One Night Bride

Chapter 631

As she explained, she prepared a full set of tea sets Although the only drawback is the old tea, the group tea is well placed and carefully preserved in Aloes wood. When it is in the water, it will make do with it

Xiaohutou was tasting tea like a little adult for the first time. He was about to play with Dad, but he saw that Dad had been looking at his mother with such deep eyes. Although he was young, he didn't dare to play

When the first cup of tea came up, Hua Rong put it in front of King Qin, stared into his eyes, and said softly, "Qin Shangcheng, I have wanted to fry a cup of tea for you for a long time..."

Because of too much tenderness, King Qin didn't know what it was like in his heart, sweet, happy, calm, sad, worried... Five flavors mixed, only staring at the white hands:

Is this the last tea?

The atmosphere was so strange. Little tiger looked at his father, his mother and his brother. He thought everyone was so strange

"Alas, mom..."

Hua Rong smiled, took back her eyes, and handed the two teas beside her to her sons one by one

"Mom, have a good drink."

"Well, if xiaohutou likes it, mom will fry tea for you every day."

"That's nice."

Perhaps it was the joy of the little tiger head that infected everyone, and the strange atmosphere soon disappeared The crowd began to talk and laugh again. In the fragrance of tea, they walked out of the cabin and looked at the direction of Changlin island

In the green mountains and green waters there, red lanterns and festive hydrangeas have been hung

The big ship berthed

Ma Su and Liu Wu were greeted on the beach

The two children stepped on the ground with their feet, and Hua Rong said softly, "go play first."

When the two children ran away, King Qin asked, "how is the situation?"

Liu Wu said, "Your Majesty, we have detected that the Imperial Navy is gathering towards the south coast."

"How many people are there?"

"At present, we have heard 100000."

That route was exactly the route that Jin Wushu pursued Zhao Deji Now, Zhao Deji is going to attack at sea

Hua Rong's back straightened slightly, turned around and looked at the flag on the ship:


This was prepared long ago She was afraid that it would come too late and she couldn't wait for that day However, Zhao Deji, she can't wait more than herself

The sick body seemed to have been injected with a stimulant, and he was rapidly healing himself. His hands were also full of the power of excitement and hatred She clenched her fist secretly and calmly asked, "masu, how many weapons have you bought?"

"Madam Hui, they all arrived at the coastline two days ago. They are all bows and arrows, knives, guns and spears. There are also two ships of firearms purchased from Lei's family."

"Very good."

These weapons, of course, spent all the funds of masu voyage Hua Rong looked around at this vast and fertile island Fortunately, King Qin was prepared first. After several years of operation, he had a large area of crops, and the coast was full of dried seafood For quite some time, self-sufficiency will never be a problem

King Qin wanted to say that he would wait until these days, but seeing her such an attitude, it was hard to say anything In her heart, she knew that if she really made up her mind, she couldn't shake it

Get married? That's it

God knows how impatient he is already

He took her hand and looked at the flag in the distance. Without saying anything, he felt her hand exert slightly and hold himself tighter

The warmth and strength of her palm showed her boundlessness and thoughtfulness Even if there is a faint sadness in my heart, it is also joyful. At this moment, after all, it is joyful!

"By the way, your majesty, we have another message. Qin Hui, an old thief, is dead."

Hua Rong was surprised and delighted: "really?"

"Really! As soon as he died, Zhao Deji ordered the world to copy the Qin family and exile all his adopted sons and others. It is said that the copied family property is almost more than the national treasury. The land property of the Qin Hui family alone is as much as more than 100000..."

Hundreds of thousands of hectares, what is this concept?

Even King Qin couldn't help smacking his tongue when he recognized that he was rich and invincible Of course, Changlin island is larger than Qin Hui's real estate, but after all, it is an island; However, Qin Hui, as Prime Minister these years, unexpectedly occupied such wealth. From this point of view, the 250000 silver tribute given to the golden state is simply a piece of cake

Qin Hui is the second hate of Hua Rong Unfortunately, I still couldn't kill him myself. Instead, I let him euthanized and was picked up by Zhao Deji

The way to revenge is actually very simple, that is, live slowly and live longer than your enemy Qin Hui, for example, died like this But what about Zhao Deji?

Zhao Deji eats well and drinks well now. Will he be short-lived?

She repressed the rushing breath in her chest to keep herself from getting too excited

"Qin Hui fell, and Zhao Deji was full. It is estimated that he had enough military spending to dare to come to the sea to show off his strength. Therefore, we must not underestimate."

"Lao Tzu has been waiting for him for a long time! Girl, I have been waiting for him since the time when Jin Wushu chased him at sea! Waiting for today!"

King Qin came from the imperial court army and was subordinate to Tong Guan. Naturally, he knew the inertia of the imperial court. How can others snore on the side of his bed Otherwise, I wouldn't have worked hard to build a cruiser

Hua Rong also looked at the huge cruiser with his eyes

Ma Su and Liu Wu are meticulous. These days, they are busy on the cruiser almost day and night, debugging all kinds of weapons, especially the installation of firearms Fortunately, Liu Wu has received super training and war experience in recent years He is like a natural conductor with a strong understanding of strategy and tactics

At this time, the bow of the cruiser also changed its flag, flying high in the blue sky and white clouds:


Ma Su laughed, "this is our auspicious flag, which will bring us good luck every time. This time, of course, it is no exception."

King Qin laughed, which was true. As far as he knew, every time the army hung this flag, he never lost

Hua Rong also laughed, "Ma Su, Liu Wu, thank you."

"Madam, we've long wanted to compete with Zhao Deji, a thief. Now he even brings it to the door himself. Don't blame us for being rude."

Princess Tianwei's death, vaguely pressed in my heart, passed so long, although indifferent, but can't forget The dehumanizing Zhao Deji, such a person, everyone in the world will be killed

The two of them were about to act separately, when King Qin suddenly stopped Liu Wu, looked at Hua Rong, and slowly felt something from his arms

Hua Rong saw that it was the art of War written by Yue Peng In the past six months, she has added some content in her spare time

She also looked at Liu Wu and nodded

"Liu Wu, this is the art of war left over by Yue Xianggong. Now, it's time to avenge him. I'll give it to you without sticking to one pattern. I hope it can be carried forward in your hands."

Liu Wu and Ma Su both felt happy and knelt down together: "thank you for your trust, madam and the king."

Hua Rong smiled, his eyes a little blurred, Peng Ju, if he was in heaven, would he see all this? Zhao Deji, come again!

If you don't kill Zhao Deji, how can you close your eyes?

On the island, unprecedented calm

There were cheering crowds everywhere, with lanterns and decorations, wine, meat and vegetables Lu Wenlong and xiaohutou were infected by such a festive atmosphere, and immediately joined their partners with joy

Hua Rong watched them run away with a group of children before saying, "in fact, it's good for them to live like this all their lives."

King Qin was full of pride: "I must make them live such a happy life all their lives."

She smiled. At this time, she didn't want to think about anything and didn't have to think about anything. Everything was still far away, far too insignificant Whether Zhao Deji's Navy or Jin Jun of Jin Wushu, this is a happy place. At least, they can't quickly reach this mysterious ocean

Be happy when you have fun Who can control so much?

King Qin held her hand and was about to go back She suddenly released her hand and let him go

King Qin was stunned

She blushed and smiled cunningly, "from now on, you are not allowed to see me."


She said leisurely, "because I'm going to dress up."

King Qin beamed, and then remembered that tomorrow was a good time. According to the Convention, the bride should hide Never let yourself see it again

He laughed, the flowers dissolved, turned his head, and really ignored him and went to his room

King Qin followed her, but when he arrived, he really separated from her

This is an independent courtyard newly built by King Qin It's not too luxurious, and it can't be compared with his former palace However, it is very clean and wide, and the furnishings of the house are all arranged according to Hua Rong's preferences

This is Huarong's room and their new house

At this time, the room has already been newly decorated. On the dressing table, there are a dazzling array of colored balls, rouge powder, and a set of bright red phoenix crests

Hua Rong sat in front of the bronze mirror with a smile and slowly untied the headscarf at the beginning

The newly washed hair, which exudes a dry and fresh smell of the sea, is white and hangs in front of me

Someone knocked at the door and said in a low voice, "Madam..."

"Please come in."

It's Li Tinglan She looked at the white hair with flowers all over her head and was stunned for a moment. She couldn't believe it

"Madam, are you here?"

Hua Rong smiled and looked a little embarrassed: "we encountered a big war in the kingdom of Jin, and the king was in danger to save me. At that time, I was really afraid that he would die... I was really afraid... Unconsciously, my hair would turn white..."

From black hair to white hair, it takes only a moment

Li Tinglan couldn't speak for a long time. After a long time, he timidly handed the thing in his hand to Hua Rong: "madam, thank you, and congratulations to you and your king..."

Hua Rong laughed, took the gift and put it carefully on the table: "Tinglan, is aunt Xiao difficult for you?"

"No. She is also afraid of being punished by my father. Aunt, she loves me more than my father... Plus, she also knows that the child is brother Wu's... so..."

When raw rice becomes cooked, of course, there is no way Aunt Xiao is still a smart person after all

"Tinglan, I just hope you don't blame me and the king."

"Madam, I really don't blame you. In fact, I thank you and your majesty very much."

Hua Rong smiled with great relief

"Madam, I've never seen anyone treat you like the king..." I love a woman, obey her, love the children she gave birth to, and I'm extremely tolerant of all the people close to her. I want to pile all the good things in the world in front of her

Besides this, can a man express his feelings like this again?

Hua Rong was slightly in a trance. After a long time, he said, "well, I feel very happy now."

"Madam, let me help you. I will dress you up as the most beautiful bride in the world."

"Tinglan, thank you."

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