One Night Bride

Chapter 617

Unexpectedly, a sealed letter out, are gone Even Gao Yigong, the spy placed by the fourth Prince beside him, completely lost the news

About Wang Junhua's death, he had long known the mystery. Although he covered it up in the clouds through Gao Yigong's turn, he knew it from the bottom of his heart. The fourth prince had already had a taboo against himself Originally, the relationship between the two was just a relationship of interest, and there was no deep personal friendship. It was normal for the fourth prince to taboo What he firmly believes is that according to the behavior and character of the fourth prince, he will never ignore the interests of the great golden kingdom Every point he raised is beneficial to Da Jin. His troops are just bluff to scare Zhao Deji, so that he can get a shudder from the fire

However, the fourth Prince ignored such favorable conditions. What's the matter?

Therefore, his five or six points of injury made him eight or nine points, whining in bed, avoiding possible criticism from political opponents Because of this, he could not go to the court, and the political enemies were ready to stir up, and it came out that the tribute silver of the song state was hijacked Naturally, many took the opportunity to attack him

At the same time, Zhao Deji was certainly not idle The spy he sent detected a huge secret: the theft of tribute silver presented by the state of song to the state of Jin. The protagonist of the case was the famous King Qin

He was really shocked by the news, but he just kept sighing: King Qin, is he really so strong? The spy's report said that Qin Hui was not ill and accidentally injured on the road as he claimed, but was stabbed by a woman at the border Repeated news has become more and more terrifying

King Qin cannot go to the kingdom of Jin for no reason Is it because Hua Rong fled to the Golden State? Did Hua Rong escape to the kingdom of Jin to kill Qin Hui? Is this possible? He was restless, not knowing whether he was happy or worried, afraid or angry, but also deeply relieved. Fortunately, he did not go to the border with him at the beginning In the garden of the Yue family, Hua Rong sought an opportunity to assassinate him. But in a panic, rescuers rushed, and Hua Rong had to flee Zhao Deji also hates this. He knows that this woman is a poison, but he can't help but always want to find her - the emperor's grace is vast and does not give it to Yue Pengju, but if it is given to a female generation, wouldn't it be more victorious?

More than that, Zhao Deji also has a bigger public secret - he was really completely sterilized, especially after taking Xiao Liu's "panacea", not only was he not cured, but Xiao Liu got many gynecological diseases and fell out of favor In the past two years, he has spent countless efforts and energy on seeking children, but he has never improved

At the same time, he was even more frightened. What if the Jin army came again to ask for tribute, or took the opportunity to start a war? He has already become a frightened bird. The fourth prince will not die for a day, and he will not be at peace for a day If the troops go south again, how should I deal with it? At this critical moment, it is very important whether Qin Hui is really ill or killed by explosion

On this day, Zhao Deji reviewed the memorial in the imperial study In the memorials, there were seven or eight letters belonging to the imperial doctor. Taking the opportunity to impeach Qin Hui, of course, he started from Gongyin and negotiation, pointing out that he had sole authority and coerced the emperor Although Zhao Deji and Qin Hui have always been "king and Minister", his taboos about Qin Hui are unknown to outsiders Especially at the beginning, Qin Hui used Jin Wushu to threaten him and became Prime Minister for life, which made Zhao Deji brooding and wanted to operate on him, but he developed a fear temperament Now seeing so many impeachments and thinking of his strange injuries, he had a plan and went to the Qin mansion to visit him in person

It's no small matter that the emperor visits a doctor Qin Hui was informed on the hospital bed and almost broke out in a cold sweat At this time, when the emperor came to see him, he would not be flattered. On the contrary, he had learned from his confidants that these days, there are more and more memorials impeaching him. He is considering whether to return from illness or retreat But before thinking clearly, Zhao Deji actually came to the door in person

Hearing Zhao Deji's footsteps, Qin Hui burst into tears: "Your Majesty is very kind, but I can't meet you. Please forgive me..."

Zhao Deji saw that he was almost half paralyzed in bed and could not move Qin Hui was originally very thin, but now he only had a few small goatee, his face was withered and yellow, and he was not human Zhao Deji was not sure whether he was pretending or real. When he looked carefully, he looked like he was dying

He immediately sang well: "the prime minister is seriously ill, so you must take good care of yourself. How can there be any loss in the cornerstone of the country? Come, bring the reward to the prime minister..."

The old eunuch bent over and opened a box. It was some pills given by Zhao Deji Qin Hui didn't need it at all, but he thanked Lord longen with gratitude

After the two made a play, Zhao Deji went straight to the theme: "prime minister, I heard that tribute silver was stolen in Dajin?"

"I dare not hide your majesty. I was stabbed by an assassin that day and didn't personally listen to the relevant parties talk about the theft of tribute silver."

"I heard that the assassin was a woman?"

Qin Hui knew it was Hua Rong, but he knew Zhao Deji's complex thoughts about Hua Rong The king's intention was uncertain. After a little consideration, he said, "it should not be. It's a real female soldier named yinmuke."

Zhao Deji pretended to be surprised: "why did the Nvzhen soldiers assassinate you?"

"Your Majesty doesn't know. Outsiders speculate that it's a female assassin, but how can a woman have such ability in this world? I sent someone to investigate, and then I learned the truth. Your majesty, do you still remember King Qin?"

"Of course. What does he have to do with it?"

"He stole the tribute silver and arranged the assassin."

"What resentment does he have with you?"

"King Qin, in collusion with Yelu Dayong of the dead Liao Dynasty, vigorously developed land forces. When he wanted to buy weapons, he would naturally start with tribute and silver, and took the opportunity to provoke the contradictions between song and Jin Dynasties and draw chestnuts from the fire..."

Zhao Deji's face changed greatly He always thought that King Qin was only a first-rate kou'er, and was far away in the vast sea. What did he have to do with the overlord on the road?

Qin Hui narrowed her eyes painfully, but after observing her words and expressions, she knew that her words had worked He hates Hua Rong to the bone, but if Zhao Deji wants to make a bold order to arrest Hua Rong, it will damage Zhao Deji's style of "benevolent king". Zhao Deji himself was assassinated, and he dare not make a bold investigation, not to mention himself?

However, he must cut the grass and root, and even before he dies, he must revenge this great revenge. The best thing is to kill with a knife - aiming at King Qin Hua Rong must be with King Qin As long as you hold King Qin, you won't be afraid to die if you don't deliver the flowers to the door

Zhao Deji can be lenient to a widow, but the tradition of the song state is often to "calm down" first and then fight outside. Zhao Deji is far more interested in suppressing civil strife than worrying about foreign aggression Since the change of Miao and Liu Bing, he was always worried that someone would covet his dragon chair. How could such a large-scale force sleep on the side of his couch in the Song Dynasty?

Sure enough, Zhao Deji immediately asked, "is king Qin really capable?"

"King Qin, who can snatch tribute silver from millions of soldiers of the great gold, can't be underestimated. If he takes the opportunity to start an accident in the future, he is afraid that the disaster will be ten times that of Zhong Xiang, Yang Mo and other Dongting water invaders..."

"In your opinion, what should we do?"

"Over the years, the naval force of the imperial court has greatly expanded. In the view of ministers, it is better to mobilize elite, start first, and go straight to the nest of King Qin."

Zhao Deji was silent. After escaping at sea, he was already very disgusted with the vast sea and secretly swore that he would never set foot in the Shanghai Ocean again in his lifetime What are the odds of winning such a large-scale attack on King Qin?

"Zhenguan's naval forces over the years are good at fighting in the lake, but it is difficult for forces to reach the sea. Moreover, the vast sea is not as big a problem as land, food and grass, troop dispatching and so on..."

Qin Hui knew that his sea shock had already frightened him, so he was very dismissive of his proposal At this time, instead of speaking, he deliberately made an appearance of panting

"In your opinion, if you send troops, who is the commander and who is the pioneer?"

This time, Qin Hui had no idea He is used to negotiation and machinations, and he knows nothing about the use of troops After hesitating for a while, he said, "Yang Yizhong has never experienced a water war. Instead, it is the thrifty envoy Liu Ning..." his move is extremely vicious. Liu Ning is the only prestigious anti Jin general at present, and he is also deeply trusted by Zhao Deji and taboo by the fourth prince And most importantly, Liu Ning is relatively decent and doesn't buy much of his account as Prime Minister Qin

Since Yue Peng raised Han Zhongliang, Zhao Deji, no matter how unscrupulous he was, he was not fatuous, but more than vicious. He was also an important person for Liu Ning. Even Qin Hui instructed Wang Jixian to impeach Liu Ning several times, and he never moved Liu Ning's position

This time, if Liu Ning can be removed from the front line of anti gold, and the barrier of the gold army can be removed first, wouldn't he give the fourth prince a big gift for nothing? Negotiate with him again, and things will be much better

However, Zhao Deji obviously disagreed, saying that Liu Ning was only good at land warfare According to his mind, it is impossible for Liu Ning to take such a big risk for King Qin Besides, apart from Qin Hui, no courtier talked about the harm of King Qin

Seeing that the road was blocked, Qin Hui suddenly said, "King Qin robbed so much money, which is more than half of my southeast tax revenue. He took the opportunity to expand himself..."

With this sentence, Zhao Deji's heart pounded He may not care about the sea strength of King Qin, but this large amount of silver should have belonged to him

He came interested: "is there any whereabouts of King Qin's silver?"

"It's a pity that I'm lying in bed all day and can't concentrate on inquiring. Please forgive me, your majesty. Your majesty can send a military department to investigate this matter immediately."

When the Ministry of war came out, it must be chasing and catching King Qin all the way This is better than going to the sea to attack

"Where is king Qin?"

This question stopped Qin Hui. How many more people he sent, he couldn't find the whereabouts of King Qin. Not only that, but even the fourth Prince didn't know

Seeing that Qin Hui kept panting, Zhao Deji looked very disgusting, and his mouth sent out a burst of dirty gas. He couldn't stay any longer, and hurriedly said, "Aiqing might as well have a good rest. This matter will be discussed later."

"Thank you, your majesty."

Although Qin Hui didn't get a positive answer from Zhao Deji, he knew that this had diverted his attention and contradictions Whether he wants to destroy King Qin or not, at least, King Qin has become a big problem for his confidants

As long as we canvass again, we are not afraid that Zhao Deji will not send troops In this way, it's impossible to kill flowers

Just when Qin Hui was proud that his poison plan had worked, his mood was a little better The injury is not so serious He is planning to make a comeback and find an excuse. He is ill and cannot leave chaotang for a long time At this time, he waited for Zhao Deji's order: Zhao Deji rewarded him with some herbs and allowed him to take a year's vacation and recuperate at home

This is really a bolt from the blue. If the official's parents die, they can stay in mourning for three years. However, it is generally just an excuse, and they will return in twoorthree months Besides, Qin Hui was only ill. A senior official left for a year. How can he control the situation in the court after that?

He was angry and anxious. He thought he had played Zhao Deji with applause, but Zhao Deji was stronger first Zhao Deji believed that Qin Hui was not needed to deal with King Qin, so he took the opportunity to push him out of the court's sphere of influence Qin Hui was enraged and panicked. His real condition worsened and he was desperate, so he sent another envoy to the state of Jin to seek the help of the fourth prince

Of course, the news brought back by Liu Wu and others could never be so detailed, and Hua Rong was not shocked after hearing it

Qin Hui's injury was as early as she expected. She stabbed herself and knew better than anyone

King Qin said, "Qin Hui, the dead tortoise, has always been treacherous. I'm afraid there are ghosts in it. Father Kang is not entirely untrue."

"Duke Kang also said that now many people in the court have taken the opportunity to impeach Qin Hui and want to overturn the case for Duke Yue, and Zhao Deji is also slightly regretful."

Overturn the case? What is the significance of overturning the case? Don't say that Zhao Deji can't vindicate Yue Peng at all. Even if he is vindicated, what does it mean to give him the title of "loyal minister"? Can Yue Pengju be resurrected?

King Qin Wei Xiang said, "he is crying and playing for those ministers."

Hua Rong sneered, "Zhao Deji is trying to take advantage of Qin Hui's condition and lead me to kill him! He thought I was crazy for revenge."

Hua Rong almost encountered Zhao Deji's magic hand several times The last time I returned to Lin'an, I fell short because of inadequate preparation The world's largest is the king's land, and the land's shore is the king's minister Zhao Deji hesitated outside, but he had great authority as a king inside He always thought that with his power, he would be fooled Even if he is not fooled, he cannot escape his clutches But Zhao Deji's hypocrisy is really childish He thought so, he would blindly run to the capital to find him desperately?

Yes, I really want to kill Qin Hui and Zhao Deji, but after so much life and death, I'm not in a hurry for success It will not be the same as in the past, always holding the idea of dying together Now, I have two sons to raise. How can I die easily?

Everyone stepped down and rested

There are only two people sitting opposite each other in the room

King Qin saw her meditating, thought she was uncomfortable, and grabbed her hand: "girl, wait for me, kill me, cut off Zhao Deji's head and kick it as a ball."

"Hey, he's waiting for us to die."

"I'm not necessarily afraid of him."

She smiled and said, "why? It's time to be a hero again?"

King Qin touched his head: "you can see this? Ha, seriously, girl, since Zhao Deji's behavior, even if we don't take the initiative to provoke him, it's estimated that he will not let us go."

Hua Rong said faintly, "so what? Do you think he dares to attack sunset island?"

"He doesn't have this skill yet. However, it will definitely cause us a lot of trouble. Rather than that, we'd better start first."

She smiled: "no, we can't kill him now. Let's gather strength first."

"Oh? What do you say?"

"The son of heaven, who has a strong army, is not necessarily the world of Zhao Deji all his life."


King Qin was in high spirits and burst out laughing: "back in those days, Lao Tzu of Jin Wushu and the 13 cavalry soldiers started up. In a short time, Nuzhen ran all over the world, beating Zhao's father and son up and down, up the mountain and into the sea, so that they couldn't find their teeth. One day, we will also go to Lin'an to catch Zhao Deji alive and light the lamp oil with his bones..."

Hua Rong was serious: "along the way, I was thinking about a problem."

"What's the problem?"

"Your forces on the island are very good now. It will inevitably cause the covetous of all forces. In particular, the cooperation between you and Yelv Dayong is all broken, and there will be no support on the land..."

"But I have Li Tinglan and a hostage. Even if I don't cooperate, Yelv can't make trouble with me. Moreover, Lao Tzu is extremely kind to him."

"Yelv's great use is not enough. He is afraid that the Imperial Navy along the coast will take the opportunity to make trouble, and long-term harassment is not the way."


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