Bonney and the rest of the team on the ship arrived at the territory of one of the Shichibukai's.

„The little bastard said that there is an interesting girl that will join our crew on this island. He said that a strong pirate group could arrive here at any moment but it seems there aren't here yet. We are lucky, we will smash this whole place and take that girl!", said Bonney and grinned.

„Are you stupid? Ezio warned us that he doesn't want anyone to notice us. We will infiltrate this place, capture the girl, and make her a clone. Then we have a new team member", said Lily.

„Whats wrong with you, girl? Why do you want to make everyone into a clone? The boss said that we have to convince her with sincerity, and not make her a clone", replied Gloria confused.

„I will go into this huge house and capture this girl. The talking can be done by the boss, we have to arrive at Alabasta as fast as we can", said Sid.

After that Sid's body split up into many little clones. The clones were so tiny that it was hard to see them. Then all the clones infiltrated this huge castle.

Perona, the target of this shameless crew, didn't know that she was in danger. She was playing with a huge teddy bear.

After one of Sid's clones found her, he took out a tiny stone and then Walter Benson appeared behind the girl. With a touch, Perona disappeared and arrived at the ship.

Before she could do anything, she was bound by seastone handcuffs. This was Lily's fault.

All the people on the ship watched at Lily and Sid like they were some kind of monsters.

„You…", even the carefree Bonney was shocked. „I understand now why you two are the leaders of our shadow force… Damn it, this was too fast! You two are really terrible…"

Then they heard the victim scream.

„Why are you kidnapping me? What do you want to do with me?"

„You will join our crew. The boss said we should show you sincerity and because of that we didn't hurt you"

After Lily said that sentence, the rest of the team looked at her with a strange expression. What was wrong with that girl? This was what she called sincerity? Well, maybe it was… Usually this girl would make any one into a clone or bring them misfortune with a strange deal.

„You…", screamed Perona. „This is how you ask people to join your crew? Are you lunatics? Bring me back!"

„Ah, the talking is for the boss. Let's move on with our journey", whispered Lily annoyed. After that the crew continued the journey to Alabasta with a screaming ‚new crew member' on their ship.

Walter Benson teleported to the North Blue were Ezio was.

Ezio stood in front of a man he really liked. He had a wide grin on his face.

„Servant Judgy!" Ezio patted the shoulders of this big man. „I missed you"

Judge gritted his teeth. In the last few weeks he had nightmares and the reason was this little guy and his unreasonable grandfather. Now, after this short time, this guy was again in front of him.

„Did you meet my old man? Is he healthy? I really miss this old fox"

Judge's head was red and it looked like he would explode at any moment.

„You… You said I would be the new ruler of the North Blue, but your esteemed grandfather, he… he…"

Judge really wanted to scold this shameless family. He didn't have the courage to do it. First he thought this little guy was an arrogant and useless Celestial Dragon. After he saw Ezio's fight and his devil fruit power he trembled in fear. And after he saw his grandfather… Let's say that Vinsmoke Judge feared this family and wanted to never see them again in his life.

„Ah, servant Judgy. This was only a little lesson because you were really a bad guy. You sold your daughter to me and that made the old man really angry. He is an emotional man when it comes to children. Don't blame him, our deal with the North Blue isn't impossible. I really need someone who is in control of the North Blue"

Judge looked at this guy with skeptical eyes. He didn't believe one word of this little bastard.

„Your family will be the new hero's of the North Blue! You will help the old, educate the young, and help everyone in this sea. You can call yourself the ‚Power Rangers', and you will be worshiped by everyone! If you can accomplish this, the North Blue is under your control. Of course, Reiju will be your boss, and you will be her deputy. And you will rule under the banner of the Blackflame family. If you can accomplish this, then you will be part of my crew"

Judge nearly fainted. His own daughter was his new boss? He had to be a hero and help the people? And he had to act under the flag of the Blackflame House? This was too much!

„H-Hero? I'm not good at playing the hero… Aren't this too many conditions?"

„Judgy, this will only benefit you. I know you don't trust me, but this time I tell you the truth. Maybe you won't rule the North Blue on the surface, but you will control it in the shadows. And this hero play, this is only to win the hearts of the people. Your daughter is like my family, and even if you are the most terrible father I've ever seen, in the end, you are still her father. I will tell you the details about my plan later. What do you say, do you join my team?"

Judge hesitated. He really didn't want to join this unreasonable guy. On the other hand, he needed an ally that would help him to control the North Blue.

„Young lord, I…."

„Come on, Judgy. Look what you've done to your own sons for your goal to control the North Blue. Now you only have to play the hero, and you have to do it under my name. Nothing more. What is there to think about?"

Judge sighed. He agreed to Ezio's conditions. At the end of the day, this guy was still the heir of one of the most powerful families in the world. He was even strong without his family. There had to be a good reason why he was so eager to recruit him. Judge thought that this guy had affection for his daughter and that was the only reason he would give him this position. After he saw how powerful his daughter was after this short time with Ezio, he knew that this guy wasn't simple. To be under a Celestial Dragon was better than to ally with an Emperor of the Four Seas.

„Don't worry, Judge. I will treat you good, but you have to work hard. You really look like a villain, the Vinsmoke family will be the new super hero's of the North Blue, you have to work on your image"

Ezio was happy. You can say whatever you want about this family, but the Vinsmokes were strong. He needed someone who would represent him in the North Blue. Even if he was a villain, as long as he would show the world that the Vinsmokes were hero's and were his subordinates, he wouldn't care. At the same time, he could fulfill the wish of Judge and let him control the North Blue. Even if Reiju wasn't really fond of the character of her father, in the end he was still her father. So he made her happy with this action.

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