The old man was born in a strange way.

Mo Lin, who had awakened his past life memories.

Knowing Jia Zhengyu.

He came from Jiajia Village in the west, and had good strength. He was famous in the circle of strange people with his running palm and the means of controlling objects.

He was called Master Jia by outsiders.

As for the other little fire god.

Mo Lin also had an impression of him.

He came from the younger generation of Huode Sect, and practiced the fire escape method to perfection.

Look at the current situation.

It seems that some contradictions led to the fight between the two.

"I didn't expect that these two people were fighting. No wonder those old people heard it."

Mo Lin looked at the miserable state of the hall where the two were.

The walls and ceiling collapsed and broke, and the steel bars emerged.

Burnt earth and controlled flames within a certain range.

Normal people would find it difficult to cause such damage even with the help of machines.

However, the aftermath of the fight between the two men almost turned it into ruins.

He is indeed a skilled alien.

The destructive power caused by his hands.

It is no less than the sound of a building being demolished by a human machine.

At the same time, Mo Lin also saw the battle between the two.

"In terms of strength, the little fire god has stronger means, but due to the environment, he dare not let go and burn with all his strength."

"After all, if a fire is caused, it will be a big trouble."

"On the other hand, Jia Zhengyu took advantage of the narrow terrain, and the running palm and the dragon-pecking cone he controlled were more agile and convenient."

"So now the little fire god is at a disadvantage."

"But no matter who is on top or who is on the bottom, as long as they violate the law, they must accept the sanctions of the law!"

Mo Lin narrowed his eyes and had an idea.

He first stepped back a distance, then opened the law enforcement recorder on his chest, and began to run towards the hall with big strides.

Clear footsteps echoed in the corridor.

Jia Zhengyu and Xiao Huoshen's faces changed slightly, and they immediately stopped fighting.

At the same time, they looked towards the corridor.


"Is it the person you called, who wants to outnumber the number?"

Jia Zhengyu asked vigilantly.

"Bullshit!" Xiao Huoshen pointed at Jia Zhengyu's nose: "Don't accuse him, the footsteps show that he is an ordinary person!"

"Oh, that's easy, knock him out and throw him out, and we'll continue."

Jia Zhengyu sneered and prepared to take action.

Xiao Huoshen was ready to curse, and then he saw a figure running into the hall from the corridor.

Just as he was about to take action, Jia Zhengyu was about to knock the man out with the running palm when he appeared.

At the moment he saw the figure appear.

His expression froze.

Even the raised palm was suspended in mid-air.

Neat and dignified uniform, navy blue police hat, in the sun, the police badge on the man's chest shone brightly.

He had a handsome face and a capable and spirited temperament.

His running shoes made a loud sound on the ground.

A sacred and solemn atmosphere rushed towards Jia Zhengyu.

"Police... Police... Police!?"

Jia Zhengyu was dumbfounded.

How could the police come here?

If it were ordinary people.

He would dare to knock them out.

Even if they were aliens, he would do it directly.

But the other party was a policeman.

Official law enforcement officers!

Even if Jia Zhengyu had three more courage, he would not dare to do it.

Even if he attacked by surprise, he would not dare!

Mo Lin first looked at the hall that was destroyed into ruins and several places were still on fire with a look of surprise.

Then he stared coldly at Jia Zhengyu and the equally sluggish little fire god beside him.

"You two, you actually destroyed public property and set fire to the hospital!"

"And you! What are you trying to do with this action, attacking the police?!"

Mo Lin scolded seriously.

Seeing his raised hand, Jia Zhengyu quickly retracted it behind his back: "No, without the police comrades, how could I attack the police!"

"By the way, he set the fire!"

"It has nothing to do with me!"

Jia Zhengyu pointed directly at the little fire god beside him, trying to get rid of the responsibility.

"You fuck..." The little fire god saw that his forehead was bulging with veins, and he was directly spitting out foul language, but fortunately he knew there were police here, so he restrained himself and explained: "Police comrades! I report it!"

"It was this guy who asked me to come to this abandoned hospital to set fire and destroy it!"


Jia Zhengyu was also stunned.

He didn't expect that the little fire god would admit it directly, and even dragged him along.

"No, I don't..."

"These three spikes belong to this guy, police comrade!"

The little fire god pointed at the dragon-pecking spike stuck on the wall next to him and said.

Mo Lin

Seeing the three cones that were almost half embedded in the wall, his face was grim: "Okay, destroying public property, right? Even if this is an abandoned hospital, it is not a reason for you to do this!"

"No, police comrade, these three of mine can't..."

Jia Zhengyu wanted to say how could these three small cones destroy the building.

After all, ordinary people don't know about extraordinary people, let alone extraordinary arts.

So he wanted to cheat and get away with it.

However, Mo Lin didn't listen to him at all, and waved his hand and said: "No need to explain, just follow me to the police station!"

"Don't even think about running away, your appearance has been captured by my law enforcement recorder!"

Mo Lin's words made Jia Zhengyu give up his little idea.

He looked at the little fire god with hatred and anger.

And the little fire god also glared at Jia Zhengyu.

If Jia Zhengyu hadn't despised and even insulted him and Huo Dezong in his previous words, how could he fight with Jia Zhengyu here.

Since you said that I set the fire.

Then don't think about it!

Come with me to the police station!

Mo Lin pretended not to notice the gunpowder smell between the two, called the police, and also called the fire department.

Although the fight between the two was only in the lobby on the third floor.

The damage caused was not small.

There were also flames burning all around.

Even if the little fire god was secretly extinguished, Mo Lin had to call the fire department to check.

Soon, the police car and the fire truck arrived here.

The people from the fire department were responsible for checking whether there were any hidden fire sources here.

The police car took the little fire god and Jia Zhengyu back to the station.

In the interrogation room.

Mo Lin asked expressionlessly: "Name?"

The little fire god pursed his lips, looking unwilling, but still answered truthfully.

"Hong Bin."

"Why did you destroy the abandoned hospital?"

"Yes... yes..."

The little fire god tried to think, hesitating, and couldn't say anything.

"It's because that bastard Jia Zhengyu scolded me, so... so..."

"So you two went to destroy the hospital?"

Mo Lin's police colleague next to him was speechless.

"No, I didn't mean it!" Hong Bin hurriedly explained. He really didn't mean it, but Jia Zhengyu was complaining about his bad breath, how could he bear it.

Mo Lin shook his head and asked his colleague to continue asking. .

He went to another interrogation room.

Compared to the anxious Hong Bin.

Jia Zhengyu was much calmer.

He said: "The fire was set by Hong Bin, it has nothing to do with me."

"Then why did you appear there?"

Mo Lin said in a deep voice.

"That's because he asked me to go there, wanted to invite me to go with him, but I refused, and I went there to stop him."

Jia Zhengyu's words made Mo Lin laugh: "You mean you have no responsibility, what about the three spikes?"

"No way, police comrade, you don't think that the three spikes can cause such great damage, right?"

Jia Zhengyu asked in surprise.

Anyway, he bullies ordinary people who don't know about the extraordinary people.

You can make up whatever you want.

Mo Lin's face sank: "It can't cause such great damage, but what if you want to kill people?"


Jia Zhengyu's expression changed, killing people?

Why did the nature become so serious?

"I didn't want to kill people, don't wrongly accuse me, police comrade!"

"Then how do you explain the three spikes? Do you want to say that you carry them with you for fun?" Mo Lin narrowed his eyes.

Jia Zhengyu's eyes lit up, and just as he was about to say yes, he heard Mo Lin say:

"If they were just playing around, why did they get stuck into the wall, and so deep?"

"Normal people may not be able to break the wall with the help of tools."

"How are you going to explain it?!"

Mo Lin asked, and Jia Zhengyu's expression turned pale.

This is fucking stupid.

He really didn't know how to explain it.


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