One person: Li Tang’s martial arts body shocked the Heavenly Master

Chapter 090: Yao Xing Society took the initiative to show its goodwill, and the young master was con

What! ?

Mo Wu Ling! ?

And he’s also the guard of the Great Wall! ?

Looking at the system panel that suddenly popped up in front of me.

Li Tiance couldn't help but take a deep breath, and a smile of surprise escaped from the corner of his mouth.

The guards of the Great Wall of the Tang Dynasty all had the ability to defeat thousands of others.

And it can be seen from the prompts currently given by the system.

This time, the probability of being drawn from the peak lottery pool is a magic martial spirit!

Demonic spirits are compared to the other three types of guardian spirits.

It can be said that it has super fighting power from the very beginning!

Moreover, Mo Wuling has an almost crazy belief in the spirit sender!

The fundamental reason why they became demons is that the obsession in their hearts has not diminished, so after the death of immortals, they turned into demon spirits and reappeared in the world!

After obtaining the magic spirit, it will not only increase the overall strength of the guardian spirit team to a higher level.

It will also bring the spirit-bearing person's own strength to a higher level.

Li Tiance thought, and an unconscious smile appeared on his lips.

The temporary workers surrounding Li Tiance saw this.

Then they hurriedly came over and expressed concern:

District Chief Li? What's wrong with you?

District Chief Li, are you too tired? Do you want to find a place nearby for you to rest?

The intense battle just now must have consumed a lot of our true energy, so a few of us booked a Datongpu in a local guest house.

How about District Chief Li go back with us and take a rest?

Lao Meng, who is the most cowardly, is actually the most understanding and worldly person.

When Li Tiance heard this, he waved his hand.

In ordinary guest houses, most of the tenants are ordinary people.

If he extracts the peak guardian spirit in such a place.

I'm afraid it will cause even greater public opinion than the Northeast Airport.

Then the gain outweighs the loss.

Just as Li Tiance was silent.

Qu Tong, who had been watching for a long time, slowly walked to Li Tiance.

Qu Tong, who was wearing a straight suit, almost relied on his strong physical skills and the bonus of both hands to avoid all attacks.

So at that time, she didn't feel depressed at all.

He still looks extremely aloof.

If District Chief Li feels that an ordinary guest house cannot handle you.

You can come to the five-star hotel I booked in the central area of ​​Northeastern Region.

Qu Tong said, and took out a golden room card from his arms.

The diamonds set on it almost blinded Li Tiance.

But when Li Tiance saw this, he still pushed his hands indifferently and said: Miss Qu, it's our first time meeting, I can't bear such a big gift.

They say no reward will be given without merit, but you are like this.”

Don't worry, District Chief Li, this five-star hotel is for strangers.

No matter how much noise you make, it won't have any impact.

I haven't asked you to interview you about Biyou Village yet, so this is just a meeting gift.

Qu Tong seems to have seen through Li Tiance's inner Xiao Jiujiu.

Addressing Li Tiance's needs directly, he said calmly.

To outsiders, this may sound quite heartwarming.

But Li Tiance, who captured Ma Xianhong alive and used him for his own purposes, heard this.

But it's a completely different flavor.

As the president of Yaoxing Club, Qu Tong has unique media resources and insiders.

After he led his team to destroy the self-cultivation furnace and annihilated Biyou Village.

As the mastermind behind the scenes, it was impossible for Qu Tong not to hear even the slightest bit of news.


At that time, Qu Tong would have some doubts about himself.

After all, more than ten days have passed since Biyou Village was defeated.

For such a long period of time, Ma Xianhong had not taken the initiative to contact Qu Tong.

And this Qutong will definitely put all her attention on the last stranger she came into contact with before she disappeared with Ma Xianhong, which was herself!

Then I would rather obey your orders than be respectful.

Li Tiance thought for a moment and chose to accept Qu Tong's room card.

First, this will at least reduce some of Qu Tong's suspicions.

Secondly, I have nowhere to go.

This peak guardian spirit lottery only has a time limit of 3 hours.

Once the time limit for the lottery is exceeded, the lottery for the peak guardian spirit will be invalid.

By the time.

Whether it is a magical martial spirit or other guardian spirit.

I can only smoke it in my dreams!

Please, District Chief Li, I will drive you there myself, but... shouldn't the power of this domain be released first?

Qu Tong said and picked up the live broadcast camera.

He took Li Tiance's arm very skillfully and was about to leave.

When Li Tiance saw this, he reacted belatedly.

The territory of Chang'an Street has not yet been lifted, and everyone is still within the territory of Chang'an Street.

The next second.

Li Tiance just snapped his fingers.

The dazzling beam of light flashed again and everyone bowed their heads.

The prosperous scene of Chang'an Street, bustling with traffic, was also condensed into a petal that appeared out of thin air in an instant.


The petals returned to Li Tiance's eyebrows.

Everyone opened their eyes again.

The surrounding environment has returned to its original appearance.

Or the airport hall.

The ground is covered with devastation.

And three hundred Japanese dogs and beasts were bleeding like rivers.

District Chief Li, please.

Qu Tong waved at Li Tiance.

Li Tiance didn't hesitate at all.

After getting in the car, he drove out through the green channel exclusive to foreigners.

But this time, Li Tiance did not bring Zhang Lingyu with him.

Instead, Zhang Lingyu was asked to stay with temporary workers from several other districts.

Wait for news about Deng Youfu's pursuit of Chen Duo at any time.

after all.

The source of this war was that Chen Duo stole the Demon Sword and Leech Pills.

Today's alien world was born because of his own creation.

A sea change has occurred.

No one knows why Chen Duo appeared in the Northeast Region after disappearing in Biyou Village!

No one knows how she broke through the seal of the demon sword and took it away!

The reason for all this may only be revealed after catching Chen Duo.


You can only do this yourself.

Only with God's perspective can we find ways to communicate with Chen Duo, who has special thoughts.

If only conventional interrogation methods were used, Chen Duo would most likely be forced to death and all valuable information would be wasted.

And as the car goes away.

Zhang Lingyu also focused on the mobile phone Li Tiance gave him before leaving.

When you open the lock screen, there are only a few sentences on the memo:

The position of Heavenly Master belongs to you, I will keep it for you for the time being.

The full version of Five Thunder Zhengfa is available in the library of the Eighth District, and you have open access to it.

Keep an eye on your phone. If there is any news about Chen Duo and Yaodao, please notify me immediately!

See this scene.


Zhang Lingyu took a breath of cold air.

His hands kept shaking, and there was a hint of astonishment between his brows.

He was convinced!

He was convinced!

In front of Li Tiance, he seemed to be a transparent person!

The first person who can see himself so thoroughly is the Heavenly Master, and the second one is Li Tiance!

How can you suffer a loss if you follow such a capable person?

So what about Tianshi Mansion, what about the Eighth District?

Aren’t they all for the benefit of the people and establishing life for the common people!

Li Tiance, I, Zhang Lingyu, will follow you!


[Update rules: Daily gift list, if the number of gifts exceeds 50, an additional chapter will be added (regardless of price, only the number)

If a single tip exceeds 20r, an additional chapter will be added in place!

Today’s gift is 41/50!

q goose skirt: 6195, 31, 501! 】

The old pig kneels down and begs for five-star reviews, and the adoptive fathers are using their little hands to make a fortune~

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