One Night Bride

Chapter 630

Even Hua Rong couldn't help laughing and reached out to touch his hair braid, just shaking his head

"Mom, am I wrong? Brother, what do you say?"

Lu Wenlong solemnly said, "little tiger head, don't be fooled by my father. It's clear that you can eat big cakes for a few days. How can you starve to death? It must be the lazy woman who finished eating her mouth and was too lazy to hold the cake up and chew it below, so she naturally starved to death..."

Everyone laughed loudly King Qin slapped Lu Wenlong's buttocks with one palm. Lu Wenlong quickly dodged and made a gesture: "bad guy, can't spank me, I'm not a child..."

King Qin laughed: "OK, I won't hit your ass. let me see what's hidden behind you?"

Lu Wenlong put his hands behind his back, and then slowly took it out. It turned out that it was two long shell necklaces, which he and xiaohutou made by hand A string of bright red, a string of brown

As soon as he stretched out his hand, xiaohutou grabbed the necklace, put the red one on his mother's neck and the brown one on his father's neck, and laughed and clapped his hands: "haha, it's so beautiful. Mom, you're so beautiful. My father is also so beautiful..."

"Smelly boy, who made this?"

"I made it with my brother. My brother said, these are the two most beautiful necklaces we made. They are for mom and Dad..."

Hua Rong smiled, stretched out her hand, silently took the boy's hands and let him sit next to him Even King Qin's eyes were slightly moist This child, he already knows how to give gifts

This is the best piece of heart a child can give his father

He looked at the necklace on his neck, touched it again, corrected it a little, stretched out his big hand, put his arm around his shoulder, and said softly, "son, I really like it."

Lu Wenlong blushed slightly. In front of his mother, he can freely express the feelings of a teenager, but the communication between his son and his father has always been difficult Even if I was with the fourth Prince before, I never had a strong beyond ordinary intimacy behavior The fourth prince, like King Qin, never hugged his child easily; He observed carefully that even ordinary men would not hug their sons easily Father is always strict and maintains a dignified feeling. In this way, it is the authority of parents

But king Qin was an exception. At first, he was not used to it Over time, I became accustomed to seeing little tiger's head hanging around King Qin's neck every day

"Son, do you like it here?"

"I like it very much, Dad. Let's live here longer."

That "Daddy" screamed so naturally that he didn't even know when he changed his mouth. Other people didn't have any abnormalities and felt so justified

Little tiger head also clapped his hands and cheered, "it's fun here, Dad, mom, we're here, don't go back to Changlin island. My brother and I haven't gone to play in many places. We have to catch big whales..."

King Qin laughed and grabbed his hair braid: "silly boy, you have a beautiful idea. We have to go back quickly."


"Because grandpa has prepared everything, I'm going to marry my mother."

Dad laughed so strangely?

The two children said in unison, "you can get married here."

Do you have to change a place to get married?

"No, no! Although I am willing, grandpa may not be willing. He prepared fish and meat, good wine and food, and also entertained many people. If we secretly marry here, he will be angry..."

"Why are you afraid of him? If Grandpa dares to be angry, I'll pull out all his white beard..."

Hua Rong stared at King Qin and saw what he had taught the child

King Qin made a grimace, didn't care at all, hugged her, slowly got up, and whispered softly to the children, "sons, let's go, we're going back, dad and mom are going to get married."


He is kongfu and powerful. He holds Hua Rong and hangs a tiger's head around his neck without any difficulty

Her face flushed slightly. "I'll go by myself."

"Haha, girl, they are all their own sons. They don't dare to laugh at you, just me holding you, isn't it good?" In fact, it is clear that she is tired, exhausted and weak, but she is unwilling to show it in front of the children, so he is also laughing

Of course, the two children didn't notice the abnormality of their mother. The little tiger head just kept jumping and felt uncomfortable. He simply jumped down: "Dad, you carry me, you carry..."

King Qin really squatted down: "smelly boy, come up quickly."

Hua Rong said angrily, "I really spoil my child."

"Dad beats his mother the most! He spoils his mother. He needs dad to carry it."

The flower melts into laughter, the child

Little tiger put his hand around dad's neck and jumped up, "oh yeah, Dad carries me, Dad hasn't carried me for a long time."

Lu Wenlong couldn't see it anymore. He looked at his mother's face and thought of her crying like that. Vaguely, he felt something wrong for fear that the little tiger's head would disturb her and make her more uncomfortable

"Little tiger head, dad wants to hold his mother. I'll carry you."

"No, not my brother, but my father."

King Qin holds one and carries the other Seeing Lu Wenlong coquetting his hair and looking very uncomfortable, his eyes stared: "smelly boy, are you unconvinced? Do you want to let me carry it?"

Lu Wenlong was surprised: "big bad guy, can you?"

Can you recite one? Is it too exaggerated?

"Haha, don't mention one kid like you. I can recite several more. If you don't believe it, come and try it."

Think it's dried fish? Lu Wenlong shook his head hurriedly for fear that he would forcibly recite his appearance: "hahaha, Dad, don't worry about me, just carry a tiger's head."

I'm kidding, but I'm sorry to let others carry it

Hua Rong looked at their father and son bickering, and was very comforted Over the past few months, she has been trying to cultivate this strong family atmosphere and the affection between father and son In this way, one day, even if they are really gone, they will get real care, care and love for each other

Her heart is happy, and the pain on her body is even more diluted The family talked and laughed, and soon arrived on the ship At this time, Hua Rong noticed that the ship was not a four-wheel drive ship when she came, but a big ship Vaguely, it was the largest five tooth warship of King Qin during the naval battle that year After improvement, it now looks very much like a luxury cruise ship

The hull is white, with a three-story cabin, and the black flag of the pirates is no longer inserted on the deck. On the high mast, there is a flag floating: "flowers"!

Lu Wenlong exclaimed, "little tiger head, look, this ship is so big and beautiful..."

"Yeah, brother, is it your first time to see it? It's very interesting. I went there last year."

"How is a flag a 'flower'?"

Hua Rong also saw it, and suddenly remembered the "big song flower" used to be in Yue Peng's army. Now, it has been simplified and turned into a "flower", from land to sea, and then into a sea flower?

"Dad, why is the flag called 'flower'? I remember it wasn't before."

"Little tiger head, you're stupid. Of course it's mom. Mom's last name is' flower '."


Hua Rong laughed and whispered, "qinshangcheng, how can you make such a flag? You're not afraid of people's jokes?"

King Qin was careless: "what's funny? The ships on the island are so unified."

"Ah? Why?"

"Girl, you said you wanted to be the queen. Hahaha, the queen of the sea is you."

"Wow, that's great. Mom became Queen, so what are we? Hahaha, brother, you are a prince, and I am a prince... No, you are a big prince, and I am a little prince..."

Lu Wenlong smiled and asked King Qin, "Dad, what are you?"

King Qin laughed, "I'm the queen!"

Not only the two brothers, but also Hua Rong almost fell down with laughter

She stood on the beach, looking at the blue coastline The white hull and red flag, three colors between the sea and the sky, look so peaceful and unique

A dozen sailors were carrying some things, and everything was in order

King Qin said, "let's go. There are many interesting things on the ship."

Both brothers are very happy, and this return journey will definitely not be lonely

When the ship set sail, the family stood on the deck, facing the sea breeze and looking at the gradual sea sky unification in the distance Little tiger was thirsty. "I want to drink water."

Hua Rong suddenly moved in her heart, "Alas, I really want to fry tea for you."

"Yes, mom, I really want to drink your fried tea."

Hua Rong looked at the expectant eyes of his two sons and King Qin, but he shook his head: "girl, you don't have to work hard."

She was in high spirits, and her spirit had never been better: "is there a tea set on the ship? Even a very simple one will do."

King Qin couldn't bear to disobey her and nodded

A large box of aloes was opened Hua Rongfang felt that it opened his eyes Here, there is actually a set of the best Jun kiln tea set It is a kind of carmine, which is better than the rose red snatched by Jin Wushu from the royal family of the Song Dynasty

"Qin Shangcheng, where did you find it?"

"Cai Jing's smuggled goods robbed in those days. Unexpectedly, this old thief's collection is better than that of the imperial palace. He has been hidden in this aloe wood. I thought it was a tea set at that time. It's not worth money, so I didn't care. This time I thought of looking for medicine, and I found it accidentally. Hahahaha, girl, if I hadn't seen you fry tea, I really forgot this thing all my life, or threw it away... There are many tea leaves in this box, look, can I use it..."

Hua Rong smiled and picked up the tea set one by one Those with pure color and one or two number and size on the bottom are the best Jun kilns Cai Jing's artistic accomplishment is good, and his ability to appreciate tea sets is certainly extraordinary

Lu Wenlong picked up a cup of tea, but he saw red in blue, like the sunset glow in the blue sky Looking at the sunset outside the window, the contrast between the two is even more wonderful He had seen the mystery of his mother's frying tea several times and asked, "Mom, why is this tea set so precious?"

Hua Rong replied with a smile, "porcelain has always been a treasure of the song people. As the saying goes, 'even if there is a wealth of wealth, it is not as good as Jun porcelain'. Before the song and Jin wars, people said, 'enter the southwest mountain, there are seven miles of long streets, 77 kilns, fireworks cover the sky, merchants travel around the world, and fight for money every day'... Uncle masu's overseas trade is also dominated by porcelain. However, after the war, there is no such excellent porcelain now..."

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