarong. She always came in every night to have a look and cover the quilt for her sons to prevent them from catching cold

She came in quietly, but Lu Wenlong hadn't fallen asleep so late at night She walked over and saw the spread paper, a thick stack, each of which was "man Jiang Hong". Although the handwriting was immature, it had a bit of the strength and courage of a young man, but the handwriting from the initial clarity to the later chaos, we can see how haggard and struggling the writer was in his heart

In front of me, time and space seemed to be changing. On the beach, in the woods, on the slate, the simple boy wrote on the ground with sand, stroke by stroke, so serious:

"Sister, is this my name? Can you write my name?"

"Sister, I can also write..."

"Sister, do you like this bright red shell?"

"Sister, don't be afraid. I'll take you away. I'll take you out..."


Her eyes were slightly moist, and she felt something from her arms, which was treasured in a small brocade bag, folded neatly

Spread out in front of Lu Wenlong is a yellowing paper, which is stained with blood. Only pine ink is so clear, and the handwriting on it can be seen through. Every word is so powerful, full of an angry heroic spirit

That's the authentic work of Yue Pengju. It's his handwriting in those days

Lu Wenlong stared at the dragon flying handwriting firmly, as if every word was alive, and every word was slashed immediately, laughing proudly in the Jianghu, telling a lost and irretrievable heroic years

Because of it, his blood was boiling and he yearned infinitely Mother, King Qin, told so many stories, but they were not shocked by seeing this handwriting Only heroes can write such words with vitality and words of gold and stone Only a hero can revive a dead year forever between the lines

This is Yue Pengju! Heroes are so far away, but so close As he saw when he was a child, he sat under a big tree to make two guns for himself, a long wooden gun, with a gentle smile and a heroic appearance

Because of this word, he is close to a person and truly worships him

He was excited and proud: "Mom, this is Yue's father's? Can you give it to me?"

She smiled. This was the first time her son asked for a gift Can't you give it to him? For many years, this word has been closely followed by her, firmly hidden in her chest, even if it is the Lin'an war, even if it is the soul of the grassland, even if it is the assassination of Qin Hui, even if it is driven to despair by the golden Wu Shu... Every time, every time, I turn bad into good, and the death is auspicious, who says it is not the protection of the spirit in heaven by Peng Ju?

This was her amulet, and she would not give up until she died and died

However, we can't bury everything about him

Originally, I wanted to save my old age for the little tiger However, Wen long asked, he is also the son of Peng Ju, isn't he? How many innocent children orphaned in the war, she thought, Peng Ju would regard them as sons

She also collected all the handwriting of Peng Ju, which was put on the sunset island in a brocade box with good quality. It was for the head of a small tiger at that time, and she wanted King Qin to collect it King Qin never opened the box to see what it was, but he was entrusted to keep it carefully and waited for the day when xiaohutou grew up to deal with it by himself

She solemnly picked up the gift and handed it to Lu Wenlong with both hands: "son, this is the ruins of Yue's father. You need to be careful."

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