Ezio looked at Benson and couldn't help but smile. This guy was a treasure. Ezio was happy that he first visited Paradise Island. The devil fruits of these guys had so much potential, but these guys didn't even know about it.

In front of Benson were many little stones.

„I have to touch them all?", asked Benson confused.

Ezio nodded.

„Okay guys, first we have to take advantage of Bensons abilities. This will make our recruitment easier. Reiju will go to the North Blue, Hachi to the West Blue. Hancock to the South Blue and I will go to the East Blue. Take these stones and a snail with you. When you arrive at your first island, give me a call. I will tell you what to do. Bonney and the rest will bring our ship to Alabasta. When you arrive at this island, give me a call. See you later"

After he said that Ezio jumped into the sky. His next destination was the East Blue.

If you would travel with the ship, this would take a long time. Hachi, Hancock and Ezio could walk on air, and Reiju could fly because of her raid suit. With the speed of these guys, it wouldn't take long before they could arrive at all Four Sea's in a short amount of time. It was like a plane back on earth, in the sky you could travel the whole world in one day. They weren't as fast as a plane, but they weren't slow either.

After some time Ezio arrived at the East Blue. He knew many islands of the East Blue from the manga, but he was here only for one person. His first stop was Conomi Island. This was the home town of Nami. He landed in front of a house and then took a stone and a snail out of his pocket.

„Benson? You can come over"

After he talked with the snail, the stone vanished and Benson appeared in front of Ezio.

In Ezio's opinion, this was the strongest ability of the swap swap fruit. It was so useful that Ezio had to cry tears of joy after he heard about this ability.

This guy could swap anything in this world. The only restriction was that he had to touch it beforehand. If he touched a stone once in the East Blue, he could swap anytime with this stone. This meant that this guy could teleport his people to every corner of this world after he visited and touched something that was there once.

Ezio's crew could be everywhere, and he could teleport them in front of him in a second with this guys abilities. This was too good to be true. This was also the reason that Ezio made him the leader of the intelligence department. Now that Benson arrived at the East Blue, the first thing he did was touching everything around him. If they wanted to go to the East Blue now, they could arrive here at any second.

Ezio walked into the house in front of him. In the house he saw a beautiful girl with blue hair.

„What are you doing here?", asked the girl confused.

„Hey, my name is Blackflame Ezio"

The girl was shocked. Even she knew who this guy was. Maybe not everyone saw the fight on a screen, but the newspaper told the whole world about this incident. Even today they are writing about this guy.

Why was such a famous guy in her house?

Ezio sat on a chair like this was his own house.

„Nojiko, don't you want to offer me something to drink?"

Nojiko was shocked. How did this guy knew her name?

„You don't have to look so shocked. I heard about your story. Monkey D. Luffy, he is my little cousin"

Now she was more shocked. How could a Celestial Dragon have a pirate as a cousin?

„Nojiko, I heard about the hardships in your past. This Island was tormented by pirates and corrupt marines. This is the fault of the World Government - we couldn't protect our people and you had to suffer such a tragic past"

Ezio stood up and bowed in front of Nojiko. She was scared because a Celestial Dragon was bowing in front of her. If the world would see this, they would be shocked! A god bowing in front of a lowly commoner of the East Blue…

„You said you know me, then you must have heard about my goal. I want that the citizens of this world can live peacefully. No pirate, no marine and no Celestial Dragon should threaten this peace! Maybe I'm strong, but there are too many islands on this world and I can't be on every island, I'm just one person. I need comrades, people who fight by my side and help me achieve my goal. And I want you to join me. I want you to help me"

Nojiko gulped down a mouth full of saliva.

„I'm just a normal girl, without power, without anything. How could I help you? What use do I have?"

Ezio smiled. He looked at his ring and then several devil fruits dropped to the ground.

„I can make you strong, faster than you think. What I'm interested in is not the strength of my people, this I can change. More important is their mindset. You experienced the terror of pirates and corrupt marines, I think you and I want to achieve the same. You are a young girl with potential, do you want to stay on this island and do nothing? Every moment, a new pirate could arrive at your home town and do the same what Arlong did. Even Nami, your sister, is working everyday to improve herself. Only if you become strong you can defend what you want to defend. Follow me, and I will show you the world "

He reached his hand out to her and waited.

After that Nojiko thought for a moment. She looked at the hand in front of her and at the confident smile of this young man. She didn't notice that her hand grasped his unconsciously.

„Okay, I will join you"

After some time, the whole village gathered at the center of the town. All villagers looked at a young man who stood in the middle.

„Villagers, my name is Blackflame Ezio, I'm a Celestial Dragon and came to your town after I heard your history"

After Ezio said that, all villagers kneeled down and looked scared. Ezio sighed. This was the usual reaction a Celestial Dragon would get in this world.

„I heard about your hardships and how this village was tormented by pirates. I will apologize to everyone - this won't happen in the future"

Then a big sculpture appeared in front of Ezio. This sculpture had the emblem of the Blackflame House. Under the emblem was a sentence - this sentence told everyone that this island was protected by the Blackflame family. Everyone who would break the rules of this island would be hunted down be the Blackflame family.

Every villager looked shocked to this imposing sculpture in front of them.

„You are all my citizens, and I won't allow any criminal to threaten you again! I will give the chief of this village a snail, if you are in danger you can call us anytime. We will fight for you, and we will defend you!"

After this the whole village cheered. Now they had the protection of a Celestial Dragon! Who would dare to attack their village?

Ezio smiled. This island was now his territory. Maybe there wasn't much on this island, but it had a big effect on his reputation and on his new partner. This wasn't the first island that would become the territory of the Blackflame House.

Benson walked towards Ezio.

„Reiju arrived at the North Blue, boss"

Ezio smiled. Wasn't there an old friend in the North Blue? After that Benson, Nojiko and Ezio vanished. Where the three people stood were now three little stones.

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