One Piece and the Celestial Dragon

67 Ezio's first scheme

Ezio didn't want to use his black fire in Impel Down. The reason for that was simple. Everyone knew who he was, and if a panda with black fire started to destroy Impel Down, then everybody would know that it was the Celestial Devil.

He decided he would use the second ability of his Devil Fruit. He wanted to train with this ability a little bit more. It wasn't as easy to use as his fire. His fire could burn everything down, it was really simple. With the power to give objects life, he had to be more creative in his ways to attack. His control over his second ability wasn't that good, so he had to improve that.

The other thing was that everybody called him the Celestial Devil because he always makes a mess in every place he visits. With the miraculous power of his second ability, how could he destroy anything? The power was there to give things life, not to destroy an island.

What could go wrong?

Luffy started to scream and wanted to run to his brother. Ezio had to hold him back. He first kidnapped all the transponder snails in the first level. They would notice that something was wrong after a short while, but he required only a couple of minutes for his first plan.

He searched for a guy on the first level. Buggy just followed them around. When Ezio finally found the one, he started to laugh.

In front of him stood a man that was known as Mr. 3 in the past. He had a Paramecia Devil Fruit that could control wax.

"Mr. 3, we need your help. You have to make a lot of wax figures for me."

Mr. 3 was just happy that someone freed him from his prison. Ezio told him the design he wanted for those wax figures and Mr. 3 started to work.

After he finished the first one, he started the next. Ezio wanted him to make several hundred and Mr. 3 was really fast after he understood the general design. It wasn't really difficult to make those wax figures because their design was simple.

Luffy and Buggy were confused. In front of them stood over 300 wax figures, and all of them looked the same. Some figures were huge, others were small. But they all had the same design.

"Ezio... What are we doing with hundreds of wax pandas?"

Every one of those figures looked like a panda. Ezio didn't wear that mask for fun, did he? He had to build his reputation. Someone told him that Pandaman had a bounty.

"It's time to show you something incredible", the panda man said and laughed.

His hands started to shine in white light and after that, every one of those panda figures shined in white light, too.

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After a couple of seconds, something strange happened. One of the bigger panda figures started to move. Some of them roared, others got black fur on some parts of their body like real pandas.

After a while, an army of more than 300 pandas stood in front of Luffy, Ezio, Buggy and Mr. 3. They all roared towards Pandaman like he was the leader and king of all pandas.

The other three couldn't believe what they were seeing. This man with a panda mask - was he god? He transformed wax figures into living beings! It was a ridiculous power.

Only one panda wasn't transformed by Ezio. He was a special one. He was big and had a little door under his ass. Ezio opened the door and jumped into the panda.

The other three followed him. Only Mr. 3 knew what was inside the panda.

After Luffy and Buggy entered, they saw that in the stomach of this huge Panda was a room with seats that were made out of wax.

"Take a seat, gentlemen. This Panda has several holes so we can watch the fun. It's time to start our first mission."

Ezio stopped and looked at his comrades with a smile.

"Welcome to the first step of my plan: The panda invasion of Impel Down!"

After that, the wax around them started to shine in white light. The Panda they were sitting in started to become alive, too. He looked like all the other pandas from the outside, but nobody knew that four guys were hiding in the stomach of this guy.


In a secret room in Impel Down were a lot of people at this moment. In front of them were many screens. All of them showed the different levels of Impel Down and were connected with the transponder snails. One of them noticed that all the snails in Level 1 didn't send a picture anymore. This happened sometimes because the snails wanted to sleep, but it never happened that all the snails started to sleep at the same time.

He wanted to call the vice-leader, but after a couple of minutes, all pictures returned.

And then they saw something terrifying.

In level 1 was an army of pandas!

"WHERE THE HELL ARE THOSE PANDA'S COMING FROM?", they screamed in unison.

"L-Look", said one of the prison employees to his colleague. "They started to open all the prisons!"

They were confused about how the pandas were able to open all the prisons without the key. Then they saw that the arms of those pandas turned into wax. They formed the wax into a key and with that, they opened all the prisons without effort.

"Logia?", asked one of the employes. "Are all those pandas Logia users?"

They watched in horror how the panda army subdued all the prisoners and formed a panda-prisoner-alliance. How could those pandas be so intelligent?

"We have to call our superiors! This is serious!"


Magellan was on his toilet. This poor guy had a very strong devil fruit, but Ezio would never eat it if he would have the same problems this guy had.

Someone called him on the transponder snail and Magellan was annoyed.

"What is it?", he asked in an angry voice.

"Sir! Someone invaded Impel Down!"

"This is the most dangerous prison in this world. Who is stupid enough to invade this place? Nobody invades Impel Down! There are only people who want to leave this place, not enter it!"

"But... S-Sir!"

"Who caused trouble?"

"Pandas! An army of-"

"Is this a joke? Pandas? Who are you fooling?"

"An army of Panda's invaded the first level! Several hundred, all with Logia power!"

Magellan sighed. "Just some pandas? Hannyabal should take care of them. I... have an urgent business I have to finish."


Back to level 1.

All the pandas and prisoners stood around a huge panda. The prisoners realized that this big panda was the leader of the rest.

"Alright my fellow pandas, the first level isn't dangerous. We will proceed to the next stage. You all know that a panda alone is strong, but he needs more than just pandas to accomplish great things. What is it that every panda needs to be successful?"

Many pandas held their pawns into the sky like they were little children in school. The panda king pointed towards one of them.

"I know it! A panda needs his sidekick!"

The panda king nodded with approvement.

"And who can tell me what that sidekick is like?"

Again many pandas had their pawns in the sky. The panda king pointed at one of them.

"Of course, it's the best sidekick there is - it's Batman!"

The panda king laughed. He pointed with one of his big pawns towards the ground. The ground started to shine in white light and the stony ground transformed into several hundred lifeforms.

After he finished this process, he transformed the ground into hundreds of bats but they all looked really miserable. The panda king sighed.

It was difficult for him to form new life forms if he had material that he couldn't manipulate. His fire was easy, he could form it into the object he wanted and then transform it. But when he had an object that he couldn't control himself like stone, it wasn't easy for him to control his new power in such a way that a beautiful new creature appeared. This was his biggest flaw and the reason he used his second ability only in combination with his fire. This was the thing he wanted to improve in this mission.

Everyone recognized that those stony new creatures were bats, but they looked really bad. It reminded Ezio of Kanjuro, this guy could draw life forms, and they looked exactly like his.

That was the reason why he wanted Mr. 3 - with him he could create perfect creatures, even if they were only made out of wax. But he had to work on his flaw if he wanted to use his second ability in more ways.

The strange bats didn't destroy the motivation of the panda army. Every single panda got a stone bat they could use as a mount. Now the pandas were complete, and the huge hole in the ground allowed them to advance to the next level.

The panda king spoke to his followers.

"Every panda and his sidekick - ready yourself for battle. Jump after me!"

After that, the panda king jumped into the hole and the army with him. The prisoner looked confused towards those strange guys. Why are they going down? Isn't their goal to escape this place?

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