One person: Li Tang’s martial arts body shocked the Heavenly Master

Chapter 089 Half-Celestial Master Li Tiance, the peak lottery magic spirit!

At that time, Li Tiance was on a video call with Master Tian.

Although Lao Tianshi is over a hundred years old, he is not as feudal as Wang Ai and Lu Ci.

Playing games and ordering takeout are all things that Master Tian is familiar with.

Tiance, please stop refusing.

On this day of the Master’s Day, you won’t tell me what’s wrong with me!

The old master on the other end of the video narrowed his eyes and said seriously.

But when Li Tiance heard this, his face was full of deep thought and he didn't say a word.

The secrets in the Celestial Master's realm are beyond the reach of human beings.

Rumor has it that the Celestial Master's Degree contains the layer of paper that pierces the barrier between heaven and man.

To put it bluntly.

With the degree of Heavenly Master, you have the capital to spy on the way of heaven.

But once you have the Celestial Master's degree, a greater potential crisis will follow.

Tianshidu cherishes it as much as the Eight Wonders.

If it weren't for the great achievements of the Tianshi family, the old Tianshi would be known as the best.

I'm afraid that today's Tianshidu will also end up in the same situation as the Eight Wonders.

We can only let those aristocratic families be exterminated, and their successors can't even show their faces!

If we look at personal strength alone, with the body of the God of War and the Zhenhun Street, he is definitely the successor of Tianshidu's strength.

But looking at the overall situation, the great cause of unifying the Chinese alien world has not yet begun.

There are many aristocratic families who are secretly watching, and overseas alien organizations are also constantly infiltrating into the Chinese alien world.

In this turbulent situation.

Accepting the inheritance of Tianshidu in advance is tantamount to putting yourself and the Eighth District in more danger!

As the leader of a region, he will be the hero who will dominate the world in the future.

How could I risk the safety of my employees in exchange for a ripe fruit?

Old Master, I appreciate your kindness.

But now, I really can't accept the position of Heavenly Master.

Why don't we talk about it some other time?

Li Tiance asked the old Heavenly Master in the video.

But as soon as these words came out.

But all the people at the scene couldn't help but feel surprised.

This is the request of the Heavenly Master!

This is the Tianshi Mansion of the top five forces in the alien world!

If an ordinary stranger could get this incredible wealth, he would definitely hold on to it!

But now.

When faced with the position of the supreme Celestial Master, Li Tiance not only showed little interest, but even wanted to discuss it with the Celestial Master another day!

Isn’t this a blasphemy against the Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei!

And after hearing this.

The old Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei at the other end of the video could not help but darken his face and gradually became silent.

Just when everyone thought that the Heavenly Master had been offended by Li Tiance, the matter would be settled.

The old master on the other end of the video changed his mind and said:

It might not be a bad idea to inherit the position of Heavenly Master someday.

I have been on Longhu Mountain all day, you have time to go up the mountain.

I will teach you the position of Heavenly Master immediately!

Before you officially inherit the Celestial Master's degree, you should first act as half of the Celestial Master in my Celestial Master's Mansion!

All the privileges enjoyed by heavenly masters can be enjoyed by you!

If there is nothing else, this is my decision!

Master Tianshi is quite overbearing in every word.

The matter has been decided unilaterally.

Before Li Tiance could reply, Master Tianhang hung up the video call on the spot.

at the same time.

On Longhu Mountain.

After hanging up the phone.

The old master looked up at the stars in the sky and breathed a sigh of relief.

There was a hint of mixed emotions in his eyes.

Li Tiance, I am willing to hand it over to you from Tianshi Mansion.

When you stir up the alien world and dominate the world, don't forget to take care of the juniors in Longhu Mountain.


the other side.

Inside Northeast Airport.

Then the Heavenly Master hung up the video.

Several temporary workers stationed on one side also came over.

They looked at Li Tiance in front of them and bowed their hands in greeting.

District Chief Li is well-deserved as a young hero. When I saw him today, he really impressed me!

The Central China Temporary Workers Black Supervisor was the first to greet Li Tiance.

As one of the seven temporary workers in the past, the combat power of the clarinet cannot be underestimated.

Only strength can make it surrender.

And Li Tiance used his terrifying fighting power to completely conquer the clarinet.

Xiao Zizai also pushed up his glasses and stretched out his kind right hand to hold them.

District Chief Li, I'm Xiao Zizai. I will need more care from you in the future.

Lao Xiao also made a modest gesture.

Just because Li Tiance's strength has been recognized by him. Chang'an Street, the murderous desire in my heart has also slowed down.

Killing is not your skill, transforming people is your skill!

Such ability is no less than that of his master, who is one of the ten masters!

Lao Meng, who looked like a coward, slowly said: District Chief Li's domain power is really powerful. I'm afraid there won't be another one in the world...

Lao Meng, since you like it so much, just switch jobs and work with District Chief Li!

Wang Zhenqiu suddenly jumped out and said with a playful expression.

When Lao Meng heard this, he waved his hands in astonishment and said: No, no, no, the temporary workers in the company are all messed up.

Appreciation is appreciation, don't turn against Tiangang.

Wang Zhenqiu snorted softly, and there was a complex emotion in his eyes when he looked at Li Tiance.

But then, Wang Zhenqiu let out a long sigh and said with a slightly relieved smile:

District Chief Li... I have heard of your name for a long time. When I saw you today, I, Wang Zhenqiu, was convinced.

I originally wanted to take revenge on Mr. Xia, but now...

I, Wang Zhenqiu, am really not as good as you.

Seeking revenge from you is undoubtedly seeking death.

It is better to dissolve enemies than to make enemies. I, Wang Zhenqiu, still want to live for a few more years.

When Li Tiance heard this, he couldn't help but smile with relief:

Mr. Xia is in the Eighth District and will be released on parole next month.

I, Li Tiance, would like to thank you all for your help. I will wait until I find the demon sword.

I, Li Tiance, invite everyone to have a feast in the Eighth District!

The words just fell.

A cold electronic sound immediately entered my ears.

Ding! Checked by the system!

The host defeated 312 Japanese bastards in a row!

Defeat an eight-level Japanese dog beast!

Congratulations to the host for gaining 712 proficiency points!

It has been automatically transformed into a peak guardian spirit lottery for the host!

Because the aliens defeated by the host this time are all aliens from foreign races!

In this pinnacle lottery, a loyal and possessed Great Wall guard will be drawn to a great extent!

Warm reminder, the probability of winning the magic spirit in this draw has been greatly increased!

The time limit for this lottery is: 3 hours!

Will the host conduct a lottery immediately?


[Update rules: Daily gift list, if the number of gifts exceeds 50, an additional chapter will be added (regardless of price, only the number)

If a single tip exceeds 20r, an additional chapter will be added in place!

Today’s gift is 8/50! 】

The old pig kneels down and begs for five-star reviews, and the adoptive fathers are using their little hands to make a fortune~

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