The building was built with reinforced concrete.

It takes a lot of effort to destroy it with the help of machines.

The three awls you carry with you can penetrate at least ten centimeters.

You just bring them for fun.

Hehe, are you kidding me?

At this moment, Jia Zhengyu was speechless. He thought he could rely on ordinary people not understanding the affairs of the alien world and make up nonsense to fool them.

But he didn't expect this sophistry.

Instead, the charge of destroying public property turned into attempted murder.

Even if Jia Zhengyu had never studied law, he knew that this was a big charge.

But he really didn't know how to explain that the dragon-pecking cone could penetrate ten centimeters through the cement wall.

After all, it was the business of the aliens.

It must be kept secret from ordinary people.

This has been a recognized unspoken rule for thousands of years.

It is also a rule set by the company.

Wait, the company?

"Comrade police, I want to make a phone call!"

Jia Zhengyu shouted.

He wanted to call his family and transfer himself to Nadutong.

After all, Nadutong is the official agency that manages aliens.

And according to the circumstances he committed.

It is usually verbal criticism and some compensation.

There is no actual punishment.

As long as there are no casualties, Nadutong will not be too harsh.

"Want to make a phone call?"

The policeman next to him snorted: "No, you are under serious suspicion now, and you cannot make a phone call to contact the outside world."

"Why! You are restricting my personal freedom!"

"I want to complain to you!"

Jia Zhengyu was angry and panicked at the same time.

If he is really convicted of attempted murder and recorded in the case, he will be embarrassed.

"You can complain."

Mo Lin and the other police are not afraid.

Because they did nothing wrong.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the case investigation, the suspect of attempted murder is not allowed to communicate with the outside world to prevent collusion, interference with witnesses, or adverse effects on the investigation of the case.

"I did not attempt murder, I admit it, I destroyed the hospital with him, I did not want to kill him!"

"If you don't believe me, ask Hong Bin!"

Jia Zhengyu was also anxious, and had no choice but to admit that he did destroy the hospital.

Seeing this.

Mo Lin and the other police smiled at each other.

They didn't think that Jia Zhengyu was deliberately killing.

Mo Lin knew the situation.

And the other police thought that if he could stab a half-meter-long cone so deep, it was necessary to use so much force to kill?

Therefore, the two cooperated to make Jia Zhengyu confess his crime.

And seeing the expressions of Mo Lin and the other police looking at each other.

Jia Zhengyu realized that he was being tricked.

He immediately looked at Mo Lin angrily.

Then he lowered his head again.

There was nothing he could do.

Because destroying public property was okay, but killing someone was really serious.

Then Jia Zhengyu asked to call a lawyer.

But in fact, he called his younger brother.

"Hey, Liangzi, come to the police station to rescue me!"

Jia Zhengyu called his younger brother Jia Zhengliang.

Jia Zhengliang on the other side was shocked when he heard it.

"What, brother, how did you get caught by the police!"

"Oh, I just had a fight with someone, and I was unlucky. I was caught by a policeman and the charge was destroying public property..." Jia Zhengyu said in a low voice with a slightly flushed face.

It would be embarrassing to tell this matter to others.

After hearing this, Jia Zhengliang laughed out loud without any surprise.

Jia Zhengyu looked ashamed and whispered: "Hurry up and find a lawyer to get me out!"

"Okay, brother, I know. Wait for me to tell my parents and ask them to get you out."

Jia Zhengliang laughed on the phone.

Jia Zhengyu widened his eyes, "No! Don't tell my parents!"

However, Jia Zhengliang had already hung up the phone at this moment.

Jia Zhengyu was dumbfounded.

If his parents knew about this and spread it to the whole village, he would be embarrassed to his grandmother's house!

It's all the fault of that policeman!

If it weren't for him.

After provoking the little fire god, he defeated him with the help of the environment and established a reputation for himself.

Then he went to Tianxia Group to apply for a senior cadre.

It would be a natural thing to get a high salary!

Now it has become like this.

It's all because of that policeman!

Mo Lin didn't know about Jia Zhengyu's hatred, but it didn't stop him from guessing it.

But what about it?

It’s hard to say in foreign countries, but in China, the profession of police is something that cannot be offended by outsiders.

Unless Jia Zhengyu wants to become a full-blooded person.

Otherwise, he can only think about it no matter how angry he is.

Before being sentenced, both of them must be detained in the detention center.

So Mo Lin locked them both in a room.

"Stay well and don't make trouble."

Mo Lin said, and just closed the door.

The "Crime Record" in his mind immediately added two pages of information.

[Prisoner: Hong Bin]

[Crime value: 4 points]

[Status: Imprisoned]

[Benefit: Random cultivation/day]


[Prisoner: Jia Zhengyu]

[Crime value: 4 points]

[Status: Imprisoned]

[Benefit: Random cultivation/day]

Seeing the information on the "Crime Record", Mo Lin's eyes lit up slightly.

It really appeared.

And the crime value is not just Zhang Lingyu's 1 point, but 4 points!

That's right.

After all, Zhang Lingyu only attempted prostitution.

But the little fire god Hong Bin and Jia Zhengyu actually destroyed public property and set fire.

Just based on this point, they violated more laws than Zhang Lingyu.

He glanced at the two of them.

Mo Lin returned to his workstation and took a big sip of the water cup.

At this time, Captain Zhang came over and said, "Good, kid, you caught these two guys while patrolling. Thanks to you for catching them in the abandoned hospital."

Sister Wen, who was standing by, heard this and looked curious: "What's wrong, Captain Zhang? What did those two do?"

Captain Zhang said, "Those two people were destroying the hospital. The entire hall on the third floor was turned into ruins, and the fourth and fifth floors above were all dangerous buildings."

"But the fire brigade and our people searched for a long time and couldn't find the tools they used to destroy the building."

"I guess they just felt that the demolition was almost done, so they came here just to set fire."

Captain Zhang sighed, "If it weren't for you, Mo Lin, who discovered and stopped them in time, the fire would have been a big deal."

"Wow, Mo Lin, you're awesome!"

Liu Wen said in surprise.

Mo Lin shook his head, "It was just a coincidence."

"You did a good job today, you can go back and rest early." Captain Zhang patted his shoulder and said with relief.

"You don't have to worry about those two guys. Wait until their lawyers come."

"Thank you, Captain Zhang."

He was busy all day today and was indeed a little tired.

Even if his body was not tired, his mind was a little tired.

But compared to these.

Mo Lin was more looking forward to the gains tonight.

Pack up and go home.

Wait until 12 o'clock in the morning.

"The Record of Crime and Prison" immediately responded.


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