One Piece and the Celestial Dragon

66 The Panda-Monkey Tag Team

Calm Belt. Amazon Lily.

Monkey D. Luffy was in a prison that was surrounded by hundreds of woman. They never saw a man and all of them were looking towards Luffy like he was a strange monkey.

Luffy was slowly opening his eyes.

"The man is waking up!"

"Let me see!"

"I wanna' see, too!"

Luffy yawned and wondered who was making all this noise.

Then he remembered the past events. His crew was defeated by this Kuma guy and they all got seperated. He searched for his hat and saw that a women outside of his prison was wearing it. He stretched his arm and grapped his hat, after that he put it on his head.

"He strechted his arm? Can every men stretch their arms this way?", one of the girls asked.

Luffy looked towards his body and was confused.

"I'm naked?", he asked.

"So men are dull and cover their head before they cover their body?"

One of the girl looked at the strange thing that was between Luffy's legs.

She pointed her finger at this strange thing. "What's in that bag that is hanging between your legs?"

Luffy titled his head to the side.

"That are my balls. You guys are weird…"

"What do you mean by balls?"

"Isn't it obvious? They are balls made of gold."

All the girls were freaking out.

"BALLS MADE OUT GOLD? GORGEOUS!", they screamed.

"Could you take them out and show us?", one of them asked.


One of the girls gave Luffy some clothes. After he saw that his clothes were clothes for girls, he bellowed at them in anger.

After the women saw that the man was out of control, they all stepped back with a bow in their hand, ready to attack.

Before they could fire their bow, they saw that a pillar of black fire descended from the sky and a handsome man appeared in front of them. The man had a smile on his face.


"Its cousin, little monkey."

The Kuja's began to shot their arrows towards Ezio. Before the arrows could reach him, they all began to burn. After that they started to shine in a white light and transformed into little dragons.

The hundreds of arrows, now in the form of dragons, were flying around the Kuja Pirates.

"That was so cool…", a Kuja girl whispered.

"This man has style!"

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After a second, the eyes of all the Kuja Pirates transformed into hearts.

"Oh shit…"

After that hundreds of Kuja Pirates screamed like all of them were cats in heat.

Ezio began to sweat. He grapped the little monkey and started to run!

Luffy looked confused towards the girls. "They are all looking like a female version of Sanji…"

After that they were chased by the women who turned crazy. Ezio couldn't help but sigh.

"Ah, I know I am handsome, but this…"

Luffy looked towards his cousin who sounded sad but in reality he had a wide grin on his face.

"You are enjoying this, aren't you…"

The little black dragons that Ezio summoned transformed into fire and gathered together. After that they transformed into one big dragon. Ezio and Luffy jumped on top of the dragon and they flew to the sky.

"Why are you here, nephew?"

"It's not neph-", Ezio stopped and sighed. "Just call me whatever you want. Of course I'm here to help you. We are forming a Tag-Team. I call it the Panda-Monkey-Alliance. Oh, this is going to be fun."

He dodged some arrows that were directed towards his head. The funny thing was that on every arrow was a love letter with a big heart on top.

"Alright little monkey, here comes the first part in your training. Do you see those arrows they are throwing at us? They are strengthen with haki."

Both of them dodged another attack of the Kuja's.

"Haki is a power that nullifies devil fruit power's, so if one of these things hit you, then you can say goodbye to your rubber body."

Luffy was shocked.

"Do you remember this guy called Smoker? You couldn't hit him, right?"

Luffy nodded and sent a punch to the Kuja's who still had hearts in their eyes.

"If you learn this shit, you can beat the hell out of him."

Luffy was shocked. But before he could say anything, Ezio kicked him off the dragon, directly into a horde of Kuja's in heat.

"Your big brother has to train you a little bit, or you will be a shame for our family. If you meet this crazy bitch from the other branch, you are done for. So first survive all of those women!"

"HOW COULD YOU DO THAT, GRANDMOTHER!", the monkey screamed while he was descending to his doom.

"It's not grandmother, it's…", he sighed again. „Such a stupid monkey. It's the curse… Dear god, I should never have children!"


Impel Down. Level 1.

Buggy was depressed. How could he end up in such a situation? Once he was a proud nakama of the Pirate King, but now he was a prisoner in this hell.

He saw that a new prisoner arrived at this moment. The prison employee opened the door, threw the prisoner in front of Buggy, and then he left.

"Hey, bro…", the clown said. Maybe it wasn't too bad to have company in this hell.

What happened next shocked Buggy. The new prisoner disappeared and two new guys stood in his place. Buggy's jaw dropped to the ground because he recognized one of those guys.


Buggy thought he was losing his mind. Then he looked towards the other guy and frowned. He had a strange mask on his head… Was this a panda?

"The God of Trolls finally returned!", the Panda said.

"Great-grandfather?", the monkey asked with a confused expression. „Where is my great-grandfather? And who are you, Panda?"

Pandaman sighed. He was the God of all Trolls, but the biggest troll was still the little monkey.

Pandaman started to grin. He had to make this comeback, because Ezio couldn't be seen making chaos and disaster in Impel Down. This little prison was run by his little servants after all.

The Panda had a transponder snail in his hand. With this, he could call his sidekick whenever he wanted. With the Almighty Batman by his side, he could escape this prison whenever he wanted.

Pandaman laughed out loud.

"When the Panda and his almighty Sidekick want to escape the most dangerous prison in this world, then who could stop us?"


Some unknown Island in the Grand Line.

A man with the mask of a bat appeared. The man took off the mask from his head and smiled.

This man was the "Almighty" Benson, also known as Batman, Sidekick of the God of all Trolls. Sometimes this notorious man needed some silence, and then he would use his unrivaled power to travel to this island to relax.

He knew that his boss was up to something. Everytime he saw this panda mask he knew they would end up in a lot of trouble. Benson would follow his boss, even if they had to go through hell. His new boss was so much better than his old one, he even promised him his own harem.

And the boss didn't tell a lie, the first beauty was Baby 5 and Benson couldn't be happier.

Suddenly he saw something strange. In front of him were handcuffs, flying in the sky. After that the handcuffs flew towards him, and before he could react, they attached themselves at his hands.

Benson's jaw dropped to the ground.

"S-Seastone?", he stuttered.

After that he saw a person in front of him that he never wanted to see in his life again.

"I've finally caught you, little insect. Let me see what my little hubby will do without his little servant. Now he has to marry me if he wants you back!"

The woman started to laugh in a crazy way and after that she blushed.

This woman was no other than Blackflame D. Lilly.

Benson couldn't help but think that this was a bad timing to be captured by this lunatic. A couple of minutes ago he left his boss in the most dangerous prison of this world.

"Boss", the Almighty One whispered with tears in his eyes. "Your sidekick was defeated. Your are now on your own."

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