One Night Bride

Chapter 616

He was so excited that he bowed before taking it with both hands: "thank you, mom, my son must treasure it."

She laughed with relief I have always been afraid of mistreating the child, of leaving a shadow in his heart after such a tragedy, of not being able to teach him well, and of being ashamed of Mr. and Mrs. LUDEN However, now with Peng Ju's body protection and his spirit in heaven in charge of the overall situation, this child, the road of this life, he can rest assured

She smiled and patted him gently on the shoulder: "son, have a rest early."

"Good night, mom."

She went to the bedside and looked at the sleeping tiger head The child slept so sweetly that he was not awakened at all. The little man also snored seriously He changed into a soft little dress. The little boy slept with red cheeks, like a big apple It's just that I don't sleep well, my arms are always stretched out, and my small belly is exposed outside, white, like the giant salamander in the New Year picture She smiled, gently put his small arm into the quilt, covered it, and stroked his soft face The older the child grows, the more like his father. His eyebrows, corners of his eyes, and even his voice are so cool The only difference is that he is so lively, so naive, and does not experience any setbacks and tribulations, so he is not as gloomy as his father when he was a child

Hua Rong stared at him with a strong warmth in his eyes. He couldn't help but bow his head and kiss his little face. Then he pulled his hair into the sky and stood up and walked out


When she turned back, Lu Wenlong stopped talking

"Son, what are you going to say?"

Lu Wenlong summoned up his courage and said in a low voice, "Mom, do you still hate 'him'?"

Hua Rong didn't answer

He thought his mother didn't understand, and added, "Mom, do you still hate him... Hate the fourth prince?"


Fourth prince? What a long lost name

Hua Rong shook her head, looking very flat: "no! I have never thought of him these days."

She also felt strange that she had never thought of Jin Wushu since she escaped from hell, and even forgot him when she escaped Even the fact that he is an enemy has been forgotten For some people, it is far better to forget completely than to remember Because it's not worth it Even killing him is meaningless

What is really separated from each other is war! It is the wound of endless war This is completely different from Zhao Deji and Qin Hui It's not personal

Song Jin duel, tribute silver duel! Which time is not related to song and Jin Dynasties?

Song and Jin, everything is stopped

However, even if you can forget it, it doesn't mean that children can forget it. After all, the love between father and son is stronger than water What is the relationship between yourself and Jin Wushu? Nothing; From beginning to end, maybe even friends, even cooperation, even the relationship between each other, even the enemy, she did not want to do with him

Jin Wushu, he is also a great hero - at least his real hero As he said, how dare you be selfish if you want to benefit the country! He did all this for their big money! Why should I hate him or miss him?

If powerful officials are like him, can they really end up well? She thought that she might see his end in her lifetime However, she is not interested in knowing his ending This person, in front of himself, is nothing Why bother about him again?

"Mom, Dad... The fourth Prince didn't want to kill you at that time..." he hurriedly wanted to distinguish one or two for the fourth prince. At the last moment, the fourth prince said, "only kill King Qin, and no one else will investigate..."

This is the first time that the mother and son mentioned Jin Wushu in such a long time. Hua Rong nodded very calmly. If it weren't for this, he had been killed under the random knife at that time and couldn't wait for Liu Wu's rescue However, it was also true to kill yourself at first If it weren't for King Qin's timely rescue, he would surely die Jin Wushu has always been like this. It's true when it's fake Up to now, she has completely ignored whether he is true or false

"Mom, he didn't want to kill me... Even if I left the kingdom of Jin, he didn't want to kill me..."

"Yes, son, he loves you. At least he really loves you! He won't kill you."

Lu Wenlong bowed his head and burst into tears

Hua Rong looked at his tears compassionately and patted him on the shoulder. He also burst into tears Calm joy can't cover up those bloody past events, and she doesn't know what to cry for. Maybe it's this troubled world, maybe everyone's tragic fate, maybe there are such people around on such a night

Lu Wenlong was a boy after all. Seeing his mother crying, he stopped crying and muttered, "Mom, I'm not... I'm not thinking of him..."

She was very calm: "son, it's not wrong for you to miss him. We are human beings, and our feelings are like silk. We can't be cut off with one knife if we want to. After all, he raised you. Even if he is sorry for the world, he is worthy of you."

Even if he is sorry for the world, but he is worthy of you

From childhood to adulthood, he paid so much father's love, even more than his parents and children

Lu Wenlong's tears fell again, but quietly turned his head and inadvertently wiped them away He has grown up and is embarrassed to cry easily

"Mom, do you regret giving him the antidote?"

She stared into his eyes, not knowing when he knew about it

"Mom, do you remember that one day in the tent, the fourth prince fell ill and tossed terribly..." she remembered that once, Jin Wushu was lying on the ground like a dead dog, crying loudly. That night, he simply lay on the ground all night

"I was in the next room, listening to your conversation. Later, I quietly noticed... I learned that Dad, the fourth prince, was poisoned... Mom, why did you give him the antidote? Have you ever regretted it?"

She thought for a while before shaking her head, "no, I don't regret it!"


"Because we are weak! Son, if it weren't for the help of the fourth prince, I would have died; if it weren't for him, I couldn't even kill Wang Junhua. I have no choice but to compromise with him. If he died early, it would be more detrimental to us!" Of course, she didn't expect everything later, including his brutal pursuit and his own overnight white head Looking back on his first half of life, who said that he didn't spend it in compromise and pain?

Lu Wenlong bowed his head and did not speak again From then on, he also decided not to mention Jin Wu Shu

For half a month, King Qin was in a surprisingly good mood because of his recuperation, and his injury improved greatly At this time, Liu Zhiyong and Liu Wu also returned from disaster relief

Silver finished the disaster relief in Lianghe area Although the number is not small, it can only be a drop in the bucket in the face of such a large number of victims, and rice is extremely expensive during the famine years Problems that cannot be solved by the state are even smaller than private acts of righteousness However, if there is no such act of righteousness, the suffering people will be even more desperate

For a moment, the people of the two rivers rushed to tell each other that the well-informed people even said that the life-saving rice grain was the tribute silver from Dajin - the great hero of the Song Dynasty, who grabbed the tribute silver back The wool comes from the sheep, which is the blood and sweat of the people of song, and should be attributed to the people of song

With all the hype and embellishment, King Qin was described as an unparalleled hero in the world

Liu Zhiyong paraphrased vividly, deeply and proudly: "Your Majesty, I thought we were robbers before, but now I know we are heroes."

King Qin laughed, spat again, and said to himself, "shit, I'm actually a big robber."

Hua Rong smiled at the one eyed Liu Wu. Although he didn't see it with his own eyes at that time, he could not help feeling a kind of heroic spirit by imagining the posture described by King Qin, pulling out the long arrow in his eyes to stabilize the army's heart

"Liu Wu is a hero, and a great hero."

A man of Nuo Da turned red and touched his head, as if his one eye was worth it: "thank you, madam."

"Hahaha, Liu Wu, after returning to the island, you should first marry a daughter-in-law. I'll help you."

Hua Rong said with a smile, "have you become a matchmaker?"

King Qin didn't care: "who's the girl who doesn't like a real man like Liu Wu? There are more women on the island. Let's do it when we go back."

Liu Wu has been running around all year round. After a long career as a robber, he is naturally sometimes lonely. Seeing that King Qin is now happy and has a wife and children, his temperament has changed greatly. Of course, he will envy and touch his head: "thank you first."

"Hahaha, I'll say, don't be shy, you boy. Having a wife and children is better than being alone."

Hua Rong glanced at him obliquely. Doesn't a man of the eldest brother feel that he has become a babe? He met her joking eyes, and he laughed even more happily

Next, Liu Wu brought back a big news: Qin Hui was critically ill This is brought back by the eyeliner inserted by Qin Da Wang'an in Lin'an Liu Wu and others will not hide their reports

Hua Rong and King Qin couldn't believe it

"What do you say?"

"EyeLiner has always been in contact with father-in-law Kang. It was revealed by father-in-law Kang himself, which is absolutely not wrong."

It turned out that after Qin Hui was injured at the border that day, he hurried back to the capital under the escort of Yang Yizhong Hua Rong's knife had already made him seriously injured, plus the bumps all the way, and he was afraid all the way. Therefore, after rushing back to the capital, he closed his door and called himself ill at home

The ministers of the central court did not know why he was ill, so they speculated one after another, and rumors were everywhere But Qin Hui still ignored it and asked famous doctors for diagnosis and treatment I don't know how many Ganoderma lucidum herbs and elixirs have been used, but they can't make a comeback. Even Wang Jixian's medicine is useless

Qin Hui was dying

But the outside world does not know his condition. He is still the prime minister who covers the sky with his hand. From top to bottom, who dares not to curry favor with three points? As a result, an endless stream of people visited his family and received a mountain of gifts. Finally, the Treasury could not hide it, so it had to be sent to another hospital for placement Even today's son Zhao Deji personally sent people to visit him and sent medical officials to offer his condolences. He had a deep friendship between monarchs and ministers

After Wang Junhua, Qin Hui married a concubine from three rooms. The concubines were busy receiving gifts all day, fighting for power and profit, and making a lot of trouble This made Qin Hui very upset and aggravated his gloomy mood Naturally, he will also be uneasy, because the more powerful he is in the DPRK, the more potential enemies there are. How can those who died wrongly under his hands and those who were exiled let themselves go? So he thought of the fourth Prince and had to ask the fourth Prince for help again During his illness, he sent secret letters several times, and secretly sent a large number of treasures to the fourth prince, expecting Da Jin to play a key mediator role again, so that he could come back from the dead

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