One Night Bride

Chapter 629

Wu jinnu had to step down with his adopted son trembling. He didn't understand why flattery came to the horse's legs However, she has been used to Zhao Deji's moody temperament

As soon as the two annoying mother and son left, Zhao Deji's spirit came again. Suddenly, he remembered something and hurriedly called father-in-law Kang

Kang Gonggong bowed: "official family, what's the matter with calling old slaves?"

"Do you remember King Qin? Did you have a personal relationship with him in those days?"

Kang Gonggong hurriedly knelt on the ground: "the official family apologized. Since Yue Pengju died, the old slave has completely lost the news of King Qin, and there is no contact anymore..."

"Don't be afraid, I want to ask you something else. You are familiar with King Qin and know some things about the sea. This time, you will go to sea with the army..."

Kang Gonggong kept complaining. He was so old that who wanted to go to the sea? However, he didn't dare to refuse at all. He just kept his mind steady for fear that Zhao Deji would blame himself. He closed his sleeves and didn't dare to speak unless his majesty spoke first

"I think Hua Rong must be with him."

"Your Majesty is?"

"Now, the four sides are calm, and the world is at peace. Even the great enemy, the fourth Prince Jin Wushu, is dying. I think I must complete the last wish..."

Kang Gonggong dared not even ask, and listened to Zhao Deji's instructions with bated breath

"I was stabbed by flowers and deeply hated. How can the emperor of heaven be despised by others? Now, she is the only enemy left..."

"Ah? What does your majesty mean?"

"I thought, how can I win the world without revenge? Now, I have nothing to be busy with, so I'd better go all out to catch Hua Rong..."

Father Kang stammered, "didn't your majesty inform the world that Yue Pengju's family would be pardoned? If..." he didn't dare to say that if he went back, how could he be convinced by the world?

"Of course, the world should be pardoned. Taking advantage of Qin Hui's death, I will order an amnesty for the world and everyone persecuted by Qin Hui in his early years..."

"Ah? But in this way, how can we catch Hua Rong?"

"Fool, who told you to be brazen? Hua rongben absconded, don't you know what to do? Remember! I want to catch King Qin, not Hua rongben."

Kang Gonggong is even more confused

Zhao Deji sneered, and his eyes showed a ferocious and poisonous light: "I am the son of heaven, and there is nothing in this world that I can't get! I ordered that I go all out to catch Hua Rong secretly..."

Kang Gonggong noticed that his majesty used the word "secret"

"To catch Hua Rong, we must attack King Qin first..."

Duke Kang immediately understood that it was false to attack King Qin and it was true to capture Hua Rong After following Zhao Deji for many years, did he not understand Zhao Deji's despicable intention? Just worry and say, "I'm afraid, I'm afraid..."

"What are you afraid of?"

"The mouth of the world..."

Zhao Deji kicked out with one kick, and immediately kicked him in the stomach of Duke Kang, roaring: "bold dog slave, what is the leisurely mouth in the world? My world, we have to listen to me. This demon woman Hua Rong assassinated me, shouldn't I investigate her treachery?"

Kang Gonggong fell to the ground, and did not dare to make a sound at all. He covered his stomach and broke out in a cold sweat Zhao Deji had a little scruples in those days, but now he is completely unscrupulous Zhao Deji is more than like song Huizong. He is ten times worse than his father, song Huizong

"Listen, I want to capture Hua Rong alive. As for how to get rid of it, I will naturally arrange to escort him to Beijing! Remember, live! As for King Qin and others, we will kill them all. Especially Hua Rong's son, who is a bastard of Yue Pengju, must be eradicated. Remember, if there is a slight mistake, take your dog's head to atone for it!"

Zhao Deji angrily went out and left

Kang Gonggong fell to the ground, Rao is that he has been used to all kinds of evil and bloody of the court, and he also shuddered Just think, what about Yue Pengju? Don't say more, don't you let him go as a ghost? Even if Yue Pengju is a ghost, why don't you come and kill Zhao Deji quickly?

Of course, he didn't dare to say anything, but he could only get up and immediately began secret preparation Your majesty, you should completely kill King Qin and arrest Hua Rong

The most frightening thing is that he is still doing it in the name of "amnesty"

Outside, the people of the Ministry of war come and go, all in the deployment of troops

The last battle is about to begin


Sunset island is about to usher in another spring festival

Unlike other places, there is almost no smell of winter here, and of course there is no strong smell of the new year However, because of the different people in this year, the natural taste is also different

Lu Wenlong fell in love with the beauty of this Xanadu almost immediately. Even if there were only two children here, he and Xiaohu, he was also very happy. He caught turtles, shrimp and long coral every day Here, I suddenly found that money or power had suddenly lost their market, and everything was carefree

Xiaohutou played around with him all day. The two brothers had fun. They found many wonderful shells and made long necklaces with thin lines. They hung all over their bodies and made a string of scarlet shell necklaces for their mother

On this day, the sea breeze was blowing gently, and the white billed Gull walked up and down the beach, with red feet and snow-white feathers

Hua Rong lies under a huge coconut tree. In the shadow, there is fine white and warm sand Like the children, she was barefoot, like the local fisherman, wearing short pants and narrow clothes

The body is pasted on the soft sand, the clouds are light and the wind is light, as if ironing all the vicissitudes and pain suffered over the years Those old wounds and new marks suddenly disappeared, and the pain disappeared I'm just lazy and don't want to move at all

The burning breath came to his face, and King Qin came with great strides She looked at him with wide eyes. King Qin was dressed so neatly and wore a headscarf on his head He seemed so energetic as a whole because she had arranged it for him personally, like the most docile and virtuous wife

Most importantly, his leg injury is almost healed He had walked as usual and could hardly see any big flaws It took almost half a year to heal the wound. Although it seemed long, it was already very fast If it weren't for his super physical quality and super happy mood these days, he couldn't recover so quickly

He is tall, strong as an ox, and his leopard like eyes are bright. Even the vicissitudes of life on his face have now become extremely soft

For the first time, he was looked at so carefully by her, but he was slightly embarrassed. Then, he sat down beside her, stretched out his hand, and held her in his arms With his head against his solid chest, he was warmer and softer than the sand under his body Safe again!

It's an unspeakable sense of security - only when his man is full of strength can he protect himself, protect his son, and protect this hard-earned happy world

"Girl, I checked. There are many strange precious medicinal materials in the big box robbed in the past, and some of them will be effective. I'll take them back and let the doctor of Changlin island have a look."

She just nodded slightly, not feeling sad at all At this moment, life or death is not important

The heart is also wet, just like a long dream. Everything starts from here, and walks thousands of miles. Then, until today - thousands of miles, with him Fortunately! Fortunately!

His chin rubbed against her soft scarf Every day, she wrapped her headscarf and folded her hands skillfully, blocking her white hair from anyone to see - in fact, she just didn't let little tiger head see it, and didn't want him to see that her mother suddenly became a white haired witch, so she was frightened

His hand reached out and put it near her mouth She subconsciously bit it. It was a big peeled fruit The first bite was sweet and juicy. It was the kind of big fruit that Zhao Deji got for himself when he was chased to the sea by Jin Wushu It is a strange variety of Eucalyptus fruit, only on this island Since then, she has traveled thousands of miles and never seen such fruit

The sweet taste aroused all the appetite, and she took another bite, followed by another bite... This lazy taste was so wonderful that it was hard to speak. He didn't move. Only his big hand moved with his lips and always handed the best side of the fruit to his mouth

He is also immersed in incomparable warmth, which is a great enjoyment in life

So he frowned, "girl, I'll tell you a story..."

It's strange that King Qin can also tell stories?

She smiled and looked all ears

"Once upon a time, um... Well, there was a lazy woman... How lazy is she? She eats and sleeps, sleeps and eats every day, and doesn't do anything else. One day, her husband has something to go far. Before leaving, he said to the lazy woman, 'well, Wu, that lazy woman, I'm going out for a few days. I know you're too lazy to cook. In order not to make you hungry, I made a big cake, put it around your neck, and you'll bite a few bites when you're hungry.' so, the husband started, I made a super large golden cake, tied it with a rope and hung it around her neck. I'm relieved to go out However, a few days later, when her husband came back, the lazy woman still starved to death... Girl, why do you say this? "

Hua Rong smiled so that her eyebrows were slightly raised

King Qin stared at her extremely happy smile, and his heart was also full of joy, but suddenly, his neck was cold

He reached for it, grabbed a cold Brown sea fish from his neck, threw it out, and with a backhand, he grabbed a skyward braid: "haha, smelly boy, see how I deal with you today..."

"Cluck, let go of me, let go of me, mom, you see, Dad bullied me..."

Little tiger's head giggled and fell into dad's arms, sweeping his braid into the sky and sweeping dad's face His little hand stretched out, hugged dad's neck, and asked in a charming voice, "Dad, why did that lazy woman starve to death? Why?"

"Haha, smelly boy, guess. If you guessed right, Dad rewarded you with a funny idea."

He looked sideways and saw Lu Wenlong standing beside him, smiling Of course, the style of the little prince in those days did not exist. He was high with his trouser legs in his arms, barefoot on the winter beach, and wearing a big straw hat woven by himself on his head, just like a growing fisherman, but with a handsome and intelligent young man

"Wenlong boy, guess why this lazy woman starved to death?"

Little tiger head didn't wait for his brother to answer. He said first, "Dad, Dad, I know. The lazy woman has finished the big cake. Of course, she will starve to death. Mom, do you think my answer is right?"

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